Racism and dating

airdog...lay off the crack here...or grow up...or both...anything...please...*hack* *cough* *gasp*...

There is no god, afterlife or divine love. There is only Entropy, the mother from which we were all born. She tugs our souls with the beautiful, maternal love of chaos. Why do you keep Her waiting?
It depends on your viewpoint.

For example...

If you refuse to date someone because of their skin color, that discrimination.

If you refuse to date someone because you dont like people who have that skin color, thats racism.

not dating people with a certain skin color can be a preference to a certain degree if it isnt because of prejudice or stereotypes like someone else said earlier.
let's imagine that I'm labeled as a racist by any definition. and what? I mean- why should I have problem with that? Why should I care if I'm labeled a racist -
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I hate everyone regardless of skin colour, creed, sexual orientation, gender, or nationality. :)
I dislike everyone regardless of skin colour, creed, sexual orientation, gender, or nationality.

hate is a bit too strong word for all imo

I hate all the stupid ones regardless of skin colour, creed, sexual orientation, gender, or nationality.
Indifference tinged with disgust best describes my sentiments best, but I was really ripping off that Type O Negative song when I wrote my post. :)
Hate all indiscriminately? :bugeye: you're all messed up.

Why would you hate people who haven't done anything to you? Or, for that matter, people who don't even know you exist, and vice versa?
Maia ...

Naw, Xev ain't messed up ... She's just ecumenical. :cool:

Welcome to Sciforums, I guess :cool:

As I said, it's more like indifference and disgust tinged with pity.

It would be really nice of you to read my posts before making judgements about them. :rolleyes:


Thank you kindly.
Originally posted by Maia
Why would you hate people who haven't done anything to you? Or, for that matter, people who don't even know you exist, and vice versa?[/color]

Avatar is probably quite correct in his assertion that the proper word would be "dislike" rather than hate. My hatred is reserved for those who earn it, and most don't. Most aren't smart enough to incite anything but pity, regardless of their ideals or assertions. Those very same ideals or assertions have in most instances been taken on board second hand, from people who have the capacity of original thought, and aren't overly worthy of any consideration at all, let alone extreme emotion.

As for those who don't know I exist, are they any less deserving of dislike? I'm quite certain Hussain doesn't know I exist, and yet I feel extreme dislike for the guy. And before you political fence sitters or wannabe extremists saddle up for a war, I don't have an awful lot of time for Dubya either. Fuck 'em both. that's my opinion, ascertained from what I've seen both from reported sources and from observation of events, and it ain't gonna change until one or both decides to convince me otherwise.

Lastly, we have those who I don't know exist. Well, here is the difficult one. I'm fairly certain you've thrown it in because it sounds better written in a post (oooh, don't we all like to say "and vice versa"... sounds so cool and knowledgeable and so.... considerate), but quite simply if I don't know them then what are they to me? Squat, Nada, Nought, Nothing. Let them convince me they're worthy of my acknowledging them and I might do so. Until then, they mean zip to me. How can they possibly mean anything else, except as a theoretical quantity?
Its a preference just like men who like shorter women. These men do not dislike women who are taller than they are, its just a matter of preference.

I have many black male and female friends. Though, i like white women better.

It is only rascism if you are AGAINST dating a member of a different race.

For those who think that any form of discrimination in dating is wrong... if i told you to go on a date with a member of the same sex, would you? It's just a matter of preference.
What bullshit and bigotry to say "My preference is not dating anyone that is black."

To say you would never date a race is racism not preference. I am not saying you are satan spawn but that is racism by definition.

Have some balls and own up to it like avatar.

IMO, everyone should be judged and evaluated on an individual to individual basis. To stereotype so many people by whatever relatively little interaction you have had is asinine.
Originally posted by fadingCaptain
What bullshit and bigotry to say "My preference is not dating anyone that is black."

Consider the concept of ''prejudice''. It actually means prejudgement. I am prejudiced towards moving cars. I have a prejudice that if i step in front of one, then it will run me over. The moral condemnation of intelligent behaviour is an insidious development.

