QWC revisited 2011

Yeah, well you have a model in Alternative Theories, so it's not really appropriate to say that only scientific theories count.

You could believe enough in your own theory to say "If I have a theory that I'm sure is right, then science cannot be right." I might not believe in fundamental waves, but at least you should.
Pincho, the Alternative Theories forum seems to be the appropriate place to discuss my kind of speculations since my thread was moved here by someone (a moderator, I presume), but the designation of "Theory" doesn't apply to my postulates and speculations in my opinion. In science, theory denotes testable hypotheses and I don't bother trying to propose any tests that aren't already being attempted or that aren't already in the planning stages in the professional community.

And still, I'm not saying I don't believe my ideas are true; I'm just saying they cannot be tested or proven in the normal sense of the word. Also, just because something is designated as tested theory, I'm not saying that I believe all that either. I am one of the most vocal advocates of the tenet of tentativeness of science as I have said many times.
Pincho, the Alternative Theories forum seems to be the appropriate place to discuss my kind of speculations since my thread was moved here by someone (a moderator, I presume), but the designation of "Theory" doesn't apply to my postulates and speculations in my opinion. In science, theory denotes testable hypotheses and I don't bother trying to propose any tests that aren't already being attempted or that aren't already in the planning stages in the professional community.

And still, I'm not saying I don't believe my ideas are true; I'm just saying they cannot be tested or proven in the normal sense of the word. Also, just because something is designated as tested theory, I'm not saying that I believe all that either. I am one of the most vocal advocates of the tenet of tentativeness of science as I have said many times.

OK, I didn't realise you were sticking so closely to science.
QW: . . . . see why I'm reluctant to participate in Sciforums posts . . .? . . .LOL
You and I have quite different views on the motivation for posting our alternative ideas here at SciForums. My intention is to air my ideas for everyone who is willing to think about them and who is brave enough to comment.

I say "brave enough" because for every member who responds to alternative ideas there are ten people who read them and think about them but won't post. They don't post for many reasons, including being timid or shy, being thin skinned, being embarrassed to let someone see that they are not up to speed, or just not wanting to confront the originator on something that they don't really care that much about or know that much about.

By posting, I am saying "bring it on", and be prepared for me to defend my views. Very few people will actually discuss a topic. A few will post disparaging remarks, some will simply troll, and a few will be passive aggressive, but most will almost never take a stand or say what their opinion is.

That is forum life as I see it, lol. That is why I encourage everyone to comment (most of the time :)).
OK, now this revision is the one. Just dig it and enjoy!

The Universe, Infinity, Life, and God
The Cosmology and Philosophy of the Infinite Spongy Universe

The Infinite Spongy Universe (ISU) is all inclusive, all there is, all matter, energy, everything in one infinite and eternal, life and consciousness producing expanse of wave energy that does nothing but carry out its own Eternal Intent.

Thresholds and limits of energy density govern natural processes that produce matter and gravity in environments characterized by the opposing forces of expansion and contraction to produce dynamic and evolving arenas that are continually forming and playing out across the infinite arena landscape of the greater universe.

The ISU is governed by natural law, and natural law is described in three categories, Quantum Wave Cosmology, the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life, and the Concept of Eternal Intent.

Overview of Natural Law

In regard to Natural Law, we have an advancing boundary between what has been achieved by science, and what is yet to be achieved. What has been achieved is the quantification of the known physical sciences. In the realm of the “yet to be achieved” is the discovery and quantification of the unexplained and/or unknown natural laws. It is the role of science to confront the problems it faces and to advance the boundary into the realm of the “as yet” unknown.

When addressing the unknown, it is an axiom that the laws of nature are invariant. Based on that axiom, invariance is a characteristic of both the science we know and the natural laws we don’t yet know or understand. Science is advanced using the scientific method and according to that method and the invariance axiom, it follows that anything that is as yet unexplained has natural causes that we don’t yet understand.

The physical aspect of the ISU is described by Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) which envisions the universe as it would be if all of the as yet unknown physical laws of nature were known. It is the life hosting feature of the ISU where the generative and evolvative forces of life flourish on a grand scale, undaunted by the inevitable local cataclysms that characterize the eternal process of arena action.

Across the infinite and dynamic arena landscape which hosts a potentially infinite number of living environments at any given point in time, there exists conscious, self aware, intelligent, highly evolved life forms whose individuals contemplate the concepts of the universe, infinity, life and God, and act and interact with freewill that is moderated by their individually developed consciences.

