Real White Rabbit has been found! MATRIX RED PILL ALERT!!!


Registered Member
This is a post from another forum I joined. There is way to much info for me to post it all here. Read it ALL if you have time. It gets better and better as you go along. Just read a little at a time if thats all the time you have to do so.

Here are a few key words with thier english gematria!

Mind Control=137
Eye Of Horus=137

137 is HUGE in Physics and also in Hebrew Gematria!

ANy comments appreciated. If you come to something you don't agree with read on anyways for there are more truths than inacurate assumptions. I did make a few mistakes in my findings.

It's all about ROGER the RABBIT. You will be suprised!

GO to abovetopsecret . com and search "matrix" and look for "the matrix revisited"

Sorry I can't post links and this is not SPAM. I'll be around here to discuss with anyone interested. NO FLAMING please!

None of those citations come from the first 5 it was written by man divinely inspired rather than G*d himself. Except Foundation of the Altar [Lev 4.7]
None of those citations come from the first 5 it was written by man divinely inspired rather than G*d himself. Except Foundation of the Altar [Lev 4.7]

Nice flag. That is what I am pointing to. But how can you be so sure the first 5 books weren't written by man. Afterall, didn't Moses write the first 5 books(I could be wrong)?

Anyhow if God could speak then why did he have to have "someone else" write the books. Afterall , God can do ANYTHING. If he can create the universe, surely he can write.
This is a post from another forum I joined. There is way to much info for me to post it all here. Read it ALL if you have time. It gets better and better as you go along. Just read a little at a time if thats all the time you have to do so.

Here are a few key words with thier english gematria!

Mind Control=137
Eye Of Horus=137

137 is HUGE in Physics and also in Hebrew Gematria!

ANy comments appreciated. If you come to something you don't agree with read on anyways for there are more truths than inacurate assumptions. I did make a few mistakes in my findings.

It's all about ROGER the RABBIT. You will be suprised!

GO to abovetopsecret . com and search "matrix" and look for "the matrix revisited"

Sorry I can't post links and this is not SPAM. I'll be around here to discuss with anyone interested. NO FLAMING please!


Could you please explain what the potential is that you are drawn to via numerology? I am in no way attempting to discredit or belittle the significance of such insight, but rather admitting my ignorance, I fail to see it's purpose.

Are you making a legitimate claim that there is some hidden form of organized consciousness control that the majority of humanity is completely oblivious to? If this is the case, are these numbers you are referring to possibly the substance that binds mankind's perception of reality to their ("their" being the secret society or collective system of control) intent? Is that what you are expressing?

Or is this possibly more so a case of personification within an applied set of mathematical expressions as attributed or ascribed to a logical system order? That system being what constitutes the fabric of our reality.

Are you claiming they are controlling our perception and subsequent destiny via mathematical expression that we are somehow programmed to be attuned to?

I am just trying to understand this better.
Nice flag. That is what I am pointing to. But how can you be so sure the first 5 books weren't written by man. Afterall, didn't Moses write the first 5 books(I could be wrong)?

Anyhow if God could speak then why did he have to have "someone else" write the books. Afterall , God can do ANYTHING. If he can create the universe, surely he can write.

Mishnaic Gemmatria is generally not used on books outside of the first 5 books. Wherever the source is originated is out of question. The laws of Gemmatria don't really apply to any books but those 5.
Could you please explain what the potential is that you are drawn to via numerology? I am in no way attempting to discredit or belittle the significance of such insight, but rather admitting my ignorance, I fail to see it's purpose.

Are you making a legitimate claim that there is some hidden form of organized consciousness control that the majority of humanity is completely oblivious to? If this is the case, are these numbers you are referring to possibly the substance that binds mankind's perception of reality to their ("their" being the secret society or collective system of control) intent? Is that what you are expressing?

Or is this possibly more so a case of personification within an applied set of mathematical expressions as attributed or ascribed to a logical system order? That system being what constitutes the fabric of our reality.

Are you claiming they are controlling our perception and subsequent destiny via mathematical expression that we are somehow programmed to be attuned to?

I am just trying to understand this better.

I'll have something to say to you shortly but first try to understand this. This is all in English Gematria. A=1 B=2 C=3 and so on until Z=26. Understand that "God is the word". The bible says so.LOL. Anyways God in Gematria happens to be 26. How many letters are in the English alphabet? 26! "God is THE WORD".

Now this....You REALLY need to pay close attention to EVERY detail here. EVERY detail....Especially on the link I am going to provide AND everything after that.

biblewheel. com/gr/GR_216.asp]216 surround pyramid

Surround Pyramid = 216
Top Pyramid=137(all seeing eye)
Great Pyramid=137

As you can see in the creation holograph there are 216 units that "surround" the pyramid. 6x6x6 or 666. 703 is at the center.
All seeing eye is at the top of the pyramid 137. You should be able to tell by this that whoever constructed the English language in fact knew ALL of this information. Hence , 703 being the area code sitting next door to Washington DC and Washington DC = 137. I think this pretty much sums up everything that I have been trying to say all along. English Gematria is REAL. I don't see how
anyone can argue this! Who is behind all this wonderful gematria and how did they know of the 2701 pyramid?

EDIT- Make sure to delete the space in the .com so you can visit the site. It's really important to see the site.
born by miracle- 137
confirmation-137 (as in the sacrament)
eye of horus- 137
mind control=137
died our sins-137
god created heaven-137
Washington DC- 137 (this is the BIG one)
top pyramid-137
great pyramid-137

These don't even scratch the surface! More to add later.
gateway heaven-137
parting red sea-137
dead sea scrolls-137
mysticizm-137 :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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OH MY %$#@ GOD!

ONE THIRTY SEVEN (spelled out)= 273

biblewheel. com/gr/GR_273.asp

Revelations 3:7

AGAIN just delete the space where the .com is and you will be amazed!

or 37!!!!

And there is the magicalness of mathmatics. You can malipulate any set of common number to get what you want. Like so, 9/11, 9-3=6, 6*11equals 66, take the last digit and plug it into the new third digit, and 666, omfg it's the devils numer. You see you can malipulate any set of numbers to what you want.
And there is the magicalness of mathmatics. You can malipulate any set of common number to get what you want. Like so, 9/11, 9-3=6, 6*11equals 66, take the last digit and plug it into the new third digit, and 666, omfg it's the devils numer. You see you can malipulate any set of numbers to what you want.

Yeah I think you understand! :rolleyes: