Raped Child in Foster Care

I wish you'd give this a break! Worse things happen every freakin' day, all over the world. To spend so much time condemning this one lousy incident only minimizes all the thousands, perhaps millions, of worse things that happen.

Yes, it's sad, it's tragic. Now let's move on to something else ....please?

Baron Max

one second baron max, this child was raped while in care, i know it happens but it shouldn't these children go into care for various reasons, but mostly to be protected and they cant be even in care.

I spent a few years in care due to family arguements and it was the worst time of my life, thankfully nothing like that happened to me, these kids needs protection and not knocking by people, we should be looking at the care givers
..., these kids need protection ..., we should be looking at the care givers.

We? LA, are you doing anything to help those thousands of kids? Or are you just typing some words on a computer screen? See? We've typed messages back n' forth on this subject, but has it done any good for any of the thousands, perhaps millions, of kids in danger?

No, LA, I'm not trying to be nasty or mean, it's just that we read about things like this in the papers or see it on tv all the time, year after year, month after month, and everyone says "we" should do something. ......and nothing or damned little ever gets done ....because we keep hearing about it, over and over and over.

Yes, I'm cynical .....but do you see the reason for my cynicism? I have no choice but to harden my heart against feeling anything for victims ....there's just too fuckin' many victims!!! And they just keep coming, more and more, worse and worse, faster and faster,......

Baron Max
It's a muslim ideal, I believe. :rolleyes:

Liberia is NOT a Muslim nation .
I can only guess that the girl was apprehended by the Children's aid society for her own protection . Nowadays crimes are everywhere and nationality means nothing . Believe me I never heard about such a story in my childhood . One wonders what next really ?.:confused: .
You do have a choice and you choose poorly.

Perhaps. But if I chose to mourn all of the thousands, perhaps millions, of deaths every day, I wouldn't have much time to think of anything else. And I certainly couldn't be laughing and happy right at the moment that some person was killed or starved to death, could I?

And yet, apparently you can enjoy life and be happy even while people are being killed and are starving to death. How do you do that? Perhaps your mourning and grieve is measured in milliseconds? Micro-milliseconds?

Yes, perhaps I chose poorly. Explain how you've chosen to mourn and grieve for all those who die every day? Every minute? Maybe I can learn from you?

Baron Max
Swarm, just put Bowel Movement on ignore, I did.

Ahh, VI, you shouldn't tell people that fact ....you're just proving (and advertising the fact!) that you can't control yourself. :D

Just remember, VI, if you close your eyes, the bad ol' monsters can't see you!

Baron Max
No. You can't learn form any one.

I'm not good at pretending and lying ...which is what I think most people do in such situations. People can't possibly be in mourning for all of the human deaths, and still go out to dinner and drinks and a happy party that night. And if they do, they make a mockery of the very idea mourning and compassion and empathy and caring and....... (all those other silly human emotions that humans are so good at pretending).

Baron Max
They usually don't like having that pointed out to them, though.
Hence the Mindless Bugblatter Beast of Traal reaction.

*edit...Actually, you'd have to put the Bugblatter Beast on ignore first. Doesn't work. Dammit.
Liberia is NOT a Muslim nation .
I can only guess that the girl was apprehended by the Children's aid society for her own protection . Nowadays crimes are everywhere and nationality means nothing . Believe me I never heard about such a story in my childhood . One wonders what next really ?.:confused: .

same here. No one talked about it, the child never got help, and a cycle of despair and abuse began. Its not that these things didn't happen, they were just kept hidden.
"James Nyemah, the church's pastor and spokesman for the girl's family, said rape was widespread in Liberia only during its 14 years of civil war.

“To blame the whole nation for the terrible things that happened during that time is a misrepresentation of the Liberian people,” Nyemah said.

Across Africa, militiamen, rebels and government armies have used rape as a weapon of war. After Liberia began its descent into civil war in 1989, rebels would gang-rape girls and take them as “wives” to service multiple commanders. Thousands of rapes went unprosecuted.

But much has changed in six years of peace there. Liberia has made efforts to combat rape under the leadership of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who has sought to dispel the stigma associated with sexual assault by publicly acknowledging that she was herself the victim of attempted rape during the country's civil war.

Still, in some parts of Africa, women often are blamed for being raped by enticing men or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Girls who are raped often are shunned by their families.

The alleged attack in Phoenix ignited an international outcry after police reported that the girl's father said he was ashamed of her. Nyemah later said it all was the result of a misunderstanding."


Clearly, the "misunderstanding" was aimed towards the father who shouldn't have uttered that he doesn't want his daughter anymore.
well, the parents have now been arrested on child abuse charges. Some of the charges dated from police reports from 2005. If they had acted then, she wouldn't be in the situation she is now. grrrr