Rape and the "Civilized" World

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Unfuckingbelievable. Try reading those links again, idiot.

I'm sorry, but when someone give me a link and within 10 seconds I come across this:

as support for your "argument"...

Edit: OK, now I'm gonna be mean--didn't you just graduate from high school or something like that? You never had to read anything in high school, I take it--or what? This is just pathetic, except pathos is hardly what I'm feeling now. More like disgust.

Speaking of "reading the whole thing first", have you read my whole post? I'm saying that I'm starting to understand the other point of view, and that it may be correct.
Have you even skimmed through my last paragraph?
So what I think may be the explanation; us decent people are aroused by and desire women in skimpy cloths, which is why we assume rapists will go for them first.
However, when rapists lose their decency it is replaced by some sadistic psycho sickness(check this guy out, or just Google "i wanna rape this girl"), and so rapists don't really follow the same logic normal people do when ranking women they want to "just" have sex with.
The link I quoted from above may have some, or many, instances where the rape crime is from normal people because of pure sexual attraction. Unlike Rapists who's occupation is to rape. Like serial killers.

Also, do you ever review what you have just written to ensure that it makes some sort of sense? It might be a good idea. "...the rape crime is from normal people because of pure sexual attraction"--wtf?! "Unlike Rapists who's occupation is to rape. Like serial killers."

Can you describe this "logic" which normal people (apparently) use for "ranking women they want to 'just' have sex with"? Is there an algorithm you follow, or some sort of data you weigh?
Speaking of "reading the whole thing first", have you read my whole post? I'm saying that I'm starting to understand the other point of view, and that it may be correct.
Have you even skimmed through my last paragraph?

See above. Please try to express yourself in a slightly more coherent fashion.

On consideration--and after deciphering your coded speak--I thought that might have been what you were trying to say, but I wasn't sure.

Although, that you say "point of view" does suggest that you still are not fully comprehending reality--it's got nothing whatsoever to do with a "point of view," it's simply what is: rapists do not rape on the basis of how a woman is dressed, and this is well established by statistics.
See above. Please try to express yourself in a slightly more coherent fashion.

On consideration--and after deciphering your coded speak--I thought that might have been what you were trying to say, but I wasn't sure.

Although, that you say "point of view" does suggest that you still are not fully comprehending reality--it's got nothing whatsoever to do with a "point of view," it's simply what is: rapists do not rape on the basis of how a woman is dressed, and this is well established by statistics.
But you decided to be mean just in case.
And just now I was hasseling myself trying to show you here;
And, of course, there are volumes of research, with thorough documentation, to back this up. Funny how the astute members here who refute these claims will not proffer any specifics as to what sort of dress or attire makes one more likely to be raped though, in spite of repeated requests for such information.
..That I already provided something you said nobody provided. I'm not.
Can you describe this "logic" which normal people (apparently) use for "ranking women they want to 'just' have sex with"? Is there an algorithm you follow, or some sort of data you weigh?
How about the length and duration of the boner you get from looking at them?
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But you decided to be mean just in case.

Only because Bells and Balerion had already provided you with the information you were lacking. Had you not insisted upon repeating your misinformation...

And just now I was hasseling myself trying to show you here;

..That I already provided something you said nobody provided. I'm not.

Surely you're not suggesting that this:
The judge called for women to 'stop teasing" and for a 'restoration of modesty in dress."9 Additionally, the judge stated that 'whether women like it or not, they are sex objects. Are we supposed to take an impressionable person 15 or 16 years of age and punish that person severely because they react to it normally?"10
is an adequate response to that which was solicited?
How about the length and duration of the boner you get from looking at them?

The thing is, what you are talking about here has little to do with rape. I'll be brief, largely because I shouldn't even be responding in the first place--my mind is elsewhere: at the moment I'm more concerned with figuring out a way to extract a fundamental frequency for a sort of "pitch follower (freq to voltage) and analog synth" thing I'm making (with a very[i/] small parts count, and slightly more efficient than a basic low-pass filter). Anyways, I figure someone more invested, patient, and knowledgeable will come along and explain this more thoroughly.

You've probably encountered some form of the expression, "rape is about power, not sex," ja? If someone seduces another person with the sole intention of having sex with them, they're not (necessarily) a rapist--they may be, but that is independent of the preceding.
I really shouldn't, but ....

