Real White Rabbit has been found! MATRIX RED PILL ALERT!!!

2008-21...1987. Curious. Were you ever unconscious in a doctor's care or hospital at that time? Ever get the flu vaccine?
2008-21...1987. Curious. Were you ever unconscious in a doctor's care or hospital at that time? Ever get the flu vaccine?

I don't believe so. Not at that time but certainly many years after.

Here are a few more I figured out!

moses spoke-137

follow sun-137
What are the numerical values for:

-"This is fake"
-"Not real"
-"All fantasy"
-"He is delusional" and
-"Total Bunk"?

I will keep expanding my list until we find a few 137s in the lot.
What are the numerical values for:

-"This is fake"
-"Not real"
-"All fantasy"
-"He is delusional" and
-"Total Bunk"?

I will keep expanding my list until we find a few 137s in the lot.

Did you read the whole thread that I origonally
posted or are you just being a jerk to be funny?
Hopefully it was just to be a jerk;)
"For some reason, the number 137 has obtained mystical significance for some people, particularly in relating to physical reality (although not to physics). It is very natural to attempt to construct order in observing the world (which is what everyone does all the time, and scientists do as their profession). However, the desire to construct order around the number 137 is probably more about mysticism than anything else.

An example of this significance can be found at the following website, which I’ll quote in part below to whet your appetite:

Solar System 1/137 Allow me a few phrases with something of mystery to avoid an inconvenient extension. It has been said that the Greek sages gave up the cultivation of the technique because they understood that it could distract the fundamental thing. To a tree which produces fruits and branches, fruits and branches cut him, but not the connection with its roots. According to these ideas, the most indispensable thing is the most elementary thing. The present man could lose the priority sense of the elementary thing (in science, policy, justice), by the cult to the complexity and the technique. With it the hierarchy of the most direct arbitration is lost. It is natural that the mathematics bother many young men. The mathematical invocations should explain more natural concepts before that concept of specialists. There are numerous indications that relate the fundamental physics to judgment elements. Know what has not been said. Though this surprises you, here you will have to find easily connection of an unknown form fractal, a base for some new mathematics, a basis for a structure of the Solar System with identification of fine structure and Pauli exclusion principle.Meanwhile: In the embryogenese of each animal birth around, millions’ years of evolution continuously reproduce the history of each passage until the being who is born. With the evolutionary generation of organic beings we have the unquestionable evidence of a hierarchy order."

Coffee! Coffee! The number 137 has its own Web page?

Yep. Its own Web page. In fact, several.

One thing about journalism, you learn something new every day.

I've been reading Robert Paster's New Physics and the Mind, in which he writes,
The number 137 has near-Kabbalistic meaning for some physicists.

Kabbalah is Jewish mystic interpretation, which includes numerologic aspects.

Max Born, an early quantum physicist and winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize in physics, wrote a 1936 paper "The Mysterious Number 137."

The number represents the fine structure constant, a fundamental parameter of physics, relating electromagnetic force strength to spacetime quanta.(P. 163)
Brent Nelson further advises at PhysLink,
The importance of the constant is that it measures the strength of the electromagnetic interaction. It is precisely because the constant is so small (i.e. 1/137 as opposed to 1/3 or 5 or 100...) that quantum electrodynamics (QED) works so amazingly well as a quantum theory of electromagnetism. It means that when we go to calculate simple processes, such as two electrons scattering off one another through the exchange of photons, we only need to consider the simple case of one photon exchange - every additional photon you consider is less important by a factor of 1/137. This is why theorists have been so successful at making incredibly accurate predictions using QED. By contrast, the equivalent 'fine-structure' constant for he theory of strong interactions (quantum chromodynamics or QCD) is just about 1 at laboratory energy scales. This makes calculating things in QCD much, much more involved.
137 is a prime number, of course, and numerologists offer further odd facts about it.

I am tempted to go on to 138, but I bet there isn't that much to know. See, I was right.

By the way, here's an excerpt from New Physics and the Mind.
Orleander-you do get directly to things. I was getting there eventually. I wanted to ease the news about the implant and what they are trying to distract 703 from. Gently, I don't want him to get all blow uppy.