Rape and other things


The people who go to bars all the time ared those who pick up, have short flings, and move on; the next week it's back to the bar, same again. Both guys and girls. This is basically the extent of "dating culture" in Australia, USA, and several other countries. The people who are involved in this are emotional backwash, as deep as the shallow end of the kiddy pool, and in my opinion quite pathetic. That's what they go there for; you really must expect it, if you attend such places.
I don't have a hubby or engagement ring

Just put a ring on your wedding finger when you go out, and say you're engaged or married, but your man is in prison for murdering the last guy that flirted with you. Then tell them your man gets out of prison next week. :D
I would have to agree with you, Adam. But I do know that sometimes people just want to go out to hang out with other people. Kinda like 'boys night out', or vice versa. But yeah, the majority go out for the reasons you described.
Re: crap

Originally posted by susan
every boy in town is bothering me.

people come up in a bar... attempt to stupify, hit on me.
i don't know what to do. I don't have a hubby or engagement
ring. sigh sigh sigh.

open your legs and let em at it!. you females are nuts! sex on demand for crissake! with any one you choose! if i was a bitch, i'd be the biggest ho on the block! rape? yummy!
Jesus, it's a sure sign that we're becoming a culture of pussies when we debate whether it's okay to use force to stop a rape.
No doubt! I don't think adam was saying we should be taught to never touch one another...jeez.

But we should be taught to respect our fellow humans. That is what it comes down to in my eyes...rape is complete lack of respect for the victim and a manifestation of the desire to show power over another.
How did this come to be a anti-bar thread? What a bunch of fun-haters we have.

If you are young and looking to socialize and perhaps have some sex...bars are great. If you are a complete dork bars are threatening because here you see how inadequate you are to the opposite sex!

Now, if you are looking for a long term relationship or something and do not want to be talked to....ummm maybe you shouldn't go to bars...I dunno I met my wife at a bar so it can be cool like that also. Unless you are adam and think only shallow people would ever go to a bar lol.
Originally posted by spookz
open your legs and let em at it!. you females are nuts! sex on demand for crissake! with any one you choose! if i was a bitch, i'd be the biggest ho on the block! rape? yummy!

Welcome to my Ignore list, loser.

and you obviously think i am adversely affected by that? who the fuck do you think you are? you think i learn shit from you? ask you questions? the only use you served was as convenient whipping boy! know this! the taunts will continue as long as you post! your frikkin arrogance amazes me, sailorboy! shoudnt you be scrubbing a deck or something? servicing the captain perhaps?

i have a sick sense of humor. that's all there is to it!

or maybe not

I guess you should sort of, if possible, say something like,
"I am going to use physical force to stop you!"

"Hello Mr. Anonymous Rapist, sir, I do hope you don't mind if I struggle a bit. May I bring my Ruger in contact with the back of your skull? Sorry sir."

You people are such total wusses.

Spookz, I love you.

New Life:
Is the question whether its ok to touch a person sexually without permission or to use force to stop a rape?

It's worse than I thought. Next people are going to be signing notarized contracts before having sex.

as for women in the middle east, it is a part of the culture to punish a woman by having her raped for speaking to a man outside of her family in public (or some offence like that).

Umm, dearest, you're thinking of Pakistan. And no, that isn't part of the culture everywhere in Pakistan.

Racist fool.
in regards to R kelly... I strongly believe that know one shoyuld be held accountable for something thast they did'nt know. Lets be real, the girl didn't look that young and more than likely carried her self as an easy tramp. Let him go and charge the parents for not being parents.
there is an exseption to the stat rape laws here that say if you belived the person to be the corect age you havent comited a crime
Originally posted by Asguard
there is an exseption to the stat rape laws here that say if you belived the person to be the corect age you havent comited a crime

Are you sure you have that right? Seems a crazy law to me though.

So, if a woman above the age of 18 is attacked and raped against her will, it is not a crime? Then what is it?

Come on, I don't think that is so. Pretty fucked up that would be.

Originally posted by Susan
every boy in town is bothering me.

people come up in a bar... attempt to stupify, hit on me.
i don't know what to do. I don't have a hubby or engagement
ring. sigh sigh sigh.

What do you say if you quit sighing all over the place and just say what you want. I get the impression you don't hate it that much. If you did, you would make perfectly clear to those losers who bother you all the time, that you do not want it and that they should leave you alone. Come on girl, don't victimise yourself so. I don't believe it either when you put it like this.

Grow some skin, say what you mean, loud and clearly. Believe me, it is the attitude from you yourself which can make the difference. There will always be some guys who don't want to hear you but hey, there are other ways to deal with that. Let your imagination work on that one.

Anyhow, quit sighing, that won't help you.

well, yes, I do feel that I connect better to crudity,
or at least outlandishness.
"So, if a woman above the age of 18 is attacked and raped against her will, it is not a crime? Then what is it?"

Do you have any idea what stat rape is?
people come up in a bar... attempt to stupify, hit on me

most all guys do that in a bar-like environment, that's what it's all about. i've just learned to stay away from the bar scene. that's my advice to you if you don't like men approaching you in those kinds of places.

so, pumpkin, shall we call this
"boys will be boys" philisophy?
or "Put out or Get Out" philosophy?