That is the Eternal Intent.

Overview of Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC)

QWC is characterized by two processes, quantum action at the micro level and arena action at the macro level. These two processes are strikingly similar in mechanics but the vast difference in scale makes quantum action look toward the infinitesimal and arena action look toward the infinite.

Quantum action works on the infinitesimal scale and orchestrates wave energy to establish the presence of matter and gravity. The key is that the universe is composed of nothing but wave energy and the tiniest meaningful waves have roles in the establishment of matter and gravity. The existence of particles and gravity demonstrates the success of quantum action.

Arena action works on the infinite scale of the landscape of the greater universe. The key to arena action is the existence of the opposing forces of expansion and contraction that play out in the great waves of energy that traverse the infinite landscape. It is the multiple arena landscape that prevents the eternal inflation of the universe and avoids the ultimate Heat Death.

As galaxy filled arena waves collide and overlap, cataclysmic events surround the collapse of galactic material under the compression of gravity. As big crunches form in the overlapping spaces where arenas convergence, they reach a finite capacity of matter and energy density and collapse and bounce into expanding arenas of wave energy. It is the natural law of critical capacity that makes crunches finite and prevents the entire ISU from falling into a final Big Crunch.

Overview of the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life

Arena action produces galaxy filled expanding arenas where it is natural for solar systems to host habitable planets and where the conditions are conducive to the generation of life.

Given the right mix of chemistry and environment, physical iterations of all the finite possible combinations occur and the combinations for reproductive life inevitably arise. Life is adaptive and evolvative, and as early life takes hold, and as evolution occurs, life forms take full advantage of the hospitable environment across the host planet.

Evolution proceeds toward the natural characteristics of advanced life forms, bringing the consciousness and self awareness that mark highly evolved individuals.

Overview of Eternal Intent

The existence of Eternal Intent does not require any violation of the invariance axiom. All of the natural laws of the ISU are invariant, and in an eternal and infinite universe, that means that the natural laws that are in effect now are the same laws that were in effect before, at all times in the infinite past.

Reason and logic of the highly evolved life forms is sound, and when those individuals contemplate the universe, infinity, life, and God, the concept of Eternal Intent emerges as the reasonable and responsible view of the common ground between all contemplative life forms across all space and time. No one religion that is peculiar to one sect on one planet in one age will serve that universal purpose. Eternal Intent must emerge time and time again to show the way.

The definitions of God within organized religions and their doctrine become the basis of the beliefs of their followers. There are sacred unexplained events specific to the history of each religion that lead to the God concept that differs among religions, but there is no evidence of any violation of the natural laws when evaluated by the scientific community as a whole. Specific definitions of God become a matter of faith associated with each religion, but organized religion cannot lay exclusive claim to the natural and inevitable contemplation of God. God and religion are not one in the same.

A non religious, scientifically compatible definition postulates that Eternal Intent is a characteristic of the universe, and the natural laws and Eternal Intent are one in the same. It is the ultimate universal common denominator, not just among peoples here on Earth, but among contemplative and conscientious life forms at the height of the evolvative process across the infinite and eternal universe.

The definition of nature which includes Eternal Intent is not in violation of the scientific method. It acknowledges nature as the potentially infinite and eternal universe whose Eternal Intent is carried out by invariant laws which provide for the perpetual existence of habitable environments where conscious life is generated and evolves to self aware free willed intelligent and conscience bearing individuals who are capable of contemplating the universe, infinity, life and God.

Therefore Eternal Intent would be the quintessential feature of a natural invariant universe and the view that God and the universe are one in the same are fully compatible in the ISU.

Many aspects of the universe that are attributed to the invariant natural laws point to the Eternal Intent of the natural laws:

The perpetual existence of hospitable and habitable environments
The generative and evolvative forces of life
The existence of consciousness
The existence of intelligence
The existence of free willed beings that interact with each other
The existence of our own consciences to moderate our actions and interactions

Within those few aspects of the ISU there is room for hope and faith that the future can unfold as we would have it. Beyond the boundary of scientific knowledge, in the realm of the unknown laws of nature, all things seem possible. It is that realization that makes room for eternal hope for those who care to call upon it in their daily lives.