Consider ''Discrimination''. To discriminate is to take action based upon a perception of difference. I discriminate between dogs and women in my choice of mate. Rationality is not evil.

To say you would never date a race is racism not preference.
The a priori assertion of inherent evil, with its moral condemnation as regards the construct ''race-ism'' strikes me as little more than superstition.

I am not saying you are satan spawn but that is racism by definition.

No, it is you that is of the darkness.
I know that you are descendants of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me, because my word finds no place in you.
I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from your father."
They answered him, "Abraham is our father." Jesus said to them, "If you were Abraham's children, you would do what Abraham did, but now you seek to kill me, a man who has told you the truth which I heard from God; this is not what Abraham did.
[You do what your father did." They said to him, "We were not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God."
Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I proceeded and came forth from God; I came not of my own accord, but he sent me.
Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word.
You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
But, because I tell the truth, you do not believe me.
Which of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me?
He who is of God hears the words of God; the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God."

The Jews answered him, "Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?"

Jesus answered, "I have not a demon; but I honor my Father, and you dishonor me.
Yet I do not seek my own glory; there is One who seeks it and he will be the judge.
Truly, truly, I say to you, if any one keeps my word, he will never see death."

Have some balls and own up to it like avatar.

There is nothing wrong with exercising ones cognitive funtions such as discrimination, and prejudice.

IMO, everyone should be judged and evaluated on an individual to individual basis.

That would be honey to the ears of the dull masses in a democracy. Perhaps we should eliminate the discrimatory practise of categorising some with downs syndrome, and judge them on an individual basis.

To stereotype so many people by whatever relatively little interaction you have had is asinine.

Has it occured to you that racist is a stereotype? I do not conceptualise as concrete blocks-nothing is static. Now, go play with your LEGO.
Originally posted by Datura
Your story had nothing to do with love. True love is indeed colorblind and I think that slogan is meant to apply on the grand scheme of things.
Exactly the thought which sprung into my mind.
"To say you would never date a race is racism not preference. I am not saying you are satan spawn but that is racism by definition."

Ah, but to hypothetically say that I prefer the common looks (that is, physical attributes) of a white/asian/latin girl over a black/eastern european...?

I personally see nothing wrong with saying that.

And whether some of us like to admitt it or not, specifically in North America people do often act in accordance with a cultural norm. I live in a rather wealthy, white area of Toronto and the few blacks that go to my school are much louder, ruder, confident and stick together much more than the white girls at the school. They follow very rigidly the stereotypes. To say that I prefer the stereotypical, say, asian attitude to this is nothing but noting a preference. The problem is if one says that they prefer all asians to all blacks, without actually getting to know a person.
It's pretty clear that saying you will never date a black woman is racist. You can't say they just aren't your type, either. I'm pretty sure that any genuine man can be aroused by a woman of any race. There's something wrong with you if you can't. ;)

I'd also say that preferring white women over black women is racist, too. It's discrimination based on race. I prefer white women, and therefore I am a little racist.
Ah, but to hypothetically say that I prefer the common looks (that is, physical attributes) of a white/asian/latin girl over a black/eastern european...?
Nothing wrong with having a preference. But to say you would never date anyone that is black or white or whatever is racist. There is a difference.

The king,
The a priori assertion of inherent evil, with its moral condemnation as regards the construct ''race-ism'' strikes me as little more than superstition.
You are way off track. Where do I apply that racism is inherently evil?

No, it is you that is of the darkness.
I hope you are joking.

That would be honey to the ears of the dull masses in a democracy. Perhaps we should eliminate the discrimatory practise of categorising some with downs syndrome, and judge them on an individual basis.
What is your point? I do judge people with down's syndrone on an individual basis.

Has it occured to you that racist is a stereotype? I do not conceptualise as concrete blocks-nothing is static. Now, go play with your LEGO.
Rascist is a stereotype? No, it is a definition of observed behavior. Nothing is static? Yet you scoff at the idea of judging people people on a individual basis? It seems you need to take a look in the mirror and figure some things out. Ok, I will go play with my 'LEGO' now... :rolleyes: