
well i gues it kinda like if i called you a honkey. you wouldent consider it racist cuase im white and bieng racist to you would just be pointles to me cuase of bieng the same skin colour. but i think we should just abolish the word than know one can complain, then again no freedom of speech waite we nether had it anyway.
but i think we should just abolish the word than know one can complain, then again no freedom of speech waite we nether had it anyway.

Hmm, then why not abolish any and all words that anyone finds objectionable in some way?

Why should white people cowtow to the demands of blacks? Let's all cowtow to the demands of everyone and ban any and all words that anyone finds offensive?

"Sticks and stones might hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me."

Or is that only for white people? Or do black people think that they're special and above all others?

Baron Max
Honkey is used all the time, especially by black comedians, I haven't yet seen a complaint about this. So where is the racial equality line?
This is the point I'm trying to make, it's all about context and the person, yet it isn't at all because people are instantly up in arms about a word.
This is like people being hired because of their skin colour and it's PC to have a token black man in the company or whatever.
To me this is ridiculous how inappropriate it was when it was the other way round but now we have to accept this? This annoys me so much because I don't even notice peoples skin colour but I notice a lot of hypocrisy and an over PC world.
i was bieng sarcastic about the abolish part e.g when i said about the free speech then i said wait we don't have it do we
Interesting comments. It seems that both of you have bought into the stereotype of ghetto blacks being mean, nasty killers.
It is 'interesting' that, if you put people in 'ghettos', fail them educationally, refuse them jobs, refuse them a decent standard of living, make it almost impossible to escape, leave them to rot, then demonise and blame them for all their misgivings (some real, maybe, some perceived), the more strong-headed and go-getting ones (ie, the ghetto entrepreneurs) will turn into "mean, nasty killers".

(Many use their energy more positively, of course, and manage against all the odds to escape the immense pull of their surroundings. These successes rarely generate headlines.)

'Interesting', Max. But not that surprising.
Mod Hat - It's not as simple as you (pretend)

Baron Max said:

If I or anyone else were to start posting racist comments, you'd ban me or us. That ain't "force"?

Hardly. The dividing line is rationality and intelligence. Given that you, as a hatemonger, are still here, I think your point was nullified before you even typed it.

Leave the discussion to its topic. If you wish to continue your campaign against moderation, do it elsewhere, as you were previously advised.
It is 'interesting' that, if you put people in 'ghettos', fail them educationally, refuse them jobs, refuse them a decent standard of living, make it almost impossible to escape, leave them to rot, then demonise and blame them for all their misgivings (some real, maybe, some perceived), the more strong-headed and go-getting ones (ie, the ghetto entrepreneurs) will turn into "mean, nasty killers".

If things are so bad, why don't they leave and go live with Tiassa and James R., and all the myriad of black-lovers in the world?

If you lived in such conditions and such a horrid environment, would you try to do something, or would you be content to blame someone else for your problems, and turn into a "mean, nasty killer"?

In the early 1900s, the farmers in the mid-west lost everything to the drought and horrid conditions. They didn't blame anyone, they picked up their lives and moved to better places. Many of those same people went on to become rich and successful in California. And they didn't have any government help to do it. Interesting, huh?

Baron Max
If things are so bad, why don't they leave and go live with Tiassa and James R., and all the myriad of black-lovers in the world?

If you lived in such conditions and such a horrid environment, would you try to do something, or would you be content to blame someone else for your problems, and turn into a "mean, nasty killer"?

In the early 1900s, the farmers in the mid-west lost everything to the drought and horrid conditions. They didn't blame anyone, they picked up their lives and moved to better places. Many of those same people went on to become rich and successful in California. And they didn't have any government help to do it. Interesting, huh?
Well.. you've conveniently ignored the fact that, as I said, many do leave the ghetto life behind them. There are many possible reasons why they might not though:

1. They're making a killing supplying the ghetto with drugs 'n' guns 'n' stuff. Fistfuls of cash, women, fear and respect. They love it and wouldn't leave it for the world. Jobs are for losers.

2. They don't like all the drugs and the guns and stuff but they don't know where else they can go. They have wives and kids and you can't just up sticks and leave if you have nowhere to run to. Maybe they have mothers and sisters and brothers there too and don't want to abandon them.

3. They don't have enough educational or occupational qualifications/experience to get a decent job. Employers are looking for experienced personnel to fill their positions - people who know the job already and who won't cost a fortune to train. So: lack of experience means you struggle to get a job, and no-one will give you a job so that you can get the experience you need (in order to get a job). It's the classic Catch 22 that all people new to the job market face. Add to this the fact that you're black and you stink of the ghetto, and you'll have just as much luck asking the typical employer to perform some obscene sexual act on you as you will asking him to trust you with his money.

4. Everyone - friends, teachers, employers, all the way up to national politicians - tell you that you're a loser and a criminal and a bad person because you live in the ghetto and that you'll never amount to anything so don't even bother trying. And you've heard it that many times, virtually from the day you were born, that you now believe it.

