Rape and the "Civilized" World

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I'd rather be right than dead. Is that really what you meant to ask?
oops :eek:
This is hysterical. The dichotomy is between being right and safe, not right and dead. Though it speaks volumes of your stunning lack of intellect that you not only failed to realize how nonsensical the question was, but even went on to repeat it, praising its "eloquence." What a joke.

Had it been phrased properly on the website it originated from, the question would have looked like this: Would you rather be right and raped, or quiet and safe?

I would disown you.
So, my response to you should be, "thanks for insulting me, I now understand your point of view"?
or were you expecting "oh I get it, my lack of intellect is the problem here, I can now share this brilliant answer with all the misguided people out there. Thanks!".

What I'm trying to say is, i wrote a post I believe is clear in its argument, that evils isn't going to stop just because it should, and that it's smart to give up some of our rights to avoid it. But your reply, I searched for a counter argument and couldn't find any. I don't know what to reply to.
Perhaps, "why would you disown me?". Is it because I was too reckless, or because I stopped standing for what's right?
Also, speaking of nonsensical questions which get repeated, your question of "what cloths exactly does a women have to wear to get raped" is the only one i saw of that category here. I even replied to it in general, that it's up to personal judgement based on the person's awareness of himself and how safe he wants to be, but you want the brandname and color of the cloths.:shrug:
what exactly does a person have to do not to get robbed?
As soon as you answer the two direct questions I asked you, which you apparently know the answer to. If you can't even answer two yes or no questions then there's no point in going any further.

If you are willing to answer those questions then I will be happy to answer yours.

Enjoy the silence, creep.
oops :eek:

It's still not right.

So, my response to you should be, "thanks for insulting me, I now understand your point of view"?
or were you expecting "oh I get it, my lack of intellect is the problem here, I can now share this brilliant answer with all the misguided people out there. Thanks!".

This might come as a surprise to you, but I'm not particularly concerned whether you take what I say to heart or not. I'm not doing this for your benefit. I'm having a laugh at the ignorance of someone who thinks women are at fault for being raped. People so incredibly dense are fun to laugh at.

What I'm trying to say is, i wrote a post I believe is clear in its argument, that evils isn't going to stop just because it should, and that it's smart to give up some of our rights to avoid it. But your reply, I searched for a counter argument and couldn't find any. I don't know what to reply to.

Is that what the Fast & Furious fanfic was about? It was hard to tell, given how impenetrably stupid it was.

Perhaps, "why would you disown me?". Is it because I was too reckless, or because I stopped standing for what's right?

It's because I'd be embarrassed to call you kin. No one with your Stone Age view of women is invited to my dinner table.
Aaaand Baleroin ran out of useful things to say on this thread.
I advise the mods to warn him or ban him from this thread.
I don't mind his point of view or even his insults, if they didn't take up space in this thread and my time to go through them.
If he can find something useful (in anyway) to say then I think he'll be welcome to this...dinner table.
Funny how the two posters who have ducked the most questions in this thread are calling others out for the same. (That's irony, LG)

Feel free to respond to posts you've ignored, troll..
Nothing in your posts that aren't already addressed by more up to date responses.

So :

If you had a 16 year old daughter and she was going into a situation where you thought she might be raped, would you do what you could to keep her safer?

thanks in advance.
Aaaand Baleroin ran out of useful things to say on this thread.
I advise the mods to warn him or ban him from this thread.
I don't mind his point of view or even his insults, if they didn't take up space in this thread and my time to go through them.
If he can find something useful (in anyway) to say then I think he'll be welcome to this...dinner table.

I was learning from Balerion's posts so I vote for him to stay.
The question was "If you had a 16 year old daughter and she was going into a situation where you thought she might be raped, would you do what you could to keep her safer?" Not SAFE, SAFER.

If you cannot answer that question in the "yes" without weasel words, we have nothing further to talk about.

Obviously you would want to stop all women from getting raped, not just your daughter, right? At this very time you have knowledge that rape occurs, right? What are you doing to stop those rapes?

Edit: "Safe" would be no chance of getting raped, and unsafe would be getting raped, so the term "safer" you use is undefined to me. What is "safer" in a rape situation (according to you), getting raped, but not so much??? Maybe you mean you've calculated the numbers, and if you don't let your daughter out of the house there is a slight chance of her being raped (by the parent), and you call that "safe." According to you her safety decreases when let outside, so my question is, how do the numbers turn out if the female is raped in her own house, but not when let outside?

