Racism and dating

Originally posted by Datura
Your story had nothing to do with love. True love is indeed colorblind and I think that slogan is meant to apply on the grand scheme of things.
An interesting thought, but doesn't The Grand Scheme have to start on a basic level. And I did fall in love with this girl. I'm a "heart on my sleeve" kind of person.

Originally posted by grazzhoppa
My friends and I were having a discussion whether or not you are racist if you don't like black girls...

I don't know if that would make him racist but stupid for sure. If you limit yourself you might be missing out. Life is too short to limit who you shag. If someone as attractive as Tyra Banks or Veronica Webb comes my way, it is retarded to say I don't like them because I am not attracted to black girls. :rolleyes:
tyra and the webb girl are practically caucasian looking. why aint halle berry white? is it because after all these fucking years all you gotta have is a single drop of nigger blood and you aint white anymore??
my uncle was born, unlike most of his brothers, a spit image of billy idol..light light skin, bright white hair, blue eyes, you get the picture. My aunt, also white, was a regular at the tanning salon, and she also tanned very easily. When they first started dating they used to get harrassed alot, because next to his pale skin, everyone thought she was black. lol. Eventually, she just cut back on her tanning time to stop the insults.

Personally, i think not dating some becuase of their color is just fine. If your not attracted to them, then your not. I wont date blond men. It doesn't mean i think that blond men are bad people, its just my preferance.
In today's modern teenage society, we have pretty much dumped racism and just discriminate against anything else.

Mind you, I'm 16, and while it probably won't have a permanent affect on me, it seems quite important now.

In today's teen society, it is very dangerous to go out of your click, circle of friends, or whatever. I have my first gf, and while we basically share the same social type, we (originally) had no friends in common, and nobody really expected either of us to get someone.

After we got together, there are the most insensitive people who'd go "What do you see in her". "Whyd you settle for something like that" and so on.

Racism is only race, but I believe my generation gets to redefine it. Of course, racism isn't politically correct, but harassing people of the same race, no lawyer, judge, teacher, or principal gives a damn.

On the actual subject:

We all have preferences. While it probably isn't racist to say "I probably wouldn't go out with a black girl/guy", it probably is to say "I'd NEVER..."
It's interesting that you bring up what the "teenage society" thinks of racism. I'm close to your age and where I'm from, there is always an undertone of racism but it's not enough to cause a serious problem. No one will go up to a black kid and start yelling at them about being black, but it's when they're back is turned a lot of talk is negative about people that aren't white (it includes mexicans, blacks, indians [not the native-american type], an especially asians).

What's even more interesting is that this undertone of racism started after the civil rights movement and the holocaust was taught.

When YoungWriter says that its dangerous to go out of your click I disagree. It might be "dangerous" to how people see you (i.e. your reputation) but for yourself it is beneficial. When dating someone of another race in highschool you will get a lot of crap coming your way because the kids haven't had the opportunity to experience people that are unlike themselves.

But what about when you are out of school?

Originally posted by Joeman
I don't know if that would make him racist but stupid for sure. If you limit yourself you might be missing out. Life is too short to limit who you shag. If someone as attractive as Tyra Banks or Veronica Webb comes my way, it is retarded to say I don't like them because I am not attracted to black girls.
But do you see Tyra Banks as a black person or as a supermodel? What is your first though of her? It is that she is black...or is it that she is a beatiful woman? Is it racist to see her as a black person before you see her as a woman? Someone may find her attractive. Yet the same person might see her as being a different race, and that influences their opinion of her.

How about this....is it racist to not want to be friends with a person (of the same sex) because they are a different race? I think it is. But then why is it not racist to not like women of a different race? Many of you have said it isn't racist because its just a preference...what you like and don't like. I can't understand why. My interpretation might be a little screwy but would you try to explain the difference of being racist when:

Not being friends because they are a different race and
Not dating a person because they are a different race.
Not being friends because they are a different race and
Not dating a person because they are a different race.
Both are text book examples of racism. An example of preference would be : Not dating a person because you are not attracted to them.

Racism arises when a stereotype of a race is associated with an individual. That individual is then prejudiced or discriminated against.

"because they are a different race" is always racism.
I now think that isn't being racist.

But will people label you racist because of your preference? I guess that depends on where you are from and your place in society.

P.S. when you see a black woman or when you first see someone not of your race, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Would you consider it wrong to think of the color of the person before anything else?
I dont see how its "being racist" when its your type. I dont like most black girls because they aren't my type. Ihad a mexican girlfriend before, she was awesome!

Is it racist because the person isnt your type?
A babe is a babe. Who gives a rat's ass re:melanin. Is there a more shallow way to judge a fellow human being? Sorry you bigots didn't grow up in New York City, as I, most thankfully, did. Man...judging a person by their coloration---what a repellant concept!

I am not even slightly attracted to you. Does that make me a bigot?
not at all...but i think it's fairly clear you're a homo (not that there's any thing wrong woth that...)
You're just saying that because my hand is up your... :p

Sorry Airdog, but I have to crush your infantile fantasies. I'm quite heterosexual, and I dare say better at it than you'll ever be.
your best quotation comes from an (admittedly cool) actor? wow, what a profound thinker you must be!
your admission re: being (un)attracted to me shows you for the bone-smuggler you deny you are.

1) I don't quote other people to make myself appear smart. People who must rely on the thoughts of better people thatn themselves are quite pathetic.

2) Are you trying to give me some sort of subtle invitation...?