Rape and the "Civilized" World

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i'm sure homosexuals and atheists revolt so many people too.
I am revolted by dumb people.

the example you're giving is not representative of rape victims.
saying that what women wear doesn't affect whether they get raped or not is unacceptable to anybody with a hint of cognition in their brain.

what you want, is to shed away all responsibility. you want to be able to wear the sexiest cloths and be as pretty as possible while being under the same risk of being raped as the next woman who's waering normal, or sexually dull, cloths.
i'm not saying that women don't deserve that..
i'm saying, and anyone with a brain agrees, that that's not realistic. that's not how real life is.

you can reject the real world and live in your fantasy world. or you can embrace the realistic unfair world.
So in your "real world", if you see a woman in a bikini, for example, is your first instinct to rape her?

I'll put it this way, Scifes.. Since you believe that apparently pretty women in sexy clothes are more likely to be raped, how many pretty women in sexy clothes have you raped?

And just so you know, the majority of rapes that occur are actually acquaintance rape. Are you suggesting that women should simply be afraid of every single man they know and not dress or look a certain way around the men in their family or circle of friends or they work with? Should women be resorting to plastic surgery to not be "pretty" so they are not raped? A woman's looks, what sexy clothes she wears has nothing to do with rape. Certainly, if one is like you and wishes to absolve rapists of responsibility and give them an excuse to rape, for reasons known only to yourself, then one would blame how pretty the woman is or how she dresses. That is what rapists do.

if political leaders thought the same way as you do, they wouldn't hire bodyguards. they don't deserve to be assassinated any more than normal people, so why should they pay extra money to hire bodyguards? the only solution to assassination is people shouldn't assassinate, not those under the danger of assassinations to take extra precautions to protect themselves.
And if a politician is assassinated, do you blame them for being pretty, for wearing what they did, etc?
I am revolted by dumb people.

So in your "real world", if you see a woman in a bikini, for example, is your first instinct to rape her?

I'll put it this way, Scifes.. Since you believe that apparently pretty women in sexy clothes are more likely to be raped, how many pretty women in sexy clothes have you raped?

And just so you know, the majority of rapes that occur are actually acquaintance rape. Are you suggesting that women should simply be afraid of every single man they know and not dress or look a certain way around the men in their family or circle of friends or they work with? Should women be resorting to plastic surgery to not be "pretty" so they are not raped? A woman's looks, what sexy clothes she wears has nothing to do with rape. Certainly, if one is like you and wishes to absolve rapists of responsibility and give them an excuse to rape, for reasons known only to yourself, then one would blame how pretty the woman is or how she dresses. That is what rapists do.

And if a politician is assassinated, do you blame them for being pretty, for wearing what they did, etc?
So tell me bells, are you still beating your wife?

The analogy is in the attraction.
An open window is inviting to a burglar.
A sexy appearance is inviting to a rapist.

What exact cloths? I think that varies from society to society. A woman knows how many looks she's getting. I know that some of my cloths get me more noticed than others. It is only natural to be conscious of people's perception of you.
If you are a handsome happily married man and want to avoid awkward or embarrassing attempts, which you would have to turn down from other women, wouldn't you wear the cloths which would give you the least looks?
Are those skinny jeans, or open top boluses? I do not know. You do.

So women who make themselves attractive are inviting rapists? What about women who are just naturally attractive? Should they ugly themselves up so as to avoid drawing attention from potential predators? At what point does personal hygiene become rape-bait? Maybe women should stop washing their hair, just to be safe?

I kinda feel what you say both does not apply to me, as the punishment for a crime should of course fall on the criminal not the victim. However, it also answers itself since "by not doing the smart thing" you are kinda getting it to happen to you and not somebody else. If you walk in a dark alley, which is known to be dangerous and be jumped, wouldn't your wife scold you for going there in the first place? Don’t parents scold their children when bad things happen to them because they want them to be safe?

What if the dark alley in the only route home from your work? What if you need to take that alley to avoid a much more dangerous area?

There is no standard attire of a rape victim. They're not dressed up like sluts, they're not "leaving the window open." Likewise, there are no areas with signs saying "Warning: Rape Imminent!" to cordon off particularly rapey parts of town. Rapists don't give their motives away, they aren't branded, there's no way to know ahead of time. This nonsense about putting the onus for the rape on the victim stems from a fear and a hatred of women, and I suggest you disabuse yourself of it, because it makes you sound like a moron.
So tell me bells, are you still beating your wife?

Still blaming women for being raped LG?

Here you have a man, saying that it is unacceptable for a woman to dress as she wants to dress, and that it is ridiculous to blame the perpetrator of a crime if the victim somehow or other did not protect their goods and wares and you are siding with this individual?

Why am I not surprised...

Certainly, your position in this debate would be less ridiculous if we viewed women as goods and wares, such as a car, house or your TV. That would mean that women are mere chattels that must be protected. But society has moved on. Scifes and yourself have not.

Tell me LG, should women wear bikini's in front of their husbands? Or should they refrain from doing so in case showing some skin somehow pushes him to rape her? Or are you like Scifes and believe that a wife cannot be raped by her husband simply because she married him and that marriage certificate is an open invitation to her vagina, anus and mouth where her husband is concerned?
This nonsense about putting the onus for the rape on the victim stems from a fear and a hatred of women, and I suggest you disabuse yourself of it, because it makes you sound like a moron.

Some other moron rape apologists, this time from the NIH, via the website MedlinePlus. They must really hate and fear women. (Of course, some of them are women; they must hate themselves.)

Rape prevention

Rape is defined as sexual intercourse forced on a person without his or her permission. The most useful rape prevention tool available is to be more aware about rape. Always trust your instincts if you are somewhere or with someone that does not feel safe and comfortable.

The following safety tips may help reduce your chances of being raped:

Carry items that can call attention to you if needed (such as whistles and personal alarms).
Consider taking a self-defense class, which can give you self-confidence and provide useful skills and strategies for different situations.
Do not hitchhike. If your vehicle breaks down and someone offers to give you a ride, ask the person to call for help while you stay locked in your vehicle.
If someone tries to assault you, scream loudly or blow a whistle.
If you are walking or jogging, stay out of secluded or isolated areas and arrange to do the activity with at least one other friend, rather than alone. It is best to do these kinds of activities during daylight hours.
Keep car doors locked while driving, check the back of your car for intruders before getting in, and park in open, well-lit areas.
Keep doors and windows locked.
On public transportation, sit near the driver or up front if possible. Avoid sitting near groups of young men who are obviously with one another.

When out by yourself:

Avoid becoming isolated with people you do not know or do not trust.
Be aware of where you are and what is around you. Do not cover both of your ears with music headphones.
Keep your cell phone charged and with you.
Stay away from deserted areas.
Try to appear strong, confident, aware, and secure in your surroundings.

At parties or in other social situations, take the following steps:

Go with a group of friends, if possible, or keep in contact with someone you know during the party.
Avoid drinking too much. Do not accept drinks from someone you do not know, and keep your drink or beverage close to you.
Do not go somewhere alone or leave a party with someone you do not know or feel uncomfortable with.

Through no fault of your own, you may find yourself in situations where you are being pressured into sexual activities you do not want. Some things you may try include:

State clearly what you do not want to do, remembering that you do not need to feel any obligation to do something you are not comfortable with.
Remain aware of your surroundings and how you could get away.
Have a special codeword with a friend or family member that you can say if you call them during a situation in which you are being pressured into unwanted sex.
If you need to, make up a reason why you need to leave.
Still blaming women for being raped LG?

Here you have a man, saying that it is unacceptable for a woman to dress as she wants to dress, and that it is ridiculous to blame the perpetrator of a crime if the victim somehow or other did not protect their goods and wares and you are siding with this individual?

Why am I not surprised...

Certainly, your position in this debate would be less ridiculous if we viewed women as goods and wares, such as a car, house or your TV. That would mean that women are mere chattels that must be protected. But society has moved on. Scifes and yourself have not.

Tell me LG, should women wear bikini's in front of their husbands? Or should they refrain from doing so in case showing some skin somehow pushes him to rape her? Or are you like Scifes and believe that a wife cannot be raped by her husband simply because she married him and that marriage certificate is an open invitation to her vagina, anus and mouth where her husband is concerned?

So, are you still beating your wife?

Or are you now simply focusing on beating up female rape survivors who advocate preventative measures?
This nonsense about putting the onus for the rape on the victim stems from a fear and a hatred of women, and I suggest you disabuse yourself of it, because it makes you sound like a moron.

Will the irony never end?

Escape from rape website
Unfortunately, rape is one of those examples. Before a woman is sexually assaulted, her emotions, pride and anger seem overwhelmingly important. Enough to to blind her to the fact that she's standing on the railroad tracks trying to argue with a runaway train about its behavior.

Never mind her reasons for doing so, that is not a behavior that is conducive to not getting raped.

Right or Raped?
We have a basic question that we ask: What would you rather be, right or raped?

When after the woman replies that she doesn't want to get raped, we reply: Then you better quit trying to "win" and focus more on doing something that will keep you from getting raped.

In a long list of statements about rape that twists off advocates, this is pretty much the topper. Wow... the outrage, the anger, the barrage of "I HAVE A RIGHT TO....!" and "Why should I be the one who ...?" or "I'm not going to ..." But, our personal favorite "He's the one who's in the wrong ..."

Wow, they're not only going to try to argue with a run away train, they're going to start defending their right to do so then and there. It doesn't take too much of psychic to guess the outcome if she finds herself alone with a man intent on sexually assaulting her.

Our advice: Get out of there. Take heed of the quote on the top of the page.

However, the idea of leaving a situation without "getting in the last word," "giving him a piece of your mind," "showing how mad you are at him", "evening the score," "hurting him for making you angry" or "getting back at him for treating you this way" irritates certain kinds of people.

In their make up is the need, if not to be right, then at least to always come out of a situation with pride intact. In fact, the idea of leaving isn't so odious to them. But the idea of leaving without having scored a telling blow on the person for emotionally hurting them is unacceptable. As soon as they get that last devastating emotional lash stroke on his psyche then they will leave.

The exact reason for this behavior can come in many different forms, but for ease of discussion we call it "being right." In short being "right" means they have in some way restored balance, self-image and punished him for his misconduct.

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking seriously increases your chances of being raped.

So, are you still beating your wife?

Or are you now simply focusing on beating up female rape survivors who advocate preventative measures?

You tell me. Considering how you have spoken to me and virtually blamed me for being sexually assaulted by your very argument for 'rape prevention', I would say that it is you doing the beating and not the other way around.

You have repeatedly been asked and failed to respond, 'when can a woman not expect to be raped?'..

You can harp on about rape prevention theory until the proverbial cows return home, but you still cannot answer the very basic question that your theory demands..

At what point can a woman or should a woman not expect to be raped?

Or do you think it is her lot in life to live with the knowledge that she may as well accept she may be raped or sexually assaulted and just learn to deal with it?
Crazy Dinousaur

Bells said:

At what point can a woman or should a woman not expect to be raped?

I would only remind that we're pushing near to four hundred posts in the discussion, and our neighbor is still trying to make his case using advertising.

And this one?

Trust us: Marc "The Animal" MacYoung and Dianna "Mrs. Velocoraptor" [sic] MacYoung, self-defense experts.

Not encouraging, I admit. But I did want to know what kind of operation is so low as to devise straw men in order to denigrate women as part of their sales pitch. As they state at the outset, "A basic rule of salesmanship is you market to the people who have the money." And while they use that to set up a counterpoint, we need to remember that they're playing to a market.

But they also have a very curious approach to violence:

From purely informal and unscientific interviews that we have done with rape victims we discovered an astonishing trend. In approximately 80% of all the date rapes the woman initiated the physical violence.

She was the one who hit first.

To say this finding is controversial is like saying the "Titanic sprung a small leak." Somewhat of a massive understatement comes to mind. However, once we step away from the "blame game" and begin to look at it from a wider perspective, this makes perfect sense. There is no blame or implied condemnation with this finding.

It is however, as you will see, significant ....

.... Nobody is arguing whether she's got a right to be upset. What was supposed to be a mutually beneficial experience is being pushed and bullied. There is only emphasis on his desires, not a mutual benefit. The issue is *how* she becomes upset. It's what she does with it that can become a problem. It is not uncommon for the female's frustration with the process being bullied to manifest in her striking the offending male intending to deter or slow him down. Imagine this soundtrack "Stop that! *smack*"

And that is where things often go sideways.

Right there is a problem that reaches back to the heart of the matter. Sexual bullying, in their opinion, isn't violence. So, remember, ladies, when some guy has you pinned against the wall, is groping you and trying to tear off your clothes, don't initiate violence.

No, really. Our neighbor complains that people don't read the sources he links to, yet it is very much worth taking the moment to point out that the information in those links actually makes him look worse.

I think of my Jane and Bob example:

So as they're walking out to the parking lot, he makes a pass, which the married woman obviously is not anxious to take. So Bob is more forceful, pinning her against her car and groping her. Jane happens to be a woman who doesn't always carry her keys in her purses, and this is one of those nights. So she reaches into her pocket, grasps the keyring so that the keys are sticking between her fingers, and punches Bob as hard as she can, causing considerable pain and winning her enough time to get the hell out of there.

And perhaps we might say, "Good on her. She knew what to do, and how to prevent her rape."​

I guess I was wrong. We shouldn't say good on her for knowing how to prevent her rape. We should wonder why she initiated violence. You know, how dare she?

Physically, sexually accosting a woman is violence, regardless of what Mrs. Crazy Dinosaur says.


MacYoung, Dianna. "Escape from rape". No Nonsense Self-Defense. (n.d.) NoNonsenseSelfDefense.com. April 29, 2013. http://www.nononsenseselfdefense.com/escape.html
extremes and special cases.

So women who make themselves attractive are inviting rapists? What about women who are just naturally attractive? Should they ugly themselves up so as to avoid drawing attention from potential predators? At what point does personal hygiene become rape-bait? Maybe women should stop washing their hair, just to be safe?

What if the dark alley in the only route home from your work? What if you need to take that alley to avoid a much more dangerous area?

There is no standard attire of a rape victim. They're not dressed up like sluts, they're not "leaving the window open." Likewise, there are no areas with signs saying "Warning: Rape Imminent!" to cordon off particularly rapey parts of town. Rapists don't give their motives away, they aren't branded, there's no way to know ahead of time. This nonsense about putting the onus for the rape on the victim stems from a fear and a hatred of women, and I suggest you disabuse yourself of it, because it makes you sound like a moron.

You are going to extremes which can not be used to look at the issue as a whole.
You seem like you understand what I'm saying. so I'm not going to try to explain further.
I, however, can't pinpoint your exact problem with my argument.
Wanting to know the exact line that identifies "asking for it" is a none sense request. In as much as wanting to know what exactly constitutes "driving recklessly" or "looking for trouble with others" or "asking to be robbed". there are extreme cases of neglect, and others of overprotectiveness. What puts you in one or the other are several factors; how valurnable you are, how dangerous the place you're in, your ability to defend yourself, the frequency of how much you put yourself in such cases and so on.
Saying that what what a woman wears, is NOT one of those factors, is unacceptable and frankly, idiotic.
That is all I'm arguing for here.
Saying that what what a woman wears, is NOT one of those factors, is unacceptable and frankly, idiotic.
That is all I'm arguing for here.

And you are an idiot for "arguing" such--show me one single piece of evidence that demonstrates that dressing in a certain manner makes one more likely to be raped. (I'll help you out some: there isn't any. Had you actually bothered to think or even do the smallest bit of research, i.e., reading some of the links within this thread, you would know this.)
I am revolted by dumb people.
Aren't we all.

So in your "real world", if you see a woman in a bikini, for example, is your first instinct to rape her?
To have sex with her I guess. If I lacked the morality, had the sex drive and thought I could get away with it. I think I would have. What man would not?
What woman would not "rape"(or more realistically seduce) a sexy man in shorts if she had the opportunity, sex drive and could get away with it?

I'll put it this way, Scifes.. Since you believe that apparently pretty women in sexy clothes are more likely to be raped, how many pretty women in sexy clothes have you raped?
none. what's your point?

And just so you know, the majority of rapes that occur are actually acquaintance rape. Are you suggesting that women should simply be afraid of every single man they know and not dress or look a certain way around the men in their family or circle of friends or they work with? Should women be resorting to plastic surgery to not be "pretty" so they are not raped? A woman's looks, what sexy clothes she wears has nothing to do with rape.
OK, do a woman's cloths have anything to do with her sex appeal?
Does her sex appeal have anything to do with how desirableshe is to men?
Is men's' desire for sex affected by how sexually appealing a woman is?
Is rape fueled by men's' desire for sex, among other things?
Can you make the connection? Or do I need to refer to a dictionary?

Certainly, if one is like you and wishes to absolve rapists of responsibility and give them an excuse to rape, for reasons known only to yourself, then one would blame how pretty the woman is or how she dresses. That is what rapists do.
I see you're still suffering of dementia Bells. I need to avoid you in the future.
Where, in HELL, did I "absolve rapists of responsibility" or "give them excuse to rape"?
Didn't I say the exact opposite in my previous posts?
Do you still not read, or forget, or not understand, or intentionally ignore other people's posts before you make up lies about them?

And if a politician is assassinated, do you blame them for being pretty, for wearing what they did, etc?
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're being sarcastic.
No, if a politician(say the president) is assassinated while intentionally being in a public place without his bodyguard(s) or any form of protection. I'd say, along with the rest of the sane world, that he was "asking for it", because bodyguards are there (logically) to deter assassination, removing the bodyguards is removing the deterrent, and hence inviting the assassins and what they do, assassination.
The Assassins are as guilty if the politician had bodyguards as if he did not. The crime is the same. But an extra blame falls on the politician if he made it easier for them.
There is no standard attire of a rape victim. They're not dressed up like sluts, they're not "leaving the window open." Likewise, there are no areas with signs saying "Warning: Rape Imminent!" to cordon off particularly rapey parts of town. Rapists don't give their motives away, they aren't branded, there's no way to know ahead of time.

And, of course, there are volumes of research, with thorough documentation, to back this up. Funny how the astute members here who refute these claims will not proffer any specifics as to what sort of dress or attire makes one more likely to be raped though, in spite of repeated requests for such information.
To have sex with her I guess. If I lacked the morality, had the sex drive and thought I could get away with it. I think I would have. What man would not?
What woman would not "rape"(or more realistically seduce) a sexy man in shorts if she had the opportunity, sex drive and could get away with it?

Wow. Good to know. I've long been aware that you are one fucked up little bugger, but this really solidifies it.
Will the irony never end?

Escape from rape website
Unfortunately, rape is one of those examples. Before a woman is sexually assaulted, her emotions, pride and anger seem overwhelmingly important. Enough to to blind her to the fact that she's standing on the railroad tracks trying to argue with a runaway train about its behavior.

Never mind her reasons for doing so, that is not a behavior that is conducive to not getting raped.

Right or Raped?
We have a basic question that we ask: What would you rather be, right or raped?

When after the woman replies that she doesn't want to get raped, we reply: Then you better quit trying to "win" and focus more on doing something that will keep you from getting raped.

In a long list of statements about rape that twists off advocates, this is pretty much the topper. Wow... the outrage, the anger, the barrage of "I HAVE A RIGHT TO....!" and "Why should I be the one who ...?" or "I'm not going to ..." But, our personal favorite "He's the one who's in the wrong ..."

Wow, they're not only going to try to argue with a run away train, they're going to start defending their right to do so then and there. It doesn't take too much of psychic to guess the outcome if she finds herself alone with a man intent on sexually assaulting her.

Our advice: Get out of there. Take heed of the quote on the top of the page.

However, the idea of leaving a situation without "getting in the last word," "giving him a piece of your mind," "showing how mad you are at him", "evening the score," "hurting him for making you angry" or "getting back at him for treating you this way" irritates certain kinds of people.

In their make up is the need, if not to be right, then at least to always come out of a situation with pride intact. In fact, the idea of leaving isn't so odious to them. But the idea of leaving without having scored a telling blow on the person for emotionally hurting them is unacceptable. As soon as they get that last devastating emotional lash stroke on his psyche then they will leave.

The exact reason for this behavior can come in many different forms, but for ease of discussion we call it "being right." In short being "right" means they have in some way restored balance, self-image and punished him for his misconduct.

Unfortunately, this kind of thinking seriously increases your chances of being raped.


Where to begin?

Since it was your sole original contribution to the post, we could start with your failure to grasp the concept of irony, but given how ludicrous the rest is, it hardly seems important. So we'll start with the misleading attribution, "From a rape website."

nononsenseselfdefense.com is not a rape website, but a self-defense website. (Run by a guy who calls himself "Animal," no less) It offers no rape statistics, facts, or figures. Ironically, it doesn't even offer any advice on how to fend off a sexual assault, at least not in the sections it has dedicated to the subject. It merely asserts that women can lower their chances of being raped to "virtually zero" by adopting certain behaviors, including avoidance of jocks, alcoholics, and people who are easily insulted.

No, seriously. It actually says that.

The passage you've quoted makes absolutely no sense without the "near-rape story" it seems to be entirely predicated upon. To the lughead who authored this BS, a rape nearly occurs when a woman confronts a classmate who spends too much time oogling her. This ridiculous (and highly spurious) story insinuates that the creep went into the bathroom to masturbate after spending most of the class staring at her:

This odd behavior escalated to the point of one evening, after staring at her all night, he disappeared into the men's room. He returned 15 minutes later with a ... shall we say, 'glazed' expression. Any way you cut it, this is an "ewwww" situation. The other students reacted in a mix of disgust and course humor. The female classmate was furious. Not only was she disgusted, but she was outraged over this public humiliation. However, when she confronted him, he laughed in her face.

Note that no one actually knows that he was doing something inappropriate, they're simply assuming it because he spends a lot of time staring at a pretty girl. And then, just to put the ridiculous icing on the ludicrous cake, she actually accuses him of it in front of the class. To me, this sounds like a case of bullying, in which a girl doesn't like the attention some poor sap is giving her, and humiliates him publicly for it. I'm sure everyone remembers witnessing something similar during their own school days. I know I do.

And at no point does this man attack her. He apparently shows up drunk to the school and asks to talk to the woman, but he is refused and the woman gets home safely. That's it. That's the extent of it, yet it's billed as a "Near-rape story."

All this website does is perpetuate the myth that the woman brings it upon herself. It does this from the very beginning, with its nonsensical premise "Would you rather be right, or raped?" (which makes no sense because the dichotomy is not between being right and being raped, but between being right and being safe) and continues throughout. This clumsily-worded and narrow view of sexual assault is precisely the kind of idiocy that misogynistic buffoons like you subscribe to, and posting it under the pretense of "rape prevention" fools no one.
You are going to extremes which can not be used to look at the issue as a whole.
You seem like you understand what I'm saying. so I'm not going to try to explain further.
I, however, can't pinpoint your exact problem with my argument.
Wanting to know the exact line that identifies "asking for it" is a none sense request. In as much as wanting to know what exactly constitutes "driving recklessly" or "looking for trouble with others" or "asking to be robbed". there are extreme cases of neglect, and others of overprotectiveness. What puts you in one or the other are several factors; how valurnable you are, how dangerous the place you're in, your ability to defend yourself, the frequency of how much you put yourself in such cases and so on.
Saying that what what a woman wears, is NOT one of those factors, is unacceptable and frankly, idiotic.
That is all I'm arguing for here.

And you're arguing it ineffectively, without anything to support your claims.

Idiotic indeed.

I'm not going to extremes, I'm simply following your logic through to its conclusion. If women are raped because they make themselves appear attractive, then it only stands to reason that women who are attractive merely in sweatpants and t-shirts must go a step further if they are to be, by your standards, absolved of any blame for the crime. If you believe in what you say, then you must have some thoughts on this. Why are you afraid to share? You have nothing to be afraid of--your reputation is already shot, so you might as well defend your position, lest you appear weak as well as stupid.
And you are an idiot for "arguing" such--show me one single piece of evidence that demonstrates that dressing in a certain manner makes one more likely to be raped. (I'll help you out some: there isn't any. Had you actually bothered to think or even do the smallest bit of research, i.e., reading some of the links within this thread, you would know this.)
As lame and simple your request/argument is. I actually think I might have learned something today, Sciforums may have not lost its touch after all. And I'm still younger than I think! :D

Well take your pick:
From the second link:
The judge called for women to 'stop teasing" and for a 'restoration of modesty in dress."9 Additionally, the judge stated that 'whether women like it or not, they are sex objects. Are we supposed to take an impressionable person 15 or 16 years of age and punish that person severely because they react to it normally?"10
Not representative of the whole thing, but interesting and show a point.

So what I think may be the explanation; us decent people are aroused by and desire women in skimpy cloths, which is why we assume rapists will go for them first.
However, when rapists lose their decency it is replaced by some sadistic psycho sickness(check http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Want-More-Men-To-Post-Rape-Fantasies/1792250"]this guy out, or just Google "i wanna rape this girl"), and so rapists don't really follow the same logic normal people do when ranking women they want to "just" have sex with.
The link I quoted from above may have some, or many, instances where the rape crime is from normal people because of pure sexual attraction. Unlike Rapists who's occupation is to rape. Like serial killers.
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As lame and simple your request/argument is. I actually think I might have learned something today, Sciforums may have not lost its touch after all. And I'm still younger than I think! :D

Well take your pick:

Unfuckingbelievable. Try reading those links again, idiot.

I'm sorry, but when someone give me a link and within 10 seconds I come across this:
Myth: Rape victims provoke the attach by wearing provocative clothing

- A Federal Commission on Crime of Violence Study found that only
4.4% of all reported rapes involved provocative behavior on the part
of the victim. In murder cases 22% involved such behavior (as simple
as a glance).

- Most convicted rapists do not remember what their victims were wearing.

- Victims range in age from days old to those in their nineties,
hardly provocative dressers.
as support for your "argument"...

Edit: OK, now I'm gonna be mean--didn't you just graduate from high school or something like that? You never had to read anything in high school, I take it--or what? This is just pathetic, except pathos is hardly what I'm feeling now. More like disgust.
I'm not going to extremes, I'm simply following your logic through to its conclusion. If women are raped because they make themselves appear attractive, then it only stands to reason that women who are attractive merely in sweatpants and t-shirts must go a step further
They might want to go that extra step if they're the center of attention much.
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