Rape: The Megathread


You can always cry on my shoulder (unless I'm wearing an expensive suit). That's a guarantee.

Kadark the Unparalleled
It has been pointed out many times that men cannot appreciate the horror of being raped. Can women appreciate the horror of being falsely accused of rape? According to this list (wild guess here) 30% of sexual encounters would be considered "rape". Do you actually endorse this?

I gave my dummies version, do you see anything wrong with that?


You can always cry on my shoulder (unless I'm wearing an expensive suit). That's a guarantee.

Kadark the Unparalleled

I gave my dummies version, do you see anything wrong with that?

I'm sorry, I can't find your "dummies version" of the answers to these questions, please enlighten me. :confused:

Can women appreciate the horror of being falsely accused of rape? According to this list (wild guess here) 30% of sexual encounters would be considered "rape". Do you actually endorse this?

What if a girl asks you to rape her? (Not drugged or intoxicated in any way)

If rape is defined as "Sexual intercourse against one's will", then I don't think it is possible to ask for someone to rape you. Asking someone to take part in a fantasy scenario where she would be pretending that she didn't want to is possible, and I can't see any harm in that.

If a woman were to ask you to force her to have sex at some distant point in the future when she might genuinely not want to at that time, I think your best option would be to get as much distance between yourself and her as possible.
What if a girl asks you to rape her? (Not drugged or intoxicated in any way)

Careful with this. I think I understand what you are asking, but "asks you to rape her" is an oxymoron, as rape is explicitly against one's will. But, legally, if rape roleplay is set up ahead of time by consenting adults, this still leaves the male (presumably) in a precarious position if the woman cries rape...
I fully understand your position for cases wherein women distinctly say "no"; however, "cannot say anything" doesn't necessarily mean "no", does it? My rule of thumb is simple: presumed consent. I'm a handsome guy with a great personality, so I simply assume that if she was in a position to give consent, she most assuredly would. It's not a farfetched idea though, when you think about it: dead bodies which aren't claimed usually become cadavers used for medical purposes under "presumed consent" laws.

Kadark the Mighty

? If i had a daughter i wouldn't let you anywhere near her with an attitude like that.
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From: http://members.tripod.com/feministhate/id51.htm
All Men Are Rapists

Who said that?

Its a well know feminist quote, but I often see it being mis-credited. Usually by someone criticizing feminism these days. Was it Andrea Dworkin? She denies it. Catharine MacKinnon? Not quite. It comes from "The Women's Room" by Marilyn French and is spoken by a fictional character in the book,

"Whatever they may be in public life, whatever their relations with men, in their relations with women, all men are rapists and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes."

Now admittedly that quote is representative of the book, and the book was a thinly veiled piece of feminist doctrine, and the phrase was picked up by real women of the time, and the book was the most popular selling feminist book of its time, and continues to sell well today... however a quick internet search for the phrase reveals that it is currently mostly used by critics of feminism and by feminist pages with a "not" in front. As in "not all men are rapists". Interesting that some feel this needs to be said... quite reminiscent of the way the KKK explicitly say they oppose violence...

Correction: It seems Marilyn French also used the phrase in her own voice in an interview, but I'm trying track this source down.

At any rate there seems to be some distancing from this phrase by feminists!
From: http://members.tripod.com/feministhate/id51.htm

I would hope there is "some distancing" going on...

Logic is not a strong point of feminists, regardless of which sex they belong to. Feminists deprecate logic. They hold that logic has no redeemable qualities and dismiss it as patriarchal linear thinking. According to feminist doctrine, women's feelings (they call them "women's way of knowing") trump all facts and all logic.

Logic? What?
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The "fruits" of ignorance?

Randwolf said:

Tiassa, I'm your Huckleberry.

Okay, you're a fruit. Fine with me.

They believe this BS. Some of the 51 points are actually valid, but the philosophy behind them is strikingly inconsistent

So which of those points do you actually disagree with? I can only find one point to object to, but the thing is that somewhere, a rapist has used that point as a defense.

These 51 points certainly seem like femtroll material to me. Anyone have comments?

Why is it that I've never heard of this "femtroll" except from angry boys like yourself?

Here you go.

Recommended reading (for ABS, too), from Feminism 101:

Why can't we all accept responsibility for what we, as individuals, choose to do?

Yes, why, indeed? Looking over that list, I'm struck at the stupidity of the things rapists will say in their defense.
1. You are a rapist if you get a girl drunk and have sex with her.

