QWC revisited 2011

Yes,thank you, QW. I'm interested in knowing how you think stars formed, and if you agree with Motor Daddy and me that planets came from stars.
Yes,thank you, QW. I'm interested in knowing how you think stars formed, and if you agree with Motor Daddy and me that planets came from stars.
Can we start by you giving me links to the threads or posts that you mentioned.

Taking that last statement, "that planets came from stars", I wouldn't be surprised if we could reconcile our views. I will mention that to me we need to talk areans; an arena is equivalent to our observable universe. Our arena started with the Big Bang, but our big bang was not a remarkable event in the history of the universe. I speculate about a potentially infinite number of arenas, each originating with a big bang type of event. I mention that because I think that there is a period of early star formation in each new arena. I speculate huge hydrogen stars form first and collapse, and out of the dust of the collapsed early round of stars, our galaxies formed.

I'll look for some links from you.
The third axiom is that time simply passes and the fourth is that time is a continuum. Why two axioms about time? I know it is unscientific because just saying time is a continuum is all the axioms need to say but I use the two axioms because I want to associate time with the smooth flow of energy waves and I want to disassociate space from time except for the rate at which energy waves move through space relative to each other.

We measure the passing of time in many ways but our most accurate clocks count time in the tiniest possible consistent increments. In between the increments time is also passing and no matter how small the smallest increments are that we can measure time still passes between them. That is why I say time is a continuum. Any two points on the continuum are different times no matter how close they are together. Time always passes from one point to the next even though there are a potentially infinite number of points between any two events that don’t occur simultaneously. Don’t confuse the idea of an infinite number of points between two events with there being an infinite amount of time between two events. Time is a measurement and there cannot be an infinite amount of time between two events. Infinities cannot be measured.

Acceleration has an effect on the energy density of the object in motion. The energy density of objects increases with acceleration. Gravitational time dilation is caused by differences and changes in the energy density of the environment of the clocks used to measure the passing of time. Anything that can accurately measure time measures time to pass at the same rate in the same energy density environment. For example the aging of the human body measures time in that sense. You will age slower relative to a person who is always at rest relative to your motion.

In QWC the fact that clocks show time passing at different rates does not violate the axiom. It would only violate the axiom if time itself passed at different rates in different conditions of acceleration and relative motion. The difference in the rate of aging has to do with the energy density of the environment in which the aging takes place and not with the difference in the rate that time passes on the time continuum.

Using a freeze frame example, twins are born at a point in time on the continuum. One twin leaves on an endless journey and the other stays home. Each has an identical clock. Twenty years pass on the time continuum and then time is frozen at that point across the entire universe so that the twin’s clocks can be compared in their different locations. The traveling twin’s clock shows that only ten years have passed. The resting twin’s clock shows that twenty years have passed. The traveling twin appears ten years younger than the resting twin. Every indication is that time passed slower for the moving twin but the time continuum is the true time against which the effect of time dilation is measured.

An observed phenomenon that is explained by the curvature of spacetime can also be explained by the difference in the energy density. For example light passing near a star will move slower because the space medium near the star has higher energy density. The light will be refracted by the change in the density of the medium. Energy density of an environment in QWC is the energy represented by all of the energy waves in that environment. I’ll add to that when I discuss the fifth axiom.

I use the two time axioms to establish absolute time in QWC against which dilated time can be compared.
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QWC wouldn’t exist if there wasn't already huge movement in the scientific community to fill the need for a unifying theory. There is much being written and said in the popular media which laymen can read and understand that gives us clues as to what is going on in the scientific community. I consider the largest issue to be the difference between the science that focuses on the micro realm, quantum mechanics, and science that focuses on the macro realm, general relativity. Everything is cool until you get concerned with extremes of mass and size. Very high mass and very small size presents problems in both QM and GR.

The problem seems to me to center around what I call energy density which is probably different from what a professional in either QM or GR would define it. I define energy density as the wave energy content of space.

The fifth axiom of QWC is that energy is all there is. I know it can be seen as a cop out in QWC but I see everything as being composed of energy in the form of energy waves. I say it can be seen as a “cop out” because the nature of energy in science has been more about the ability to do work than the basic commodity out of which everything in the universe is composed. Science, in the absence of any evidence of a medium through which waves can be propagated has left the aether behind and moved on to the geometry of spacetime. If you consider my view, the energy commodity fills all space and waves that traverse the energy commodity are energy waves. Matter is composed of energy in quantum increments.

