Rape and the "Civilized" World

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Harassment Culture: An Exercise in Making Things Worse

An Exercise in Making Things Worse

Okay, so ... in the first place, it was an abortion debate.

And, yes, it went out live on television. Ralp Riegel explains:

A Fine Gael TD who pulled a female colleague onto his lap during an early morning Dail debate on abortion said he is “mortified” by his actions.

Tom Barry TD (FG) has also admitted that he had been drinking before the incident – but insisted he wasn't drinking excessively.

“I went to the Dail bar but I wasn't drinking excessively. There was nothing pre-meditated, it was stupid, it was disrespectful,” he said.

Mr Barry said he was “sick to his stomach” that he had embarrassed his friend and colleague, Aine Collins TD (FG), his wife and family as well as his party.

The 44-year-old revealed his wife, Dr Kathy Quane, had taken a dim view of the matter.

“I spoke to my wife this morning and all she said to me was: 'You big eejit.' I feel so embarrassed over this,” he added.

Bad enough, right? I mean, really. What do you say to something so abstract as a drunken legislator harassing one of his colleagues on the floor during a live telecast?

But, oh, how is it that they always manage to make things worse?

No, really. You know you see this part coming.

Mr Barry, a married father of three, said he was “shocked” that the incident was being seen as sexist when it had been intended, albeit foolishly, as horseplay.

“It should never have happened. I would be the very first one to say that.

“I feel very upset that it is being described as that (sexist). I didn't intend to offend anyone and I can't offer any excuse other than to put it down to stupidity, naivety and inexperience,” he said.

“Something like this has never happened to me before and I can promise will never happen again.

“I consider Aine Collins a good friend, I have apologised and she has accepted my apology,” he said.

And there it is. In scandals, this is always the money shot. You know, the part where, after getting drunk and then trying to make one of your female co-workers sit on your lap while on national television ... I mean, is he telling us that he would have done the same to a man, and only grabbed TD Collins because she happened to be near to hand when the impulse struck?

Taoiseach Kenny properly remains focused on the abortion issue, saying she did not see the incident and had no comment, implying with little room for question that she would rather people remain focused on the incredible political drama that has played out in recent months across the Emerald Isle. Meanwhile, the National Women's Council denounced Irish politics as unfriendly toward women, and while Mr. Barry might protest reminders that political chambers are not appropriate for sexist behavior, Fine Gael is not inclined to support that objection.

Last night, Fine Gael stressed that the party did not view the incident as “horseplay”.

“I wish to make it clear that the instinctive characterisation of the incident as 'horseplay involving two people' does not reflect how Fine Gael views this kind of behaviour having seen the footage,” FG general secretary Tom Curran said.

“One deputy's actions were unwelcome to another deputy. If it happened in any other workplace, it would be unacceptable.

“That it happened on the floor of Leinster House makes it more so.”

Perhaps people might have been sympathetic toward a mitigating effect of various circumstances; alcohol, a tremendously long work session after little sleep. But that still doesn't excuse such behavior under the best of circumstances. When one turns around to pretend shock that anyone sees sexism in that kind of physical harassment, well, it just doesn't help.

Even after everything else, and accepting that the issue is, in fact, resolved 'twixt Mr. Barry and Ms. Collins, what I don't get is why people think they can say, "But it's not sexist." Actually, that's wrong. What I don't get is how they think they can get away with it. Oh, wait. That's still wrong. I suppose I'm puzzled by the notion that such a subculture exists where Mr. Barry's (ahem!) "shock" at the notion that his behavior was sexist can be taken seriously.

I mean, it's not like he's in Florida, or something.

But I suppose I'll believe Mr. Barry's shock when I see him pulling Ag Minister Coveney onto his lap. Or maybe not. Some might find Simon Coveney a handsome man.

But, really, does such a notion really have sway in the twenty-first century? Does he get to be "very upset" that his behavior is described as sexist?


Riegel, Ralph. "'Horseplay' TD Tom Barry 'mortified' by his actions". The Irish Independent. July 12, 2013. Independent.ie. July 15, 2013. http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/horseplay-td-tom-barry-mortified-by-his-actions-29414604.html
Did anyone see this?


Posters suggest reporting rape can be an act of revenge
I mean, it's not like he's in Florida, or something.

lol really.
i live in florida, and sadly...it's a sad state of affairs down here. no pun.

i wish these types of men would just go away.
no matter how far women have come in this world, there are men like this around to ''remind'' us that we are just afterall ...lil women.
this stuff bugs me.
bc women have existence rights while men are only existence wills in principle which is a lie if u ask any man, so theoritically they dont have the right to exist, a will to exist cannot b

n god the most evil power that enjoy stealing rights to pretend being the reference, while having max of pleasure to take advantage of individuality weaknesses by isolating it the most and hitting it till death for the illusion of being superior to existence when existence is individually, that god did men that look all zombies now shown how they lack the least of humans feature physically and mentally

like that dirty godbrian calling himself, relating bad experiences with intelligence, only to justify crimes and force women inferiority as a screen for men life to keep stealing their rights forever

the most a person suffer the more it becomes an animal, suffer is the opposite of free thinking or objective knowledge which are related

especially when the body is a living condition compltely independant of the conscious mind seeing it, it is that end which prevail when the body turn its life against the recognition and support to self conscious

they mean to make us the zombis for them to get over as they want

in truth there is no men and women, it is true superiority which is always individual

and it is revealed in truth that men dont exist, they are wills takin the shape of being logical relatively while relative logics is no logics at all especially when existence is true objectivity

women self freedom so in principle relative existence rights if they can stay in truth by recognizing truth rights existence first

disgusting, the idea to mean justifying crimes for good by individuals preaching it

as if it is not obvious how the only living there is an inferior will to force powers over existence by killing positive truth or denying existence being to

the more good is experienced the more any conscious is true so very brillant

god is known being the one that put the highest values down and makes it at reach to rats pretense to get a living way

that is how satan is his best man, while god keep thinking how rats cannot pretend being like him

which is god weakness in not knowing the least the value of truth, there is nothing else

so my guess is what god at the end will b surrounded by worse livings that pretend being him while reaching to affect him

it is shown already by all those believers invading net how their minds work clearly independantly for same ends
bc women have existence rights while men are only existence wills in principle which is a lie if u ask any man, so theoritically they dont have the right to exist, a will to exist cannot b

I have no clue what that means but I felt as though I should quote something in order to join the conversation. I am going to interpret what you said with lucidity and apply my own subjective meaning to it.

Both sexes have the equal right to exist, which i believe is at the heart of pure feminism. When rape gets thrown into the picture, the whole idealogical framework in which the argument for equals rights exists falls to complete shit.

I read an excerpt from book by a women which dealt with the purpose of existence ( 'Sex on the Brain' by Deborah Blum). It his her belief that women are here to nurture life while men simply exist to fertilize and an egg and then die in order to fertilize the soil. I was offended after reading that. I felt as though she was implying that men are completely disposable. She is no doubt a feminist of the sorted order.

Rape is a very loaded debate; a complicated debate. I feel consistently insulted by articles and "Studies" done on rape and rape culture. I get the feeling that I am being labeled a rapist, and that I simply do not rape because society tells me not to. My feeling of implied insult natural extends far beyond that when I read the "studies" done which commonly consist of made-up or misleading statistics. I read a "study" recently that suggested 1 out of 6 women have been raped. I feel that is misleading because it does not take into account false accusations which honestly do happen. I believe an appropriate way to offer such a statistic is to say that 1 out of 6 women claim to have been raped.

So, as I said, Rape is a loaded debate and can very well consist of slippery slopes and biased, straw men evidence depending on who is conducting the study and writing the article.
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rape is not the issue moron, but it points the real issue

bumpin a woman like an animal getting his prey, dont make women animals consentements

rape is ur dirty pleasure subjectively, while it was translated in world existence through clear evil ends

slavery, killings, weakness abuses like childs or sick or poor or even kind hearted....individuals skill or values abuses forcing them to b like weak,,,generalizing terrors as superior rights, forcing powership as the only reason of life n beings, all kind of crimes stealing cheatings ....

u r inferiors which mean u dont have the right to exist

u jump to steal anything for u to claim pretending getting to b, this is not being so u cant b ever

it is u the loaded biased debate, it is all clear now in truth, men do not exist when the true man is a woman body

wat men are u, when u cant say any objective thing while all u do is hitting everything down for nothing at all

u dont know anything u dont care about anything not even urselves, u dont exist u r simply a pervert will which prove the point

women have a relative existence right as their free sense is a state of mind, that is how girls appear to b more intelligent as a child, unfortunately women tend to take advantage of themselves instead of realizing it in truth, they lack the sense of geniune superiority so they tend to want positive multiplications as superior ends
I study linguistics a bit. My study involves greater definition of words to cure old definition flaw.
As a student of the word rape, I have come to wonder if spoken silence ' if a silent 'drone ..is a sort of rapist?
How does everyone feel about Karen Straughan's opinion on the posters?

Science forums is science forums,heavy topics arise from time to time.
I wonder if a woman has ever been accused of sexual rape of a ?man. Rape is such a fierce word.
I wonder if a woman has ever been accused of sexual rape of a ?man. Rape is such a fierce word.

Google can be your friend:

Roane County woman accused of raping 12-year-old boy
Posted: Jul 01, 2013 9:44 AM PST Updated: Jul 02, 2013 4:53 AM PST

6 News Reporter

KINGSTON (WATE) - A Roane County woman was arrested Friday after a grand jury indicted her for an alleged rape of a 12-year-old boy.

Elizabeth Ashley Jones Crisp, 33, was indicted June 17 on charges of raping the boy who lives in the Philadelphia area of Roane County.
Woman, 39, accused of breaking into house and raping man

By Tom Gardner

PUBLISHED: 13:26 EST, 21 March 2012 | UPDATED: 15:09 EST, 21 March 2012

A woman was today ordered to stand trial in Australia, accused of breaking into a man’s home and raping him.

Rebecca Helen Elder, 39, pleaded not guilty to one count of aggravated serious criminal trespass at the man’s home, and one count of rape.
u cant have any interest in true knowledge, when u dare suggest that too opposed words make a verb

what do u call spoken silence ??? or silent drone??? freak

n how that has anything to do with criminal rapist, which is about physical possession by force, wat u inferiors recognize as existing, the physical that u cant even though respect, which again prove hundred percent wat i said being right, there is no such thing as guys, u r evil, men do not exist
dear sir absols , My writing above wasn't fact, only stimulation to better define the problem word.

the origin thread title here- doesn't have the word criminal in it, so my reply entry's really haven't been inappropriate.

Good day <*>
Science forums is science forums,heavy topics arise from time to time.
I wonder if a woman has ever been accused of sexual rape of a ?man. Rape is such a fierce word.

Rape is about power and control. Not about sex.
This is why school teachers for example who are female and seduce teenagers and younger...need to go to jail too. They are abusing their authority. That's just one example that comes to mind.
Both sexes have the equal right to exist, which i believe is at the heart of pure feminism. When rape gets thrown into the picture, the whole idealogical framework in which the argument for equals rights exists falls to complete shit.

Well, when you look at why people rape, in the context of power, domination, humiliation, the very notion of equal rights ceases to exist for the rapist.

I read an excerpt from book by a women which dealt with the purpose of existence ( 'Sex on the Brain' by Deborah Blum). It his her belief that women are here to nurture life while men simply exist to fertilize and an egg and then die in order to fertilize the soil. I was offended after reading that. I felt as though she was implying that men are completely disposable. She is no doubt a feminist of the sorted order.
As opposed to centuries of women being reminded of their role in society? A role which encompassed being the wife and mother and tied to the kitchen sink?

Rape is a very loaded debate; a complicated debate.
Not really...

I feel consistently insulted by articles and "Studies" done on rape and rape culture. I get the feeling that I am being labeled a rapist, and that I simply do not rape because society tells me not to.

It's not the studies that should offend you. It is actually men who claim that men rape because women are around, are the ones you should blame.

My feeling of implied insult natural extends far beyond that when I read the "studies" done which commonly consist of made-up or misleading statistics. I read a "study" recently that suggested 1 out of 6 women have been raped. I feel that is misleading because it does not take into account false accusations which honestly do happen. I believe an appropriate way to offer such a statistic is to say that 1 out of 6 women claim to have been raped.
Why do you believe it is false and misleading?

The figure factors in a variety of forms of sexual assault, such as marital rape and partner rape, which is rarely reported. Unfortunately, the figure is not misleading. The terrifying thing about that figure is that the number of rapes reported is actually a fraction of the number of women and men who have been raped.