Parmalee said:

I'll be brief, largely because I shouldn't even be responding in the first place--my mind is elsewhere ....

In truth, what comes to mind is even (ahem!) shorter: Morning wood?

Seriously, the PHO completely (ahem!) blows his point.

I won't even start on the implications of athletes with erections.
You tell me. Considering how you have spoken to me and virtually blamed me for being sexually assaulted by your very argument for 'rape prevention', I would say that it is you doing the beating and not the other way around.
try and find these quotes where I have supposedly said this and you will find that you either imagining stuff (yet again) or alternatively, adopting such a hyper sensitive radical stance that it finds no parallel in the "real world" (IOW its not an outlook even remotely shared by anyone interested in dealing with practical solutions for this issue)

You have repeatedly been asked and failed to respond, 'when can a woman not expect to be raped?'..
And you have consistently failed to respond to the details of "risk assessment" ... which in fact dictate not only when a woman can expect not to get raped but also when a person can expect not to get their car stolen, attacked by a polar bear, squashed by a NASA satellite that plummets to earth (nb - not that any of these examples are cited as being moral examples for equating women with motor vehicles, polar bears that adopt a warning stance and growl aggressively or man-made objects that drop out of geostationary positions ... just in case you want to re-troll those points also) or any other hazard you could cite for any particular individual/s from any particular era in - oooohhh ... let's say :scratchin: - the history of the universe (at least amongst living entities with any smattering of a trace of cognition in their environments ...)

You can harp on about rape prevention theory until the proverbial cows return home, but you still cannot answer the very basic question that your theory demands..
the benefit of such "harping" is that individuals can actually prevent themselves from getting raped and also negotiate the world in a more confident and intelligent manner. Thats kind of the empowering aspect of knowledge .... as opposed to the pitfalls of having no other alternative other than to subscribe to ineffective preventative strategies (the default position of an absence of effective ones) and of course victim counselling and all the other "tons of cure" means brought to the fore in the absence of "ounces of prevention".

At what point can a woman or should a woman not expect to be raped?

Or do you think it is her lot in life to live with the knowledge that she may as well accept she may be raped or sexually assaulted and just learn to deal with it?
Tell us bells, would you rather be "right" or "raped"?

Unfortunately, rape is one of those examples. Before a woman is sexually assaulted, her emotions, pride and anger seem overwhelmingly important. Enough to to blind her to the fact that she's standing on the railroad tracks trying to argue with a runaway train about its behavior.

Never mind her reasons for doing so, that is not a behavior that is conducive to not getting raped.

Right or Raped?
We have a basic question that we ask: What would you rather be, right or raped?

When after the woman replies that she doesn't want to get raped, we reply: Then you better quit trying to "win" and focus more on doing something that will keep you from getting raped.

In a long list of statements about rape that twists off advocates, this is pretty much the topper. Wow... the outrage, the anger, the barrage of "I HAVE A RIGHT TO....!" and "Why should I be the one who ...?" or "I'm not going to ..." But, our personal favorite "He's the one who's in the wrong ..."

Wow, they're not only going to try to argue with a run away train, they're going to start defending their right to do so then and there. It doesn't take too much of psychic to guess the outcome if she finds herself alone with a man intent on sexually assaulting her.

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I would only remind that we're pushing near to four hundred posts in the discussion, and our neighbor is still trying to make his case using advertising.
actually, still trying to make the case for people actually responding to topics instead of splitting hairs over irrelevant details as some sort of compensation for a lack of detail and structure in their statements

And this one?

Trust us: Marc "The Animal" MacYoung and Dianna "Mrs. Velocoraptor" [sic] MacYoung, self-defense experts.

Not encouraging, I admit. But I did want to know what kind of operation is so low as to devise straw men in order to denigrate women as part of their sales pitch. As they state at the outset, "A basic rule of salesmanship is you market to the people who have the money." And while they use that to set up a counterpoint, we need to remember that they're playing to a market.
yeah - marketing rape prevention tactics to people who have a vested interest in not being a rape victim is just crazy, isn't it?

But they also have a very curious approach to violence:

From purely informal and unscientific interviews that we have done with rape victims we discovered an astonishing trend. In approximately 80% of all the date rapes the woman initiated the physical violence.

She was the one who hit first.