I speculate that these waves are everywhere and are coming and going in all directions at any point in space and have a wide range of frequencies. That would represent the energy background and within that background there are converging waves at any point in space. In the absence of matter these converging waves are unsynchronized which to me is another way of saying they are unquantized.

Matter is composed of wave energy and the operative characteristic is synchronization. When the converging waves become synchronized the presence of a particle exists. Particles that pop up in the chaotic unsynchronized background might do so out of chance or probability or might do so more predictably out of circumstances associated with recurring events like big bangs that establish the conditions for particle formation within expanding arenas like our observable universe.

I speculate that the process that establishes particles is called the standing wave process. Standing waves have two components, the inflowing waves from all directions and the out flowing waves in all directions. Though that may sound just like the way I described the background energy, i.e. energy waves converging from all directions, the synchronization of out flowing waves is what differentiates the particle from the background.

Synchronization is a process that begins with the converging waves of the background. The point of convergence becomes organized such that there is a tiny disturbed patch of space where energy density equalization begins. Once a particle space exists this equalization process becomes contained in that space and the quantum action that includes energy density equalization becomes established and is sustained by the inflowing and out flowing wave energy.

At that stage newly formed particles are not much more than sustained high energy density spots but particles contained and sustained are the starting point for the formation of matter. The inflowing waves are unsynchronized, synchronization takes place in the disturbed space, and synchronized (quantized) waves flow out of the particle’s space equally in all directions, i.e. the synchronized out flow is quantized.

The high density spots are pre-matter or maybe dark matter that occupies space and stands out from the background but has no electromagnetic characteristics. More on that later I hope.
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It probably isn’t an axiom in the scientific sense but in QWC I consider everything to be tentative. Tentativeness is considered to be a strength of science and though QWC is far from scientific, tentativeness is the key. I make it the sixth axiom. I spout off about axioms and step by step speculations but it is even more appropriate to consider anything I say in QWC to be more “tentative” than any science.

If I speculate about something I usually don’t have the rigor behind it that would be expected in the scientific community and so it goes without saying that I am ready to invoke the axiom and change my speculations when I learn that I have violated known science, observations, or data. I have done it time after time and have always acknowledged the source of the changes whether it was from some post that took exception to my bold speculations or form my own research. I always encourage corrections and suggestions about alternative ideas. QWC is the accumulation of years of posting in many forums, paying attention to comments, and making corrections and improvements.

As for ideas, almost every concept that I include has been thought of by someone in the scientific community, maybe not in peer reviewed publications, but what I’m saying is that QWC ideas aren’t my original ideas, they are most often inspired following what the popular media publishes about interviews and developments in the scientific community.

For example here are a few links on the topic of Gravitomagnetism that I am following that tie in with my layman’s discussion of Newton’s bucket that I will be expanding on:

Let’s laughingly put this post under the heading of an introduction to deriving the presence of particles from the axioms.

In the OP I mentioned the six axioms and in the posts following it I tried to describe why I selected those particular premises. Derivations from those axioms are what I call speculations. I derive the nature of matter speculatively from the axioms so that I will have a personal view of what causes its presence. My derivations won’t satisfy anyone but me but in a personal cosmology that is an important criterion. I post it because the steps that compose QWC are numerous and inter-related and posting is an exercise to organize my personal views on cosmology. Cosmology to me includes the micro and the macro.

The axiom that energy is all there is allows the derived speculation that matter is composed of energy. That is not a very wordy statement and it is not a claim. It is a derived truth in QWC. If the axiom is proven invalid then the speculation is invalid but in the meantime matter being composed of energy is the tentative consensus of those who do QWC, i.e. of mine.

Another speculation can be derived from the “matter is energy” speculation. If particles are matter, and if matter is energy, then particles are composed of energy. That brings us to the question of how particles can be composed of energy and I speculate that energy is carried by waves.

The question comes up, waves of what, and that is where I speculate that energy is a commodity and waves can traverse the energy commodity, so energy waves traversing the energy medium are what particles are composed of. I speculate about the energy commodity being characterized by waves coming and going at all points of space. I speculate about a standing wave process that makes particles stand out from the energy background and will post about it later.

I know, you can’t go there with me, but that is where I go with the step-by-step speculations.

What propagates the waves and how do particles form from waves are questions that are addressed next and in related posts to follow. To go there we move to the axiom about space being infinite and the axiom about wave energy being all there is. From that I derive the speculation that energy waves fill all space. If space is infinite then there is an infinite amount of energy and all points in space have wave energy density.

With all space containing wave energy, and energy waves composing particles, what propagates the waves? And about that I speculate that there are two primary forces; one force is expansion and the other is collapse, and both are needed to maintain the propagation of waves that traverse the energy medium. I’ll speculate about the nature of those two forces and what causes expansion and collapse in another post.

But first the question comes up, how can both forces work together to perpetuate wave action? And I address that question with speculation that there are limits of wave energy density beyond which contraction cannot go, and when that maximum limit is reached, contraction reverses into expansion.

That speculation leads to further speculation that wave energy cannot be created or destroyed and so wave energy can be compressed but compression reaches a limit that cannot be exceeded or maintained and the wave energy bursts out of the compression containment and goes into expansion.

At the macro level I phrase it by saying that expansion is caused by a bounce that occurs when collapse reaches the limit of wave energy density. There can be no infinite wave energy density in QWC because of the speculated maximum energy density limit.

At the micro level I phrase it by saying that there is an internal process within the particle space that converts unsynchronized inflowing wave energy into synchronized out flowing wave energy. I call that quantum action and will post about it later.

I will also speculate later about the two levels of order, the micro and the macro, and show how they might be the same process playing out at two levels that are at opposite ends of the scale of nature that comprises the universe, the micro level and the macro level.

But first, a maximum energy density limit begs the question of how wave energy can be compressed. I speculate that particles composed of wave energy are contained by the process of standing waves which I will post more about later. The space that a particle occupies can be reduced by compression and the particle can still function, albeit slower. More and more particles of contained wave energy can be compressed within a given volume of space until the energy density limit is reached. At that limit of energy density the particle can no longer function. The effect of the slowing and stopping of the functioning of particles will be posted about later.

That brings up the question of how a particle can contain wave energy and be compressed without losing its particle nature, i.e. its stability as an individual particle. I address that question with the speculation that there is a process going on in the particle space that is not interrupted until the maximum wave energy density caused by compression is reached and the particle ceases to function. That process is called energy density equalization and at the micro level it is part of the process of quantum action and the standing wave process.

I’ll pause here for no good reason other than to avoid too long a post.
Let’s put this post under the heading of Deriving the Standing Wave Process from the Axioms Given the Speculation Presented in The Introduction to Deriving the Presence of Particles from the Axioms, or just, The Standing Wave Process, for short :).

The following is a cut and paste of the group of statements that I have made about standing waves so far in this thread:

It is the scientific consensus that electromagnetic radiation consisting of waves across the entire electromagnetic spectrum is produced by oscillating dipoles consisting of charged atomic particles. It is derived truth that since particles themselves are speculated to be composed of waves of energy then there are two levels of order involved in electromagnetic radiation. One is the spectrum of wave energy that produces the presence of matter consisting of particles, and the other is the electromagnetic spectrum of wave energy produced by the oscillation of charged particles within atoms and molecules. Since both forms of wave energy traverse the energy commodity that fills all space, the frequency of those waves is the key to their perpetuation. Standing waves that produce matter are higher frequency than electromagnetic waves that are produced by matter.

Standing waves have two components, the inflowing waves from all directions and the out flowing waves in all directions.

If you did a thought experiment with a bucket of water spinning in otherwise empty space, i.e. you cut off the inflowing energy wave component of the standing waves, you wouldn’t have to worry about if the water would creep up the side of the bucket. The bucket and the water would immediately be disbursed at the speed of light into the surrounding empty space in the form of out flowing energy waves in all directions.

Also, there is the parallel between frame-dragging in General Relativity and the imbalance in the inflowing component of the standing waves in QWC. I think that in GR the water feels the frame dragging caused by the geometry of spacetime and in QWC the water creeps in an attempt to move toward the direction of the net imbalance in the inflowing wave density. As long as the dual wave flow is maintained, I speculate that there is almost no difference in the effect caused by QWC gravity vs. the effect attributed to the geometry of spacetime.

I speculate that the process that establishes particles is called the standing wave process. Standing waves have two components, the inflowing waves from all directions and the out flowing waves in all directions. Though that may sound just like the way I described the background energy, i.e. energy waves converging from all directions, the synchronization of out flowing waves is what differentiates the particle from the background.

Synchronization is a process that begins with the converging waves of the background. The point of convergence becomes organized such that there is a tiny disturbed patch of space where energy density equalization begins. Once a particle space exists this equalization process becomes contained in that space and the quantum action that includes energy density equalization becomes established and is sustained by the inflowing and out flowing wave energy.

At that stage newly formed particles are not much more than sustained high energy density spots but particles contained and sustained are the starting point for the formation of matter. The inflowing waves are unsynchronized, synchronization takes place in the disturbed space, and synchronized (quantized) waves flow out of the particle’s space equally in all directions, i.e. the synchronized out flow is quantized.

The high density spots are pre-matter or maybe dark matter that occupies space and stands out from the background but has no electromagnetic characteristics.

That concludes the list of previously mentioned statements and brings me to the point of listing the concepts associated with the standing wave process. That list includes 1) high frequency waves relative to the frequency of electromagnetic radiation, 2) synchronization and quantization, 3) energy density equalization, 4) quantum action, and 5) high density spots. I’ll take them one at a time:

1) High frequency waves relative to the frequency of electromagnetic radiation (EM):

EM is quantized in the sense that each frequency of EM wave carries a precise amount of energy. In black body radiation the peak frequency follows a curve and as the temperature of the black body increases the amount of EM increases and the curve changes. The slope of the curve falls off as the temperature increases because the amount of energy need for each consecutive peak level increases relative to the incremental energy applied to the black body. Each energy increment into the black body results in a smaller change in the peak frequency and a sharper fall in the curve. That effect leads to a point where no matter how much incremental energy you add to the black body you can’t raise the peak level another notch. There just isn’t enough energy available in the universe because the energy requirement approaches infinity.

But the wave energy that composes the particles that the black body is composed of are not composed of EM, they are composed of synchronized wave energy within the background energy. Just because there is a theoretical limit to the frequency at which EM can be propagated from a particular black body, that does not interfere with the higher frequencies of the inflowing and out flowing wave energy components of the standing wave process that establishes the presence of the particles that make up the black body.

I don't think that the speculation that particles are composed of higher frequency waves than EM is considered by the scientific community but maybe so. Oscillating dipoles vibrate at frequencies and those frequencies are transmitted to the EM that is emitted. That EM can be detected. There is no way to detect the high frequency waves of particle inflows and out flows that I know of because they are dark. But if a dipole is made of particles that are made of high frequency energy waves I call matter waves, the frequency of those matter waves must be able to accommodate the highest frequency EM. For the particles in the dipole to have motion and vibrate at the frequencies of the EM, the matter must be composed of much high frequency waves. That follows from the speculation that every particle motion requires a new set of inflowing and out flowing energy waves. A “set of waves” in this case is the wave energy within the particle space of each particle in the dipole atom or molecule and the wave energy is moving through the high density particle space “medium” at the speed of light.

I can’t propose a test for it and I don’t present it as theory. It is derived speculation in QWC.

… To be continued …
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QWC is a layman’s accumulation of all the popular alternatives to address what people consider when they are asked if they think there was a “before” the Big Bang. I have reviewed the popular media for years and have been keeping a running update going of a view that fits with what we know for sure and incorporates many of the best ideas of the alternative cosmologies. Everyone who wants to be somewhat up to date should view the six episodes here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bGx3UB-Slg. This series was linked to by Drumbeat in a thread in the cosmology forum, http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2720688&postcount=5.

My threads were removed from the Cosmology forum about two years ago by DH because they are too speculative. I have to laugh now to see the discussions that take place there and in other hard science forums but I started my new thread in Pseudoscience because I can tell that my abrasive nature doesn’t sit well and there were cries to have me banned before so I’m cool here. QWC is based on the best alternative cosmologies out there and those who troll Pseudoscience threads are pretty uninformed if they see QWC as overly speculative. True it is not scientific but it is not so far out as to have to be frowned on by the so called “smart ;) guys”.

I admit that I am taking the long way getting around to my Cosmological speculations. The long way is stating and describing the axioms and discussing the step by step derivation of speculations. There is goal to this and that is to lay out the speculations that lead to my own view of cosmology. Let me state my favorite scenario briefly to break the boredom for me and for anyone who might come across this :) and then I’ll go on with the speculations sequentially (you’ve been warned, lol).

My cosmological scenario refers to our known universe as an arena within a greater universe. Our arena can be described as the energy content of the Hubble volume of space plus what must lie beyond our Hubble view but is still considered part of what was caused by the Big Bang event. On the basis I think I’ll call our arena the Extended Hubble Volume of Space (EHVS pronounced Ervis). The arena concept fits with several of the scientific alternatives to the Big Bang mentioned in the BBC Horizon 2010 series that I linked to above.

It is in line with or compatible in large degree with Kaku’s view of a preexisting state, ideas of Smolin, Penrose, Linde, and Mersini-Houghton.

Dr Laura Mersini-Houghton, University of North Carolina, is using String Theory mathematics to define a cosmology that addresses observations like the void in the CMBR, unexplained motion or Dark Flow, and odd temperatures to predict the presence of neighboring universes. Those neighbors would be neighboring arenas in QWC.

In my version, neighboring arenas expand until they intersect and overlap. In the overlap gravity causes collapse to form a big crunches, and some new physics which I speculate about in detail and that is part of several if the popular alternative views causes the big crunches to burst into expansion. This is not a crank scenario unless you still stick with the view that there was no “before or beyond” the Big Bang. If you do, you used to be in the majority but now most reputable researches are considering the “before” and QWC is just a compilation of ideas I pick up by following the popular media.
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Yes, there is a balance that is invoked by limits and thresholds of energy density. The overall greater universe balance is imposed at the arena landscape level where the two major forces of expansion (Big Bang) and contraction (big crunch) come into play.

Arenas expand out of big crunches, expand until they are interrupted by intersecting with neighboring expanding arenas, there is a gravitational collapse in the overlap space, and a big crunch forms and bursts into expansion, I speculate.
Picking up where I left off in the derived speculations (dry reading ahead) …

I was talking about how standing waves come about: 1) high frequency waves relative to the frequency of electromagnetic radiation (EM), 2) synchronization and quantization, 3) energy density equalization, 4) quantum action, and 5) sustained high density spots.

I cover 1) above so:
2) Synchronization and quantization:
If as speculated, we have an energy background of wave energy coming and going in all directions at any point in space, and if it can be speculated that waves flow through each other in such a way that at any point in space they are converging from all directions, then we can imagine the backdrop for the establishment of standing wave particles that are characterized by synchronized and quantized out flowing waves from unsynchronized inflowing waves.

3) Energy density equalization:
I speculated from that then, if at the point of convergence the wave energy is cumulative then there are high wave energy density spots throughout the energy background that are sustained by the inflowing and out flowing wave energy.

However there is nothing yet remarkable about any given point in such a consistent converging wave background that would initially establish a high density spots. In a given space the high density spots have to stand out from the background before they can be sustained by the converging background wave energy. You need to establish the high density spots that stand out before you can sustain them with inflowing wave energy. There are speculations in QWC that set up the circumstances where high density spots are created from the forces of expansion and contraction. That occurs across the landscape of the greater universe via arena action, the process that causes crunches and Big Bangs across the arena landscape.

Earlier I posted this: “Synchronization is a process that begins with the converging waves of the background. The point of convergence becomes organized such that there is a tiny disturbed patch of space where energy density equalization begins. Once a particle space exists this equalization process becomes contained in that space and the quantum action that includes energy density equalization becomes established and is sustained by the inflowing and out flowing wave energy.”

The definition of an energy density environment in QWC is that any volume of space that contains energy can function as an environment as long as the energy in that environment can be equalized across the environment. The density of a gas equalizes in its container, the density of a liquid free of gravity equalizes in spherical drops, etc. Energy density trends toward equalization in any given energy density environment. Particles will equalize their density across the environment, and if the energy environment is within a particle space, a tiny place, the wave energy converging in that space trends toward equalization too, meaning that the converging peaks of wave energy occupy the same space and the wave energy in that space is equal to the sum of all the wave peaks that are converging there.

Wave identity and direction is lost in the disturbed space and the energy in that space is equalized to represent one single high density spot for one short instant. That high density wave energy bursts out of the spot spherically as if it was a pin hole in space, i.e. spherically and synchronized equally in all directions even if the inflow is unsynchronized. Energy density equalization has occurred within the particle space and is disbursed equally in all directions by the emerging spherical quantum wave of energy.

To achieve the initial high density spot requires is a special initial convergence that sets up the spot to begin with. We need that initial spot because we don’t yet have the circumstances of repeated rogue waves in the same space very often. We need a circumstance like a Big Bang to produce a sea of initial high density spots that can be sustained by the inflowing and out flowing energy wave pattern that surrounds them.

When Big Bang expansion begins the situation exists where we can have a sea of high density spots that can be self sustained is by standing wave process. Once the initial standing waves are established, particles and then particle charges can be established in the form of oscillating dipoles to produce light energy. In other words, we need to speculate about a way to reverse the entropy of the energy that occurs as preceding big bangs play out.

That is where the recurring big bang type events play a role by initiating quantum action to establish the presence of matter in a newly expanding arenas; a subject that I will elaborate on speculatively in following posts.

… To be continued …
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4) Quantum action:

A Big Bang in QWC has preconditions which I have been speculating about. Those speculations include that big crunches form from the convergence of neighboring expanding arenas as gravity acting on the galactic material that converges in the overlap space causes it to collapse into what I call an ultimate black hole (UBH) or big crunch. Some speculated physics that I intend to describe is in effect and applies to the circumstances within a UBH that leads to the Big Bang type event. The collapse of the big crunch reverses into expansion of the big bang setting up the circumstances for the initial formation of a sea of high density spots within the expanding new big bang arena. This is what I speculate occurred in our extended Hubble volume of space (EHVS) 14 billion years ago.

The energy that emerges from the big burst is high frequency wave energy that was formed from all types of matter and energy that entered and was compressed by the UBH. It is converted to high frequency dark energy that bursts free from the containment of the big crunch. The emerging dark energy bursting into expansion immediately encounters the background energy in the space surrounding the big burst. That surrounding space contains radiation (light energy) that is characteristic of all inter-arena space in the landscape of the greater universe, universal cosmic microwave background energy (UCMBE) that exists from a potentially infinite history of active arenas across infinite space. The UCMBE is low frequency light waves (low energy density, low temperature) that are blue shifted to a halt as they are caught up in the extreme high frequency waves (high energy density) of the greater expanding arena wave to produce momentary high density spots.

Quantum action is initiated simultaneously with the high density wave convergences (HD spots). Each new spot forms and bursts into synchronized out flowing waves that disburse equally in all directions from the initial point of convergence in space. The out flow from the initial spot is a spherical wave energy that expands equally in all directions. This directionally equal wave energy out flow is the first product of quantum action.

The blue shifting convergences produce the high energy density spots that have location and dimension, i.e. they exist momentarily as disturbed patches of space. During that instant, energy density equalization occurs that converts the unsynchronized inflowing wave energy to out flow in the form of a spherical wave that expands equally in all directions from the HD spot. Those spherical waves initiate a sea of similar high density energy wave intersections that overlap, form new high density spots and burst into spherical out flowing waves, forming and reforming from the spherical out flowing wave energy. This is the dark energy/dark matter environment of the very earliest moments of the arena and in which particle formation begins to take place; QWC nucleosynthesis.

The high density spot acts as a tiny hole that forces waves that pass through it to become spherical, and the hole has the same effect on all incoming waves. The result is that the out flowing boundary of the particle space becomes spherical in all directions as incoming waves from all directions pass through it.

For example, in geometric optics a wave encountering a hole tinier than its wave length emerges from the whole as a spherical wave on the other side of the barrier. Please refer to figure 35.4 b in Chapter 35, The Nature of Light and the Laws of Geometric Optics, in Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Fifth Edition, by Serway and Beichner. I couldn’t find the exact graphic on the web but if I do I will post it later or just draw it using MS Paint.

5) Sustained high density spots:
The process of standing waves that I have derived speculatively sustains the presence of dark matter, and from the dark matter sea charged particles and oscillating dipoles evolve which produce electromagnetic radiation that lights up and heats up the arena.

It is a complex set of speculations derived from the axioms of QWC that brings us to the point in the early universe when standing waves maintain the presence of hydrogen that forms across the entire expanding dark matter filled arena. Latter I pick up here and discuss speculation about the formation of a first round of huge fast burning hydrogen stars that precedes the formation of galaxies.

But first it seems appropriate to discuss the QWC gravity speculations derived from observations of motion and speculations about the role that quantum action and standing waves play to cause that motion and to establish the presence of gravity simultaneously. You’ll hate it, lol.
I’ve gone through a complex series of axioms and derived speculations to describe the standing wave process of QWC. That path has taken me through some strange and distant neighborhoods in the micro to the macro and back to the micro realms.

In a nutshell, the Perfect Cosmological Principle applies and says that on a grand scale the universe is homogeneous and isotropic in space and time. Arena action and quantum action collaborate throughout the potentially infinite universe to maintain the presence of fluctuating energy density. Energy waves coming and going at all points in space provide the energy background from which matter stands out, and the presence of matter is established when those waves become synchronized and quantized.

High density spots called dark matter that form during the early arena expansion period have momentum imparted to them as they form. Without gravity the expansion momentum of the dark matter sea would expand without pausing to clump and form particles. That expansion momentum is the first cause of motion.

When quantum action occurs the presence of particles of matter has been established and gravity takes effect to provide the second cause of particle motion. Expansion momentum and gravity represent the two major forces present during early arena expansion, I speculate.

Gravity is an imbalance in the inflowing wave component of the standing wave pattern that has established the presence of mass. The imbalance causes the location of the high density spot that is being maintained by the standing wave pattern to reorient itself in the direction of the net highest energy density wave inflow surrounding it.

Gravity allows clumping at short distances while expansion momentum resists clumping as the distance increases. A more detailed set of speculations will follow but take the time to contemplate the axioms and derived speculations that bring QWC to the point where dark energy and dark matter exist before charged particles and electromagnetic radiation are produced in the new arena.
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I've been contemplating the universe from Italy lately. Rome, Florence, Bologna, and now Venice today. Somehow I haven't been able to concentrate, lol. Maybe some new speculations will materialize when I get home ...
Here is more detailed speculation on the speculations in the last content post which included the statement, “Gravity is an imbalance in the inflowing wave component of the standing wave pattern that has established the presence of mass”. One might ask what I mean by an imbalance in the inflowing wave component. The answer starts from speculation of standing waves that establish and maintain the presence of matter via two wave energy components, inflowing wave energy and out flowing wave energy. The inflowing wave energy is coming from the out flowing energy of matter that is or was present elsewhere. The out flowing waves from elsewhere traverse the wave energy space between objects of matter in a manner similar to how waves flow across and through other waves on the surface of a pond except we are talking spherical waves in a sea of spherical wave energy where waves are generated from different sources and are of different frequencies.

With that explanation of the source of the inflowing wave energy, to answer the question of what I mean by “imbalance” I invoke relative motion and the effect motion has on wave frequency that arrives to a standing wave particle from elsewhere. The imbalance is an imbalance in the frequency of the inflowing wave energy because matter is in motion relative to all other matter and that motion affects the frequency that is felt by the matter that is being maintained by the inflowing wave components from elsewhere.

That statement might raise the question as to the source of the relative motion in the first place. To answer that I remind the reader that we are speculating about events that are taking place within a given arena that is expanding due to dark energy speculated upon earlier in the thread. That arena is immediately filled with dark matter produced by high energy waves in the early moments after a big bang type of event when they encounter the surrounding background wave energy that I call the Universal Cosmic Microwave Background Energy (UCMBE). Those encounters are the speculated source of the initial high density spots that originate in any new arena. During the brief moment of their existence these initial high density wave convergences or spots have location and momentum imparted to them as they form. The expansion energy for the big bang event is transferred to expansion momentum of the high density spots during their brief moment of convergence and so they can be said to be moving away from each other during the moment of their initial existence. That expansion momentum is the source of the initial motion of stable particles that form within the new arena.

You must always keep that perspective because without it there is a tendency to wonder why, if gravity exists in the fashion I describe, the entire universe doesn’t collapse into one final and eternal big crunch. It is the arena process with its energy density limit (contraction effect) and the bounce (expansion effect) following the wave energy density collapse that prevents it and maintains the arena landscape of the greater universe. Being within any give arena is a circumstance that has to do with the arena composition of the greater universe and the arena process where arenas form and mature and overlap to give rise to new expanding arenas composed of the remnants of the old ones in the space where those mature expanding arenas overlapped.

In the last post I went on to say, “The imbalance causes the location of the high density spot that is being maintained by the standing wave pattern to reorient itself in the direction of the net highest energy density wave inflow surrounding it.” Remembering the arena process that maintains the arena composition of the greater universe is useful here. At the micro level it is the process of quantum action that maintains the presence of matter just like at the macro level it is the arena process that allows for the required environment for quantum action to take place. The processes of arena action and quantum action are strikingly similar in their mechanics though the details of collapse, bang, and the resulting expansion are easier to envision at the macro level. And even if you now acknowledge the existence of high density spots where inflowing energy waves converge from different directions, and even if you acknowledge the imbalance in inflowing wave frequency you might not yet equate what happens in the space where such a convergence takes place with what I just referred to as a “reorientation that has a directional component”.

The reorientation is the result of energy density equalization that takes place in the high density spot at the “moment” presented each time waves converge. If the convergence is a passing event (as it is with dark matter) like waves passing through each other without achieving the standing wave characteristic then the high density moment is too short to allow meaningful reorientation and there is almost no reorientation and almost no gravity felt in the “moment”. Only when the high density spot is maintained by the synchronization of two wave components, inflowing and out flowing wave energy, is there enough duration in the high density “moment” for reorientation to occur.

The duration of the high density effect is perpetuated by the standing wave process. Once the high density spot is maintained for some extended duration by synchronized inflowing and out flowing wave energy components the reorientation has sufficient time to occur.

… To be continued … with some more detailed speculation about the “reorientation” and how it is important to the gravitational effect of standing wave particles.
Picking up where I left off … “The duration of the high density effect is perpetuated by the standing wave process. Once the high density spot is maintained for some extended duration by synchronized inflowing and out flowing wave energy components, the reorientation has sufficient time to occur.”

I have speculated that there is a process called energy density equalization. It is a process that occurs within any given energy environment. An energy environment can be very small like the high energy density patch of space at the convergence of spherical energy waves, or very large like an arena or like the overlap space that occurs when two parent arenas intersect and overlap as they expand.

Statements from earlier in the thread about the energy density environment:

“Energy density of an environment in QWC is the energy represented by all of the energy waves in that environment.”

“The definition of an energy density environment in QWC is that any volume of space that contains energy can function as an environment as long as the energy in that environment can be equalized across the environment. The density of a gas equalizes in its container, the density of a liquid free of gravity equalizes in spherical drops, etc.; energy density trends toward equalization in any given energy density environment. Particles will equalize their density across the environment, and if the energy environment is within a particle space, a tiny place, the wave energy converging in that space trends toward equalization too, meaning that the converging peaks of wave energy occupy the same space and the wave energy in that space is equal to the sum of all the wave peaks that are converging there.

“Wave identity and direction is lost in the disturbed space and the energy in that space is equalized to represent one single high density spot for one short instant. That high density wave energy bursts out of the spot spherically as if it was a pin hole in space, i.e. spherically and synchronized equally in all directions even though the inflow is unsynchronized. Energy density equalization has occurred within the particle space and is disbursed equally in all directions by the emerging spherical quantum wave of energy.”

Energy density equalization occurring in the high density spot that is being maintained by the two standing wave components produces a durable stable particle. We stated that particles always have relative motion imparted to them by the expansionary environment in which they form and I am speculating that the stable spot moves relative to other particles. Equalization affects that motion by adding a contributing factor called reorientation or gravity. Without the reorientation, the motion would be purely expansion momentum of the particle imparted to it as it formed in the early moments of arena expansion.

The gravitational effect is the added contributor and results from the reorientation of the boundary of the particle. The particle boundary is a new concept that I employ to speculatively quantify the change in location of a particle.

The imbalance is resolved internally by that equalization and the out flowing wave is a new spherical wave that bursts out of the high density spot and disburses the out flowing energy equally in all directions, i.e. the out flow is synchronized and quantized relative to the location of the particular high density spot that produces it.

The boundary of the particle is the internal space of the spherical wave at the instant that it emerges as the out flowing wave component. The boundary location of the out flowing spherical wave changes in response to the imbalance of the wave frequency of the inflowing wave component. Motion is toward the vector of the wave energy inflow that points to the net high energy wave frequency surrounding the location of the high density spot. The particle constantly moves toward the source of the highest inflowing wave energy. Thus the particle motion is now speculated to be composed of the initial expansion momentum of the particle and the gravitational effect of quantum action within the particle.

That brings us to my earlier statement: “Gravity allows clumping at short distances while expansion momentum resists clumping as the distance increases.”

That statement represents the derived speculations that define the maturation process that takes place within each arena as particles, particle charges, atoms, molecules, stars and galaxies form within the expanding arena.