Also, just a note. Saying that figures, on the number of people raped, should dismiss those rapes or disregard the severity of the number or attempt to deny that it never happened because some may be uncomfortable with the figure or prefer to believe women are lying about being raped for some bizarre reason, is wrong and frankly unscientific. The figures exists. Disregarding them because it makes you uncomfortable is kind of silly. The facts are there. You are free to believe them or not at your peril. But imagine if some day you or someone close to you is raped, would you say to them "were you really raped? Or are you making it up?"..

So, as I said, Rape is a loaded debate and can very well consist of slippery slopes and biased, straw men evidence depending on who is conducting the study and writing the article.
Actually no. Rape is not a loaded debate.

Because the greater majority of people are able to understand that rape is wrong, so there should be no slippery slope argument, or be biased.

And just so you know, the CDC's study found that the figure is around 1 in 5 women.
Because Sexual Molestation Isn't a Sex Crime

Well, That's One Way

So this is the way around an embarrassing problem.

The sexual battery charge against an Air Force officer who had headed a military unit aimed at preventing sexual assaults was changed to assault and battery, his lawyer said Thursday.

Lt. Col. Jeffrey Krusinski, a 1994 graduate of the Air Force Academy who served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, was arrested in May for allegedly grabbing a woman's buttocks and breasts in a parking lot in Arlington County, Virginia, near the Pentagon.

A police report said the unidentified woman fought off her assailant, who appeared intoxicated.

Speaking to media outside the Arlington County Courthouse Thursday, Krusinski's attorney, Barry Coburn, pointed out that that while both charges are still categorized as misdemeanor charges, the change is quite significant.

"The other offense is not a sex offense and my own sense of this is the reason this matter became newsworthy in the first instance was given Col. Krusinski's job responsibilities (and) he was initially charged with a sex offense," he said ....

.... In a written statement Coburn distributed to media outside the courthouse, he expressed appreciation to prosecutors for their "care and diligence" used in this matter.

"Charging decisions such as this one must be based on the facts and the law of each individual case, not on politics or the desire to have a 'teachable moment' concerning issues such as sexual abuse in the military," Coburn said.


It really is a brilliantly repugnant retort: Charging decisions should be based on facts, and how dare you suggest that sexually molesting a woman should be charged as a sex crime.

Ah, the good ol' boys.

As a matter of fact, I think they just reduced the sex assault numbers.

Think of it that way. Okay ... how about if we decide there is no such thing as sexual harassment or sexual assault? Let's just charge it as assault.

In which case I now wonder if Col. Krusinksi whipped it out, since (ahem!) the charge is assault and battery.

Right. I know. Terrible joke.

See what kind of corrosive environment sexual insensitivity creates?

I think of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who explained last month, putting these incidents in the hands of real prosecutors would undermine good order and discipline. I mean, imagine what it would do to unit cohesion and morale if some dumb-assed, greenhorn prosecutor fresh out of fancy-pants law school had the temerity to hold a sex criminal responsible. That sort of challenge, apparently, the arguably greatest military in human achievement cannot withstand.

Well, he now stands answered. In Virginia, at least, they've found a way around that.


Helman, Jonathan. "Lawyer: Air Force officer's sexual battery charge changed". CNN. July 18, 2013. CNN.com. July 18, 2013. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/18/us/air-force-sex-case/index.html
None. Rape leads to the act of self validation for the wrong done. Sending someone to prison doesn't change the past, bringing both people in the same room and the weak allowing the rapist to cry for his actions overcomes the cycle for both individuals. The power balance is restored by bringing both into a state o humility an one walking away with strength powered by the experience of facing fear itself. (yeah I reread that statement an found how bad it sounded) thanks :)

wat is funny is how u insist to mean rape being about women only

which exhibit the evil liar u r, that live by taking advantage from else forced down

humility urself freak, rape is also wat happen on men in prisons and anywhere, so what u should seek to experience for enlightment as u preach
Well, when you look at why people rape, in the context of power, domination, humiliation, the very notion of equal rights ceases to exist for the rapist.

As opposed to centuries of women being reminded of their role in society? A role which encompassed being the wife and mother and tied to the kitchen sink?

Not really...

It's not the studies that should offend you. It is actually men who claim that men rape because women are around, are the ones you should blame.

Why do you believe it is false and misleading?

The figure factors in a variety of forms of sexual assault, such as marital rape and partner rape, which is rarely reported. Unfortunately, the figure is not misleading. The terrifying thing about that figure is that the number of rapes reported is actually a fraction of the number of women and men who have been raped.