If she's drunk to the point of being unconscious yes you're a rapist. If she's awake and can consent, no, you're not.

2. You are a rapist if you find a drunk girl and have sex with her.

Ngh. See above.

3. You are a rapist if you get yourself drunk and have sex with her. Your drunkeness is no excuse.

See above.

4. If you are BOTH drunk you may still be a rapist.

See above

5. If she's alternating between puking her guts out and passing out in the bed then you're a rapist.

If she's awake and consenting, you're not. Consensual sex is still that, though you should indeed stop if she pukes or passes out halfway through.

6. If she's sleeping and you have sex with her you're a rapist.

Yes, agreed.

7. If she's unconscious and you have sex with her then you're a rapist.


8. If she's taking sleeping pills and doesn’t wake up when you have sex with her then you’re a rapist.


9. If she is incapacitated in any way and unable to say 'Yes' then you're a rapist.


10. If you drug her then you're a rapist.

How do you mean drug her? If you give her Rohypnol and she passes out and you fuck her unconscious body you are a rapist. But if you were, say, smoking some cannabis and you gave her some and she was stoned and horny and all over you, no, not rape.

11. If you find a drugged girl and have sex with her then you're a rapist.

See above.

12. If you don't bother to ask her permission and she says neither 'Yes' or 'No' then you could be a rapist.

What's going on there. If she's ripping your clothes off obviously it;s not rape just because she did not use the word 'yes'.

13. You are a rapist if you 'nag' her for sex. Because you manage to ply an eventual 'yes' from a weary victim doesn't mean it's not rape. You are a rapist.

No. An asshole, sure, but not a rapist.

14. You are a rapist if you try to circumvent her "No" by talking her into it. She's not playing hard to get, and, even if she IS it's not YOUR responsibility to 'get' her. You're still a rapist.

See above.

15. You are a rapist if you manipulate her into sex when she doesn't otherwise want it. If you say, "If you loved me you’d do X" then you're a rapist. If you say, "All the other kids are doing it!" then you're a rapist.

Ditto: an asshole, but not a rapist.

16. If you threaten her, or act in a way that SHE thinks you're threatening her then you're a rapist. If you puff up and get loud and frustrated while trying to 'talk' her into sex then you're a rapist.

If you don't commit the act, you're not a rapist. Still fucking low though.

17. You are a rapist if you don't immediately get your hands off of her when she says 'no'. You are a rapist if you take your hands off of her and then put them back ON her after 10 minutes and she eventually 'gives in' to this tactic.

That's sexual assault, not rape, technically...

18. You are a rapist if you won't let her sleep peacefully without waking her every 15 minutes asking her for sex. Sleep depravation is a form of torture and YOU are a rapist.

That's pretty vile. But you're not a rapist if you don't commit the act.

19. If you're necking with her and you're naked and you've already gone down on her and she says 'No' to sex with you and you have sex with her anyway then you're a rapist.

Yup. You are.

20. If you're engaged in intercourse and she says 'No' at ANY point and you don't immediately stop then you're a rapist.

Yes, you are.

21. If she said "Yes" to sex with a condom and that condom breaks and you proceed anyway then you're a rapist.

If she says NO it's rape. Got that?

22. If she picked you up at a bar looking for sex and then decides that she doesn't WANT sex and you continue then you're a rapist.


23. If she changes her mind at ANY point for ANY reason and you don't immediately back off or you try to talk her into it and get sex anyway then you're a rapist.

Talking into is not raping.

24. If you don't hit her and she says 'No' you're still a rapist.


25. If you don't have a knife or a gun or a garrote and she says 'No' then you're still a rapist.


26. If you're a friend of hers you can still be a rapist.


27. If you had sex with her the night before but she doesn't want morning sex and you pressure her for it anyway then you're a rapist.

Pressuring is not raping. It's pretty low, but not rape.

28. If you're her husband you can still be a rapist.


29. If it's your wedding night and she doesn't WANT to have sex with you and you force or coerce her anyway then you're a rapist.


30. If she's had sex with you hundreds of times before but doesn't want to on the 101st time then you're a rapist.


31. If you penetrate her anally, orally or digitally against her will then YOU my friend, are ALSO a rapist.


32. Women do not owe you sex.


33. Buying her dinner does not entitle you to sex.


34. Paying her mortgage does not entitle you to sex.


35. Buying her clothing does not entitle you to sex.

36. Buying her lingerie does not entitle you to sex. It also doesn't mean that she has any obligation to wear that lingerie around you.


