Rape Prevention: A New Advocate for Open-Ended Prevention Theory

(Check all that apply): My advice is ...

  • ... that women should stay out of bars, for their own safety.

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Yes there is:
Profanity12. Cursing is tolerated, but excessive use of vulgar language will attract moderator attention.​
I've never encountered "excessive use" that inspired me to give a member a warning or a ban. In the years that I've been a moderator I've never seen any of the other moderators do it either. Perhaps I missed it, but it must be extremely rare.

Profanity is the least of our problems! Take this thread for instance. It's the ideas he presents that are primitive, uncivilized and disgusting, even though he expresses them without profanity.
I've never encountered "excessive use" that inspired me to give a member a warning or a ban. In the years that I've been a moderator I've never seen any of the other moderators do it either. Perhaps I missed it, but it must be extremely rare.

I've been banned for it like half a dozen times, all in the last couple of years. Guess you don't pay much attention.
This guy is sick!

You tell How SICK were the American and Russian soldiers when they entered Germany during the war11, you tell me why are you attempting to get drunk a female in a bar , you know your motive . And you telling me sick , you are a bunch of hypocrites.
Usually I get the female drunk at home. Also, it saves time on preprepared videocamera stations.
You tell How SICK were the American and Russian soldiers when they entered Germany during the war11, you tell me why are you attempting to get drunk a female in a bar , you know your motive . And you telling me sick , you are a bunch of hypocrites.
I've never defended the war crimes of soldiers and I've never tried to pick up a drunk girl in a bar.

But I do know the difference between masturbation and rape.

I also know an idiot when I see one. :mad:
How com that you can use foul language and not get suspended, as a moderator
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" Fraggle Rocker is in a position of power therefore is exempt from the rules of us commoners. Hypocritical I know. But hey we needed people to keep other commoners from using that kind of language so the cost to us is a double standard.
I suppose your way of thinking is different.
Can you tell What do you do if your dick is erected and you have a desire to empty your sperm. If you don't have a partner. But an individual who have power over a female , he persuades the female by force to have sex , but you probable will rape yourself with your hand .

How does one "RAPE" themselves with their own hand?
Pretty sure there is very steep line between the two. :shrug:

Rape: Noun
The unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
Masturbation: Noun
The stimulation or manipulation of one's own genitals, especially to orgasm; sexual self-gratification.
Last time I checked my hands are not people with their own wills and desires that forced me to masturbate or slipped drugs into my drink or just beat in the back of the head with a gun.
I suppose your way of thinking is different.
Can you tell What do you do if your dick is erected and you have a desire to empty your sperm. If you don't have a partner. But an individual who have power over a female , he persuades the female by force to have sex , but you probable will rape yourself with your hand .

What the hell dude..?

I don't even....


You know, I think I should only read your posts when I am plastered. Then again, I run the risk of peeing in my pants from laughing so much...
Meanwhile, we also get a hint: A woman is apparently a sexual gratification aide comparable to one's right hand.

I wonder if the left hand tries its best to fight off the right hand...


Is it a gang rape if the left hand joins in?
In a perfect world...

Studies show pornography and abuse to be prevalent in convicted sex offenders. Depravity is prevalent worldwide, sexual assault is a symptom of that depravity. There are ways to reduce the prevalence, but unfortunately not completely prevent it short of Revelations 20.
I've never defended the war crimes of soldiers and I've never tried to pick up a drunk girl in a bar.

But I do know the difference between masturbation and rape.

I also know an idiot when I see one. :mad:

Now I am replaying to one.
I've never defended the war crimes of soldiers and I've never tried to pick up a drunk girl in a bar.

But I do know the difference between masturbation and rape.

I also know an idiot when I see one. :mad:

Now I am replaying to one.
Here's a question: the paradigm of the psychological basis of rape is taken these days - I think - as a power issue.

Yet the rape of children by Catholic priests is considered to be a sexual one - again, I believe, recently - as an issue of sexual deprivation and repression.

Do these contrast, or have I misread these relative paradigms?
So I hold the establishment responsible for this particular indignity. They served a patron who was too drunk to continue being served and they didn't keep an eye on him to prevent him from molesting the customers. The victim has some pretty deep pockets to plumb.

depending on the laws( I live in georgia so that what I'm basing this off of) the establishment if they served him when he was noticibly intoxicated are civilly liable for damages he causes. any place that serves alcohol should have policies in place to prevent this.
No one should rape any person , but we live not a perfect society. At the same time women, should dress and act more modestly then before 1960 with miniskirt, Remember what JFK
mentioned " now the skirts anre shorter they will have to run faster " I don't know do we have more sexual assaults in the present time then before 1960 ?

do what the fuck really the whole she wanted defense really. dude I'm a guy and that sickens me that such an attitude exists.
I've been banned for it like half a dozen times, all in the last couple of years. Guess you don't pay much attention.
Hmmm. In that case somebody's not doing his homework on the Moderators' super-secret subforum. Every time we ban someone we have to post how long and why.

