Radical Islam : What is the fundamental motivation?

An excuse for what? Killing in the name of Islam?

Yeah, you know. It's like burning hysterical women on bonfires in the name of Jesus the altruist. Or gassing Jews to death in the name of Darwin and Nietzsche. The excuses don't have to make sense.
Yeah, you know. It's like burning hysterical women on bonfires in the name of Jesus the altruist. Or gassing Jews to death in the name of Darwin and Nietzsche. The excuses don't have to make sense.
Nonsense. No one was gassed in the name of Darwin. The Bible does teach that you should kill witches. No one would fight for radical Islam if the Quran itself didn't teach violence. Ideology matters. It's not just an excuse for stuff you wanted to do anyway.
Nonsense. No one was gassed in the name of Darwin. The Bible does teach that you should kill witches. No one would fight for radical Islam if the Quran itself didn't teach violence. Ideology matters. It's not just an excuse for stuff you wanted to do anyway.

Well, Adolf Hitler argued that Jews genetically were somehow an "inferior" race, to blame fully for the fall of Deutschland after The Great War, basing it on then Darwinian consensus. Experts in scientific history are universal in pointing out this perverting of Darwin's life's work. It was never really specified exactly how Jews were "inferior" (but the Nazis didn't have to, did they? It's great to find a patsy that by average is more successful than yourself, while being fewer in numbers. That is exactly what Islamist nutballs do today.). Several German newspapers in the 1920s and 30s pointed out the obvious nonsense of the Nazi argumentation (and that truth those journalists paid for later in Nazi Germany), like many does today with islamist extremists versus Islam as it is on paper (which isn't that bloody different from Christianity or any other Jewish fraction). When you've read enough commas by both Darwin and Nietzsche, you realize just how much full of shit Adolf was (and he was his own religious cult, wasn't he?).

You can also point to an historical example like Stalin; the last thing he was, was a socialist. My point is that it's not exactly a requirement in "convinced" people (religious, political, philosophical, what ever) that their arguments for doing some or other in some or other situation, that this have to be consistent with the text or standard they claim to act by. And mostly people don't know they're doing it, because the subconscious is what governs most of people's conscious actions. As another example, many US Christians quite vigorously quote the book of Leviticus, when decrying male homosexuality as being an obvious affront to God. While at the same time, they scuffle bacon down their gibbering mouths, which is listed as just as equally forbidden as man-on-man action, in the exact same book of The Bible. As a species, it seems that hypocrisy is its own survival instinct for us. All in the name of that selfish gene in a grossly over populated human Earth.

And yes, I do see a direct correlation between political ideals and religions and what ever other -ism out there. There's no difference in psychology. Religion is just the most widely used excuse for doing, what people wanted to do in the first place, but couldn't quite support by method of reason. 'Cause no one understands religion, which is also the very purpose of religion. Because we are not biologically geared to deal with how the Universe actually is: Totally fucking indifferent with us.

The difference is certain religions explicitly teach that you should do harm to certain other people. Darwin never taught that, it's not implied in any of his work, and in fact the Nazis practiced pseudoscience and removed all the Jewish scientists from their positions who would have known about evolution. You know who did teach that? Martin Luther. And the lesson to hate Jews was repeated every Christmas with passion plays, insinuating that Jews killed Jesus. The Quran is also full of violence endorsed for Jews and all who oppose Islam. Christianity was also used as justification for slavery and subjugation of women and gays. These ideologies are certainly harmful and directly responsible for irrational hatreds. To the extent that socialism was practiced as a religion, it did the same thing, preying on religious people as a replacement for what it outlawed. These aren't free people using religion as an excuse, they are subjugated people who require liberation from ideas beyond their control.
The difference is certain religions explicitly teach that you should do harm to certain other people. Darwin never taught that, it's not implied in any of his work, and in fact the Nazis practiced pseudoscience and removed all the Jewish scientists from their positions who would have known about evolution. You know who did teach that? Martin Luther. And the lesson to hate Jews was repeated every Christmas with passion plays, insinuating that Jews killed Jesus. The Quran is also full of violence endorsed for Jews and all who oppose Islam. Christianity was also used as justification for slavery and subjugation of women and gays. These ideologies are certainly harmful and directly responsible for irrational hatreds. To the extent that socialism was practiced as a religion, it did the same thing, preying on religious people as a replacement for what it outlawed. These aren't free people using religion as an excuse, they are subjugated people who require liberation from ideas beyond their control.

It is human biological nature that is directly responsible for all irrational hatreds. Religion is just one very common excuse for them. But anything goes, when the subconscious needs to find those excuses, and again, they don't have to make sense. For close to two decades, Ted Kaczynski sent bombs to random people, he blamed for his personal problems (not getting laid, primarily), and his quasi-religious excuse was ... environmentalism (!).

That is one of the great secrets of human existence: Religion has nothing to do with what people do. Religion only becomes people's excuses for doing, what they would've done anyway. In their respective circumstances. It's the desire that governs the comma sentence, not vice versa. And exactly the same goes for political ideologies and other philosophical stances.

The Muslim world has fallen behind compared to past times, probably since the death of Suleiman the Magnificent in 1566. This current blood is about tensions from recent migrations from Islamic Asia into Christian Europe, muddled together with a certain childish territorial conflict in the Canaan. Christians and Muslims already has this pissing contest going on down through the centuries; when one is doing good, the other goes spitting mad, which is what the crucades were about. Some has pointed to the fact, that it's today 14 centuries since Muhammed instigated people in Arabia (for what ever Moses-type reason), and that one could compare that to the stance of Christian Europe circa 1400 AD; wrapped in religious psychopathy and collective hysteria, witch burnings, persecutions of free thinkers, etc. That could very likely be, what is going on in the Middle East right now, their very own dark ages. One would think, that human hysteria follows a formula. But that observation would also suggest, that Islam has nothing to do with it, just like Christianity had nothing to do with burning women alive for centuries in the name of Jesus the Let-thee-free-of-sin-throw-the-first-rock-at-this-chick Altruist. This'd further support the null hypothesis, that religion has nothing to do with what people do.

Dumb. And factually incorrect. There are no "no-go" zones for non-Muslims in Europe.
The objective of Isis in particular is to create a world in which nothing but radical Islam exists.
Any person who opposes that end must be killed.
Anything which represents another point of view must be destroyed.

The following video was just released by Isis, apparently showing Jihadis destroying a museum. If you want to skip to the smashing, it starts at about 2.30

I was thinking of starting a new thread, but what is there to say except that you are saddened, disgusted and outraged at such barbarity?
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I know these boys ain't too bright, but don't they need money? Don't they realize these things are considered valuable? Even the replicas?
The video was removed for some reason.
It was more interesting than the version I am posting now because it was the original Isis video.
This one is from PRESS TV.

I know these boys ain't too bright, but don't they need money? Don't they realize these things are considered valuable? Even the replicas?

They have been in the habit of selling this kind of thing.
I didn't notice them smashing a wall frieze that was shown on the first video I posted.
It looked like an important antiquity.
Maybe they selected some of the less saleable pieces.
They have been in the habit of selling this kind of thing.
I didn't notice them smashing a wall frieze that was shown on the first video I posted.
It looked like an important antiquity.
Maybe they selected some of the less saleable pieces.
Yeah, it could just be another PR move.