Also, just a note. Saying that figures, on the number of people raped, should dismiss those rapes or disregard the severity of the number or attempt to deny that it never happened because some may be uncomfortable with the figure or prefer to believe women are lying about being raped for some bizarre reason, is wrong and frankly unscientific. The figures exists. Disregarding them because it makes you uncomfortable is kind of silly. The facts are there. You are free to believe them or not at your peril. But imagine if some day you or someone close to you is raped, would you say to them "were you really raped? Or are you making it up?"..

Actually no. Rape is not a loaded debate.

Because the greater majority of people are able to understand that rape is wrong, so there should be no slippery slope argument, or be biased.

And just so you know, the CDC's study found that the figure is around 1 in 5 women.

with all due respect, it is a slippery slope because it is one biased opinion against another. Can you site scientific references that back up your claim as to why people rape? Because I have no idea why people rape, so i can't look at anything but my own opinion.

Again, feminism should be about equality, not retribution. Sure, I can look at the role that has been projected on women, but I am not sure as to how that is productive at all when talking about the equality of the sexes. I thought the purpose was to defeat sterotypes?

So yes. Since none of us can back up our claims, i think it is loaded and complicated. And how exactly do we prove that statistic; a statistic that is misleading? It doesn't factor in other variables such as false accusations.


so forth and so on...

POST SCRIPT: I think everyone does agree that rape is wrong. I never once insinuated that is was "right", and that is not what i meant by slippery slope.
This is a slippery slope comment that is also a straw man:

"The terrifying thing about that figure is that the number of rapes reported is actually a fraction of the number of women and men who have been raped. "

How do you go about providing evidence for this; evidence that doesn't merely exist in a pseudo-science journal? Because I challenge these claims does not make me a supporter of rape culture. I simply want to remand a debate over statistics and claims to simple, universally accepted facts. Since we can only estimate the number of cases that have gone unreported, we can't provide an accurate statistic. This makes generalized statistics misleading, in my opinion. It also makes it a slippery slope because it can be aruged both ways.
with all due respect, it is a slippery slope because it is one biased opinion against another. Can you site scientific references that back up your claim as to why people rape? Because I have no idea why people rape, so i can't look at anything but my own opinion.

Again, feminism should be about equality, not retribution. Sure, I can look at the role that has been projected on women, but I am not sure as to how that is productive at all when talking about the equality of the sexes. I thought the purpose was to defeat sterotypes?

So yes. Since none of us can back up our claims, i think it is loaded and complicated. And how exactly do we prove that statistic; a statistic that is misleading? It doesn't factor in other variables such as false accusations.


so forth and so on...

POST SCRIPT: I think everyone does agree that rape is wrong. I never once insinuated that is was "right", and that is not what i meant by slippery slope.
This is a slippery slope comment that is also a straw man:

"The terrifying thing about that figure is that the number of rapes reported is actually a fraction of the number of women and men who have been raped. "

How do you go about providing evidence for this; evidence that doesn't merely exist in a pseudo-science journal? Because I challenge these claims does not make me a supporter of rape culture. I simply want to remand a debate over statistics and claims to simple, universally accepted facts. Since we can only estimate the number of cases that have gone unreported, we can't provide an accurate statistic. This makes generalized statistics misleading, in my opinion. It also makes it a slippery slope because it can be aruged both ways.

im using ur posts for stereotype arguments u feel free to use, n not to reply to u

evidence of rape is not the victim harm, evidence of rape is an agressor force, that confirm rape as being possible living end

the way u think, show how u jump on ends to pretend smthg urself about anything

so actually u kill everything just for u to claim having opinions over what u imagine being

it is not bc injustice and rights are humanity issue that things could b justified being for

logics of facts are never for any will nor purposes, facts are to truth, and what is opposed to is what want to take advantage of positive rights

the best way to take advantage of any is to justify force n invent the benefit of one powership, then all is possessed anyways and abused for watever wills from, so the rest is easy gibberish like wat u do to sound crimes intelligent in the illusion that gods give u that u r very smart so ur mouth has a certain standard to upgrade crimes

any taxi driver is much more class then u, u r freak sittin alone typin all kind of stuff out of reality, where nothing should b, while u insist inventin smthg, which cant b but shit, as nothing shit

any real being, is always in touch with objective superiority ends to positive reality, so any word it would use to mean anything is class u cant ever guess of ur evil nature
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