Rape and the "Civilized" World

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Wynn said:

So you can understand that staying off the streets to be safe as a pedestrian, is an absurd proposition.
So you understand that pedestrians can do quite a bit for their safety, as they participate in traffic.

Understand? It's my point.


But the idea that this principle of personal safety may also apply in other cases, such as assault and rape, strikes you as absurd.

Again, you're embarrassing yourself.

Talk about bad faith!

Even more so.

I'm starting to think you are having trouble comprehending the words themselves.

First you miss the point astoundingly. Then you demonstrate that failure.

Or, as Milhouse Van Houten once said, "First it started falling over. Then it fell over."

Hell, you response is even funny in an existentially multivalent way, and entirely by accident. No, really. If you could do this goofball routine deliberately, consistently, and with such excellent scrutiny of coincidence, then you should have a sitcom.

Having thus prefaced myself, I shall simply reiterate:

Stay off the streets? How on earth do I arrive at that conclusion? It's an application of open-ended prevention theory to the drunk-driving analogy.

But thank you for demonstrating my point so aptly.
Oh no I saw your answer. I just chose to disregard it and not bother with it because it was stupid and was indicative of your backwards view of women.

No, I cannot fathom any behaviour that might lead to a rape, because rapists are not all the same and anything could lead to it.
Then I suggest you read some of the links or search for material on the matter - plenty of info out there.

People who try to analyse or come up with the "recognised behaviour" that leads to an attempted rape are usually looking for an excuse for the rapist's actions and behaviour.
already explained how this notion of identifying a criminal for the sake of prevention and pushing for societal change that is ideal is only a dichotomy that exists in your head. Both can be refined (in terms of societal attitude or whatever) completely independent of each other. Your idea is exemplified by NOTHING and it is refuted to the contrary by EVERYTHING .....
So I need to ask, why are you trying to excuse rapists?
There are women who are rape survivors who have gone on to teach other women how to become rape survivors based on adopting these same preventative measures, some of which have sent their assailants to hospital or prison, and now you are of the opinion that they are making excuses for rapists.

I dare you to speak such nonsense to their face.

Working in the system, I can't fathom why you can't come to grips with this. If you can identify a criminal for persecution (a process in itself that is fluid, subject to societal change etc etc), what the hell is the problem is identifying one for prevention?
Why must one wait to become a victim in order to begin your course of action (aside from the obvious that they greatly reduce their chances of becoming a client for a lawyer)?

But to repeat the questions that has been asked of you repeatedly and which you have failed to answer..
And as I said earlier, I probably won't be bringing any new material to the discussion - merely helping you with reading comprehension.

What should a woman do to prevent being raped by her intimate partner, relative or man she knows and trusts? What behaviour do you think a woman could engage in that could "lead up to" a rape by her spouse?
If you read some of the material it mostly boils down to displaying behaviour to push one beyond what one is comfortable with - IOW they usually test the water first. Even failing that, there are physical defensive measures one can take. You can even find first hand accounts from some of the sites I gave by women explaining how they recognized those signs and acted to their benefit.

If you disagree with this, then you must be advocating that rape is an impulsive, uncontrollable act of sexual gratification and once a perpetrator makes it clear you are to be their victim the only empowering option to employ is to acquiesce and have no more cards to play until you contact your lawyer

Continuing the stupid, I see.

At no time have I or anyone else in this thread ever asserted that women should not defend themselves if attacked. No one has said this. Yet for some bizarre reason, you seem to assume we have and have carried on with this dishonest argument for a while now.
So prevention seminars that have a 50% physical aspect are teaching a further 50% of material that is completely useless and serves no purpose?

You have lied through your teeth about one article and tried to claim she had successfully prevented being raped, when in reality she was talking about a flash back to her rape by police officers when she took a self defense class.
And yet she is now offering preventative seminars that go for a few hours that have no physical component. What on earth do you think they are discussing? Tupperware?

You have also lied and been dishonest when you have consistently deemed that women can somehow prevent rapists from raping them if they behave a certain way and even in this post, have said that there are certain behaviours which would "lead up to a rape".. When asked how a woman can prevent being raped by someone she knows.. You even went so far down the ridiculous and downright stupid track of saying this when asked 'how can a woman prevent being raped by her intimate partner or relative or friend'.. And then tried unsuccessfully and stupidly to tie it in with self defense and lied to misrepresent what we have been saying and twisting it to say that we don't support self defense.. So I shall ask you again.
You are simply displaying your ignorance of the subject. Professional self defence these days absolutely never exists in isolation from a theoretical component about the nature of an attacker, advocacy as a victim and legal and medical issues that contextualize these areas.

