You've still pretty much sidestepped the issue. I see no answer here to what happened that converted you other than you think you have thoughts being placed in you head saying I Love You. and There is no Time. You once more say "what god has done to me" but you don't say what it is.
Not very objectively convincing, but it does fit right in with the mental illness theory of religion and or the "god lobe" of the brain theory. I believe that YOU believe, but I also feel you should seek professional help because you are hallucinating.
no, i'm not hallucinating. perhaps i'm in a coma right now, and have been since my early 20's, and this is all a dream? i don't know...are you reading this right now? i am really typing right? i don't know, i don't know...i'm so unsure of my experience.
this has been ongoing for a couple of decades now, and includes a very traumatic event that was ongoing, and began around 2005. what do you want to know that i can type here in a few minutes?
see...this is NOT how it works. i know that's how you guys want to INSIST that it works (or rather INSIST that it doesn't), but it doesn't work this way. this is how it actually works...
god interacts with me. it changes me. i interact with other people. and that's it. the bible calls that witnessing. now, some people think that means going door to door, but i see that as weird. if anyone asks me about my experiences with god, i tell them to the best of my ability. i'm honest about what god's done with me but i didn't do it, and i can't do that for anyone else. am i understanding you right? i understand that you want me to present my life experience to you in some form?
some form that you want to measure, so you can recreate it?
how do you suggest i do that?