Ramadan 2007 style


and it was
Valued Senior Member
Hi All

So for us Muslims here Ramadan starts in Mid septmeber somewhere aorund the 15th.

Its going to be tough thsi year (in the UK) as we can not break our fast untill about 7:30pm or so and probaly have to start it at like 4:00am

the longest length of time i have had to fast saying that i only really started fasting at the age of 19 or 20 or so.

does anyone have any good techniques for fasting.

erm can you eat dust or none food things? cuase if so eat cardbored :p

Hey ash

good idea, but then if you ate cardboard you may get ill and shit, so it probaly wont be too good to do that.. Actually i dont think you can eat non food things either

Its going to be tuff man real tuff.

How long does the fast last? If it is for more than 3 days, you'll be dead without water to drink or at least dying without water.

Just during daylight, I think.
After dark he can eat.

But it's 6 days, although they need not be consecutive.
(Apologies if I got it wrong anywhere Zak).
Well if it is only during daylight there's nothing to worry about. You can easily stop eating and drinking for that short period of time with your eyes closed! ;)

does anyone have any good techniques for fasting.


Convert to another faith ;)
I worked at a red cross refugee center some years back and was responsible for making food for the residents (mostly muslims) ramadan during the summer in norway doesn't work but during the winter it's a couple of hours between meals, kinda pointless if you don't mind my saying :p

and niqab or burkas don't work, there is already a higher birth deficiency rate amongst muslim women who use those here due to a lack of vitamin D (the body needs the sun). Obviously islam wasn't made with scandinavia in mind.
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Just during daylight, I think.
After dark he can eat.

But it's 6 days, although they need not be consecutive.
(Apologies if I got it wrong anywhere Zak).

Hey cosimic and Oli

to clarify it goes on for a Month!!!either 29 or 30 days depending on moon sightings and such like.

The fast is just during daylight ours from sunrise to sunset...

Also you have to give money to charity etc... and if you miss days cos you are ill then you should replace them.. however i sometimes cheat and conveniently forget to replace them.. Women dont do ramadan if they are pregnant and they should not when they have the painters in. but they should do extra days to replace the days when the painters are in.

If you can not do ramadan cos you ahve an illness then you should give enough money to feed one person (or a family) for nthe entire month

However Sam or someone else can probaly fill you in with the finer details

As for the reasons for fasting they are as such (in no apparent order)

1) To improve your discipline
2) to try to appreciate how poorer people live who dont have the opportunity to eat when they feel like it
3) to clear out your body
4) to make you more charitable (locked into point no 2)
5) to make you mor epateint and tolerant
6) to clear your mind.
7) to think about God

The 2 most important factors in my opinion is 2 and 4

I hope this amkes sense

Convert to another faith ;)
I worked at a red cross refugee center some years back and was responsible for making food for the residents (mostly muslims) ramadan during the summer in norway doesn't work but during the winter it's a couple of hours between meals, kinda pointless if you don't mind my saying :p

Dear SPP

nice to hear from you

i hope your weekends been ok

but then again i bet it is well hard in the hieght of the summer!!!

remeber as the years in the islamic calender are lunar then ramadan goes back about 2 weeks per the western year cANT REMEBER THE term)

In places liek the MIDEast i dont think the hours change as radically as they are nearer the equator

Just cheat. I have seen people do it in the States. Many Somali in Minnesota don't give a shit, but they fast so that they don't bring shame to their community. Some people hide food and pretend to be tired. Oh BTW, I know many Muslims love pork but it's too bad that they have to eat them in secrecy.
Hi All

So for us Muslims here Ramadan starts in Mid septmeber somewhere aorund the 15th.

Its going to be tough thsi year (in the UK) as we can not break our fast untill about 7:30pm or so and probaly have to start it at like 4:00am

the longest length of time i have had to fast saying that i only really started fasting at the age of 19 or 20 or so.

does anyone have any good techniques for fasting.


Wow, starting at 4 am is tough; are you working through Ramadan?

The only suggestion I can make is you sleep at least 6 hours and have suhoor everyday.