IOW the notion of self defense not being incorporated under the greater umbrella of a preventative strategy simply doesn't happen in professional training (BTW, by professional training I am not meaning your local karate club or whatever)

What behaviours do you think a woman could show that would lead to her being raped by her intimate spouse, relative or acquaintance?
why did you fail to read some of the personal testimonies by women that explain this?

Which is all pretty and all. But it still fails to answer the question of what behaviours could lead a woman to be raped by her intimate spouse, relative or male acquaintance.. After all, you are the one harping on about OH&S about women and rape and you are the one saying that certain behaviors by women can lead them to being raped. So what behaviours do you think a woman could exhibit that would result in her being raped by her intimate partner, relative or male acquaintance? I will even make the question easier for you:

What should women avoid doing so they are not raped by their spouse, intimate partner, relative or mail acquaintance?
I guess you didn't read any of it.
try again.

I'm sorry, but where exactly have I said this?
IF a rapist is so unpredictable and impossible to anticipate, how can you be saying anything else?

IOW you have not only failed to provide a woman with any suggestions on what to do when faced with rape, you have outright demonized any preventative model she could hope to bring to the scenario, and have absolutely nothing to offer unless and until she becomes a victim.


Now detail what defensive measures a woman can take when her husband rapes her while she sleeps.
I recall a women speaking from one of the sites you failed to read yet simultaneously advocate makes excuses for rapists (on account of your talent to pose absurd dichotomies that have no precedent outside of your imagination).
She said quite simply, she fought the urge to be silent during the act and screamed her lungs out. She explained that this was something she picked up from going to the seminar.

This is by no means the length and breadth of possible ways to develop a preventative model. Its simply but one example, that an individual applied having learnt it earlier. As you can see, it is quite simple, but there are other ones a bit more complex in recognizing behavior or the nature of the relationship before the offence occurs. According to you however, none of this is relevant because self defense classes have absolutely nothing to do with preventative models and the behaviour of a rapist is completely unpredictable. And furthermore, its only by seeing how a preventative model measures up against the most challenging scenario that one can deem whether it is indeed a relevant tool in the discussion (until of course you want to begin discussion again on the Meagher case ....)

Here is the thing.

You have not answered the question.

You have instead tried to divert attention away from it by discussing something completely different.

You have claimed that certain behaviours lead to rape. So I asked you (repeatedly), what behaviours by a woman would lead to her being raped by her spouse, intimate partner, relative or acquaintance. You can't answer it, instead you prattle on about OH&S and self defense classes.

So answer the question please.
Its like you have some sort of mental condition that prevents you from assimilating information because it threatens to undermine your opinion
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I was gonna respond to this, point by point, but then I realized something: you are either incredibly stupid, or simply dishonest and rotten to the core. I'm kinda leaning towards the latter, as it's difficult to believe that a person could be that stupid, but regardless...

Seriously? Obviously there are going to be incidences of such; otherwise there'd be no fucking cherries to pick, right? It's all about prevalence and gravity and suchlike... but again, you can't possibly be that fucking idiotic, right?

I'm not addressing the rest. Just carry on with your preaching.

So there is data surrounding the nature of being a victim of rape. This data forms a statistical body. Individuals take these statistical conclusions and develop preventative strategies aimed at protecting individuals. Individuals attend such seminars and learn these strategies. Some of the said individuals have the opportunity to implement such strategies and protect themselves.

NOW all this is completely bogus because Parmalee says all such involved people are stupid, simply dishonest, rotten to the core on account of prevalence and gravity ( :wtf: ).

... :shrug:
Well, it's too hard to resist such... entertainment.

That was your point?!

Can you point me to where precisely I suggested otherwise?

And are you really that oblivious as to what I was suggesting about your motivations?
so you are now willing to concede the role alcohol consumption plays in becoming a victim of rape?
Or is that still taboo, since, you know, the last thing we need is someone telling us its not a good idea to drink booze?
So when he is discussing OH&S principles and hazardous behaviour that leads to rape, he is talking about the rapist?
What on earth makes you think I wouldn't be?
Can you think of any sort of OH&S advocacy that focuses solely and wholly on the one said individual at the expense of the environment they are negotiating?
Or alternatively, can you think of any sort of OH&S advocacy that focuses solely and wholly on the environment one is negotiating at the expense of the said individual?

