

Pun intended
Registered Senior Member
I found a news story today about big brother(seeing as I don't watch the show this is something others have told me about)

Now I don't know about you, but it seems the context of the word 'nigger' is no longer relevant to anything, only the colour of the persons skin using the word. Black people use it all the time as a term of endearment, but the moment a white person says it it's offensive just because they are white. Isn't this ethically wrong? Isn't this in itself a form of racism?
Personally my view is that while the word is in use in a positive way I don't see why white people shouldn't use it provided the context is not racist.
i have no problem with the word, for example that teacher who was susspended from his job, because he saw two black boys talking saying nigger this nigger that, and the teacher walked past them and said, "oh come on niggers time for class" and the boys took real offence and went and saw the govoners (there is no equility in life
Discussing racism on this site will likely lead to "infractions" of the rules, if not outright banning. Be damned careful what you say, and how you say it.

Baron Max
there is a difference between "nigga" and "nigger".and also she said it to a person she barely knew.
and also she is a twat.
"nigga" is seen as a term of endearment (depending on context) where as "nigger" has very negative connotations.
(this is only what i have understood from conversations ive had with black people who use the word)
"nigga" is seen as a term of endearment (depending on context) where as "nigger" has very negative connotations.
(this is only what i have understood from conversations ive had with black people who use the word)

So if I go down to the black ghettos of Dallas and start callin' everyone "nigga", then everything will be just fine, and I won't get the shit beat outta' me or killed? :D

Baron Max
So if I go down to the black ghettos of Dallas and start callin' everyone "nigga", then everything will be just fine, and I won't get the shit beat outta' me or killed? :D

Baron Max

i think you should conduct a field test.i'll wait here and you post back when you return.
'Nigga' is a term that black people have appropriated in order to take the sting out of white people's use of the 'N-word'. It's heavily ironic and self-mocking in tone, a nod and a wink to black people's historically oppressed status. Thus, used between black people, it's an expression of pride in the face of adversity; a bonding mechanism; an expression of brotherhood. Many gay people refer to themselves as 'queer' for exactly the same reasons.

So that's why any white person who attempts to buy into that by using the term without the historical right to do so... is, not racist maybe, but certainly too stupid to live.

So yes, Max: it's perfectly fine to go shouting the term freely in a black ghetto of your choosing.
i think you should conduct a field test.i'll wait here and you post back when you return.

redarmy said:
So yes, Max: it's perfectly fine to go shouting the term freely in a black ghetto of your choosing.

Interesting comments. It seems that both of you have bought into the stereotype of ghetto blacks being mean, nasty killers.

Mod Edit - Remove off-topic material.

Baron Max
Last edited by a moderator:
im pleading nothing,if you want to read meaning into my words that isnt there....go ahead.
as a black guy once said was that there are no racist words as long as there are racist people these words are racist but if it completly stop s racism that is then this word will either not exist or just not be ofensive
Mod Hat - No, Max, you're wrong (again)

Mod Hat - No, Max, you're wrong (again)

Baron Max said:

Discussing racism on this site will likely lead to "infractions" of the rules, if not outright banning. Be damned careful what you say, and how you say it.

The "how you say it" part is important. The problem is this: If anyone can form a rational, supportable argument on behalf of racism, that's that. Given that nobody has, however, how long should we continue to put up with hatemongering? That's the question moderators face.

In the meantime, while we consider the issue, we must also consider that the status quo currently gives excessive and "special" rights to the hatemongers. After all, rejecting hatred is often viewed as hateful, just as many argue oppression comes when they are no longer allowed to oppress people without decent, sufficient, rational cause.

Thus: Take your campaign against JamesR and stuff it. This is not the place for it. Open as many topics as you want in SFOG or Site Feedback. EM&J discussions will do just fine without your off-topic, intraforum political campaigns.

Got it? Good.
As a black guy once saidif there was no racism,then these words would not be considerd racist. due to the fact that people make words racist not the word itself. is that any better?
Mod Hat The problem is this: If anyone can form a rational, supportable argument on behalf of racism, that's that.

What? That's easy!!! If someone wants to be a racist, then that's all the reason they need! If people want to hate someone because of the color of their skin or the slant of their eyes, that's all the reason they need.

It's YOU, however, and James R. that seems totally against people being and feeling what they want ....YOU, and James R. want everyone to be and feel the same way as you do. And that ain't nice ...and it's even worse when you have the power to FORCE them to be and feel as you do.

Baron Max
As a black guy once saidif there was no racism,then these words would not be considerd racist. due to the fact that people make words racist not the word itself. is that any better?

Yes, it's much better! But a few capital letters and spaces in the appropriate places would help.

However, as to the statement; That doesn't answer the question ...why can a black man use 'nigga' and other such "racist words", but then turn around and call it racist if a white man uses those same words?

As I see it, the blacks who do that are racists themselves.

Baron Max
redarmy11 explained that quite well.stop being such a whiny pussy about it.
Mod Hat - Nobody's forcing you, Max

Baron Max said:

It's YOU, however, and James R. that seems totally against people being and feeling what they want ....YOU, and James R. want everyone to be and feel the same way as you do. And that ain't nice ...and it's even worse when you have the power to FORCE them to be and feel as you do.

Nobody's forcing you to be, feel, or do anything, Max.