Rape: The Megathread



There is a prime example of your dishonesty.


Not to mention this being another great example of your dishonesty.

Neither of these posts contain any dishonesty.

Please review the dictionary definition of the word "dishonesty", because right now you obviously have no idea what it is.

Attempting to tie a person to a point of view that they never expressed (also known as building a strawman)...

I haven't tied you to any point of view.

I have, however, asked you three times now whether you agree with the statement "Sex without consent is always rape."

I now ask you a fourth time.

Will you now commit to a point of view, or will you keep crying like a baby instead?
there are bigger fish to fry
acknowledge and move on

an escalation of commitment is for retards
emotion for animals
I wonder if there are examples of rape-like behaviour in any animal other than humans?
Are there examples of a group of male lions pinning down a single lioness, for instance. Or any incidents of tigers hiding in the bushes for unsuspecting females. Or silverback gorillas throwing a hard nice punch.....

Nature vs nurture?
Take a completely different crime: murder. Why have trials for murder? Either something is murder, or it isn't. Right? You can't simply pick and choose when one is a cold-blooded killing and the other is a tragic accidental death, can you? So goes your argument.

"Do you believe that sex without consent is always rape?"

So whats the difference beteen manslaughter and murder to you then james, or are they just the same thing given 2 fancy different words?.

Sex without consent is not always rape, everytime I sleep with my partner she does not verbally consent to it, nor does she verbaly object to it. So in your eyes I rape my girlfriend nearly every day?.

I wonder if there are examples of rape-like behaviour in any animal other than humans?
Are there examples of a group of male lions pinning down a single lioness, for instance. Or any incidents of tigers hiding in the bushes for unsuspecting females. Or silverback gorillas throwing a hard nice punch.....

Nature vs nurture?

Yes ducks rape each other all of the time, and so do many dogs. But ducks are notorious for it the females have even evolved a special ability to counter the rapes it is so common.

Is no objection from a conscious person the same as consent ? This is problematic..
Nope according to the english language it is not consent, so yes that is a problem.


I should have added 'and of legal age', but that aside.

It is problematic because the person might be afraid to object. In that case no objection is not the same as consent.
In normal practice between lovers I think it is the same thing.
I should have added 'and of legal age', but that aside.

It is problematic because the person might be afraid to object. In that case no objection is not the same as consent.
In normal practice between lovers I think it is the same thing.

Also many people would feel wierd about asking as sex is something that usualy just happens going with the flow. Imagine with your partner everytime you have sex you have to ask permission, how romantic is that.

Here I was thinking im a good guy, but little did I know I have been raping my girlfriend and my ex numerous times. :bugeye:

So you are going to say that next time this shit comes up?

Please quote where I stated that all women are leeches, and that I didn't just point out a societal norm (that the man exists to pay all their bills while they stay at home) that many women take advantage of and you don't see many 'feminists' going out to attack?

I've already stated, whe the subject came up, that it is not ok to hurt anyone. But apparently, that is not enough for you. Anyone who's not flashing their non-misandrist credentials by screaming against violence to men is automatically a misandrist, ya?

I did not say that you accused all women of being leeches. I said you attacked 'women' in general, which did imply that you were levelling your rant at all women rather than specifically attacking those who had done something to deserve criticism.

Actually, I've seen quite a few feminist articles in the media attacking women who rely on men and refuse to be self sufficient. No, I can't quote the exact ones, I didn't bother to remember the exact issue of which paper they were in. But still, most feminists don't think that kind if life choice is ok, 'they see it as letting the sisterhood down'.
Also many people would feel wierd about asking as sex is something that usualy just happens going with the flow. Imagine with your partner everytime you have sex you have to ask permission, how romantic is that.

Here I was thinking im a good guy, but little did I know I have been raping my girlfriend and my ex numerous times. :bugeye:

lol I wouldn't worry about it ;)
Yes ducks rape each other all of the time, and so do many dogs. But ducks are notorious for it the females have even evolved a special ability to counter the rapes it is so common.


Hmm interesting. Dogs? Not sure about that.....any evidence?

This is interesting:

Edward H. Hagen, Institute for Theoretical Biology, Berlin

Is rape an adaptation?

No one knows, nor is there currently enough evidence to decide the question either way. A better question is whether or not a rape adaptation in humans is conceivable. Here, I think the answer is clearly yes. That rape might be an adaptation is a reasonable hypothesis to pursue, and the proper framework is intersexual conflict. Nature is rife with violent conflict--conflict between members of different species (such as predators and prey), conflict between members of the same species (such as males competing for females), and conflict between males and females (such as the killing of offspring by unrelated males during harem takeovers). Further, many organisms clearly possess adaptations to successfully engage in violent strategies (e.g., fangs and claws). There is no principled reason why animal nervous systems could not be specialized for coercive mating, including rape. In humans, the benefits of rape for males may have outweighed the costs during the EEA in the following circumstances:

High status males may be have been able to coerce matings with little fear of reprisal.
Low status women (e.g., orphans) may have been particularly vulnerable to being raped because males need not have feared reprisals from the woman's family.

During war, raping enemy women may have had few negative repercussions.

Men who were low status, who were likely to remain low status, and who had few opportunities to invest in kin may have realized reproductive benefits that outweighed the considerable costs (e.g., reprisal by the woman's family).

Whether human males possess psychological adaptations for rape will only be answered by careful studies seeking evidence for such cognitive specializations. To not seek such evidence is like failing to search a suspect for a concealed weapon. It is extremely likely that human males, like males of many other species, have both physiological as well as psychological adaptations for successfully engaging in violent strategies. Rape may well be one such strategy. However--and this is important--adaptations provide organisms with special abilities. Rape is a behavior. It could easily result (for example) from the ability of individuals to use physical aggression to achieve any one of a number of goals, including sex; it may not require any cognitive specializations whatsoever. In order for a rape adaptation to evolve, there would have to have been cognitive problems involved in successfully raping someone in the EEA that were specific to rape, and did not generally occur in other aggressive encounters. It is not entirely obvious what these problems might have been. Perhaps identifying circumstances that were propitious for rape, as outlined above, would be one example.

More generally, the human sciences may be forced to consider that individuals are innately capable of doing bad things.

Copyright 1999-2002 Edward H. Hagen

source: http://www.anth.ucsb.edu/projects/human/evpsychfaq.html

Fuel for thought.....
Hmm interesting. Dogs? Not sure about that.....any evidence?

I have never Read up on it, Im just going by my old pets, The older male dog used to bite our bitch as soon as she went into her first heat and chase her around and forcefully try to hump her. if you applied that behaviour to a human doing it to another human would you not say its rape?.

The damn dog used to try and hump people all the time aswell, does trying to physically force inside another animal when they are rejecting not constitute as rape the same as in humans?.

The younger female dog did not look very pleased and used to try and fight back all the time.

Ducks on the other hand I have read up on, and also seen a few documentry shows on.