recent sighting - more pics

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"(Q)However, the fact you admit to being a director of media places you as a most likely candidate to successfully manipulate images with software. If not you specifically, then you must have connections to professionals who have the ability and resources to do so".

I did not say I was a director of a media company. I do not use computer programs at work. I design surfboards and fin systems. You may see some of my work (and pics) at my old site. When the craft started appearing at my local surf spot I started taking other pictures's really that simple:

If any one else wishes to accuse me of fraudently representing images to be something they are not, for financial gain, I would ask the same from them as any other reasonable person - evidence please.
If any one else wishes to accuse me of fraudently representing images to be something they are not, for financial gain, I would ask the same from them as any other reasonable person - evidence please.

The original negatives would have to be examined by professionals and compared with the net pics. Are you willing to send them to a UFO debunking agency for verification ?

I expect, no, I demand that all the material is examined by the 'experts'.

As a matter of fact, much of it has already passed inspection by some of the biggest names of this area of research already. If it hadn't, you would probably have heard many disparaging remarks about me already from other websites.

Thanks for a relevant response......
Cris Beachem:
As a matter of fact, much of it has already passed inspection by some of the biggest names of this area of research already. If it hadn't, you would probably have heard many disparaging remarks about me already from other websites.

Really? Who are these "names"? What "area of research"? UFOlogy? Why should we believe people advocating the same things you do, i.e that UFOs are alien craft? What "websites" would disparage you?

Inquiring minds wish to know.
Well, if we assume that aliens are already here, mingling with humans, then why would they not let us know this?

Or , if we assume aliens don't exist at all, then why do so many claim to have seen them?

And, why debate the accuracy of a photo, when we all know that we can never prove it to be a false or true refelction of the alleged object?
Thanks for the responses ( and more thanks to those who didn't...)

I won't be responding to any more posts on this thread. I hope the images will offer some insight into a world/dimension we know little about. After two years I find it all very easy to accept now.

I look foreward to releasing my CD, and then disappearing back to the waves....


"you cannot choose your battlegrounds, the Gods do that for you
but you can raise your banner where a banner never flew...."
I won't be responding to any more posts on this thread.

Most cranks and crackpots usually give up when they can't find irrational people to help take up their cause or agree with their theories or are backed into a corner when pressed to provide evidence. Better luck next time, I'm sure we'll be hearing more from you, and seeing more wispy cloud pics.

I hope the images will offer some insight into a world/dimension we know little about.

Clouds are not exactly a world/dimension most know little about.

After two years I find it all very easy to accept now.

Are you saying you're now lost forever in your own delusions ?

I look foreward to releasing my CD, and then disappearing back to the waves....

We'll all be waiting on pins and needles for the reviews. I hope you won't be too dissapointed.

"Clouds are not exactly a world/dimension most know little about."

I dunno. I've never used Photoshop blur filters. ;)

"Are you saying you're now lost forever in your own delusions ?"


To all the crackpots I've debunked before
Who travelled in and out our door
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the crackpots I've debunked before

To all the cranks I once giggled at
And may I say I've laughed with the best
For helping me to know
Posters such as the Q
To all the crackpots I've debunked before

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away

To all the cranks who've disturbed my sanity
Who now are annoying others with their inanity
I'm glad they came along
I dedicate this song
To all the crackpots I've debunked before

To all the nutters who annoyed the hell out of me
Who filled my posts with agony
They live within my heart
I'll always be a part
Of all the crackpots I've debunked before

(Dear sweet christ, I hope not)

The winds of change are always blowing
And every time I try to stay
The winds of change continue blowing
And they just carry me away

To all the crackpots we've debunked before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the crackpots we've debunked before

To all the crackpots we've debunked before
Who travelled in and out our doors
We're glad they came along
We dedicate this song
To all the crackpots we've debunked before
Chris Beacham, thanx for posting your pictures of your sightings.:)

I suggest to the people who are making it a personal attack to the poster, to back off and leave him be.

There's no use in putting someone down, just because you see it differently and have other opinions about the subject.

Again, this is Pseudo Science as you very well know.

Stay ontopic, do not ridicule a poster because of his/her posts.

