QWC revisited 2011

Well it depends on what you consider a "self-evident" truth. Is it supposed to be something that any objective person could agree with, intended to divine the origins of the universe? Or is it only intended as an arbitrary axiom to muse upon and ponder the consequences that would arise if it were true?
I'm not trying to do science and I'm not intending to publish or make believe that there is anything remarkable about QWC. It is simply my views after years of paying attention to the popular media aimed at informing laymen of what is happening in the professional community. I always lag behind the leading edge of science and can't offer anything to science but I can keep informed and use what I learn to speculate about how the incompatibilities might turn out to be reconciled or what unobservables might be like if we could observe them. Axioms start where science stops. That is the context of the axioms.

I mention all the axioms of QWC in the OP. Also after going through them one by one and describing my view of the cause of matter and gravity I posted a recap to date ... http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2769552&postcount=60.

I said cult membership was light hearted fun. Some people don't like laymen to have light hearted fun at their expense. Sorry if it offends you that I joke about professionals who deny tentativeness of science or professionals who act unprofessionally toward laymen forum members who are here to learn and test ideas.
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science or professionals who act unprofessionally toward laymen forum members who are here to learn and test ideas.

That is the problem right there. The professionals (which you apprear to assume is anyone who has taken more than a couple physics courses) talk to you disrespectfully because you are NOT here to learn or to test ideas.

Ideas in physics have patiently been explained to you and backed up with experimental verification and you dismiss them. You do not want to learn! After a few attempts to discuss ideas with you it becomes a excersize in frustration and you are dissed.

Neither are you here to test ideas, you are here to pontificate. You 'test an idea' and someone will point out where the idea does not jibe with reality. Instead of discussing the idea you refuse to consider the well thought out objections which is very frustrating to people, so again you are dismissed as a fringe type.

What do you expect - you think Motor Daddy makes sense fercryingoutloud!:shrug:
That is the problem right there. The professionals (which you apprear to assume is anyone who has taken more than a couple physics courses) talk to you disrespectfully because you are NOT here to learn or to test ideas.

Ideas in physics have patiently been explained to you and backed up with experimental verification and you dismiss them. You do not want to learn! After a few attempts to discuss ideas with you it becomes a excersize in frustration and you are dissed.

Neither are you here to test ideas, you are here to pontificate. You 'test an idea' and someone will point out where the idea does not jibe with reality. Instead of discussing the idea you refuse to consider the well thought out objections which is very frustrating to people, so again you are dismissed as a fringe type.

What do you expect - you think Motor Daddy makes sense fercryingoutloud!:shrug:
You're right, I should be ashamed. Thanks for being there for me big ;) guy. This thread is open to your comments. Feel free to vent your self. No repressed feelings, OK? Whatever.
Good evening, Quantum.

Isn't it entertaining to observe how our species is so judgmental about what another cares to contemplate?

The reason there exists so many opinions, appears to be precisely because we are at a stalemate in what we can determine with certainty on some topics, such as the origin of our species, the size/origin of the universe and the existence of god, just to name a few.

That, and the observation that we are continually needing to re-tailor our understanding of the existing paradigm as new discoveries are made.

As one of the confirmed 'undecided' on most things in life, the only thing that I find perplexing is the apparent need of others to 'convince' me, and that my apparent immunity to a singular path and non-objection to all non-violent hypotheses entertained simultaneously seems to be perceived as an attack on their own credibility.

Until irrefutable evidence is in, I feel no need to favor one theory over another and my serious lack of opinion has not detracted from my enjoyment of life.

Rather the opposite. ;)
Good evening, Quantum.

Isn't it entertaining to observe how our species is so judgmental about what another cares to contemplate?

The reason there exists so many opinions, appears to be precisely because we are at a stalemate in what we can determine with certainty on some topics, such as the origin of our species, the size/origin of the universe and the existence of god, just to name a few.

That, and the observation that we are continually needing to re-tailor our understanding of the existing paradigm as new discoveries are made.

As one of the confirmed 'undecided' on most things in life, the only thing that I find perplexing is the apparent need of others to 'convince' me, and that my apparent immunity to a singular path and non-objection to all non-violent hypotheses entertained simultaneously seems to be perceived as an attack on their own credibility.

Until irrefutable evidence is in, I feel no need to favor one theory over another and my serious lack of opinion has not detracted from my enjoyment of life.

Rather the opposite. ;)
Hi SZ. It is entertaining, that's a fact, and you are right about there being many opinions that are brought to a stalemate because there are limits to what we can observe. Our view on a macro scale, our Hubble volume of space, is expanding but is what we can view all there is? Of course not. And our ability to look deep within particles is limited to the tools we have to look there too.

Origin is probably upset with me because I said that one fellow's postulate made sense when he said that light expands spherically at an invariant speed in vacuum from a point of origin. It is true. But that debate was not about that postulate, it was about the question of Special Relativity being reality or theory. I might have taken that question to its limit by bringing up what I think is one of the strengths of science, tentativeness, which separates science from dogma. That was the start of my "cult of tentativeness" where you became a non-cult member when you couldn't stand to let the discussion and even contemplations go to the possibilities of tentativeness of SR.

Origin was one of the trolls who has to believe that Lorentz invariance is the law of the universe and I am one who contemplates a much different universe on a grand scale. Is Lorentz invariance true at the core of a big crunch because if not, then it has limits. Is Lorentz invariance true at the heart of particles, what ever that means? We don't know.

I find that those limits where known laws break down to be worthy of speculation but no one likes other peoples speculation, especially layman speculation and so I become the subject of that intolerance that you mention. When I suggest limits to theory, and tentativeness, the trolls like Origin, non-cult members ;), take that as an attack on their credibility as you say, and some, the non-professionals and professionals alike, resort to flaming and trolling.