It's okay Wynn. You can stop making excuses for him now.
You certainly have a talent for posing absurd dichotomies that have no precedent in reality .....
No, correct, as you demonstrate. Had it been incorrect, you would have been able to address the issue - advocacy, expectation, enforcement, of precautions - instead of deflecting into irrelevancies of immediate hazard etc.

Risk assessment is the precise tool that engages powers of advocacy, expectation, enforcement and precaution .... all of which are catalyzed by immediate hazard (which is hardly irrelevant, at least as far as sane people are concerned).
IOW whatever resources of risk management one has recourse to, one immediately adopts them the moment a hazard presents itself.
It doesn't matter in the slightest whether the hazard is staged in an unconventional setting or whether third parties should be engaged to prevent the hazard from occurring there.
There is something so immediate about personal danger that contingency plans automatically come in to play.
The only real question then is which contingency plans cover a broader scope of informed decision making than others.
Understand? It's my point.


Again, you're embarrassing yourself.

Even more so.

I'm starting to think you are having trouble comprehending the words themselves.

First you miss the point astoundingly. Then you demonstrate that failure.

Or, as Milhouse Van Houten once said, "First it started falling over. Then it fell over."

Hell, you response is even funny in an existentially multivalent way, and entirely by accident. No, really. If you could do this goofball routine deliberately, consistently, and with such excellent scrutiny of coincidence, then you should have a sitcom.

Having thus prefaced myself, I shall simply reiterate:

Stay off the streets? How on earth do I arrive at that conclusion? It's an application of open-ended prevention theory to the drunk-driving analogy.

But thank you for demonstrating my point so aptly.
For an individual displaying a strong aptitude for ignoring repeated statements (even when they are in large bold font), you are certainly showing bad form here.
So there is data surrounding the nature of being a victim of rape. This data forms a statistical body. Individuals take these statistical conclusions and develop preventative strategies aimed at protecting individuals. Individuals attend such seminars and learn these strategies. Some of the said individuals have the opportunity to implement such strategies and protect themselves.

NOW all this is completely bogus because Parmalee says all such involved people are stupid, simply dishonest, rotten to the core on account of prevalence and gravity ( :wtf: ).

... :shrug:

Right, that's precisely what I said.

But seriously: no, it's not at all what I said.

I said that YOU are dishonest and rotten to the core, but given your "comprehension" of my posts, as well as those of others, I am now saying that YOU are also a complete fucking idiot.

Get it? Or do I need to say it a few more times, in language more appropriate to your level of understanding?
so you are now willing to concede the role alcohol consumption plays in becoming a victim of rape?
Or is that still taboo, since, you know, the last thing we need is someone telling us its not a good idea to drink booze?

Did I say that? (Hint: no, I said no such thing.)

P.S. And by the way, people like YOU are the primary reason that I do not teach--I'm referring to Philosophy, that is, not anything having anything whatsoever to do with this thread. The (ordinarily) dull and/or disinterested types are certainly annoying, but it's the ones who actually show an interest and yet are so smug, self-righteous, and caught up in their own misguided notions and utterly insane misreadings who are the REAL pain in my ass. (And yeah, incidentally, you kinda fit the profile in that specific regard, as well: your knowledge of Indian literature is admirable and impressive, but your abuse of philosophy is grating.)

So thank you, for not only being a misogynistic creep, but for also depriving me of a not-terribly-lucrative part-time occupation.
Then I suggest you read some of the links or search for material on the matter - plenty of info out there.

So tell me LG.

How do you identify rapists or potential rapists?

What behaviour do men exhibit around you that would make you wary that they may be your potential rapist.

already explained how this notion of identifying a criminal for the sake of prevention and pushing for societal change that is ideal is only a dichotomy that exists in your head. Both can be refined (in terms of societal attitude or whatever) completely independent of each other. Your idea is exemplified by NOTHING and it is refuted to the contrary by EVERYTHING .....

There are women who are rape survivors who have gone on to teach other women how to become rape survivors based on adopting these same preventative measures, some of which have sent their assailants to hospital or prison, and now you are of the opinion that they are making excuses for rapists.
Having spoken to many of such women, there is always a constant theme.. 'I never thought he would do something like this to me'.

You see, your version of rape prevention puts the onus on the woman to not only identify her potential rapist, but to then act in a certain way to prevent being raped.