To say this finding is controversial is like saying the "Titanic sprung a small leak." Somewhat of a massive understatement comes to mind. However, once we step away from the "blame game" and begin to look at it from a wider perspective, this makes perfect sense. There is no blame or implied condemnation with this finding.

It is however, as you will see, significant ....

.... Nobody is arguing whether she's got a right to be upset. What was supposed to be a mutually beneficial experience is being pushed and bullied. There is only emphasis on his desires, not a mutual benefit. The issue is *how* she becomes upset. It's what she does with it that can become a problem. It is not uncommon for the female's frustration with the process being bullied to manifest in her striking the offending male intending to deter or slow him down. Imagine this soundtrack "Stop that! *smack*"

And that is where things often go sideways.

Right there is a problem that reaches back to the heart of the matter. Sexual bullying, in their opinion, isn't violence. So, remember, ladies, when some guy has you pinned against the wall, is groping you and trying to tear off your clothes, don't initiate violence.
actually that entire article (that you just mangled with a sort of macabre blog-inspired myopia that you are increasingly becoming famous for on this site) is actually about the pro's and con's of using violence to avoid becoming a victim.


To hit or not to hit
Hitting someone is not in and of itself bad. However, the problem is that a woman should never hit a man with any other purpose than to knock him out.

In other words: If you aren't striking to "deck him," don't hit him.

etc etc

No, really. Our neighbor complains that people don't read the sources he links to, yet it is very much worth taking the moment to point out that the information in those links actually makes him look worse.

I think of my Jane and Bob example:

So as they're walking out to the parking lot, he makes a pass, which the married woman obviously is not anxious to take. So Bob is more forceful, pinning her against her car and groping her. Jane happens to be a woman who doesn't always carry her keys in her purses, and this is one of those nights. So she reaches into her pocket, grasps the keyring so that the keys are sticking between her fingers, and punches Bob as hard as she can, causing considerable pain and winning her enough time to get the hell out of there.

And perhaps we might say, "Good on her. She knew what to do, and how to prevent her rape."​

I guess I was wrong. We shouldn't say good on her for knowing how to prevent her rape. We should wonder why she initiated violence. You know, how dare she?

Physically, sexually accosting a woman is violence, regardless of what Mrs. Crazy Dinosaur says.


MacYoung, Dianna. "Escape from rape". No Nonsense Self-Defense. (n.d.) NoNonsenseSelfDefense.com. April 29, 2013. http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/escape.html
Is that an innate ability of yours or something you have picked up through extensive blogging?
It was quite a feat of (perverted) intelligence to scroll through that entire article and only focus on the cons ... much less composing as somewhat lengthy response that doesn't even move in the general direction of the pitfalls of adopting cerebral attitudes in the face of imminent danger (and much less even more, how advocating such words of caution somehow puts one in league with the type of criminals one is trying to help others protect themselves from ....) .


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Where to begin?

Since it was your sole original contribution to the post, we could start with your failure to grasp the concept of irony, but given how ludicrous the rest is, it hardly seems important. So we'll start with the misleading attribution, "From a rape website."

nononsenseselfdefense.com is not a rape website, but a self-defense website. (Run by a guy who calls himself "Animal," no less) It offers no rape statistics, facts, or figures. Ironically, it doesn't even offer any advice on how to fend off a sexual assault, at least not in the sections it has dedicated to the subject. It merely asserts that women can lower their chances of being raped to "virtually zero" by adopting certain behaviors, including avoidance of jocks, alcoholics, and people who are easily insulted.

No, seriously. It actually says that.

I just provided you with a quote which talks about the precise sort of attitude one wouldn't want to have in a sexually violent situation.
I guess you must have somehow missed it and vast portions of the site when you made these conclusions about it having nothing to do with rape

The passage you've quoted makes absolutely no sense without the "near-rape story" it seems to be entirely predicated upon.
so you can't understand that fine tuning points of moral indignity with an aggressor is not something one should stick around to carry through to conclusion?

To the lughead who authored this BS, a rape nearly occurs when a woman confronts a classmate who spends too much time oogling her. This ridiculous (and highly spurious) story insinuates that the creep went into the bathroom to masturbate after spending most of the class staring at her:

This odd behavior escalated to the point of one evening, after staring at her all night, he disappeared into the men's room. He returned 15 minutes later with a ... shall we say, 'glazed' expression. Any way you cut it, this is an "ewwww" situation. The other students reacted in a mix of disgust and course humor. The female classmate was furious. Not only was she disgusted, but she was outraged over this public humiliation. However, when she confronted him, he laughed in her face.