I usually ask a question of those who stop by and by the response or lack of response I can tell where they are coming from. Of course they are all welcome to flame and troll, but those with any character at all will either ignore me or take part in my thread by discussing what I speculate about and giving their opinion. Usually that requires reading this drivel and most will not go that far, lol.

For example, CptBork posed a good question and I responded. But CptBork may see himself fitting in better among those who flame and troll or may not be at all interested in what participating in the development of a layman's view of cosmology and so we will see if he is done.

You SZ, are open minded and quite right to enjoy life and appreciate nature without having to choose between the many theories that cannot be proven. I always appreciate your wisdom and insight.
If only I could believe you. Are you saying I can call you a pea brain?

Allow me to join you both, there being so many types of peas in the gardening world. ;) You can call me "SweetPea", lol......:p

My morning post on another thread assembled a sentence which pleased me, and so I copied just that bit below.

I contemplate the universe to be an immeasurably large and complex jigsaw puzzle, which may ever defy our completion, by nature of being constantly mutable.

Change can be on many orders of magnitude, from that which occurs in a millisecond to that which transpires over eons, and we can observe and measure all manner of changes, and there may be many such as yet unrecognized by us.

My further thoughts would be that we learn most things through 'pattern recognition', that anything first experienced is measured against all previous experience and then categorized and observed from there.

Until a thing has been experienced, can we even know what/where to look for further evidence?

Much of which we are seeking evidence for has been the result of extrapolation of information that we have modeled in our mind or on computer simulation working from our interpretation of experience.

Sometimes our original interpretations turn out to be wrong, but often we gain valuable insights in pursuing them non-the-less.

The following 27 minute video was posted by a responder to myself on another thread. It was 10 days before I got the time to watch it, yet I am glad I took the time, for it explores how we view the 'errors' of generations past and suggests that future generations may have cause to consider our present 'known facts' in similar light. In case anyone is interested, here is the link.

Allow me to join you both, there being so many types of peas in the gardening world. ;) You can call me "SweetPea", lol......:p

My morning post on another thread assembled a sentence which pleased me, and so I copied just that bit below.

Change can be on many orders of magnitude, from that which occurs in a millisecond to that which transpires over eons, and we can observe and measure all manner of changes, and there may be many such as yet unrecognized by us.

My further thoughts would be that we learn most things through 'pattern recognition', that anything first experienced is measured against all previous experience and then categorized and observed from there.

Until a thing has been experienced, can we even know what/where to look for further evidence?

Much of which we are seeking evidence for has been the result of extrapolation of information that we have modeled in our mind or on computer simulation working from our interpretation of experience.

Sometimes our original interpretations turn out to be wrong, but often we gain valuable insights in pursuing them non-the-less.

The following 27 minute video was posted by a responder to myself on another thread. It was 10 days before I got the time to watch it, yet I am glad I took the time, for it explores how we view the 'errors' of generations past and suggests that future generations may have cause to consider our present 'known facts' in similar light. In case anyone is interested, here is the link.

Lol, TY again SZ or should I call you SP? The video does explore how wrong we have been, probably are, and probable will always be. Tentativeness in the extreme or could we say eternal tentativeness.

His reference to fractal wrongness gave me a laugh and reminded me of one of the threads I started long ago on Yahoo message boards. "I am wrong and so are you", and that lead to some interesting debate. Everyone agreed I am wrong but had trouble saying they might be wrong too. We are like he says, overestimating how smart we are and underestimating how wrong we probably are.

But still, believing we are far from right about our views of the universe doesn't seem to stop me from wanting to have a personal view based on the best information I can absorb. That view includes reasonable speculation and speculation upon speculations, but just like I had time to view the video already, I have time to contemplate. Regarding the speculations of how to reconcile the inconsistencies in current theory, I may be the only one to benefit but by posting my views I allow everyone to say what they will about those views. QWC changes and evolves from those inputs and from the changes and advances in science that I follow. Though QWC is not science and is not presented to be science, I admit that I am probably very wrong, just not in the same way as others. According to the theme of the video, we are all probably deluded, but I am deluded in my own particular way, lol
Lol, TY again SZ or should I call you SP? The video does explore how wrong we have been, probably are, and probable will always be. Tentativeness in the extreme or could we say eternal tentativeness.

His reference to fractal wrongness gave me a laugh and reminded me of one of the threads I started long ago on Yahoo message boards. "I am wrong and so are you", and that lead to some interesting debate. Everyone agreed I am wrong but had trouble saying they might be wrong too. We are like he says, overestimating how smart we are and underestimating how wrong we probably are.

But still, believing we are far from right about our views of the universe doesn't seem to stop me from wanting to have a personal view based on the best information I can absorb. That view includes reasonable speculation and speculation upon speculations, but just like I had time to view the video already, I have time to contemplate. Regarding the speculations of how to reconcile the inconsistencies in current theory, I may be the only one to benefit but by posting my views I allow everyone to say what they will about those views. QWC changes and evolves from those inputs and from the changes and advances in science that I follow. Though QWC is not science and is not presented to be science, I admit that I am probably very wrong, just not in the same way as others. According to the theme of the video, we are all probably deluded, but I am deluded in my own particular way, lol

We are all deluded in our own particular way, but I enjoy your generally mannerly way of dealing with those who seem to take your gentle pondering as somehow being a threat to 'real science'.

Why should real science feel threatened? :confused:

Our 'facts' have already been overturned countless times by individuals who have dared to contemplate alternative pathways, and almost all of them were considered 'heretics' in their time.

Posthumously, many were then later regarded as progressive thinkers, even when others went on to disprove or elaborate further on their findings.

To go the edge and beyond, remains ever the self-appointed mission of our kind, and I greatly appreciate when I see yourself and others doing so with respect to the fact that others may hold a different perspective.

In the end, the concepts will sort themselves out as our knowledge base ever adapts to new discoveries.

Until then, it's all grand ideas to contemplate, even the ones that may appear to be 'fairy dust', lol..... :cool:
We are all deluded in our own particular way, but I enjoy your generally mannerly way of dealing with those who seem to take your gentle pondering as somehow being a threat to 'real science'.

Why should real science feel threatened? :confused:

Our 'facts' have already been overturned countless times by individuals who have dared to contemplate alternative pathways, and almost all of them were considered 'heretics' in their time.

Posthumously, many were then later regarded as progressive thinkers, even when others went on to disprove or elaborate further on their findings.

To go the edge and beyond, remains ever the self-appointed mission of our kind, and I greatly appreciate when I see yourself and others doing so with respect to the fact that others may hold a different perspective.

In the end, the concepts will sort themselves out as our knowledge base ever adapts to new discoveries.

Until then, it's all grand ideas to contemplate, even the ones that may appear to be 'fairy dust', lol..... :cool:
Thanks for characterizing my responses to flamers and trolls as "generally mannerly", lol. I guess you notice that I can sometimes be quite rude if the troller is particularly arrogant and lacking in common standards of decency. If that person boasts endlessly about themselves and makes it a general practice to follow selected individuals around to all of their threads I tend to point out how that behavior reflects on them not only in the forums, but in real life. I am certain that the more they declare they have a normal well adjusted life, the more I believe they do not.

FYI, I think I am going to the Maple pavilion again Friday and I will be doing an update to this thread recap where I remove most off topic posts for my own reference. It appears on one long page and is searchable so I use it to remind myself what I have posted and what I haven't. Sometimes I post a link to that document so that anyone who wants to actually engage in discussion on the content of QWC can go to a clean and updated version of what is posted here.

If you read that version and if your posts or my responses to your posts appear then you are considered a contributor to QWC :p. In your case, your contributions over time have influenced the Philosophy of QWC and are of great value to me and to QWC.
I've been enjoying nature at the Maple pavilion today and taking that opportunity to edit some posts and update my thread summary. I added some content to post #41 where I brought in MD's moving light box idea and thought I would post the edited and updated content here in post #92 as well.

My interest in MD’s Relativity of Simultaneity stems from my QWC speculations:

1) In QWC there is an arena process where arenas that emerge from Big Bangs have a fixed point in space from which their arena expansion occurs. Expansion of the arena extends out from that point in space presumably at the speed of light. Multiple arenas represent multiple fixed points in space and time. Can an entire arena have motion relative to other arenas? It depends on how wave energy is propagated through space. Special Relativity implies the light sphere can move with the motion of the observer and always appear spherical to all observers.

Part of the controversy centers around the use of the word “absolute”. In current theory there is no absolute point in space because everything is relative. Some people interpret that to mean that a flash of light will expand spherically in all inertial frames of reference. That view is quite popular because of Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity.

Read and study it and you find that the math of Lorentz transformations works perfectly to show how variables like length and time will change between frames in order to bring all variables in agreement with a constant, a common denominator based on the invariant speed of light in vacuum. Using those transformations to adjust between frames, the light sphere remains a sphere in all frames.

But common sense says that if light has an invariant speed in the vacuum of space, an object moving at relativistic speeds to a flash of light will see the shape shifted (relativistically Doppler shift) into an oblate spheroid where the diameter in the direction of motion is smaller than the diameter perpendicular to the motion, hence, length contraction. Then we realize that if the light sphere is not a sphere, the speed of light playing out as the oval (oblate spheroid) expands cannot be invariant. Hence, time dilation comes into the picture to say that the shorter distance of light travel in the direction of motion is a time measurement issue and that time passes slower in that direction and so it takes the same amount of time to travel from the point of emission in the direction of motion as it does perpendicular to the motion.

These transformations work mathematically but they also introduce the concept of length contraction and time dilation. The cause of length contraction and time dilation in SR is not acceleration or gravitation, it is simply relative motion. The cause of time dilation and length contraction in QWC is the energy density effect and the tidal effect.

I reject the notion of SR time dilation and length contraction in QWC. If you say that time dilation has been proven by synchronized clocks or by careful measurements in cases of relative motion, you are correct. However, in QWC that time dilation would have been due to differences in the energy density of the environment assuming that clocks run slower as the energy density increases. Acceleration increases the energy density and gravitation increases the energy density, and so far, no time dilation is shown to occur without corresponding differences in energy density.

2) Also, in QWC there is a process of quantum action that establishes the physical presence of particles of matter. Quantum action is characterized by high density spots that are momentarily fixed in space and time, and the standing wave concept of particles advocated by QWC is completely compatible with the concept of fixed high density spots in space and time, whether or not you want to call it absolute space and time.

The high density spot marks a point in space and time where a spherical wave of energy is emitted from the spot as part of the process of establishing the presence of matter. It takes billions of these high density spots to represent the presence of a single fundamental particle like an electron or a quark. If you could see closely from the QWC perspective into the fundamental particles of the Standard Particle Model, you would see a grand fireworks display, not literally because it is not light waves, but the spots would be forming and bursting in an awesome array where ever the particle presence exits. The particle will be moving through space but the high-density spot will form at a point in space, burst, and emit a spherically expanding energy wave that is expanding equally at the speed of light in all directions. As the particle moves, its hoard of high density spots seems to move with it but really the spots form and burst so quickly that the motion of the particle is not jerky but smooth. As the spots re-form they do so in a slightly different location in space based on the motion of the particle because the particle has the stability afforded to it by its status as an energy environment and the spots represent contained energy, i.e. a particle is an individual energy environment within which the energy density equalizes itself relative to the surrounding environment. The process of high density spot formation and burst is part of the process of energy density equalization within the particle.

3) In QWC gravity is caused by an imbalance between inflowing and out flowing wave energy associated with quantum action that establishes the presence of mass. The notion of fixed points of emission of out flowing gravity waves is completely compatible with the concept of points fixed in space and time as it is described relative to QWC Big Bang centers of gravity and particle high density spot locations in space during quantum action.
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I also revised post #48 as follows:

06-09-11, 03:11 PM, #48
Non-cult members have not come to grips with the possibility that the Big Bang might have been caused by physics that is non-Lorentz compatible, or the possibility that particles have internal wave energy composition that is not Lorentz compatible, and therefore the presence of matter, gravity and big bangs is not Lorentz dependent.

The cause of big bangs and the cause of the presence of particles create an environment where Lorentz transformations can be mathematically applied, such as within our expanding arena and outside of particle composition. Both the formation and expansion of an arena and the wave energy composition and quantum action that establishes the presence of mass and gravity are not Lorentz compatible in QWC because they both feature spherical expansion in space that would not be viewed as spherical from moving reference frames. The expanding energy waves of big bangs and high density spots within particles will be viewed as oblate spheroids in frames moving relative to the spherical wave emission, a point in space that does not move.

SR can’t live with that. In QWC, motion causes the oval view in the same way that the view would look if Lorentz transformations were considered purely mathematical adjustments of the length and time variables, i.e. the moving observer who could see the whole sphere would see it as an oblate spheroid and would have to do math to figure out what he would be seeing if he was at rest relative to the point of emission of the sphere. But that is not what SR implies. SR implies the every observer will see the sphere and not the spheroid. In SR, if you apply QWC logic, the oblate spheroid is what the observer at rest concludes would be seen by moving observers but all observes in SR can consider themselves are rest within their frame and so must see the sphere and not the spheroid.
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Mainstream science has some well known inconsistencies. The consensus cosmology and the consensus particle model are not yet unified. Nature is unified and so the inconsistencies that exist represent incomplete knowledge and understanding of nature. We are held back by our limited ability to observe at the micro and macro levels and we don’t yet have a grand unifying theory.

My interests lie in the area of speculating about what we might find if we had the tools to observe the ultimate depths and farthest reaches of nature.

In order to make it easy for someone to read the topical content of this thread I periodically update a running summary document that includes revisions I have made to earlier posts and drops the off topic posts so a new reader can get up to speed with the least effort. But first let me do a little reorganization to bring in some content I posted elsewhere. In the thread called, “Continuous or discrete universe”, in the Physics and Math forum I posted some speculative views that I’ll bring over here to this Pseudoscience thread where they are more at home, lol. Here are two posts from over there for incorporation into this thread. I think they would fit best at the beginning of the thread so in the next recap I’ll fit them in up front.

Post 1
VoidSet, here we have, in less than a thousand words, my layman's essay on speculation about the nature of a fundamentally continuous universe as opposed to a discrete or digital universe. This describes an infinite and boundless greater universe and not a spherical universe but it does include a lot of spherical expansion like each big bang arena.

Let’s start out based on a premise that the foundational nature of the universe is continuous.

I’ll call it, “About Continuous Wave Energy that Traverses Space, a Premise”

Waves of what? Waves in what?

In regard to light, “waves of what” is electromagnetic waves. They are well defined and their source, means of propagation, and the nature of light makes up a good portion of what most students learn in physics. We can describe EM wave action by saying they are emitted by atomic and molecular dipoles, are propagated by transverse electric and magnetic fields, they carry energy, have frequency, wavelength, and they display both wave and particle characteristics.

And yet there is speculation about the nature of light and what makes it act the way we observe it to act. For example how curved in-phase light wave fronts seem to have rays at every point and vector perpendicular to the wave front of the curved plane surface and maintain that characteristic at every radius throughout their spherical expansion. Or how light passes through pin holes and even tubes smaller than the wave length and emerges as spherical wave fronts.

In regard to light, we don’t view the “waves in what” as a medium that all things move through, we view light moving via transverse self-propagating fields. But fields don’t just apply to light. Everything that traverses space is said to have a field through which the energy is propagated or associated with the force that initiates it. There is no action at a distance without a field as far as we can detect. Gravitational fields, electrical fields, magnetic fields, various other fields like the Higgs field, quantum field theory, the digital geometry of spacetime field (OK, maybe not that one, lol) … multiple fields everywhere seems to be the way the background of the universe is described.

Waves of energy can be contained and released by processes of nature but can never be permanently subdued or destroyed. They can be contained in particles by a natural process, and freed from particles as out-flowing waves that might leave the particle essentially intact or change the particle. Wave energy can be freed from the particles by destroying the particles and releasing various other particles along with some of the contained kinetic and/or wave energy. The more we experiment the more we learn, and the more we learn, the more we think there is to learn.

There are limits and thresholds governed by natural processes that control and orchestrate the flow of energy waves but there is no process that can create or destroy energy, and that is the law, and one that is clearly in the consensus. Once a particle is established, it is sustained for various durations, maybe by inflowing and out flowing wave energy, particle charge, spin, interacting particles and/or defined forces and yet the particle story is also incomplete, which stimulates more speculation. Are there gravity waves? How can we detect them? Are they high frequency or low frequency or both?

Speculatively, the space surrounding a particle is filled with wave energy, some of which is flowing toward, into, through, and around the particle and some of which is flowing within, out of, away from, and out from around the particle.

If there is a medium, the medium is wave energy itself as the wave crests and troughs continuously carry energy from their origin, flowing through each other and forming converging crests and troughs that form and diverge continuously. Wave action fills every point in space. If all energy is eternal and has always existed, then all space has always been filled with wave energy, and so speculatively, space filled with wave energy at all points is the medium.

Given that description of the background medium of wave energy, natural processes use the wave energy background to establish the presence of matter and nature uses the presence of matter and its gravity to perpetuate wave energy through collapse and expansion that play out within limits of wave energy density.

Expansion and collapse can speculatively characterize the nature of particles at the quantum wave level, maybe through synchronization or standing waves. At the grand scale of the greater universe, expansion and collapse is speculatively characterized by the gravitational collapse of matter composed of wave energy. Matter would collapse into big crunches and as a limit of matter compression is reached, crunches would collapse as the matter in the crunch succumbed to the gravitational compression. The collapse would occur as soon as the crunches reach a maximum density limit associated with matter. The collapse of the matter into the wave energy of which the matter is composed would be called a big bang.

The force of the collapse would bounce off of a maximum natural limit of wave energy density, i.e. nature does not allow infinite wave energy density, and as the maximum allowed density is reached during the collapse, the momentum of the collapse bounces off of the naturally imposed limit and into expansion. Expanding wave energy emerges from these big bangs and perpetuates the wave energy of the background of the greater universe.

Thus the premise that the foundational nature of the universe is continuous would be completely compatible with a cosmology of a boundless and eternal universe characterized by particles and big bangs that are in compliance with natural processes that orchestrate the expansion and compression of wave energy, the formation of matter from wave energy, and the negation of matter into wave energy through limits and thresholds at work in accordance with the invariant natural laws of the universe.

Post 2
VoidSet, I never did get a response from you about my post on how you could be living in an essentially spherical universe if our Big Bang was the one and only.

To avoid being channeled into current theories I think we can talk about foundational matters from a fresh viewpoint. Let’s make it axiomatic that space is filled with wave energy; gravity waves, EM waves, converging and diverging waves at all points in space as I supposed in my easy on the continuous nature of the universe.

And from that same viewpoint, let’s make it axiomatic that time is a continuum and simply passes at the same rate at all points in space instead to being entwined in the spacetime continuum.

These two postulates together can be used to derive a view of the universe.

Don’t get me wrong, time is entwined with motion. Everything takes time to occur, but the duration of events is a measure as time passes and in this view does not change depending on the perspective or motion that an observer has on the event. That different perspective only changes the time that will show on clocks in motion relative to each other, i.e. time dilation due to energy density differences between the environments of the clocks.

To be brief, in this view, time dilation as defined by SR is replaced by alternative ideas about the effect of wave energy density on the motion of matter through space. Gravitational fields cause time dilation because the intensity of wave energy density is greater near the surface of an object than it is at a distance from the object. Time dilation caused by acceleration is due to the wave energy intensity increase required to accelerate an object through the existing wave energy in all space. Hence both gravity and acceleration can cause time dilation because they require the energy density of the space occupied by the object to increase. This view also includes the speculation that particles of matter have a functioning rate and that rate is variable relative to the energy density of the environment. Acceleration can also cause length contraction according to the alternative ideas. So both time dilation and length contraction are part of the new view.

Given the axiom that time flows on a smooth continuum, then let’s take a freeze frame look at a patch of space at a point in time and digitize it. There will be high density spots where wave energy converges and low density spots where wave troughs coincide.

Because everything is in motion as waves traverse the wave energy background, each consecutive freeze frame, regardless of the duration between them, will show motion from one point in time to the next that will be portrayed as a change in the pattern of high density and low density spots. This would look like the cellular automation link in the earlier post.

There are an infinite number of different durations you could use between freeze frames but if there were preferred durations in nature, the continuous change due to wave energy motion could be digitized from a continuous wave energy flow by using the preferred duration. Don’t get ahead of me here because the result is not the same as the automaton.

A preferred duration implies that there is a natural process that applies to converging wave energy (which is the continuous fundamental nature of reality in this scenario) that takes a discrete length of time to occur. That process in my scenario is called quantum action and is characterized by what physically occurs within the high density spots that form and appear as waves converge. In the freeze frame these convergences are the high density spots that show up.

The “delta t” in a freeze frame sequence of snap shots could be set to correspond with one set of high density spots and show the start and end of quantum action in regard to that one synchronized set of high density spots.

Immediately it becomes obvious that there is not just one set of synchronized spots like in the automaton because during the quantum period that marks the duration of the quantum process, other high density spots form that were not the spots in the first frame or the spots in the second frame. Because we speculate that the duration is a function of the process of quantum action, we conclude that the presence of the spots from one frame, separated by the quantum period, to the next frame will represent only a portion of the high density spots that occur in the patch of space we are depicting. Stay with me on this.

Further we can conclude that the spots in the second frame are not the same spots as in the first frame, but are different spots formed by different wave energy convergences. The spots in the first frame have played out because waves continue on after they converge and flow through each other. In accordance with the quantum action process there is action that takes place as waves converge and that occurs during the brief duration of convergence before the waves have completely flowed on.

So what is that quantum process doing during the wave convergence, a brief quantum period to say the least? The answer might be that the process that takes a finite and discrete quantum period to occur is the processing of the converging waves that inflow to the high density spot. That processing results in out flowing waves that emerges from the spots slightly altered from their inflowing curved plane shape. Quantum action includes the equalization of energy density within the convergence space that occurs during the brief convergence period. That equalization results in the out flowing waves being spherical and equal in all directions, synchronized out flow, just as if the inflowing waves had passed through a pin hole in space (the space disturbed by quantum action) and emerged from the pin hole as spherically expanding waves.

So you see, VoidSet, in this continuous view of the natural universe we have the spherical nature of the universe at both the quantum level and at the Big Bang level. Do you like it?
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Like I say, trivial. The intersection and overlap of two spheres produces volumes called caps and two caps form a lens.

I know the equation can be greatly simplified but I like to show it this way because my pea brain can see how the pieces in the graphic relate to the equation. The equation always yields the percentage of one "critical capacity" that is accumulated in the overlap space (the lens). When the equation yields a value of one, critical capacity has been reached and there is enough energy in the overlap to cause a big crunch to collapse and bounce into expansion according to the speculations of QWC.
I have hinted at some new physics that differentiates QWC from all other cosmologies. As I have so far described the scenario here and in previous threads on various forums, the power of the speculated new physics is aimed at conveying a sense of sameness from one arena to the next. QWC adheres to this consistency and sameness and not to the “at random diversity” of the multiverse that is where science has brought us as of these times.

QWC confronts what we don’t yet understand and speculates about a reasonable and responsible alternative. The “arbiter” of reasonable and responsible is me, self-appointed and saying what I think and not what you think or what you think you know. We don’t know, and I speculate. Do you? No one here so far has said they have any ideas about preconditions to the big bang. But it takes the likes of Laura Mersini-Houghton, and those she references in the footnotes to her latest paper, “Is Eternal Inflation Eternal?”, to offer up peer reviewed speculation that concludes that Lorentz invariance cannot explain eternal inflation because past incomplete inflation cannot be future eternal. You won't understand that unless you grasp the fact that there is no important current view of cosmology being considered that addresses the fact that a singularity at the beginning cannot result in a finite universe that is eternal.

Picking up the scenario where I left off, reaching Critical Capacity is a calm event relative to what lies ahead. So t-n+(nx) brings us to critical capacity at threshold T1, and using the average value of T1 as a consistent span of time in the formation of a typical big crunch, the period between T1 and t=0 is n-T1.

We can equate the finite energy content of the final phase of the big crunch and of the emerging new arena to the energy content of the matter and radiation that is captured in the overlap lens as of T1. The lens shape overlap between two intersecting spheres (the parent arenas) is a simplified version of the shape of the growing overlap and of course would be a truncated lens if more than two existing arenas are involved in the formation of the overlap (a concept consistent with a self sustaining lattice landscape to be discussed in advanced QWC) .

So T1 denotes a span of time and a threshold in the big crunch process, and also is associated with a consistent finite amount of energy in all of its forms required for the completion of a single big crunch that occurs somewhere in the arena landscape of the greater universe.

… To be continued …
As the overlap of the parent arenas continues and T1 passes, more and more galaxies and clusters are being captured in the overlap due to continued expansion momentum imparted to them during the parent arena maturation process. A center of gravity is getting established in the middle of the overlap. This center of gravity will be the focus point of the future crunch and burst. The center of gravity is a QWC point in absolute space because the event that happens there will be considered to have no momentum relative to the centers of gravity of the parent arenas.

By the time Critical Capacity was reached at T1 this center of gravity was already crammed with a massive black hole that has captured whole galaxies and clusters and is accreting more at an accelerating rate. This growing Massive Black Hole (MBH) is the home of QWC Gamma Chaos, an environment of such acceleration and compression that even Gamma Rays cannot escape and the growing MBH is well on its way to becoming an Ultimate Black Hole (UBH) which is required for the Big Crunch to bounce and bang at t=0.

The nature of the contents of the growing MBH is speculated to be recognizable fundamental particles that are still functioning as evidenced by the growing gravitational attraction of the MBH. Particles cease to emit gravity when they are negated into their constituent wave energy in less than the required sufficient space for quantum action to occur; gravity ceases to be emitted by the wave energy from the negated particles.

Someone who has read about QWC will know that the big event that is coming is a collapse of the UBH due to growing gravitational compression on the existing particles. Each individual particle space has remained sufficient to allow the particles to function as particles up to this point. The collapse of the big crunch occurs when the force of gravity exceeds the ability of particles to maintain their individual space and an energy compression collapse occurs. As the collapse occurs the wave energy of the negated particles is compressed into the minimum possible space available at the maximum possible wave energy density allowed by nature. Infinite wave energy density is not considered possible in QWC. The bounce occurs as the compressed wave energy reaches that maximum density and cannot be further compressed. The momentum of the collapsing wave energy bounces off the maximum energy density limit and bursts into expansion typical of this big bang type of event.

… To be continued …
Before the collapse and bounce that heralds the new arena at t=0 there is another mentionable period of time. It is the period between T1 and L1, L1 being Limit 1 which represents the highest possible level of energy density in the universe, an absolute. We can define this interim period of time as t-n+(nx)+(ny) where ‘y’ is a percentage of n-T1 that it takes for the maximum possible energy density to occur at the core of the big crunch after critical capacity has been reached in the overlap space.

Limit 1 is speculated to exist because there needs to be such a limit in order for there to be an arena landscape characterized by a similarity between arenas and a sameness of physics among all arenas. Every time that L1 is reached anywhere in the universe it occurs inside a big crunch. Its presence foretells that there is going to be a big bang very soon. The only time factor to determine how long “pretty soon” is the time delay for the L1 condition to bounce back through the compression profile of the crunch. L1 is the beginning of the bounce which is a push back that represents the expansion potential of the big bang. As the volume of space occupied by the L1 condition grows, the expansion potential grows and when the expansion potential exceeds the compression of the un-negated big crunch there is not enough compression remaining to contain the bounce. The Big Bang occurs as the expansion potential of the L1 state is released.