37. Spending any amount of money on her does not, ever, entitle you to sex.


38. Seeing her legs or cleavage does not entitle you to sex.


39. If she 'turns you on' you're not entitled to sex.


40. If she has fucked every man in a 10 square mile radius and she doesn't want to fuck you and you have sex with her anyway, then you're a rapist.


41. Her clothing is not a reason for you to rape her. Her LACK of clothing is no reason to rape her. If she's wearing a thong and pasties you STILL have no right to rape her.


42. If she's a prostitute and she says "No" then you're a rapist.


43. If she's a stripper and she says "No" then you're a rapist. Likewise, if she's a stripper and she's been rubbing against your dick all night long and you follow her to her car and have sex with her against her will then you are ALSO a rapist.


44. If you watch a woman being raped without calling the authorities then you're as bad as a rapist and you may also be a rapist yourself.

No you're not. Though you would still deserve to die for watching someone being raped and doing nothing.

45. If you don't fight rape then you accept rape.

Yes. That goes for everyone, male or female.

46. If you don't believe a woman when she says she was raped then you're encouraging rape.

What if she was LYING? It happens.

47. If you choose to remain friends with a man who raped a woman you are encouraging rape.

You may not be actively encouraging it, but you are condoning it.

48. If you confess to the authorities that you raped a woman it does not exonerate you. You are not suddenly a model of good behavior.


49. If you ‘only’ raped one woman, you’re STILL a rapist.

50. You cannot tell who is a rapist by the way they look. Rapists are your friends, your brothers, your fathers and you won't know it.

Ack, come on. The vast majority of men are not rapists.

51. Do not get frustrated with a woman if she doesn't trust you. SHE already knows that rapists don't wear signs on their foreheads. Something you think is innocuous SHE may find terrifying.

ngh...my brain is tired.
Okay, you're a fruit. Fine with me.
Sorry you didn't get the reference, perhaps you should expand your horizons?

So which of those points do you actually disagree with? I can only find one point to object to, but the thing is that somewhere, a rapist has used that point as a defense.
Tell us Tiassa, which points do you actually agree with? You can find one point to object to? Which one? You say "a rapist has used that point as a defense". That makes the point invalid? Oh, and provide links, please.

Why is it that I've never heard of this "femtroll" except from angry boys like yourself?
Knew you couldn't go a whole post without an ad hom. Actually, I am quite happy, or whatever antonym to "angry" you prefer. It would seem that it is the leftist, panty waist, liberal, feminist, do gooders that get angry over this topic. I imagine you will soon lock this thread, just like the other...

Mod Hat — Temporary closure

This thread is temporarily closed pending further investigation.

(1) Angrybellsprout, please confirm via private message that you are of are not the original author of the list.
• If the answer is yes, proceed to point two below.
• If the answer is no, stop here. This thread will remain closed for plagiarism.
(2) Having confirmed your original authorship of this list, please establish how a list of your making represents "feminist copypasta".
You are on a clock, sort of. Get back to me via private message in the next few minutes, and I will deal with this now. However, as it's creeping toward four in the morning here, and I have things to do later today, I'll be asleep soon.

Offends your sensibilities, doesn't it?

Your logic sucks, Tiassa. You never bothered to ask me if I believe in the feminist movement. Equal pay for equal work, etc. Absolutely, I agree. I also think that some people take things to the extreme. I have a problem with that. You can go play with your "Recommended reading". These are real issues, affecting everyone. I live in the real world, not an ivory tower.

Yes, why, indeed? Looking over that list, I'm struck at the stupidity of the things rapists will say in their defense.

What? What are you going on about here? Are you just reiterating the party line "all men are rapists"? What?
Thanks, VI. This is not really about a point by point disection, but I appreciate what you have to say... :)

One comment, for now.
12. If you don't bother to ask her permission and she says neither 'Yes' or 'No' then you could be a rapist.

What's going on there. If she's ripping your clothes off obviously it;s not rape just because she did not use the word 'yes'.

My point exactly, but the femnazis would say otherwise. Women are always innocent, even if proven guilty. Men are rapists, or not, to be decided at any time after the fact by their sexual partners...
Logic? What?

I've brought up the hilarious issue of horizontal vs vertical thinking a few times, but the sexist liberals have no desire to actually discuss these femtard bunches of fail.

Also, many of the feminists today will claim that they don't believe that all men are rapists, but their actions do not match up with their claims. Tiassa is a great example of this.
Get the f@ck over yourself


You seem to be an expert in missing the point, but that doesn't exactly surprise me.

Sorry you didn't get the reference, perhaps you should expand your horizons?

I actually don't care about the reference. You're one of a few members who seem to have a weird obsession with me. Like Lepus, for instance, who will post topics specifically as angry retorts to me. I mean, you couldn't have posted this topic without calling me out? That's your problem, and you shouldn't be making it mine.

Tell us Tiassa, which points do you actually agree with?

This is familiar: you refusing to answer a question while asking one in exchange.

But to make it perfectly clear, since you're apparently incapable of discussing anything in good faith, a woman has as much right to get drunk and have a shag as a man does.

You say "a rapist has used that point as a defense". That makes the point invalid?

Are you proposing that this list is drawn out of thin air? God, you're even more a misogynist than I thought.

Oh, and provide links, please.

Do you really believe no man accused of rape has ever used the fact of a woman's intoxication as part of his defense?

Very well. I'll go grab some links for you. But later. I have more important things to do than entertain you.

Knew you couldn't go a whole post without an ad hom. Actually, I am quite happy, or whatever antonym to "angry" you prefer. It would seem that it is the leftist, panty waist, liberal, feminist, do gooders that get angry over this topic.

Actually, it's the dishonesty that's annoying. See, here's the thing: I know lots of feminists. I'm a liberal who lives just outside Seattle, so it's almost inevitable that I would know a lot of feminists. But the only time I ever see or hear about lists like these, they come from someone complaining about feminism and feminists. I wonder why that is? The angry bunch, the misogynists, are doing more to promote this brand of "feminism" than the feminists. And no, we don't need to wonder why that is.

Which leads us to skip ahead for a moment:

Your logic sucks, Tiassa. You never bothered to ask me if I believe in the feminist movement. Equal pay for equal work, etc. Absolutely, I agree. I also think that some people take things to the extreme. I have a problem with that. You can go play with your "Recommended reading". These are real issues, affecting everyone. I live in the real world, not an ivory tower.

It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in equal pay for equal work. In your topic post, you wrote, "These 51 points certainly seem like femtroll material to me." In other words, you took one list, allegedly written by a feminist—described by the website you got the list from as "a 34 year old cumdumpster from Ohio"—and attributed it to feminism ("femtroll material"). Hence, the two links discussing the fact that one feminist does not represent feminism, and cannot be automatically presumed to represent another feminist.

Whether or not you think you believe in the feminist movement is a separate question entirely. I would suggest you turn your critical eye toward your own logic, but with one difference: try doing it honestly.

I imagine you will soon lock this thread, just like the other...

... Offends your sensibilities, doesn't it?

Actually, what offends my sensibilities is your continued dishonesty. The fact that the topic itself is completely moronic isn't grounds to close it. If you bothered to read what you're whining about, you would notice that the major point of contention was plagiarism, which you've solved in a manner satisfactory to the rules. Of course, it apparently wasn't worth your time to post the topic sincerely, but since we've bent over backwards to accommodate a complete lack of good faith among our members for the last several years, at least, that's no reason to shut the topic down.

So quit your goddamn bawling and try making an honest point for once.

What? What are you going on about here? Are you just reiterating the party line "all men are rapists"? What?

Okay, let's start with a question: Have you ever gotten laid according to circumstances not included in that list?

Seriously. I don't see what's so hard about the idea that certain questions would not exist had someone not attempted to exploit them.

Of course, since you're apparently unwilling to list the points you disagree with, we can't explore those.

Then again, neither should anybody be surprised at that.

Good faith, Randwolf, goes a long way.
You seem to be an expert in missing the point, but that doesn't exactly surprise me.
Missing the point? Dude, it's my thread. The point is, do you believe that feminists go overboard sometimes? Or, is any and every act justified in the pursuit of a goal?

I actually don't care about the reference. You're one of a few members who seem to have a weird obsession with me. Like Lepus, for instance, who will post topics specifically as angry retorts to me. I mean, you couldn't have posted this topic without calling me out? That's your problem, and you shouldn't be making it mine.

[Q] From Cristlyn Randazzo: “What is the origin of the expression ‘I’ll be your Huckleberry’? What exactly does it mean?”

[A] What it means is easy enough. To be one’s huckleberry — usually as the phrase I’m your huckleberry — is to be just the right person for a given job, or a willing executor of some commission.
Just for your edification, although I find it hard to believe you didn't already know this...

"I mean, you couldn't have posted this topic without calling me out? " - (Tiassa) Of course I could, but you are my favorite friend. :rolleyes:

This is familiar: you refusing to answer a question while asking one in exchange.
Actually, I asked the question first. What comments do you have on this "list"?

