Rape and other things


Registered Senior Member
Do you think that mild occurences of sexism
are representative of greater atrocities, such as rape
of thousands of women in the east?

I mean, if you suffer a small injustice in your 'safe' suburban
town is it worth debating because it might lead to
'political' revelations about oppressed people on a global scale.

sorry if my grammar is poor; it's early.
Originally posted by susan
Do you think that mild occurences of sexism
are representative of greater atrocities, such as rape
of thousands of women in the east?
I mean, if you suffer a small injustice in your 'safe' suburban
town is it worth debating because it might lead to
'political' revelations about oppressed people on a global scale.

Your statements are rather broad and without example.

:m: Peace.
I think we have a problem all around the world, that being the complete lack of education in matters logical and philosophical. The first thing all people should be taught is that they do not have the right to infringe upon the body of another. Talk, have different opinions, swear at each other, spread lies and more; just don't touch another person without their permission. This needs to be drilled into individuals and entire cultures alike.
Would you need permission to touch another person if they touched you without your permission, or touched someone else without their permission, or did or were doing severe harm to another person without touching?

hmm. last question interesting, many little
hideaways in that queries, i mean, for misinterpretation.

but, this occurred to me:
say you saw somebody raping or hurting someone physically..
I guess you should sort of, if possible, say something like,
"I am going to use physical force to stop you!"
and then grab them or whatever....
like calling pool shots; it is only customary.... perhaps!
safest thing to do is call the police, that way if they have a weapon you don't get caught. And the person doing it doesn't get the chance to rape or hurt another person. If there are other people around, scream and make a noise and draw as much attention as you can.
It all depends on the culture you came from, whether or not you can touch someone.

As for the whole rape issue, sociologists are still fighting viciously over the cause of it. Some people think it's about dominance, others think it's about sexual gratification, etc. Personally I think the former makes more sense. If it's about gratification alone then you couldn't explain the rape cases of wo/men of all ages.
I think force is often the best choice to stop a rapist or other criminal committing violence on another. If someone is about to throw a Molotov cocktail into a house I think hitting them with a big rock is appropriate.

No touching / use of force is a worthy goal but unrealistic as long as people will harm others. Authorities need to touch to apprehend and imprison uncooperative criminals, whether or not the crime involved touching. People should be taught about minimizing touching rather than eliminating it.
Jesus, it's a sure sign that we're becoming a culture of pussies when we debate whether it's okay to use force to stop a rape.

say you saw somebody raping or hurting someone physically..

Grab a video camera. Man, you can make a fortune off that shit on the internet. :)
i dont get it

sexisum occurs BOTH ways

ill admit it occurs MORE to women but how many girls have gone out to perve at guys, grabed a GUYS butt at a bar ect?????

it happens and its caused by our need to procreate normally combine with achole

it doesnt mean that that person would rape someone

hell it boosts SOME peoples ego

i was lissioning to the radio one day and the female presenter said she was quite flatted that some teen ages wolf whisled her
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Is the question whether its ok to touch a person sexually without permission or to use force to stop a rape?

either way, it is all in the perseption......what is considered unwanted sexual touch and what is force? it all depends on the people, situation and amount.

as for women in the middle east, it is a part of the culture to punish a woman by having her raped for speaking to a man outside of her family in public (or some offence like that).

While it is unfair to place western ideals on other cultures, I think that is totally obsurd and the punishment should at least fit the crime (which this doesnt)
Why do you think it is unfair to place western ideals on other cultures? What do you think the woman being punished thinks? You can bet it is not part of the women’s culture there to punish by rape. We don’t know for sure because the women there cannot be heard; their voice is stifled by the men. By force.
you do realise that those who orded that were chaged and face the death penelty?

hehe. sort of gives me a chuckle.

okay, it's partially a valid concept, like... if chicks can't vote and junk. that wouldn't be very fair. however, if a guy looks at your ass... welcome to the species.
i happen to agree with the above statement

as i know HEEPS of girls who go out JUST to perve at guys (my sister included) of corse if it goes further than perving thats different
Originally posted by Asguard
you do realise that those who orded that were chaged and face the death penelty?

Yes. Public pressure from the West helps. The world is changing. Although I wouldn’t kill them.
I guess you should sort of, if possible, say something like,
"I am going to use physical force to stop you!"


"HEY! I am going to throw a punch at you! I am using my left fist, and I am aiming at your right ear!" -POW!- "Hey man, why'd you hit me? You're supposed to warn me first!" -POW!- "Stop it!" -POW!- -POW!- -PUMMEL!- "Help!"
Originally posted by Asguard
i dont get it

sexisum occurs BOTH ways

ill admit it occurs MORE to women but how many girls have gone out to perve at guys, grabed a GUYS butt at a bar ect?????

is that big biker boy still bothering you?


every boy in town is bothering me.

people come up in a bar... attempt to stupify, hit on me.
i don't know what to do. I don't have a hubby or engagement
ring. sigh sigh sigh.

Where are you from?

You wanna hook up?


LOL! Flirting on a rape thread!

J/K susan, I'm married (although that doesn't stop some guys, eh?). Just couldn't resist!