The Limit 1 state, L1, represents the conserved wave energy of individual physical particles that were negated when the space they occupied collapsed the wave energy into a new physical state of energy called the dense state.

Dense state energy arises when the remaining individual particles of the dense particle soup of the big crunch are negated, i.e. stripped of their individuality by being restricted of sufficient space to function as individual particles. They give up that required space reluctantly under growing compression and at L1, the maximum possible density, all expendable space is spent by the remaining particles at the center of the soup. The reason that this is the maximum is because when it is reached the inward compression can no longer be absorbed at the core of the crunch and is reversed from inward wave action of the converging parent arenas to outward wave action of the new arena. The crunch is a building compression wave where the wave energy of the particles captured in the crunch is increased to a maximum frequency allowable by nature. When that frequency is reached at L1, the Big Bang Event is set into motion.

How long does it take from L1 to t=0, the Bang? If we can say that L1 occurs at t-n+(nx)+(ny), and if we put a value of 99.999999999% on ‘y’, then n-L1=0.000000001*900,000 years or about .0009 years which equates to a few hours, but like I said, these are for talking purposes.

Given that talk, it takes a trillion years from the time that two parent arenas intersect until the Big Bang announces a new arena, and the last few hours of the trillion years is just a time delay between the point in time where the maximum possible energy density is reached at the core of the crunch and the time when the crunch outwardly gives way to the compression bounce. Bang!

By the time the bang occurs the outward momentum of the energy potential of the crunch produces accelerating expansion in the first instant after t=0; expansion of the dense state energy into the existing space surrounding the big crunch. Thus ends the internal preconditions to the Big Bang ...
I have modified this post from a Private Message and am including it in my current thread for future reference since this thread will become the outline for future QWC updates.

The PM: Many people who are familiar with Big Bang Theory, Inflation and General Relativity are not as familiar with multiverse cosmologies and one GR expert has recommended that I consult someone who is active in String Theory who might be better suited to answer my question (the question posed in another thread). Please consider Laura Mersini-Houghton as my counsel in regard to string theory and consider her referenced paper on “Is Eternal Inflation Eternal” as a current reference regarding the state of alternative multiverse cosmologies. Her paper and especially the footnotes provide a look at the current state of multiverse cosmology and if a pea brain like me or any smart guy were to be interested in understanding the multiverse alternatives, a thorough reading of the paper done with constant reference to the footnoted papers would be an excellent place to start and it can be done in an evening given your background.

I think I understand what you are saying about the use of the term Lorentz Invariance in regard to models of General Relativity. My references to curved spacetime in QWC generally amount to what replaces curved spacetime in my speculations. QWC acknowledges that in a body of physics laws that features an invariant speed of light there comes a point in the relative motion of objects where classical approaches fail because objects cannot be accelerated to the speed of light.

General Relativity solves the classical problems with math that sets the limit of relative motion to the speed of light and transforms the variables of time and distance between objects in relative motion by employing time dilation and length contraction. Thus the physics within which the universe operates is the same in all reference frames and for all reference bodies regardless of the relative motion of objects because there is a limit of c imposed on all relative motion.

QWC is compatible with the law that nothing but light can travel at c, but solves the problem by speculating that the limit is imposed by wave energy density. In QWC all space has wave energy density and the rate that light traverses space is relative to the energy density of that space. For example, the path that light follows can be curved (deflection) by passing through a lens of space that contains higher energy density like the space surrounding massive objects like stars.

Accelerated objects act as if they are traversing space that contains higher energy density than the existing background wave energy density. The speculation is that the wave energy density of an accelerated object increases relative to an object at rest.

To elaborate, matter of course is composed of particles, the QWC speculation is that particles function within a range of energy density, and therefore there are limits at the maximum and minimum points on that range which define the range within which particles can function as matter.

The limits of energy density are imposed by nature and so matter cannot be compressed beyond a limit without causing matter to cease functioning due to lack of sufficient space. It follows that particles require a finite amount of space to function and one of the functions that requires space is quantum action which is speculated to be the process that establishes the presence of mass and gravity out of otherwise unquantized wave energy.

Opposite to the limit of compression of matter that causes matter to cease functioning is the minimum limit of wave energy density needed to support the presence of matter in the first place. In QWC wave energy density fills all space and matter is composed of wave energy density that is synchronized and quantified. Synchronization and quantification require at least a minimum level of energy density in order to occur. It follows that particles cannot form and quantum action cannot take place if the wave energy density of the environment is too low.

The mediator of the limit is a background of wave energy which serves as the surrounding environment of objects at rest, i.e. a background that surrounds all matter. As matter is accelerated through that background there is an additive effect where any force or potential force requires wave energy density (force being a differential in wave energy density) and that wave energy is added to the wave energy density of an object being accelerated. It means that more and more wave energy must be concentrated on an object to continue accelerating it. Before that object can reach the speed of light the additional wave energy requirement becomes infinite and cannot be fulfilled and thus no object can be accelerated to the speed of light.

How is the energy density of an environment characterized? We can’t measure it at the foundational levels of nature but in QWC I speculate that everything material is composed of spherical wave energy that is synchronized between inflowing and out flowing wave energy and wave energy is always conserved. That necessitates the postulate that wave energy has always existed and cannot be created or destroyed. “Always” means eternal and eternal time is one of the infinities speculated about in QWC. That speculation is that the universe has always existed and has always been composed of wave energy, wave energy is always conserved, and so all existing space is filled with wave energy density.