Anyone have comments?

But to make it perfectly clear, since you're apparently incapable of discussing anything in good faith, a woman has as much right to get drunk and have a shag as a man does.
Ad hom... Ho hum... Anyway, you are right. This is what I'm trying to say, women like to fuck (sorry, shag) just as much as men. Where do the fem**** get off saying all men are rapists?

Are you proposing that this list is drawn out of thin air? God, you're even more a misogynist than I thought.
Ya know, you wouldn't know "misogynist" from ummm, from... I am at a loss for words in the presence of your intellect. I don't think you even know what "misogynist" means.

Do you really believe no man accused of rape has ever used the fact of a woman's intoxication as part of his defense?

Very well. I'll go grab some links for you. But later. I have more important things to do than entertain you.
But, no Tiassa, my world revolves around you.... Say it ain't true.

Actually, it's the dishonesty that's annoying. See, here's the thing: I know lots of feminists. I'm a liberal who lives just outside Seattle, so it's almost inevitable that I would know a lot of feminists. But the only time I ever see or hear about lists like these, they come from someone complaining about feminism and feminists. I wonder why that is?

Tiassa, you need to stop with the dishonesty allegation. I don't know where you are getting that from, but I have as much right as anyone else to post my views here. If you have personal issues with me, PM me. Stop with the insults in public though, you **** (content deleted due to good sense)

I wonder why that is?
The angry bunch, the misogynists, are doing more to promote this brand of "feminism" than the feminists. And no, we don't need to wonder why that is.
Confused, Tiassa?

It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in equal pay for equal work.

I would imagine it (equal pay for equal work) matters very much, although not necessarily my personal opinion. Substantive changes mean something, prattering away about over the top sexist generalizations does not.

In your topic post, you wrote, "These 51 points certainly seem like femtroll material to me." In other words, you took one list, allegedly written by a feminist—described by the website you got the list from as "a 34 year old cumdumpster from Ohio"—and attributed it to feminism ("femtroll material"). Hence, the two links discussing the fact that one feminist does not represent feminism, and cannot be automatically presumed to represent another feminist.

Look, Tiassa, you know as well as I that I picked this topic up from another Sciforums thread that you closed, based on plagiarism. All I did with these links was try to trace it back.

Whether or not you think you believe in the feminist movement is a separate question entirely. I would suggest you turn your critical eye toward your own logic, but with one difference: try doing it honestly.
Dude, what is it with you and my "honesty"? Every single post of mine that you reply to includes some sort of allegation of my "lying". Prove any of this, or apologise. I am sick of this ad hom on your part!!! Back to the topic, I would think my views on feminism would be relevant, in that I am not bashing the movement, but rather the extremists. I will do the sale with religious fundamentalists, etc...

Actually, what offends my sensibilities is your continued dishonesty. The fact that the topic itself is completely moronic isn't grounds to close it. If you bothered to read what you're whining about, you would notice that the major point of contention was plagiarism, which you've solved in a manner satisfactory to the rules. Of course, it apparently wasn't worth your time to post the topic sincerely, but since we've bent over backwards to accommodate a complete lack of good faith among our members for the last several years, at least, that's no reason to shut the topic down.

So quit your goddamn bawling and try making an honest point for once.

Oh, fuck it. See above comment, answer it straight up like a man, or boooo hooooo for you, and your sideways insults. For such an intelligent person, it didn't take much for a noob to reduce you to crying in the corner.

Okay, let's start with a question: Have you ever gotten laid according to circumstances not included in that list?


Don't even go here, or you will be toast. You arrogant, pompous f**k!

Seriously. I don't see what's so hard about the idea that certain questions would not exist had someone not attempted to exploit them.
All questions should exist. Isn't that the point of intelligent life?

Of course, since you're apparently unwilling to list the points you disagree with, we can't explore those.

I'll get there for you Tiassa, just remember my handicap, I only type about 75 WPM. However, I will take apart the list, because actually, I agree with some of the line items.

Then again, neither should anybody be surprised at that.
Piss off....

Good faith, Randwolf, goes a long way.
How would you know?
It seems like Tiassa has very logical and intelligent views on most subjects. Perhaps the feminist thing is an idiot-savant manifestation. :shrug:

More like the liberal thing in general, feminism is just one aspect of the bull.

Everytime I make a thread about equality the sexists, err feminists, come out to tell me about how much I hate women simply because I wish for them to be held to the same standards as men for the most part.