Just how many cusswords are we talking about here? I used two. Have you been banned for using two? Our own posts on the moderators' board frequently include that many. We routinely allow people to call each other "bastard" and stronger terms that would probably be blocked by the corporate server I'm using right now. An average management staff meeting in many workplaces logs more than two cusswords.

And I can't help asking--regardless of the justice or lack of it--why did you continue to do something for a sixth time when you'd already been banned for it five times? That suggests that you get carried away when you're angry, and people who get carried away when they're angry seldom limit themselves to two cusswords.

You tell How SICK were the American and Russian soldiers when they entered Germany during the war11, you tell me why are you attempting to get drunk a female in a bar , you know your motive . And you telling me sick , you are a bunch of hypocrites.
War makes people sick. After the second day of a war, all of the soldiers on each side feel justified that they are merely punishing all of the soldiers on the other side for the innocent victims they have already killed in the first two days. Nonetheless, once the death camps full of starving Jewish civilians, including thousands of women and children were discovered, the world felt an exceptional degree of loathing for the Germans.

As for getting a woman drunk in a bar, you're going to have to ask that question to someone who does it. I certainly don't, and never have. Neither have any of my close friends. The only time I have helped a woman get drunk was when A) she was my wife (or my girlfriend back in those days) and she had already made it clear while sober that B) she wanted to get drunk and C) she wanted to have sex.

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others" Fraggle Rocker is in a position of power therefore is exempt from the rules of us commoners. Hypocritical I know. But hey we needed people to keep other commoners from using that kind of language so the cost to us is a double standard.
I have never disciplined a member simply for using profanity.

If you or anyone you know is ever given a warning or a ban for using profanity, I tell you right here and now: Please notify me and I will investigate. You have my promise.
Hmmm. In that case somebody's not doing his homework on the Moderators' super-secret subforum. Every time we ban someone we have to post how long and why.

The thing about keeping all of that stuff invisible is that you can't draw any credibility for the process amongst the general membership from it. You guys might well have orderly, productive processes in place, or it might just be a highly politicized shouting match - us mere mortals have no way of knowing and so no way of being impressed when the process or its results are invoked.

Just how many cusswords are we talking about here? I used two. Have you been banned for using two?

In some cases it was only one.

To be clear, most of the bans were notionally for "insult." But neither I nor anybody else ever seems to get banned for non-profane insults, and nor does profanity that isn't directed at any particular poster seem to get sanctioned. So the precedent seems to add up to a rule against profane insults. But, throw in the personal vendettas that certain powers have against me, and maybe talk of "precedent" is too idealized.

We routinely allow people to call each other "bastard" and stronger terms

I can assure you that you (collectively) do not allow me, personally, to address people here in significantly stronger terms than that. In fact I'd wager that I would catch a ban for calling certain specific powers here "bastard."

And I can't help asking--regardless of the justice or lack of it--why did you continue to do something for a sixth time when you'd already been banned for it five times?

If you're going to exclude the question of whether the bans are just at the outset, then you clearly don't want to know.

Let's just say that there are limits to my respect for authority and that I prefer to catch a ban than to compromise on certain things. Actually, let's go a bit further and say that certain of them were done on purpose, both to make a point and to give me a vacation when I've needed to concentrate on other things.

That suggests that you get carried away when you're angry, and people who get carried away when they're angry seldom limit themselves to two cusswords.

Nah, that's not it. I am a veteran curser - spent years as the head editor of a publication that is infamous for its vulgar content, in fact - and so I know how to modulate the swearing and use it for maximum effect. Indeed, that seems to be a big part of the motivation against it. This does not represent any lack of control on my part, nor is the offending material characterized by especially profuse concentrations of swearing. Likewise, I have no trouble refraining from cursing when such is appropriate to my point and the situation I am dealing with (as evidenced by my output in recent months). Anyway I'm sure the same issues will arise again at some point, so you can watch for yourself at that time.

If you or anyone you know is ever given a warning or a ban for using profanity, I tell you right here and now: Please notify me and I will investigate. You have my promise.

Again, the "precedent" seems to be the combination of profanity and insult. Insults alone seem to go right by, as does profanity not directed at anyone in particular. When combined, at least by myself, the result is a ban. Given the source of these bans, I am quite confident that you will get exactly nowhere in "investigating" them, but thanks for your statement there regardless.