
I said only the ignorant and egotistical cling to racism... when did I say intelligence mattered? Nationalism is not racism: it is pride in ones society and cultural beliefs not race.
Racial difference is not real, individuals very and not all, not even the majority will fit a common racial stereotypes! Did you ever take an ethic or statistics class in college?

NO you’re wrong, whites are not the only ones that can have national pride to be citizens of the USofA! Take me for example: Even though I think we got problems I love this country and would rather be here then anywhere else in the world (except for vacations that when it time to go back to the mother country :D )
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Racial differences are real in appearance only, and I disagree whole-heartedly that they should be kept separate. A monoculture like the one you describe will never exist. Geography alone will prevent that from happening.
You've Got To Wonder About Things That Spell Out A.N.U.S.

Originally posted by prozak
What about the other possibility: that intelligent minds produce many intelligent outputs, of which a "Racist" (nationalist) belief might be one?

Arthur Schopenhauer is one intelligent racist. Thomas Jefferson is another. Any from the current time are keeping quiet about it, because racism is a big taboo.

You might find the answers you seek here:

But since you've already stated yourself as a bigoted foe of "racism," I'm not going into depth again here.
Calling a fellow poster a bigot is not advisable if truth is your standard. It will not help debate, which is our route to truth in this medium.

Besides that, my statement was that I don't believe intelligence causes racism any more than any person believes an opposing view is caused by their opponent's intelligence. If I believed it were more intelligent to be racist I would be a racist.

Also, the word "bigot" is defined as, "One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ." Given the actual inclusion of the word "race" and your spring-loaded recrimination, that seems to fall more in line with racism than with anti-racism.

That aside, let's get back to the issue, shall we?

In order to show that racism is a result of intelligence, one needs to do more than name two people who happened to be both racist and intelligent.
  • They both lived at (about) the same time, which is two hundred years past. At that time, science was not very reliable and misconceptions about psychology and other complex fields were far more common than sound ideas about these issues were. There was a prevailing attitude of racism; these men had their thinking done for them in that area. Their areas of expertise were not biology or ethnic relations.
  • Thomas Jefferson's ideas of equality contradict his racism. He was a paradox; racism was not a consistent part of his view. He believed that black people were not equal to white people, which is not equality as I understand the definition.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was a genius. He also believed that dinosaur fossils were remnants of the angels of a previous age. Aristotle was a genius. He also believed that the earth was the center of the universe, that things came to rest because of the innate perfection of being still, and that a pantheon of deities controlled natural phenomena. In short, one's intelligence doesn't necessitate the truth of one's beliefs.
  • In short, one must show deductively why racism is a desirable outlook.

Further, I've seen zero evidence here from the anti-racist crowd.
What proposition are we defending? I asked a large number of questions (none of which have been answered); I didn't make any propositions other than my denial of your assertion that racism is due to intelligence (which you didn't provide reasoning for). For your convenience, and perhaps to get your attention, I will repost the questions here:

Originally posted by LaoTzu
What constitutes a race? Keep in mind, the definition need not be biological.

What constitutes racism? Is it ethical? Is it useful?

Can racism ever be avoided? How?

Since the biological reasons for racism are relatively obvious, what will be the eventual biological effect of racism in the present? Of non-discrimination? This opens up a huge amount of complexity (human evolution in modern times, which may or may not even occur). Ah well, had to put biology in there somewhere.

. . .

What prevents one from maintaining cultural integrity when in the company of other cultures?

Why must one maintain cultural integrity?

Is there any justification for feeling that you are more entitled to live in your nation than those of other races are?

Is mutual respect possible when your fundamental beliefs indicate that some freedoms (living in nation X) must be revoked from the other party?
I would prefer that at least one of these questions be answered before you make any more claims of my bigotry or lack of evidence. The answers will be crucial to the determination of the truth of this issue.
*shameless bump*

Originally posted by prozak
Nationalism exists from a time where country was defined by race, and as a core belief, is still attached to that doctrine.
Yeah, and if you wanted to name your cause based on a similar line of reasoning, you could use some sort of foreign language, perhaps one that is still attached to the concept. Like German. "Nazional," . . . hmmm . . . too long . . . it should be shortened, so it's catchy . . . .
Further, I've seen zero evidence here from the anti-racist crowd.
I hate to play this card, but there's no way around it. History has seen the results of a racist, nationalist empire: the deaths of 12 million people in addition to the 13.5 million killed in war. The Nazi party stood for pride in a single race, to the exclusion of others, and for national unilateralism. It was efficient. It was not good, by any major standard of which I am aware. I urge you to reconsider what you think will be the results of the implementation of your views.

Racial differences are real.
In what way, and why does that matter?

The groups should be separated.
Why on earth? Just because my mother is a woman doesn't mean I should forcibly extricate her from my country.

The advantage is in us NOT becoming a monoculture.
Why? What advantage do we have as a polyculture? And what makes you think we'll become a monoculture if we don't export all the non-Aryans? The exportation of divergent individuals, not their inclusion, would seem to initiate a monoculture.

Oh yeah: and why don't you answer some of my questions?
I'll translate for you LaoTzu the mac fool:

" Losing you would make me flip my lid….. Right?
You know you laughed I heard you laugh
You laughed, you laughed, and laughed and laughed
And then you left and now you know I’m utterly mad
They are coming to take me away HaHa
They are coming to take me away HoHo, HeHe, HaHa
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket waivers
Who site and smile and twiddle their thumbs . . . they are coming to take me away HAHA. "