...another thought just came to mind!!! Do you recommend that women never close their eyes to go to sleep, so as to never let their guard down in their own home? What preventive measures should have been taken by a woman that was at home, laying in her own bed, sleeping, and suddenly awaken to an rapist standing over her?
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However since its obvious that not even you standby this moronic take on risk assessment and management (evidenced by you still being alive. Any person actually stupid enough to apply your general principles of risk assessment and management - namely the strict prohibition on anything that changes or affects the action, attitude or appearance of an individual - would be dead in less than 24 hours) , I think its pretty safe to say you are just being overwhelmed by your pride for the sake of saving face on online discussions ...... which is more a weakness of character than an insanity.

Bells and several others seem to view rape as a crime that is in an entirely different category than all the other crimes. Hence their belief that safety and prevention strategies that work in other crime scenarios, do not apply when it comes to rape to begin with. Hence also their revulsion at comparing other types of crime (such as robbery, burglary, car theft etc.) with rape.
And yes, a good case can be made that rape is an entirely separate category of crime, where what applies in other types of crime, doesn't apply.

Also, they seem to take issue with the general principle of how the law works. Namely, for the legal system to prosecute a crime, typically, evidence and / or witnesses are required. But in many cases of rape, there exists neither evidence nor witnesses, so it comes down to one person's testimony against the other person's testimony.
Of course, in cases where there is just one person's testimony against the other person's testimony, the law cannot do much and will not do much. (Which is why, for example, if someone were to sue you for owing them money, but they would be unable to present evidence of your debt, they wouldn't get far.)
In some cases, heeding this legal principle appears to be especially cruel, such as in cases of rape. Some people interpret this as misogyny of the legal system. They refuse to acknowledge that the legal system has objective limitations. It appears that they would prefer that in some cases, simply one person's testimony against the other person's testimony should be enough for a conviction and sentencing.
Nothing in your posts that aren't already addressed by more up to date responses.

Most of the questions I've posed to you and bilvon have been left unanswered. Address those, and you might have a leg to stand on. Otherwise, you just look foolish. Well, you look foolish anyway, given the position you've adopted in this thread, but at least you'd have credibility.

So :

If you had a 16 year old daughter and she was going into a situation where you thought she might be raped, would you do what you could to keep her safer?

thanks in advance.

It's insulting that you'd even ask such a question, and it's clearly meant to set up a broader point, so why don't you just go ahead and get to that point?
Most of the questions I've posed to you and bilvon have been left unanswered. Address those, and you might have a leg to stand on. Otherwise, you just look foolish. Well, you look foolish anyway, given the position you've adopted in this thread, but at least you'd have credibility.
Most of your questions are based on things that no one on this thread or even any of the links has even said.

IOW you take it upon yourself to imagine what your so-called opponents are saying and then make these so-called brilliant arguments against them.

When this is pointed out to you, even to the point where the key words you use aren't even present in the links you are supposedly quoting from, you simply repeat the same tired imaginations as if your mere repetition divorced from any credibility somehow magically renders the statements truthful.


It's insulting that you'd even ask such a question, and it's clearly meant to set up a broader point, so why don't you just go ahead and get to that point?
That there is a very elementary (so elementary that even you cannot avoid it) aspect to risk prevention which incorporates, amongst many things, rape incidents.

And as a further point, your inability to acknowledge that even you would act in the same manner shows that your real agenda is something duplicitous (ie : saving face on online discussions at any cost etc etc)

Bells and several others seem to view rape as a crime that is in an entirely different category than all the other crimes. Hence their belief that safety and prevention strategies that work in other crime scenarios, do not apply when it comes to rape to begin with. Hence also their revulsion at comparing other types of crime (such as robbery, burglary, car theft etc.) with rape.
And yes, a good case can be made that rape is an entirely separate category of crime, where what applies in other types of crime, doesn't apply.
Regardless of the different moral/value altitudes of risk in comparison to other victim orientated crimes, I think it still stands that the general pattern of risk prevention still applies - namely that a good swath of practical advice is about effecting a precautionary change in the action, attitude or appearance of a potential victim.

Also, they seem to take issue with the general principle of how the law works. Namely, for the legal system to prosecute a crime, typically, evidence and / or witnesses are required. But in many cases of rape, there exists neither evidence nor witnesses, so it comes down to one person's testimony against the other person's testimony.
Of course, in cases where there is just one person's testimony against the other person's testimony, the law cannot do much and will not do much. (Which is why, for example, if someone were to sue you for owing them money, but they would be unable to present evidence of your debt, they wouldn't get far.)
In some cases, heeding this legal principle appears to be especially cruel, such as in cases of rape. Some people interpret this as misogyny of the legal system. They refuse to acknowledge that the legal system has objective limitations. It appears that they would prefer that in some cases, simply one person's testimony against the other person's testimony should be enough for a conviction and sentencing.
Which is of course isn't likely to happen any time soon ... and explains why people gravitate to more practical methodologies when they are negotiating their personal safety.
billvon said:
OK. If you agree that we should not put limits on what precautions people should take or suggest, then we agree.
That little rhetorical trick is universal among the precaution advocates here. It's dishonest, and you are step by step lining up with lightgigantic in style as well as in content - despite objecting to being addressed as in that category of poster.

