Ramadan 2007 style

Just cheat. I have seen people do it in the States. Many Somali in Minnesota don't give a shit, but they fast so that they don't bring shame to their community. Some people hide food and pretend to be tired. Oh BTW, I know many Muslims love pork but it's too bad that they have to eat them in secrecy.

funny .

cheating whom ???

cheating your self ??

or cheating your god ??

if cheating your self then you are the loser because ALLAH didn't order people to fast to make them suffer .. but fasting for their health and for very good things they will earn .

if cheating God ... no one can cheat God because God knows your thoughts not only what you do while hiding from people .

those who eat pigs or drink wine or cheat ... are just cheating them selves

because rules in islam were put for human benefit not for suffering

and everything Allah ordered people to do has its advantage and benefit even if your little brain can not know the reason .
every order God gives .. must have wisdom and an aim and at the end every order will benefit the follower and the one who cheats will be the loser .

thank you and good luck
Zakariya, you are Muslim?:eek:

I seriously, SERIOUSLY that you were either Israeli or Jewish, since Zakariya is, and correct me if I'm wrong, of Jewish origin?
Hey ash

good idea, but then if you ate cardboard you may get ill and shit, so it probaly wont be too good to do that.. Actually i dont think you can eat non food things either

Its going to be tuff man real tuff.


You can drink water, can't you? I work with a few muslims and a lot of them are using vacation for a large portion of the time. Some have switched to third shift to make the passage easier.

You can drink water, can't you? I work with a few muslims and a lot of them are using vacation for a large portion of the time. Some have switched to third shift to make the passage easier.


You cannot drink any water or eat any food from sunrise to sunset. This goes on for about a full 30 days. Children, elderly, sick, and traveling people are exempt from fasting.

I find doing it all pretty easy and fun, except for when I go to the gym and get thirsty as hell.
Wow, starting at 4 am is tough; are you working through Ramadan?

The only suggestion I can make is you sleep at least 6 hours and have suhoor everyday.

hEY sAM,

YEAH I am nnot sure exactly but i doubt it is any later than 4:30am.

yes i will be working my usual 10 -12 hours per day so it is goign to be real hard.

tale it ez
Zakariya, you are Muslim?:eek:

hey norsefire

yep i am muslim, I think it is the way in which Zakariya is spelt,

dont see how fasting helps people

It helps you to become more self disciplined and charitable

You can drink water, can't you? I work with a few muslims and a lot of them are using vacation for a large portion of the time. Some have switched to third shift to make the passage easier.


No we cant Mr Strring, and i cant take any vacation as i run my own business

I find doing it all pretty easy and fun, except for when I go to the gym and get thirsty as hell.

Easy and FUn:bugeye::confused:

I dont think it is wise to go to the gym when you are fasting is it
take it ez
Dear SPP

nice to hear from you

i hope your weekends been ok

but then again i bet it is well hard in the hieght of the summer!!!

remeber as the years in the islamic calender are lunar then ramadan goes back about 2 weeks per the western year cANT REMEBER THE term)

In places liek the MIDEast i dont think the hours change as radically as they are nearer the equator


Yeah when it falls at the height of summer the sun sets at around 23:00 and rises at around 3:00 so not easy to be a muslim on those years.
Yeah when it falls at the height of summer the sun sets at around 23:00 and rises at around 3:00 so not easy to be a muslim on those years.


wow that would be real tuff
if i was guy from norway around mid summer i would take a holiday to the falkland islands for a month

take it ez
Assalamu Alikum (Peace Be Upon You All)

I am 23 years old and have been fasting consistently since I was 7 years old. It actually is not hard being that Shatan (Satan) is locked up during this mounth and the doors to Jannah (Paradise) are open. My advice to get through it is to purify your intentions, make duah (supplication) for Allahs assistance. Before Ramadan fast every Monday and Thursday which is from the sunnah and will help prepare you. Drink a lot of water for sahoor and make adthkar (rememberance) of Allah throughout the day and inshallah (god willing) it will be ok.
Assalamu Alikum (Peace Be Upon You All)

I am 23 years old and have been fasting consistently since I was 7 years old. It actually is not hard being that Shatan (Satan) is locked up during this mounth and the doors to Jannah (Paradise) are open. My advice to get through it is to purify your intentions, make duah (supplication) for Allahs assistance. Before Ramadan fast every Monday and Thursday which is from the sunnah and will help prepare you. Drink a lot of water for sahoor and make adthkar (rememberance) of Allah throughout the day and inshallah (god willing) it will be ok.


thank you for the tips

you have been fasting sicne 7!!!!! Was that the full fasts or just half days?!?!

I thoguht you were not really meant to fast untill you were like at puberty age or soemthing.

You want me to fast more than i have to? by dojng Mondays and thursdays too? krikey!!! I ahve enough trouble with the 30 days.

do you work or study and if so what do you study or work at?


hey zak; wouldn't it be easier to be a non believer then you ain't got to do, none of that stuff.
a much much easier life, your in control.
hey zak; wouldn't it be easier to be a non believer then you ain't got to do, none of that stuff.
a much much easier life, your in control.

Hey Mustapha

a long time no speak?

what have you been up to?

it may be easier to be a non beleuive but then again easyness does not always give you the same fulfilment.

Their are many reasons why it is beneficial to fast. I just find it tuff, but when i acheive my fast it is a really great feeling.

And also you dont actually have to have to do the fast if you are a muslim, you cna be exmept for a number of reasons. but i guess you know that.

take care
Just eat normally in the morning , i find that if i take in a lot of fluids, doesn't really help other than strain your bladder.

Eat slow energy release foods. Rye bread and stuff like that is ok i think.. I'm not too sure, i haven't been fasting regurarly since childhood.
Just eat normally in the morning , i find that if i take in a lot of fluids, doesn't really help other than strain your bladder.

Eat slow energy release foods. Rye bread and stuff like that is ok i think.. I'm not too sure, i haven't been fasting regurarly since childhood.

thanks Challenger,

i will take you advice on board.


Its hard for schoolkids who fast during their exam periods, but i have yet to find a correlation between bad results and fasting.. I think fasting might actually make your mind more focused than usual. Anyone heard anything like that or to the contrary ?
Its hard for schoolkids who fast during their exam periods, but i have yet to find a correlation between bad results and fasting.. I think fasting might actually make your mind more focused than usual. Anyone heard anything like that or to the contrary ?

Hey Challneger

my cousins reckon it is better fast when you ahve exams and claim they did better in exams during ramadan. My dad would not let me fast if Exam time was due during Ramadan

Take it ez