Note that no one actually knows that he was doing something inappropriate, they're simply assuming it because he spends a lot of time staring at a pretty girl. And then, just to put the ridiculous icing on the ludicrous cake, she actually accuses him of it in front of the class. To me, this sounds like a case of bullying, in which a girl doesn't like the attention some poor sap is giving her, and humiliates him publicly for it. I'm sure everyone remembers witnessing something similar during their own school days. I know I do.

And at no point does this man attack her. He apparently shows up drunk to the school and asks to talk to the woman, but he is refused and the woman gets home safely. That's it. That's the extent of it, yet it's billed as a "Near-rape story."

All this website does is perpetuate the myth that the woman brings it upon herself. It does this from the very beginning, with its nonsensical premise "Would you rather be right, or raped?" (which makes no sense because the dichotomy is not between being right and being raped, but between being right and being safe) and continues throughout. This clumsily-worded and narrow view of sexual assault is precisely the kind of idiocy that misogynistic buffoons like you subscribe to, and posting it under the pretense of "rape prevention" fools no one.
...... and you can't understand how jeopardizing one's safety is what is likely to lead to an array of "unsafe" scenarios?

I just provided you with a quote which talks about the precise sort of attitude one wouldn't want to have in a sexually violent situation.
I guess you must have somehow missed it and vast portions of the site when you made these conclusions about it having nothing to do with rape

No, what you provided was a misogynist manifesto blaming women for getting themselves raped. Because, apparently, rape only happens to women who won't shut up.

so you can't understand that fine tuning points of moral indignity with an aggressor is not something one should stick around to carry through to conclusion?

Because that's how rape occurs in your mind, isn't it? Bitches who won't keep their damn mouths shut, right?

If that's too cryptic, let's get literal: The scenario upon which this "prevention" protocol is based doesn't even include an aggressor. There is, at best, a jilted admirer. Baseless assumptions are made that he not only arrived back at the school to rape the object of his affection, but also a threat to rape any woman who chanced to stray into his den.

...... and you can't understand how jeopardizing one's safety is what is likely to lead to an array of "unsafe" scenarios?

In your world, "jeopardizing one's safety" amounts to "running one's mouth." The message the website is trying to get across--and the one that you're endorsing--is "Shut up, bitch, and know your place."
pick one said:
Wanting to know the exact line that identifies "asking for it" is a none sense request.
Well, no, it's not.

It's one of the critical questions facing any woman who wants to live a reasonable life of ordinary doing and saying things. You guys expect her to take precautions against the threat of rape, whenever she - and I quote - "anticipates that she might be raped". If she does not, you regard her as irresponsible, immature, provoking, perhaps not a victim of "legitimate rape" or "extreme rape" or whatever the real thing is. She obviously can't count on being supported by her community in such a case - when lots of people think she has been "asking for it" or failing to be "responsible" and properly "anticipating that she might be raped".

Now one of the standard techniques of oppression is to subject the victims to arbitrary disparagement and punishments for crossing lines left undefined - to make the victim anticipate and guess and oppress themselves while maintaining plausible deniability for the oppressor (of course we tolerate teenage screwing around, it's just hooliganism we punish; free speech is something we completely support, it's just sedition we persecute; we didn't mean she couldn't go to the door of her own home if a man might be there; we only require modesty, not that women dress in such hot and crippling clothing, it's just what they all choose; etc etc).

It's not the only technique - the oppressor can also be perfectly explicit about their onerous rules of conduct and muster the force to back them, say - but it's one often chosen by those who recognize that something isn't quite right about what they are doing, who lack the physical dominance to simply ignore objections, who don't want to be clear about and thus accountable for the implications and consequences of what they advocate.

So inquiring minds want to know, from the advocates of precaution: how are you avoiding oppression in that form? That is: In what major arenas of a woman's ordinary life, when and where, can she not bother with "anticipating that she might be raped" and curbing her behavior, watching her speech, managing her circumstances, in a precautionary fashion with rape in mind: and still be classified as a responsible adult doing what is expected of her, what she can rely on community backing in light of?
A curious question, and a random thought;

  • If what a woman wears in no way affects the plausibility of her being chosen as a rape victim, then why do so many people think that?
  • maybe the reason why people don't fully support a rape victim who was flaunting her assets yesterday, is because of envy, to a degree. But also because people don't like those who think they are better than everyone else. People like and celebrate the modest, among the attention hogging and the attention seeking masses. And so they like to see those who boast and puff themselves so high take a nosedive?
    this all goes back to why do women try to be sexy? why do they go out of their way to show skin, to wear uncomfortable high heels and put so much effort into looking beautiful to people they do not know, and walk about between us saying to the loudest our eyes can bear "look at me". Demanding our attention, climbing above us and making us feel less, or at least trying to, and believing in succeeding, to think they are better than us for what they display.
    Maybe rape brings about humility we all wanted those people to experience.
    In the same way what people may feel when a rich guy drives around in his super fancy car wearing expensive jewelry and cloths, for no reason but to show off, to steal people attention, and believe he makes people feel bad for not having what he has. Even though they may not envy him and may be content with what they have, but do not appreciate the supremacy he exercises on them. and so they would feel some satisfaction when somebody steals his car from him.
    The act of trying to look pretty may be seen as equivalent to trying to be above others, noticed among others, steal the attention others might/should get.
No, what you provided was a misogynist manifesto blaming women for getting themselves raped. Because, apparently, rape only happens to women who won't shut up.
actually they talk about rape occurring (or at least increasing the probability of it) to women who jeopardize their opportunity for escape in favor of trying to win the fight.

I guess it boils down to a sort of equation where the more prolonged the risk management, the more likely the occurrence of an incident.

Because that's how rape occurs in your mind, isn't it? Bitches who won't keep their damn mouths shut, right?
err ... no.

But I guess its your mind that is more of a worry .... since you think that there is no way to bring risk assessment to a scenario that precludes violence

If that's too cryptic, let's get literal: The scenario upon which this "prevention" protocol is based doesn't even include an aggressor. There is, at best, a jilted admirer. Baseless assumptions are made that he not only arrived back at the school to rape the object of his affection, but also a threat to rape any woman who chanced to stray into his den.

jeopardizing an opportunity for escape from violence has nothing to do with whether the offender is a jilted admirer or even a polar bear for that matter.

In your world, "jeopardizing one's safety" amounts to "running one's mouth." The message the website is trying to get across--and the one that you're endorsing--is "Shut up, bitch, and know your place."
Its difficult to find a single effective example of risk assessment brought to volatile situation where a good opportunity to run or conclude a risk management is abstained in favour of prolonging it (regardless whether its through running one's mouth or anything else .... ) particularly if the other party has the upper hand in strength

Here are some good examples to illustrate this subtle point of failing a bit in terms of risk assessment.

I've got to ask , can you think of any risk prevention strategies that one could apply to prevent these situations occurring (even though some of them actually involve women ... believe it or not)?
(ps : extra brownie points if you can do it without being misogynistic)

Whaddya reckon?

A bit of a tough one to nous out?
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try and find these quotes where I have supposedly said this and you will find that you either imagining stuff (yet again) or alternatively, adopting such a hyper sensitive radical stance that it finds no parallel in the "real world" (IOW its not an outlook even remotely shared by anyone interested in dealing with practical solutions for this issue)
Read what I said.. Your very argument is insulting.

And you have consistently failed to respond to the details of "risk assessment" ... which in fact dictate not only when a woman can expect not to get raped but also when a person can expect not to get their car stolen, attacked by a polar bear, squashed by a NASA satellite that plummets to earth (nb - not that any of these examples are cited as being moral examples for equating women with motor vehicles, polar bears that adopt a warning stance and growl aggressively or man-made objects that drop out of geostationary positions ... just in case you want to re-troll those points also) or any other hazard you could cite for any particular individual/s from any particular era in - oooohhh ... let's say :scratchin: - the history of the universe (at least amongst living entities with any smattering of a trace of cognition in their environments ...)
And as has been pointed out numerous times now, comparing human beings, women, to something like a car demeans and lowers the person to the value of a chattel.