Since you are probably unaware of what I'm talking about, I will specify - the word "take" (and the term "should take") has no business in that (quoted) post. The thought process that put it there is a confusion, and the only question is whether you know that.
billvon said:
Really? I can't tell. You appeared confused - have you rethought?
Nope, not confused at all.
Again: show, don't tell. You appeared to be confused - appear otherwise, show how you have rethought some of your earlier incoherencies (quit posting as above, there), and the issue is dealt with. Attempting to assure people of what appears otherwise in front of them is a waste of time.

billvon said:
I agree that recommending misogyny and oppression is not good. "Maybe you should go to the mall instead of that rave" does not equal "recommending misogyny and oppression."
Recommending precautions against rape "whenever a woman thinks she might be raped" as a condition of being considered a "responsible adult" needs explicit and firmly established limits, large arenas of a woman's life to which it does not apply, to avoid being a recommendation of oppression immediately and misogyny as an eventual cultural norm. So far, no precaution advocates here (you or any) have managed to establish any such limits. That is, as you note, "not good".

billvon said:
100% of the blame is on the rapist. Period. Can you agree with me on that? If you can't you have some very serious problems.
More lightgigantic rhetorical technique.

I have now stated full agreement with the assertion there twice explicitly and a dozen times or more implicitly, as the foundation of my posting throughout. I obviously and consistently agree with anyone coherently and honestly holding that view. But that doesn't answer your question, does it.

I think the fact that you ever asked and keep asking that question despite my views as obvious in every single post here over a dozen pages of thread, reveals.
Most of the questions I've posed to you and bilvon have been left unanswered.

When you can't even say without weasel words that you would try to protect your own daughter from rape, there's really nowhere else to go. You simply have no clue; you've become completely disconnected from the real world for the sake of an Internet argument.
Again: show, don't tell. You appeared to be confused - appear otherwise,

I care not one whit how I "appear" to you.

Recommending precautions against rape "whenever a woman thinks she might be raped" as a condition of being considered a "responsible adult" needs explicit and firmly established limits

Nonsense. It is different for every person. Every adult is willing to accept different limits of risk. They get to decide how much risk they want to take. You don't get to decide for them.

large arenas of a woman's life to which it does not apply, to avoid being a recommendation of oppression immediately and misogyny as an eventual cultural norm. So far, no precaution advocates here (you or any) have managed to establish any such limits.

You have told us all that you would do what you could to protect your daughter from rape. So you have clearly have some limits in mind there. What are they?

I think the fact that you ever asked and keep asking that question despite my views as obvious in every single post here over a dozen pages of thread, reveals.

I have posted my views several times as well and you have managed to misunderstand them every time as well. If you agree with me but just can't bring yourself to say that, great.
Most of your questions are based on things that no one on this thread or even any of the links has even said.

IOW you take it upon yourself to imagine what your so-called opponents are saying and then make these so-called brilliant arguments against them.

You don't have to say it; it is what your arguments suggest, and what your first site flat-out said. That you deny this even still suggests that you either aren't intelligent enough to realize that blame and responsibility are not mutually exclusive, or you don't have the integrity to own the argument you're attempting to champion. Either way, it speaks ill of you, and it's why you've been eviscerated by several members in this thread.

When this is pointed out to you, even to the point where the key words you use aren't even present in the links you are supposedly quoting from, you simply repeat the same tired imaginations as if your mere repetition divorced from any credibility somehow magically renders the statements truthful.

That you're nitpicking key words rather than key ideas or concepts shows how little you actually understand this subject--or likely any other, for that matter. You're probably talking about my reference to staying away from "all men" being the only possible way to avoid blame according to Animal's website. While the site does not actually say "all men," it puts the onus so squarely on the victim that avoiding all men is the only way in which the victim avoids sharing in the blame. This is just one example of your intellectual impotence, but I'm sure you'll offer more before we're done.

That there is a very elementary (so elementary that even you cannot avoid it) aspect to risk prevention which incorporates, amongst many things, rape incidents.