You keep harping on about self defense seminars for rape survivors. I have attended hundreds and spoken at hundreds of them. And the main underlying theme at such seminars is to educate women that rape is never their fault and there is nothing they could have done to have stopped what happened to them. The reason being is that rape survivors have gone through such trauma and usually blame themselves for what they should never blame themselves for. What we then tell these women is that they can and should take self defense classes not to identify their rapists or to prevent their rapists, but to help them survive and stay alive. And we keep re-iterating that if they are ever raped, that there is nothing that they could have done and the blame lays solely with the rapist.

Do you understand the difference now and why your advocating rape prevention is so offensive? At all?

I dare you to speak such nonsense to their face.
I dare you to tell a rape survivor that she could have prevented her own rape.

Working in the system, I can't fathom why you can't come to grips with this. If you can identify a criminal for persecution (a process in itself that is fluid, subject to societal change etc etc), what the hell is the problem is identifying one for prevention?
I linked you photos of 6 men earlier and asked you to tell me which one was the rapist. You can't answer it because you simply do not know. So when you use sentences like "what the hell is the problem is identifying one for prevention?", you are carrying on as if women should know how to identify their potential rapists.

Why must one wait to become a victim in order to begin your course of action (aside from the obvious that they greatly reduce their chances of becoming a client for a lawyer)?
No one has said that a woman should wait to become a victim.

What everyone except rape apologists like you and your ilk have been saying is that your rape prevention prattle places the onus on the woman to not be raped by saying that women can somehow prevent being raped. That does not happen in the real world and what you and your kind have done instead is to put pressure on women to identify their rapists before they are raped. Self defense? Sure. I highly advise everyone to take such classes, regardless of sex. But that is not going to always work and does not always work. Because the majority of women are raped by the men they know and studies upon studies have found that such rapes occur because women may not want to attack their spouse or intimate partner or relative, or may not be able to simply because they were asleep when they are raped or inebriated. So what has been found is that talk of 'rape prevention' only makes those women feel guilty and so, they do not come forward because there is this inherent belief that women must always fight back and if they did not, then they somehow weren't raped or wanted it to happen.

So do you understand now why your idiocy about rape prevention does not help women?

If you read some of the material it mostly boils down to displaying behaviour to push one beyond what one is comfortable with - IOW they usually test the water first. Even failing that, there are physical defensive measures one can take. You can even find first hand accounts from some of the sites I gave by women explaining how they recognized those signs and acted to their benefit.
Do you live in the real world and speak to real people?

No, rapists rarely "test the water first". And you are speaking about stranger rape. A woman who wakes up to find herself being raped by her spouse or partner or relative will usually have no signs prior to their rape. Nor would a woman who during foreplay says 'no' and he keeps pushing her and then rapes her without her consent.

So how about you take your head out of your posterior and apply it to real world situations.

If you disagree with this, then you must be advocating that rape is an impulsive, uncontrollable act of sexual gratification and once a perpetrator makes it clear you are to be their victim the only empowering option to employ is to acquiesce and have no more cards to play until you contact your lawyer
Once a rapist makes it clear he is going to rape her?

Do you think a rapist tells the woman first that he is going to rape her? Do you actually think that's how it happens?

And do you understand or realise that not all women are able to fight back or apply such defensive measures physically or mentally? Yes? No? That one of the biggest things about self defense classes is to tell women that it is normal to freeze up and the reason your trainer will attack you over and over again is to try and push women into not freezing up but to react and even they tell you that freezing up is absolutely normal and if it happens when you are raped or attacked, then it is not your fault? Yes? No? Because being able to react in a self defense class does not mean that one is mentally prepared to react in the same way if one is raped in the real world which is usually one's home by someone one knows.

Rape is about power, control, humiliation.. I have known many rapists who actually got off when his victim fought back and the harder she fought back, the better it made him feel and the more brutally he would rape her to teach her a lesson. That is the real world LG.

So prevention seminars that have a 50% physical aspect are teaching a further 50% of material that is completely useless and serves no purpose?
Is your stupidity inherent or contrived?

And yet she is now offering preventative seminars that go for a few hours that have no physical component. What on earth do you think they are discussing? Tupperware?
Again, is your stupidity something you were born with or contrived?

You are simply displaying your ignorance of the subject. Professional self defence these days absolutely never exists in isolation from a theoretical component about the nature of an attacker, advocacy as a victim and legal and medical issues that contextualize these areas.

IOW the notion of self defense not being incorporated under the greater umbrella of a preventative strategy simply doesn't happen in professional training (BTW, by professional training I am not meaning your local karate club or whatever)
Refer to above.

why did you fail to read some of the personal testimonies by women that explain this?
Because I have spent the better part of over 10 years speaking to such women face to face and your links offer nothing new and your using such testimonies shows just how much you don't get it.