Your version of "risk assessment" for women and their vagina's and comparing it to a car and theft prevention, demands that women must somehow or other always be hyper-vigilant because she could be raped at any time by any man. Thus the question, which you keep refusing to answer as you run around in circles comparing women and their vagina's to cars and car theft, therefore stands. At what point should a woman not expect to be raped? When is that? After all, since most rapes occur within the family home, your perverted and sexist argument of "risk assessment" would entail that women would have apply such rules to their spouses/partners/son's, etc.. And this is somehow more acceptable to you than to have society demand that women not be raped and that people instill values in their children that rape is not acceptable?

the benefit of such "harping" is that individuals can actually prevent themselves from getting raped and also negotiate the world in a more confident and intelligent manner. Thats kind of the empowering aspect of knowledge .... as opposed to the pitfalls of having no other alternative other than to subscribe to ineffective preventative strategies (the default position of an absence of effective ones) and of course victim counselling and all the other "tons of cure" means brought to the fore in the absence of "ounces of prevention".
And the negatives of your pathetic argument is that when a woman is raped, she is then deemed to somehow share responsibility for having been raped because rape apologists such as yourself and Scifes would then say that she could have somehow prevented it, or worse, look at her actions and dress and she would be made to feel responsible for having been raped. And you have the absolute nerve to consider this empowering?

You expect women to live with the knowledge that they are expected to act, behave, dress, speak or not speak, look or not look a certain way, not walk down the street freely or catch the train, not remain in the company of the men in her family, work or friends to ensure that they prevent themselves from being raped. That is the lot you are demanding of women. And then you try and put it in glowing terms of "rape prevention". Your own words "also negotiate the world in a more confident and intelligent manner".. In other words, she needs to behave a certain way, dress a certain way, and act a certain way to ensure she is not raped.. And you actually believe this is empowering. You just wish to control the behaviour of women to fit into your twisted stereotype.

Prime example of your perverted and twisted logic:

Tell us bells, would you rather be "right" or "raped"?
Are you fucking kidding me?

I always knew you were a pervert, but this.. THIS..

You sexist son of a fucking bitch.
Read what I said.. Your very argument is insulting.
I'm not the one who has trouble reading.

You say I say stuff.

I not only say that I don't say it, you can't reference where I do (apparently) say it

Its as simple and as difficult as that.


And as has been pointed out numerous times now, comparing human beings, women, to something like a car demeans and lowers the person to the value of a chattel.
Find a quote where I draw a qualitative comparison between rape and auto-theft to suggest that the the loss and immorality of the acts are on par with each other.

Once again, slobber chops, quote me. I dare you.
You see, there is a big difference between holding people accountable to what they say and holding people accountable to what one imagines they say.

A normal person, if they made such a mistake, would offer an apology.

Your version of "risk assessment" for women and their vagina's and comparing it to a car and theft prevention, demands that women must somehow or other always be hyper-vigilant because she could be raped at any time by any man.
so you are always hyper vigilant against car theft?
Or polar bear attacks?
Or getting pummeled by a satellite falling out of orbit?

Thus the question, which you keep refusing to answer as you run around in circles comparing women and their vagina's to cars and car theft, therefore stands. At what point should a woman not expect to be raped?
at a point dictated by their risk assessment ... much the case as it is with car theft, polar bear attacks and getting wiped out by a satellite ... much like it has been for absolutely any hazard (ranging from aggravating an ingrown toe nail to dropping atom bombs on countries) in absolutely any circumstance in absolutely any era of time, past, present or future.

I don't know how more thorough I can be than this ....

When is that? After all, since most rapes occur within the family home, your perverted and sexist argument of "risk assessment" would entail that women would have apply such rules to their spouses/partners/son's, etc.. And this is somehow more acceptable to you than to have society demand that women not be raped and that people instill values in their children that rape is not acceptable?
I have literally referenced a ton of links to rape prevention seminars.

None of them work with the category of "man" as a risk hazard.

Only you .... who , despite our differences in opinion, I think we can both agree is certainly no expert on the subject.

Even Louise Nicholas titles her own story "I won't live in fear" - I guess you must think she is just kidding herself or something ....

IOW the only people living with fear are individuals with ineffective prevention strategies based and/or ineffective categories for hazards

And the negatives of your pathetic argument is that when a woman is raped, she is then deemed to somehow share responsibility for having been raped because rape apologists such as yourself and Scifes
(snip) and Louise Nicholas

would then say that she could have somehow prevented it, or worse, look at her actions and dress and she would be made to feel responsible for having been raped. And you have the absolute nerve to consider this empowering?

And the negatives of your pathetic approach approach is that you give zero skills to deal with it if it happens in the future. This isn't to say of course that advocacy methodologies are ineffective or less in value or whatever.
Rather, this is to say people gravitate for a more empowering pro-active approach - namely victim advocacy and prevention strategy (eg - Louise Nicholas and the rape prevention education she is part of) since this offers a more complete approach to the problem

You see Bells, unlike you, most people can manage to benefit from this approach since they don't have an insane dichotomy running between their ears that exists purely for the sake of saving face on an online discussion forum.

IOW most (sane) people would prefer to anticipate danger (and avoid it) rather than try and pick up the pieces after it passes through town - it doesn't really matter what their favourite flavour of dogshit or political correctness or whatever is.

You expect women to live with the knowledge that they are expected to act, behave, dress, speak or not speak, look or not look a certain way, not walk down the street freely or catch the train, not remain in the company of the men in her family, work or friends to ensure that they prevent themselves from being raped.
Actually, more accurately, its living with the knowledge on how to avoid danger, which most sane people tend to prefer when given the option of living in ignorance on how to avoid danger ....

That is the lot you are demanding of women. And then you try and put it in glowing terms of "rape prevention". Your own words "also negotiate the world in a more confident and intelligent manner".. In other words, she needs to behave a certain way, dress a certain way, and act a certain way to ensure she is not raped.. And you actually believe this is empowering. You just wish to control the behaviour of women to fit into your twisted stereotype.
If certain behaviours bring risk to an environment, it pays to at least be aware of what they are.
I guess you could call it intelligence but it is a concept so elementary you could even call it common sense.

Granted that there may be controversial discussions about what such behaviours may entail (and they may even change according to time, place and circumstance) but to outright say that risk prevention strategies are prohibited from having any bearing on any individual actions, attitudes or appearances is a douche-bag of an idea ... and one that certainly doesn't have a precedent in the real world, not even amongst daredevil stuntspersons ... who are perhaps the only ones attempting to make a business of somewhat flaunting this age old and very basic precept of sane living.

Prime example of your perverted and twisted logic:

Are you fucking kidding me?

I always knew you were a pervert, but this.. THIS..

You sexist son of a fucking bitch.

cuts a bit close to the bone, doesn't it.

If its any consolation, I'm pretty sure a sane person would prefer to not be raped.

Or attacked by a polar bear.
Or have their car stolen.
or get hit by a satellite.

IOW effective risk prevention outshines victim professionalism, any day ... especially when a crisis has you running to the stage after risk assessment - namely risk management.
I'm not the one who has trouble reading.

You say I say stuff.

I not only say that I don't say it, you can't reference where I do (apparently) say it

Its as simple and as difficult as that.


Find a quote where I draw a qualitative comparison between rape and auto-theft to suggest that the the loss and immorality of the acts are on par with each other.

Once again, slobber chops, quote me. I dare you.
You see, there is a big difference between holding people accountable to what they say and holding people accountable to what one imagines they say.

A normal person, if they made such a mistake, would offer an apology.

so you are always hyper vigilant against car theft?
Or polar bear attacks?
Or getting pummeled by a satellite falling out of orbit?

at a point dictated by their risk assessment ... much the case as it is with car theft, polar bear attacks and getting wiped out by a satellite ... much like it has been for absolutely any hazard (ranging from aggravating an ingrown toe nail to dropping atom bombs on countries) in absolutely any circumstance in absolutely any era of time, past, present or future.

I don't know how more thorough I can be than this ....

I have literally referenced a ton of links to rape prevention seminars.

None of them work with the category of "man" as a risk hazard.

Only you .... who , despite our differences in opinion, I think we can both agree is certainly no expert on the subject.

Even Louise Nicholas titles her own story "I won't live in fear" - I guess you must think she is just kidding herself or something ....

IOW the only people living with fear are individuals with ineffective prevention strategies based and/or ineffective categories for hazards

(snip) and Louise Nicholas

And the negatives of your pathetic approach approach is that you give zero skills to deal with it if it happens in the future. This isn't to say of course that advocacy methodologies are ineffective or less in value or whatever.
Rather, this is to say people gravitate for a more empowering pro-active approach - namely victim advocacy and prevention strategy (eg - Louise Nicholas and the rape prevention education she is part of) since this offers a more complete approach to the problem

You see Bells, unlike you, most people can manage to benefit from this approach since they don't have an insane dichotomy running between their ears that exists purely for the sake of saving face on an online discussion forum.