Once again, no one has said that there aren't things that can be done when in a situation. This has been made plain to you several times, by me and others. The complaint against "prevention advocates" is not that they say there are useful bits of advice for potential victims, but the multitude of lies and myths they propagate, such as the one your first website mentioned when they said a woman can reduce her chances of being raped to "virtually zero." "Advocates" in this thread have also cited a woman's clothing as making them targets, and the overall tone of your and others' argument has been one of a woman bringing the attack upon herself, that it could have ultimately been avoided had she merely avoided certain kinds of men or worn less "sexy" clothing. That's the issue with "prevention" advocacy--so much of it is just misogynist boilerplate.

And as a further point, your inability to acknowledge that even you would act in the same manner shows that your real agenda is something duplicitous (ie : saving face on online discussions at any cost etc etc)


Shrug all you like, you've dodged essentially every direct question posed to you in this this thread. You don't seem to have the stomach to own up to the conclusions your own arguments lead to.
You don't have to say it; it is what your arguments suggest, and what your first site flat-out said.

You say I say stuff.
I say that not only I don't, and not only that no one in any of the links says it, but also challenge you to quote exactly where and by whom these things are being apparently said ..... and your response?

That its not required.


Its one thing to misinterpret what someone says .... Its quite another to advocate one has no requirement to interpret what is being said in the first place.

That you're nitpicking key words rather than key ideas or concepts shows how little you actually understand this subject

That you say someone says something and offer a reference, yet offer no references to where they say it, it shows how little you understand basic cornerstones of comprehension and literacy ... or probably more correctly, how you are prepared to waiver such elementary principles for teh sake of saving face on online discussions

--or likely any other, for that matter. You're probably talking about my reference to staying away from "all men" being the only possible way to avoid blame according to Animal's website. While the site does not actually say "all men," it puts the onus so squarely on the victim that avoiding all men is the only way in which the victim avoids sharing in the blame. This is just one example of your intellectual impotence, but I'm sure you'll offer more before we're done.
Well for start, there is no reference to women accepting the blame for rape and there is no reference to anyone using the category of "man" as a hazard.
Funnily enough, the only references one can find for that statement come from you.

Once again, no one has said that there aren't things that can be done when in a situation.
Not only have you said it, but you have said that the very nature of even beginning such a program of risk assessment and risk management is necessarily unlimited and synonymous with misogyny.

(nb . Despite apparently agreeing that you would act to make a dependent safer from rape ... but no doubt falling short of actually saying it since it obviously jeopardizes the big pile of horse shit you have been diligently building up on this thread so far ....namely that if you would act in such a manner when you thought it would increase their safety, you effectively just limited the nature of precaution/risk management, and have thus rendered about 90% of your contributions so far moot)

This has been made plain to you several times, by me and others. The complaint against "prevention advocates" is not that they say there are useful bits of advice for potential victims, but the multitude of lies and myths they propagate, such as the one your first website mentioned when they said a woman can reduce her chances of being raped to "virtually zero."
Well once again, where is this "virtual zero" reference, since those words don't even appear on the link ????
(and in fact I can even show you references - that you no doubt, haven't, can't and won't read - from some of the dozen or so links where they do clearly establish that identifying the hazards of rape is a challenge to risk assessment modelling ... )

But even then, given I have made my point clear at the onset (that there are a variety of preventative measures arising from a variety of outlooks for a variety of persons ... even to the point of being controversial), its hard to see how illegitimizing merely one approach suddenly renders the whole equation of risk assessment and risk management as applied to rape untenable.

"Advocates" in this thread have also cited a woman's clothing as making them targets, and the overall tone of your and others' argument has been one of a woman bringing the attack upon herself, that it could have ultimately been avoided had she merely avoided certain kinds of men or worn less "sexy" clothing. That's the issue with "prevention" advocacy--so much of it is just misogynist boilerplate.
Once again, unless you can actually reference these so called contributions of others (contributions that - for some uncanny reason - only appear to be offered by you as strawmen in order to lend some credibility to your statements), you are not even moving in the general direction of making a valid case.

Shrug all you like, you've dodged essentially every direct question posed to you in this this thread. You don't seem to have the stomach to own up to the conclusions your own arguments lead to.
basically your number one problem is that you can't actually address people on the strength of what they say, and take it upon yourself to invent things.
I think the blame that falls on the victim in case of carelessness is extra. It is not taken or subtracted from the blame that falls on the criminal, they don't "share it".

The blame of rape falls wholly on the rapist, always, victim careless or careful.
the blame that falls on the victim in case of carelessness is more of..reproach, a social "smh" so to say, the kind which is usually directed at problems which could be avoided but were not. this blame is informal and out of care, not as the punishment that falls on the criminal to make an example of him to others.
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