Then take your issues to another Forum.

Chris, by all means, keep on posting...:)

I suggest to the people who are making it a personal attack to the poster, to back off and leave him be.

I've seen no personal attacks. Did someone call Chris names ? Did someone say he was stupid or arrogant or otherwise ? Please point out the personal attacks.

There's no use in putting someone down, just because you see it differently and have other opinions about the subject.

We are not 'putting someone down.' We are criticizing the obvious flaws in his conclusions to the pictures he has misrepresented as alien crafts. It is his decision to post said pics and it is our right to offer our opinions.

Stay ontopic, do not ridicule a poster because of his/her posts.

I believe every post was on topic unless you can point out otherwise. Please point out the ridicule.

Then take your issues to another Forum.

What issues are you referring ?

Chris, by all means, keep on posting...

I agree. Chris should keep on posting. No one asked or forced him to stop. He was backed into a corner to provide evidence but instead decided to stop posting. I would conclude from that he is falsifying photos or taking pictures of Cirrus clouds and submitting as UFO sightings.

There is really no need for you to have a hissy-fit.
If that was a hissy fit, then I shall make bold to speak for the ladies of Sciforums:

Please do continue with the hissy-fits, Q. I so adore reading them.


Personal attacks? Where? I sang a song. I actually have a rather nice mezzo-soprano.

Big deal.
Do not speak for the ladies of sciforums Xev, speak only for yourself. If anyone then wants to agree with you, let them do so on their own.

As I pointed out before, it is no point discussing what the photos are showing in a serious manner, because it would take a very complicated process to find out, and the answer would still not be 100 % certain. Why do you then still keep debating it?

But then on the other hand, what are you discussing? Nothing really, you are only harrasing this person, talking to him in a degrading manner, insinuating that he's a crackpot.
Yes, you are sooo smart....

Thanks for your support Banshee, but I stopped posting on that thread
because I found myself talking to Q and Zev(not the two smartest people I've met online...). I didn't have time to talk to Bebelina yet.

I posted those images on purpose to show people what a sighting can look like without effects. If you see (or shoot..) a pic like those ones... work on it. Shooting 2500mm at 1/15 sec is a hit and miss affair with a moving craft. If I had shot it at 1/1000 sec it would have been too dark, but with sharper detail. Gifs don't show much... I will post some more pics when I have time but I am really busy at the moment.

I did post pic of another sighting on that page, but don't have time to find times, shutter speeds etc.

Please don't take me for a fool and call it lightning.....

Thanks for your support Banshee, but I stopped posting on that thread
because I found myself talking to Q and Zev(not the two smartest people I've met online...)

The crank and/or crackpot always resorts to personal attacks when their theories are exposed that they no longer can support.

I posted those images on purpose to show people what a sighting can look like without effects.

Then you admit the picture is not doctored. It must therefore be a cloud.

Please don't take me for a fool and call it lightning.....

Now one is calling you a fool. But if the picture is that of lightning and you claim it to be an alien craft, you would be labeled a crank.
Originally posted by (Q)
Now one is calling you a fool. But if the picture is that of lightning and you claim it to be an alien craft, you would be labeled a crank.

Of course (Q), marked and labeled. There is more than meets your "scientific" eye.

It is very narrow minded to mark and label people who see with different eyes than you do. That's cool, it is your opinion. Just an opinion, nothing more.

You do not hold the absolute truth because you rely on scientific proven facts.

It only shows your being insecure about unexplained phenomena. Go ahead and be comfortable with what you can control.

"Sell your soul for complete control, is that really what you need?" - Quote
You do not hold the absolute truth because you rely on scientific proven facts.

Absolute truth? Such a thing exists? Absolute relative to what? :p

It only shows your being insecure about unexplained phenomena. Go ahead and be comfortable with what you can control.

Ah, the will to power. I love it!

Seriously though, since when were cirrus clouds "unexplained phenomena"?
"Now one is calling you a fool." Was that a deliberate "typo"? An attempt to make a "sublime" insult? I think so, until Q scientifically can prove otherwise. :D

"..since when were cirrus clouds "unexplained phenomena"? " Again, why do you insist of debating a photo?
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