IOW most (sane) people would prefer to anticipate danger (and avoid it) rather than try and pick up the pieces after it passes through town - it doesn't really matter what their favourite flavour of dogshit or political correctness or whatever is.

Actually, more accurately, its living with the knowledge on how to avoid danger, which most sane people tend to prefer when given the option of living in ignorance on how to avoid danger ....

If certain behaviours bring risk to an environment, it pays to at least be aware of what they are.
I guess you could call it intelligence but it is a concept so elementary you could even call it common sense.

Granted that there may be controversial discussions about what such behaviours may entail (and they may even change according to time, place and circumstance) but to outright say that risk prevention strategies are prohibited from having any bearing on any individual actions, attitudes or appearances is a douche-bag of an idea ... and one that certainly doesn't have a precedent in the real world, not even amongst daredevil stuntspersons ... who are perhaps the only ones attempting to make a business of somewhat flaunting this age old and very basic precept of sane living.


cuts a bit close to the bone, doesn't it.

If its any consolation, I'm pretty sure a sane person would prefer to not be raped.

Or attacked by a polar bear.
Or have their car stolen.
or get hit by a satellite.

IOW effective risk prevention outshines victim professionalism, any day ... especially when a crisis has you running to the stage after risk assessment - namely risk management.

Cuts a bit close to the bone....

Lightgigantic.. reminding women that she has to either shut up and toe the line or be raped and deal with the consequences.

And calls it "rape prevention"..

Good work LG. No, really, good work.

Because obviously, I disagree with you about your misogynistic rape prevention theory, and your comparing women to chattels like cars and the like.., so therefore I am not sane in your opinion and thus, would prefer to be raped or be right...

I think at this point, if I really told you what I thought of you, I would more than likely be banned from this site.
Stupidity, like success, has no limits

Cuts a bit close to the bone....
You've gotten to such a dreadful stage of re-trolling that all I have to do is copy / paste

Lightgigantic.. reminding women that she has to either shut up and toe the line or be raped and deal with the consequences.

If certain behaviours bring risk to an environment, it pays to at least be aware of what they are.
I guess you could call it intelligence but it is a concept so elementary you could even call it common sense.

Granted that there may be controversial discussions about what such behaviours may entail (and they may even change according to time, place and circumstance) but to outright say that risk prevention strategies are prohibited from having any bearing on any individual actions, attitudes or appearances is a douche-bag of an idea ... and one that certainly doesn't have a precedent in the real world, not even amongst daredevil stuntspersons ... who are perhaps the only ones attempting to make a business of somewhat flaunting this age old and very basic precept of sane living.

IOW the only thing there isn't room to discuss is the idiotic idea that prevention plays no role in negotiating the problem of risk.

And calls it "rape prevention"..

Good work LG. No, really, good work.

Because obviously, I disagree with you about your misogynistic rape prevention theory, and your comparing women to chattels like cars and the like.., so therefore I am not sane in your opinion and thus, would prefer to be raped or be right..

I think at this point, if I really told you what I thought of you, I would more than likely be banned from this site.

You see Bells, unlike you, most people can manage to benefit from this approach since they don't have an insane dichotomy running between their ears that exists purely for the sake of saving face on an online discussion forum.

IOW most (sane) people would prefer to anticipate danger (and avoid it) rather than try and pick up the pieces after it passes through town - it doesn't really matter what their favourite flavour of dogshit or political correctness or whatever is

I never accused you preferring to be raped.
I accused you pushing shit uphill for the sake of saving face on online discussion forums

Find a quote where I draw a qualitative comparison between rape and auto-theft to suggest that the the loss and immorality of the acts are on par with each other.

Once again, slobber chops, quote me. I dare you.
You see, there is a big difference between holding people accountable to what they say and holding people accountable to what one imagines they say.

A normal person, if they made such a mistake, would offer an apology.

Your big problem here Bells is that you have participated in this thread in a virtual monologue with your nightmare ravished imagination as opposed to pretty much anything anyone has actually said on the topic.

Maybe you just need someone to roleplay out some sort of villainous stereotype for the sake of your own cathartic self-help therapy ... but sorry, I am not going to oblige you by pretending that I said the things you imagine

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