5. No-one - not your parents, not your friends, not anyone you know well - has ever escaped the ghetto. So what makes you think you're any different. Do you think you're special or something? What's the point in trying to study in school when all people do is mock you and bully you for it?

6. Oh, God, I could come up with loads more. Feel free to add some of your own.

So that's just some of the reasons why some people never escape the ghetto.

Even though many do. I'm writing it small and feint this time to make it easier to ignore.
6. Oh, God, I could come up with loads more. ... So that's just some of the reasons why some people never escape the ghetto.

You mean excuses, don't you?

Do all poor, underprivileged people have exactly the same problems as the blacks? If not, why not? If yes, why is it we don't hear about those areas, yet we hear about black ghettos all the time?

Baron Max
Do all poor, underprivileged people have exactly the same problems as the blacks?
Same problems, as in drugs, getting shot, no-one will give you a job? Yeah, pretty much, on the toughest estates. No, it doesn't apply to "all" poor people, of any colour - that'd be silly - but, yes, I'd say the most underprivileged areas share similar problems.
If yes, why is it we don't hear about those areas, yet we hear about black ghettos all the time?
I think "we" do. What makes you think "we" don't?
Same problems, as in drugs, getting shot, no-one will give you a job? Yeah, pretty much, on the toughest estates. No, it doesn't apply to "all" poor people, of any colour - that'd be silly - but, yes, I'd say the most underprivileged areas share similar problems.

So, ...can you point out some of these "white ghettos" in the USA? ...ones that have the same/similar problems as those of the "black ghettos"?

Baron Max
The question was whether a white person in the United States could use the word "nigger" in reference to a black person without expressing inherent racial bigotry.

The answer is no. Come back in fifty years, maybe the answer will be yes.
If things are so bad, why don't they leave and go live with Tiassa and James R., and all the myriad of black-lovers in the world?

im very happy you've learnt a new word.but if you are going to use "myriad",please use it properly.this is the second time ive seen your abuse of the word.:(
The question was whether a white person in the United States could use the word "nigger" in reference to a black person without expressing inherent racial bigotry. The answer is no. Come back in fifty years, maybe the answer will be yes.
A comedian recently reminded us that there is no offense or bigotry in using the word in reference to each other. He suggested that we just start tossing the word around as meaningless slang like "cat" or "dude," but only referring to white people. In a very short time, it will vanish from all rap lyrics.
im very happy you've learnt a new word.but if you are going to use "myriad",please use it properly.this is the second time ive seen your abuse of the word.
Unless you've already done this, it would be more helpful to explain what "properly" means: Leave out the "of." Use "myriad" like it was a number; no article, no preposition. "There are myriad bugs out there tonight." That will leave you, Max and me as the three people in America who use the word right. Oh wait, you must be British, because "learnt" is considered dialect over here. And by the way, "I'm" and "I've" both have an apostrophe and a capital I.

Sweep up the shattered glass on your way back home...
The question was whether a white person in the United States could use the word "nigger" in reference to a black person without expressing inherent racial bigotry.

The answer is no. Come back in fifty years, maybe the answer will be yes.

And maybe the answer will still be 'no'.

Pretending to be able to tell the future is a pretty weak argument for anything. And 'maybe' makes it even worse.

Baron Max
younger black people use the word nigga freely and dont mind. but older black people who were around in the 40's/50's/60's/ hate the youth using the term nigga,

i call my wife nigga all the time.

A comedian recently reminded us that there is no offense or bigotry in using the word in reference to each other. He suggested that we just start tossing the word around as meaningless slang like "cat" or "dude," but only referring to white people. In a very short time, it will vanish from all rap lyrics.Unless you've already done this, it would be more helpful to explain what "properly" means: Leave out the "of." Use "myriad" like it was a number; no article, no preposition. "There are myriad bugs out there tonight." That will leave you, Max and me as the three people in America who use the word right. Oh wait, you must be British, because "learnt" is considered dialect over here. And by the way, "I'm" and "I've" both have an apostrophe and a capital I.

Sweep up the shattered glass on your way back home...

i was just being an asshole.what glass?
i dont capatalize or use apostrophes on the internet unless there is a chance of me being misunderstood by their omission.
A comedian recently reminded us that there is no offense or bigotry in using the word in reference to each other. He suggested that we just start tossing the word around as meaningless slang like "cat" or "dude," but only referring to white people. In a very short time, it will vanish from all rap lyrics.Unless you've already done this, it would be more helpful to explain what "properly" means: Leave out the "of." Use "myriad" like it was a number; no article, no preposition. "There are myriad bugs out there tonight." That will leave you, Max and me as the three people in America who use the word right. Oh wait, you must be British, because "learnt" is considered dialect over here. And by the way, "I'm" and "I've" both have an apostrophe and a capital I.

Sweep up the shattered glass on your way back home...

i was just being an asshole.what glass?
i dont capatalize or use apostrophes on the internet unless there is a chance of me being misunderstood as a result.