The only variable is the amount of wave energy in any given space and if the universe has always existed all space must already contain some level of energy density. That raises the question of the infinity of space and in QWC it is postulated that space is infinite and has always exited and has always contained wave energy. Therefore, there is a universal fixed finite average energy density of space on a grand scale. The energy density of any finite patch of space fluctuates as more or less energy density enters that fixed volume of space.

Those speculations lead to the derivation of another speculative QWC truth and that is that there are eternal opposing forces that cause energy density to perpetually fluctuate. Perpetual energy density fluctuation prevents the energy density of all space from becoming equalized at the universal average wave energy density level. Those two opposing forces are expansion and contraction which are mediated by the process of quantum action that establishes the presence of matter and at the same time initiates the presence of gravity. The catch is that matter requires wave energy expansion to form (Big Bang inflation and expansion) and the presence of matter and gravity cause wave energy to collapse (big crunches speculated to result in big bangs).

Thus the mediation of expansion and collapse is wave energy density itself and expansion and collapse are the result of the difference between quantified and unquantified wave energy, i.e. the presence of mass. So matter is quantified wave energy and quantified wave energy is the product of the natural process called quantum action.

If the big bang universe that you are familiar with and quite an expert on can be more than one in number, i.e. if there were more than one big bang universe, then we would be talking about a multiverse which is multiple arenas in the context of QWC. If you don’t claim to be too familiar with multiverse cosmology I encourage you to spend an evening with Laura Mersini-Houghton and her paper and pay particular attention the references in her footnotes (books and papers).
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Post #26 covered a lot of topics, some of which I said I would elaborate on later. One topic can be addressed with the question, why do I say that compressed particles function slower relative to uncompressed particles?

Remember that the fundamental particles of standard physics are composed of quantum particles in QWC, so three quarks for example, making up a proton or neutron, would be speculatively composed of perhaps billions of quantum particles or standing wave convergences (energy quanta). In a standard particle environment of relatively uncompressed particles, the quanta give off an out flow of synchronized quantum waves that are utilized by neighboring standing wave convergences to sustain their inflow. There is dependence within the particles on this exchange of wave energy that is taking place at the quantum level within the quarks/protons and quarks/neutrons to sustain the presence and stability of the composition particle.

Compression which can occur in high energy physics involves an increase in the number of accelerated particles operating within the same volume of space. For example, gravitational acceleration is an example of particle compression. Time dilation is a mainstream effect of gravitational acceleration and it is proved that the rate that time passes on a clock that is accelerated by gravity slows down relative to a clock not being accelerated to the same degree (a clock at the mountain top will run faster than a clock at the foot of the mountain). This is the same effect that I refer to in QWC as the slowing of the functioning of particles in relatively compressed particle environments.

In QWC, as the gravitational compression on the particle environment continues to increase to magnitudes associated with a big crunch, the functioning of the particles will slow and eventually stop completely (clocks would be slowed to a stop) when the particle space collapses. The collapse leads to the universal maximum limit to wave energy density after the collapse. It is the cessation of the particle function that marks the initiation point of final collapse of the particle space and results in the bounce of the collapsing crunch into the expansion of the compressed wave energy. The bounce and expansion in QWC is associated with the Big Bang event in mainstream Big Bang Theory.
Here is what AlphaNumeric has to say about my ideas: "His ideas are nonsense, vapid and laughable but he honestly thinks he's doing something worthwhile. He's a slightly less batshit crazy version of Pincho, which is like saying someone 3ft tall is slightly taller than someone 2ft 11 inches, they're both still short as ****."
CptBork quoted AN's post and rationalized to AN his participation in my Mersini-Houghton thread by quoting his views.

In my view, AN is representing a tiny segment of the professional community, the bad agents from among the vast majority of upstanding professionals. He loves to drop the “crank word” and “idiot” and his posts are full of dismissal and disparagement of the uneducated and unwashed. Invariably, it is a huge ego combined with low self-respect that motives those types to belittle everyone they can in the purported process of educating them or of saving the unsuspecting general public from being tricked by subversive agendas like mine (smirk). I can’t call them sick because I have an infraction for doing that, but I can call them pr**ks. I hope those of you coming up into the professional community don’t admire the obnoxious pr**ks. Obviously there are a few who do and they follow their heroes around like puppies.

I’ve slowed down on the rewrite process of the posts on this thread which will serve as the starting point for next year’s update. The reason for slowing down is that I want to see what I can learn from Laura Mersini-Houghton’s paper being discussed in the thread, 'Lorentz invariance and the multiverse, possible or not?'

Mersini-Houghton has addressed the current theories of the multiverse and has presented some new ideas that are being explored in that thread. It isn’t rocket science to see that my views differ substantially from hers and from anyone else’s in the professional community. My views are my personal non-scientific pea brained delusions and should not be confused with real science. I do it because everyone knows that the real science of cosmology is incomplete and inconsistent and so I simply start from what I can understand from years of self-flagellation sponsoring threads, searching the internet, and from my several book shelves full of text books and writings as well as books from the nearby library written by the most famous and well respected from the professional community. I start where the consensus leaves off and come up with my own axioms and derive my own ‘truths’ which I refer to as “reasonable and responsible” speculations.

That sometimes incites the bad agents. Aside from a few laymen along the way who share my interests, the bad agents are the only ones who care about my threads. Not that they are impressed, but they are looking for me to say something that they can prove is wrong using known science, observations, and data. Obviously they have not been able to find anything wrong with anything I have said in this thread. If they had they would have pointed out the errors instead of posting remarks like those posted in my other active thread by AN. But that is not too surprising because I have heeded all comments and contributions over the years and have included those helpful comments in this update. (Shameless marketing for contributions from anyone who I wouldn’t call a bad agent)