IF a rapist is so unpredictable and impossible to anticipate, how can you be saying anything else?

IOW you have not only failed to provide a woman with any suggestions on what to do when faced with rape, you have outright demonized any preventative model she could hope to bring to the scenario, and have absolutely nothing to offer unless and until she becomes a victim.
I have done nothing of the sort.

So you can stop lying now.

I recall a women speaking from one of the sites you failed to read yet simultaneously advocate makes excuses for rapists (on account of your talent to pose absurd dichotomies that have no precedent outside of your imagination).
She said quite simply, she fought the urge to be silent during the act and screamed her lungs out. She explained that this was something she picked up from going to the seminar.

This is by no means the length and breadth of possible ways to develop a preventative model. Its simply but one example, that an individual applied having learnt it earlier. As you can see, it is quite simple, but there are other ones a bit more complex in recognizing behavior or the nature of the relationship before the offence occurs. According to you however, none of this is relevant because self defense classes have absolutely nothing to do with preventative models and the behaviour of a rapist is completely unpredictable. And furthermore, its only by seeing how a preventative model measures up against the most challenging scenario that one can deem whether it is indeed a relevant tool in the discussion (until of course you want to begin discussion again on the Meagher case ....)
The behaviour of rapists is unpredictable. Because no woman will know in advance who is going to rape her.

This is fact in the real world.

One of your links was about a woman who was raped by two police officers in New Zealand, which just goes to show how unpredictable it is. Her preventative model is not to identify who is a possible rapists, because what happened to her was clearly something that she could never have envisaged nor could she have identified them before they attacked her, but to help women deal with what is happening to them and to tell them that however they may react is normal and it teaches self defense not as a means to prevent being raped, but as a way to survive it as well. But the underlying theme at such seminars is that not all women will be able to react or prevent their rape and the best thing they need to do is to try to survive it. Because the underlying theme of self defense is survival. Understand now?

Its like you have some sort of mental condition that prevents you from assimilating information because it threatens to undermine your opinion
Says he who keeps acting and posting as if women are supposed to identify their potential rapists and prevent being raped. It doesn't work that way in the real world.
Did I say that? (Hint: no, I said no such thing.)
On the contrary, it was you who interpreted, and indeed brought up, that everything I was saying was simply a ruse for a moral agenda.
I am simply showing how, in light of OH&S management, that is a red herring at best and downright stupid at worst.

P.S. And by the way, people like YOU are the primary reason that I do not teach--I'm referring to Philosophy, that is, not anything having anything whatsoever to do with this thread. The (ordinarily) dull and/or disinterested types are certainly annoying, but it's the ones who actually show an interest and yet are so smug, self-righteous, and caught up in their own misguided notions and utterly insane misreadings who are the REAL pain in my ass. (And yeah, incidentally, you kinda fit the profile in that specific regard, as well: your knowledge of Indian literature is admirable and impressive, but your abuse of philosophy is grating.)
will the irony never end?

So thank you, for not only being a misogynistic creep, but for also depriving me of a not-terribly-lucrative part-time occupation.
as far as discussing this topic goes, you are simply a person who strongly advocates their point of view and yells insults at people based on your imagination.
Right, that's precisely what I said.

But seriously: no, it's not at all what I said.

I said that YOU are dishonest and rotten to the core, but given your "comprehension" of my posts, as well as those of others, I am now saying that YOU are also a complete fucking idiot.

Get it? Or do I need to say it a few more times, in language more appropriate to your level of understanding?
all I have been doing is re-presenting views that are already advocated by not only women, not only women rape survivors, but women rape survivors who facilitate seminars and the like advocating preventative measures.

However when I present them to you (or more correctly, you take it upon yourself to respond to them) , you go on a tirade of adolescent name calling. We can only assume that you also mean to include these individuals in your personal campaign of hate.

On the contrary, it was you who interpreted, and indeed brought up, that everything I was saying was simply a ruse for a moral agenda.
I am simply showing how, in light of OH&S management, that is a red herring at best and downright stupid at worst.

Wait, so you did actually understand what I was saying?

And yet your response here, as per usual, makes absolutely no fucking sense.

But please, do show me WHERE PRECISELY I said what your are alleging that I said.

will the irony never end?

as far as discussing this topic goes, you are simply a person who strongly advocates their point of view and yells insults at people based on your imagination.

So I am only imagining that you are a misogynistic creep and a fucking idiot?
all I have been doing is re-presenting views that are already advocated by not only women, not only women rape survivors, but women rape survivors who facilitate seminars and the like advocating preventative measures.

However when I present them to you (or more correctly, you take it upon yourself to respond to them) , you go on a tirade of adolescent name calling. We can only assume that you also mean to include these individuals in your personal campaign of hate.


And yet civil discourse does not evade me when conversing with non-idiots.

This is a gem. :)
The behaviour of rapists is unpredictable. Because no woman will know in advance who is going to rape her.

This is fact in the real world.
One would think that this would not be all that difficult to convey.

Yeah, I realize that certain persons probably do in fact understand this, and what is on display here is something else entirely, but still...
So tell me LG.

How do you identify rapists or potential rapists?
Once again, we can only assume you refused to read anything

What behaviour do men exhibit around you that would make you wary that they may be your potential rapist.
ditto above

Having spoken to many of such women, there is always a constant theme.. 'I never thought he would do something like this to me'.
Strangely enough, this point also crops up at the seminars, information sites I previously mentioned (even ones that talk about auto-theft, heart attack or pretty much anything else for that matter ... in fact here it is in a recent newstory : (The judge) said dangerous driving was a crime often committed by otherwise law-abiding people who "never think it will happen to them".) .
However unlike you, they don't play it to the tune of "see, there is nothing one can do"
You see, your version of rape prevention puts the onus on the woman to not only identify her potential rapist, but to then act in a certain way to prevent being raped.
and your onus doesn't.
So in one scenario you equip individuals with information to provide a broad base for hazard management and in another, you don't.
Which one do you think is more empowering?

You keep harping on about self defense seminars for rape survivors. I have attended hundreds and spoken at hundreds of them.
Somehow I doubt that very much.
Earlier I made the distinction between these sort of OH&S seminars and the victim advocacy groups (part of which are already incorporated in the OH&S seminars btw) that you seem to be exclusively familiar with

And the main underlying theme at such seminars is to educate women that rape is never their fault and there is nothing they could have done to have stopped what happened to them. The reason being is that rape survivors have gone through such trauma and usually blame themselves for what they should never blame themselves for. What we then tell these women is that they can and should take self defense classes not to identify their rapists or to prevent their rapists, but to help them survive and stay alive. And we keep re-iterating that if they are ever raped, that there is nothing that they could have done and the blame lays solely with the rapist.
Once again, its only in your imagination that you play these OH&S type seminars as absolutely suggesting that the victim get blamed (so much so that you automatically accuse such persons as making excuses for rapists)
IOW the simple notion that you can't seem to filter through your head is that one can simultaneously advocate a prevention model and a victim advocacy program.
And of course the reason that one can do this is because both fields, namely prevention models and victim advocacy, can be honed independently from each other.
Do you seriously think that women, having been rape survivors, when they facilitate such information sessions, actually suggest that the rapist is not to blame?
Do you understand the difference now and why your advocating rape prevention is so offensive? At all?
Do you now understand how that there is no automatic mutual exclusiveness between victim prevention and victim advocacy models?.
Do you understand that all this ranting about "making excuses for rapists" is simply a consequence of a dichotomy that exists only in your imagination?

I dare you to tell a rape survivor that she could have prevented her own rape.
Try going to one of these sort of seminars and you will see that they not only tell it, they teach it.

I linked you photos of 6 men earlier and asked you to tell me which one was the rapist. You can't answer it because you simply do not know. So when you use sentences like "what the hell is the problem is identifying one for prevention?", you are carrying on as if women should know how to identify their potential rapists.
and if you go back to my response, you can see why we automatically disregard that from the onset.
Because you offer things like this, it just leads to the conclusion that you really don't know much about these models

No one has said that a woman should wait to become a victim.
well if you have an alternative to this default option, now is the time to say it.

What everyone except rape apologists like you and your ilk have been saying is that your rape prevention prattle places the onus on the woman
Once again, the real world (distinct from "bell's imagination") shows numerous examples of advocacy and prevention working in tandem. If you have a clear argument for thinking otherwise or a working model to cite, we are yet to hear it.

to not be raped by saying that women can somehow prevent being raped.
Once again : Its not "somehow".

Its about looking at the criteria a perpetrator looks for in an "easy victim", recognizing their modus operandi, and translating that data into a preventative model.

That does not happen in the real world
I'm afraid it does.

All you can offer are concepts that have no precedent in the real world.
IOW, to state very clearly - THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE DICHOTOMY BETWEEN PREVENTATIVE AND ADVOCACY MODELS (barring bell's imagination of course)

and what you and your kind have done instead is to put pressure on women to identify their rapists before they are raped.
and the trauma of identifying someone who means to do something malicious to you outweighs the trauma of suffering their actions in some magical way?

Self defense?
commonly referred to as the final preventative measure

Sure. I highly advise everyone to take such classes, regardless of sex. But that is not going to always work and does not always work. Because the majority of women are raped by the men they know and studies upon studies have found that such rapes occur because women may not want to attack their spouse or intimate partner or relative, or may not be able to simply because they were asleep when they are raped or inebriated.
so do you feel traumatized by taking self defense classes or do you feel empowered?
Going out on a wild guess here, let's assume that you find it empowering ...
Why would you suspect someone might find it empowering?
Could it possibly be because they now have a tool for reducing the likelihood of themselves from becoming a victim in some circumstance?
Or is all this simply a ruse for getting culprits off the hook (since, you know, if you have a preventative measure up your sleeve and it doesn't work or get implemented for whatever reason, then its obviously all your fault .... after all there is absolutely no way for preventative and advocacy models to exist outside of being mutually exclusive, no?)?

Can you start to see how you are starting to sound like an absolute imbecile?

So what has been found is that talk of 'rape prevention' only makes those women feel guilty and so, they do not come forward because there is this inherent belief that women must always fight back and if they did not, then they somehow weren't raped or wanted it to happen.
If you were actually familiar with the type of information sessions I am talking about, you would know that they incorporate victim advocacy. IOW part of the prevention model includes what to do when things go wrong - who to contact, what to expect, personal testimony etc and even things like how to identify the culprit etc.

IOW the person most likely to be silent about it is an individual with a reduced scope for making informed decisions ... which hardly seems to be the type of person who pro-actively adopts a preventative model.

On the other hand, if an individual adopts your attitude of it not being their problem (since its ultimately a rapists duty not to rape them), they are more likely to succumb to the crisis of the situation

So do you understand now why your idiocy about rape prevention does not help women?
At this point the only thing I don't understand why you are still saying the same tired things since I have already refuted all this on more than one occasion

Do you live in the real world and speak to real people?
so you don't believe it was a real testimony from a real person based on their real experience of the real world?

No, rapists rarely "test the water first". And you are speaking about stranger rape. A woman who wakes up to find herself being raped by her spouse or partner or relative will usually have no signs prior to their rape. Nor would a woman who during foreplay says 'no' and he keeps pushing her and then rapes her without her consent.

So how about you take your head out of your posterior and apply it to real world situations.
Once again, their is personal testimony of people preventing rape from known persons having learnt the tools of risk management from seminars and the like.
If you don't want to read the links because it threatens to undermine your strong opinions, there is not really much I can do about it.
And once again, if you actually bother to read the links, you will see that it deals with a broad spectrum of types of rape ...

Once a rapist makes it clear he is going to rape her?
yeah you know.
Once the act is underway

Do you think a rapist tells the woman first that he is going to rape her? Do you actually think that's how it happens?
errr ... no.
But I certainly do think you haven't read any of the links

And do you understand or realise that not all women are able to fight back or apply such defensive measures physically or mentally? Yes? No? That one of the biggest things about self defense classes is to tell women that it is normal to freeze up and the reason your trainer will attack you over and over again is to try and push women into not freezing up but to react and even they tell you that freezing up is absolutely normal and if it happens when you are raped or attacked, then it is not your fault? Yes? No?
And the obvious point of doing this exercise is to illustrate to the woman that she will never be anything other than a victim since she will repeatedly and consistently freeze up when she gets attacked.
Indeed, the only reason she could possibly have to go to these self defense classes in the first place is to help her overcome the notion that she could ever hope to overcome a potential assault and thus prevent herself from becoming a victim.

Because being able to react in a self defense class does not mean that one is mentally prepared to react in the same way if one is raped in the real world which is usually one's home by someone one knows.
And not being able to react in any way due to a lack of knowledge/experience/strategy provides an even more morbid assessment of the scenario ....

Rape is about power, control, humiliation.. I have known many rapists who actually got off when his victim fought back and the harder she fought back, the better it made him feel and the more brutally he would rape her to teach her a lesson. That is the real world LG.
and that too - surprise surprise - is also a piece of information mentioned in the links previously given.

Is your stupidity inherent or contrived?
well so far the only thing you have been able to find close to acceptable from prevention models is the self defense aspect (and even then, only in a half-arsed sort of way).
I am just trying to bring your assessment of the other topics (ie the non- physical aspects) these women present in their prevention seminars.

Again, is your stupidity something you were born with or contrived?
err no.
I am asking you a question, closely tied to the point above.
Let me repeat :

And yet she is now offering preventative seminars that go for a few hours that have no physical component. What on earth do you think they are discussing? Tupperware?

Refer to above.
I am talking about the standard of personal self defense as it is professionally taught ... which is yet another example of how advocacy and prevention models work in tandem.
Now if you want to talk of a type of stupidity a person might either be born with or contrived , just assume that we had someone who placed advocacy and prevention models in a dichotomy and ....

Because I have spent the better part of over 10 years speaking to such women face to face and your links offer nothing new and your using such testimonies shows just how much you don't get it.
and your experience is obviously lacking on so many fronts and your inability to expand your world view seems to be nothing more than a consequence of your attitude.
From your post its obvious you haven't even read the information, much less comprehended it

I have done nothing of the sort.

So you can stop lying now.

You have been labeling preventative models for rape as making excuses for rapists.
You have ridiculed the attitude of women who have not only gone on to survive rape but also teach others how to prevent it.
You offer absolutely nothing practical (granted, you did say "run" at one point)for someone who is suddenly faced with the prospect of rape.

In short, your advice is "wait until you become a victim, then you can do something".

The behaviour of rapists is unpredictable. Because no woman will know in advance who is going to rape her.

This is fact in the real world.
Its not the real world.
Its simply your world view divorced from any empowering knowledge - empowering knowledge given by female rape survivors I might add too ... just to make it perfectly clear who are implicating when you talk of the idea being stupid.

One of your links was about a woman who was raped by two police officers in New Zealand, which just goes to show how unpredictable it is. Her preventative model is not to identify who is a possible rapists, because what happened to her was clearly something that she could never have envisaged nor could she have identified them before they attacked her, but to help women deal with what is happening to them and to tell them that however they may react is normal and it teaches self defense not as a means to prevent being raped, but as a way to survive it as well. But the underlying theme at such seminars is that not all women will be able to react or prevent their rape and the best thing they need to do is to try to survive it. Because the underlying theme of self defense is survival. Understand now?
All we can understand is that you are in the habit of never letting the truth of a situation interfere with your opinion.

'Speaking as somebody who has been a victim, to learn these strategies to not to be a victim again – it's vital for every single woman to equip themselves with these skills,' the former New Zealander of the Year explains.

Although there is no physical component to the two-and-half hour Auckland-based seminar, it aims to enlighten participants on how to better identify and avoid potential violence.

They'll learn to pinpoint manipulation strategies used against women, examine the stages of self-defence, and understand the psychology of an attacker and how they choose their targets.

Says he who keeps acting and posting as if women are supposed to identify their potential rapists and prevent being raped.
says she who doesn't read information and insist on strange precepts that are totally bereft of a functional model in the real world

It doesn't work that way in the real world.
It doesn't work for you simply because your experience and knowledge base is too narrow ... and to top it off, a belligerent attitude to any parties threatening to broaden it.

You ask how does one identify a rapist ...

I provide a link - you don't read it.
I provide an excerpt from a woman who facilitates teaching a seminar that includes this subject - you ignore it.
I provide a run down from a personal testimony - you say this is not from the real world.

And yet I don't doubt for a second that your next reply will come back to this same question that your arrogance and attitude simply prohibits you from discussing.
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One would think that this would not be all that difficult to convey.

Yeah, I realize that certain persons probably do in fact understand this, and what is on display here is something else entirely, but still...
For your enlightenment ...

'Speaking as somebody who has been a victim, to learn these strategies to not to be a victim again – it's vital for every single woman to equip themselves with these skills,' the former New Zealander of the Year explains.

Although there is no physical component to the two-and-half hour Auckland-based seminar, it aims to enlighten participants on how to better identify and avoid potential violence.

They'll learn to pinpoint manipulation strategies used against women, examine the stages of self-defence, and understand the psychology of an attacker and how they choose their targets.

Let me guess?
She's another fucking stupid misogynist dressing up preventative models as nothing but a ruse for a nefarious moral agenda in your books?

'Speaking as somebody who has been a victim, to learn these strategies to not to be a victim again – it's vital for every single woman to equip themselves with these skills,' the former New Zealander of the Year explains.

It would be interesting to listen to some of the posters here explain to her how she is a "rape apologist" and describe to her how she is oppressing women with her offensive beliefs. And of course how she is making excuses for rapists.
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