As a corollary to that, there is no clear right and wrong at every turn of life, and where there is room for eternal hope for well intended outcomes, we are free to seek council from beyond the boundary to guide us through life as well. We consciously seek acknowledgments from beyond the boundary of known science and receive personal, individual, unexplainable guidance from the unknown in accord with invariant natural laws that we don’t yet understand.

It is the Eternal Intent of the ISU that we do so.

In Conclusion

When I talk about Eternal Intent, and seeking acknowledgement and guidance from beyond the boundary of science and understanding, there are some things you should realize.

In order for something to be science I mean that it has to be quantified or quantifiable under the procedures recognized as the scientific method. It should subject itself to mathematical equations that are compatible with all aspects of known science, or at least that cannot be shown to be inconsistent with scientific observations and data. So when I say "we don't yet understand", I am referring to as yet unquantified science from the perspective of the scientific community; theories that are not tested and repeatable but that are suspected because of the way outcomes often seem to be favorable responses to our needs and desires.

Further, there are prerequisites before Eternal Intent can be considered:

The universe has to be infinite and must have always existed; it doesn’t work otherwise.

The universe must be governed by invariant natural laws that are in effect in all places at all times (no supernatural events are possible).

There can be no violations of natural law (apparent violations are caused by as yet unknown invariant natural laws).

There must be conscious, self aware, intelligent, contemplative individuals.

There must be as yet unknown natural laws associated with consciousness that trigger some unknown equation; a combination of conscience, intent, emotions, love (or maybe just love of something, even love of power or money, etc.), and expectation or hope or faith that somewhere in the unknown natural laws there is an equation that yields an invariant response guided by our seeking.

The act of seeking acknowledgement from beyond the boundary of our understanding should be differentiated from prayer (in its religious sense) because the source of the response is invariant natural law that has always been in place and is not a response from a personified, conscious God who can pick and choose responses or that has any real time decision making power at all.

That does not mean that prayer will not work for the religious. It means that there are certain combinations of natural law that must come together in a successful equation, and there might be counterproductive aspects involved when prayer is based on a plea to a God within the framework of a given religion.

The stimulus for favorable unfolding of Eternal Intent from beyond the boundary logically includes the quality of the individual intent.

I seek an acknowledgement that the natural and invariant laws that enable the Eternal Intent of the ISU, will serve as the quintessential source of hope and council for all who have faith that there is Eternal Intent.
And not In

I'm trying to comprehend your theory (which may be over my head) so I need more time to compose a coherent response. Meanwhile, let me make a trivial suggestion that you have used what is known as a "mondegreen" several times when you say "one in the same." Since you do sound so erudite, I'm sure you would not want to mar your presentation. The correct phrase is, "one and the same," and this is intended to be helpful and not critical.
Now to address the real subject, my wife asks if "Eternal Intent" could be described as a process similar to photosynthesis? Do you mean a conscious intent or intention?
I'm trying to comprehend your theory (which may be over my head) so I need more time to compose a coherent response. Meanwhile, let me make a trivial suggestion that you have used what is known as a "mondegreen" several times when you say "one in the same." Since you do sound so erudite, I'm sure you would not want to mar your presentation. The correct phrase is, "one and the same," and this is intended to be helpful and not critical.
That is an appreciated correction. Funny how an incorrect phrase can sound right and seem to fit the circumstances. I once had a boss who used the phrases "human cry" and I never was bold enough to ask if he meant "hue and cry". Thank you for bringing my error to my attention :).
Now to address the real subject, my wife asks if "Eternal Intent" could be described as a process similar to photosynthesis?
That is an interesting question. Eternal Intent is natural law that has always existed. Photosynthesis is a natural process that would always work given light and chlorophyll. Some similarities but not exactly the same. I would classify photosynthesis as part of what I would call Eternal Intent though, so maybe the answer is yes in part. Though question that I will be thinking about.
Do you mean a conscious intent or intention?
No. I'm going for "intent" that is not the act of a conscious God, but a natural law that has always been in effect in a universe that has always existed and only works if Eternal Intent and natural law are one and the same.
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We are trying for understanding and not cavil. If "Eternal Intent" and "Natural Law" are one and the same (glad you corrected that mondegreen) then if we apply Occam's razor, we would eliminate one step by leaving out "Eternal Intent" since we are already familiar with Natural Law.
We are trying for understanding and not cavil. If "Eternal Intent" and "Natural Law" are one and the same (glad you corrected that mondegreen) then if we apply Occam's razor, we would eliminate one step by leaving out "Eternal Intent" since we are already familiar with Natural Law.
I am introducing it as a new concept and it does look like I am just placing it into the universe that already is governed by natural law. The point I take from your application of Occam's' razor is that we just don't need Eternal Intent since the natural laws bring us to where we are, i.e. conscious, self aware, intelligent individuals who contemplate the universe, infinity, life and God.

But natural law would work regardless of what the explanation for the existence of the universe was. Maybe God created the universe and therefore created the natural laws. Then we might say that God has always existed, and then we could say that God decided to do the creating and so there is no Eternal Intent; natural law was decided upon. Is that point taken?

Because from there, I am saying that my view is that the universe has always exited and is infinite. That can be interpreted to take an active creating God out of the picture which is a point that I think science can deal with and where applying the scientific method will be ongoing. There is no supernatural, there are just as yet unknown or unquantified natural laws.

Many people who follow a religious course rely on their faith to find hope and guidance throughout their lives. The philosophy of cosmology with no god can seem to remove or disregard the role of faith, and the hope and guidance that comes from it.

Eternal Intent simply says that there are as yet unknown natural laws. We don't yet understand consciousness. We don't understand why intelligent individuals seem to all have some sort of conscience. We don't understand how faith works to help people through their daily lives. But those things are true.

In my view of the ISU, those things are all governed by natural law that would be quantifiable and would be shown to be testable and repeatable if we fully understood them. They could then be put into mathematical equations and we would then understand what consciousness is, why we have a conscience, and why faith works to help and guide us. They wouldn't be the work of a conscious active intervening God, they would be due to natural law and Eternal Intent.

Thinking about it, I may have to change the phrasing. Where I was casually saying:

"A non religious, scientifically compatible definition postulates that Eternal Intent is a characteristic of the universe, and the natural laws and Eternal Intent are one in the same. It is the ultimate universal common denominator, not just among peoples here on Earth, but among contemplative and conscientious life forms at the height of the evolvative process across the infinite and eternal universe."

I might be corrected to say:

"A non religious, scientifically compatible definition postulates that Eternal Intent is a characteristic of the universe, and the natural laws and Eternal Intent are completely compatible. It is the ultimate universal common denominator, not just among peoples here on Earth, but among contemplative and conscientious life forms at the height of the evolvative process across the infinite and eternal universe."

Then later in the essay it might be advisable to slightly modify and say:

"Therefore Eternal Intent would be the quintessential feature of a natural invariant universe and the view that God and the universe are one and the same is fully compatible with the ISU."
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To me it seems much simpler to say that either:

1. God has always existed, or
2. The universe has always existed, or
3. God and the universe are one and the same; both have always existed, or
4. The universe has always existed and god is a supernatural and unnecessary man-made construct.

I choose 4.
To me it seems much simpler to say that either:

1. God has always existed, or
2. The universe has always existed, or
3. God and the universe are one and the same; both have always existed, or
4. The universe has always existed and god is a supernatural and unnecessary man-made construct.

I choose 4.
We are free to choose. For me that doesn't sufficiently explain the nature of being. I would add:

5. The universe is infinite and eternal. Consciousness, intelligence and conscience that may seem Supernatural are caused by as yet unexplained natural laws which (to myself) philosophically include the presence of Eternal Intent, which can provide a basis for hope and guidance to those who choose to use it.

It is a way to say to those who use faith in the Supernatural or God that there is an alternative that doesn't require the Supernatural, since the Supernatural is not considered a part of the advancing scientific quantification of the natural laws. Eternal Intent is in accord with the scientific method and can give them hope and guidance that helps them cope with daily circumstances.

It is a way to say to everyone that looking down on people of faith as being deluded may not be giving the universe enough credit for providing the tools that could be useful to those who care to use them; those tools of hope, faith and a source of guidance when needed. I observe those tools to be beneficial to many around the world, they work for many, and so I think they are in accord with natural law.

Invoking Eternal Intent offers a common denominator between the scientific community and the religious community. It is a simple concept.
This essay is a work in progress and I had the pleasure of making the latest revisions today in the arms of nature at http://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/recreation/areas/lh-dead_river_park.html. Check out the Species Field Guides here.

Here is the updated version and as always I appreciate anyone who reads it. I encourage comments that I do listen to and which help me shape the content.

The Universe, Infinity, Life, and God
The Cosmology and Philosophy of the Infinite Spongy Universe

The Infinite Spongy Universe (ISU) is all inclusive, all there is, all matter, energy, everything in one infinite and eternal, life and consciousness producing expanse of wave energy that does nothing but carry out its own Eternal Intent.

Thresholds and limits of energy density govern natural processes that produce matter and gravity in environments characterized by the opposing forces of expansion and contraction to produce dynamic and evolving arenas that are continually forming and playing out across the infinite arena landscape of the greater universe.

The ISU is governed by natural law, and natural law is described in three categories, Quantum Wave Cosmology, the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life, and the Concept of Eternal Intent.

Overview of Natural Law

In regard to Natural Law, we have an advancing boundary between what has been achieved by science, and what is yet to be achieved. What has been achieved is the quantification of the known physical sciences. In the realm of the “yet to be achieved” is the discovery and quantification of the unexplained and/or unknown natural laws. It is the role of science to confront the problems it faces and to advance the boundary into the realm of the “as yet” unknown.

When addressing the unknown, it is an axiom that the laws of nature are invariant. Based on that axiom, invariance is a characteristic of both the science we know and the natural laws we don’t yet know or understand. Science is advanced using the scientific method and according to that method and the invariance axiom, it follows that anything that is as yet unexplained has natural causes that we don’t yet understand.

The physical aspect of the ISU is described by Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) which envisions the universe as it would be if all of the as yet unknown physical laws of nature were known. It is the life hosting feature of the ISU where the generative and evolvative forces of life flourish on a grand scale, undaunted by the inevitable local cataclysms that characterize the eternal process of arena action.

Across the infinite and dynamic arena landscape which hosts a potentially infinite number of living environments at any given point in time, there exists conscious, self aware, intelligent, highly evolved life forms whose individuals contemplate the concepts of the universe, infinity, life and God, and act and interact with freewill that is moderated by their individually developed consciences.

That is the Eternal Intent.

Overview of Quantum Wave Cosmology

Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) is characterized by two processes, quantum action at the micro level and arena action at the macro level. These two processes are strikingly similar in mechanics but the vast difference in scale makes quantum action look toward the infinitesimal and arena action look toward the infinite.

Quantum action works on the infinitesimal scale and orchestrates wave energy to establish the presence of matter and gravity. The key is that the universe is composed of nothing but wave energy and the tiniest meaningful waves have roles in the establishment of matter and gravity. The existence of particles and gravity demonstrates the success of quantum action.

Arena action works on the infinite scale of the landscape of the greater universe. The key to arena action is the existence of the opposing forces of expansion and contraction that play out in the great waves of energy that traverse the infinite landscape. It is the multiple arena landscape that prevents the eternal inflation of the universe and avoids the ultimate Heat Death.

As galaxy filled arena waves collide and overlap, cataclysmic events surround the collapse of galactic material under the compression of gravity. As big crunches form in the overlapping spaces where arenas convergence, they reach a finite capacity of matter and energy density and collapse and bounce into expanding arenas of wave energy. It is the natural law of critical capacity that makes crunches finite and prevents the entire ISU from falling into a final Big Crunch.

Overview of the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life

Arena action produces galaxy filled expanding arenas where it is natural for solar systems to host habitable planets and where the conditions are conducive to the generation of life.

Given the right mix of chemistry and environment, physical iterations of all the finite possible combinations occur and the combinations for reproductive life inevitably arise. Life is adaptive and evolvative, and as early life takes hold, and as evolution occurs, life forms take full advantage of the hospitable environment across the host planet.

Evolution proceeds toward the natural characteristics of advanced life forms, bringing the consciousness and self awareness that mark highly evolved individuals.

An infinite and eternal universe has always been populated by a potentially infinite number of intelligent life forms occupying a similarly infinite number of habitable environments. All highly evolved contemplative life forms, given sufficient duration, will eventually navigate an inevitable course, a course that flows like a slow and winding river and whose headwaters and whose culminating sea are causally connected by the same Eternal Intent.

Overview of Eternal Intent

The existence of Eternal Intent does not require any violation of the invariance axiom or of the natural laws. All of the natural laws of the ISU are invariant, and in an eternal and infinite universe, that means that the natural laws that are in effect now are the same laws that were in effect before, at all times in the infinite past.

Reason and logic of the highly evolved life forms is sound. When those individuals contemplate the universe, infinity, life, and God, it is from the soundest possible reason and logic that the concept of Eternal Intent is derived. It emerges as the most reasonable and responsible common ground between all contemplative individuals and is the highest standard for setting the correct rules of free and conscientious interaction.

A non religious, scientifically compatible definition postulates that Eternal Intent is a characteristic of the universe, and the natural laws and Eternal Intent are completely compatible. It is the ultimate universal common denominator, not just among peoples here on Earth, but among contemplative and conscientious life forms at the height of the evolvative process across the infinite and eternal universe.

The definition of nature which includes Eternal Intent is not in violation of the scientific method. It acknowledges nature as the potentially infinite and eternal universe whose Eternal Intent is carried out by invariant natural laws which provide for the perpetual existence of habitable environments where conscious life is generated and evolves to self aware free willed intelligent and conscience bearing individuals who contemplate the universe, infinity, life and God, and who discover that they can trust Eternal Intent to guide their interactions.

Therefore Eternal Intent would be the quintessential feature of a natural invariant universe and the view that God and the universe are one and the same is fully compatible with the ISU.

In Conclusion

Many aspects of the universe that are attributed to the invariant natural laws point to the Eternal Intent of the natural laws:

The perpetual existence of hospitable and habitable environments

The generative and evolvative forces of life

The existence of consciousness

The existence of intelligence

The existence of free willed beings that interact with each other

The existence of our own consciences to moderate our interactions

Within those few aspects of the ISU there is room for hope and faith that the future can unfold as we would have it. Beyond the boundary of scientific knowledge, in the realm of the unknown laws of nature, all things seem possible. It is that realization that makes room for eternal hope for those who care to call upon it in their daily lives.

As a corollary to that, there is no clear right and wrong at every turn of life, and where there is room for eternal hope for well intended outcomes, there is also room to seek council to guide us from beyond the boundary if we can see a benefit in that natural source of council. We are free to consciously seek acknowledgments from beyond the boundary of known science and to receive personal, individual, unexplainable guidance from the unknown in accord with invariant natural laws that we don’t yet understand.

It is the Eternal Intent of the ISU that we do so.

In order for something to be science it has to be quantified or quantifiable under the procedures recognized as the scientific method. Scientific knowledge is subject to mathematical equations that are compatible with all aspects of known science, or at least that cannot be shown to be inconsistent with scientific observations and data. So when "we don't yet understand", it is a reference to as yet unquantified science from the perspective of the scientific community; theories that are not tested and repeatable but that are suspected because of the way outcomes often seem to be favorable responses to our hopes, our needs, and our desires.

There are prerequisites before Eternal Intent can be considered to be a characteristic of the universe:

The universe has to be infinite and must have always existed; it doesn’t work otherwise (no supernatural origin of the universe).

The universe must be governed by invariant natural laws that are in effect in all places at all times (no supernatural events are possible).

There can be no violations of natural law (apparent violations are caused by as yet unknown invariant natural laws).

There must be conscious, self aware, intelligent, contemplative individuals.

There must be as yet unknown natural laws associated with consciousness that trigger some unknown equation; a combination of conscience, intent, emotions, love, and expectation or hope or faith that somewhere in the unknown natural laws there is an equation that yields an invariant response guided by our well intended seeking.

I seek an acknowledgement. It is that the natural and invariant laws that enable the Eternal Intent of the ISU will serve as the quintessential source of hope and council, and that the interactions between all of us will be guided by good intent.
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OK, I made some sweeping changes to the essay, not only with SciWriter's question in mind, but to clean up some confusing phrases and to revise the "In Conclusion" to better serve as a summary that follows from the subject matter. Here is the latest and greatest version. More than ever now, hopefully being close to the point of finalization of the essay, I request and need input as to what is confusing about it.

The Universe, Infinity, Life, and God
The Cosmology and Philosophy of the Infinite Spongy Universe

The Infinite Spongy Universe (ISU) is all inclusive, all there is, all matter, energy, everything in one infinite and eternal, life and consciousness producing sea of dynamic wave energy that does nothing but carry out its own Eternal Intent.

Thresholds and limits of energy density govern natural processes that produce matter and gravity from nothing but wave energy in environments characterized by the opposing forces of expansion and contraction, a spongy energy-to-matter-to-energy dynamic where arenas are continually forming, expanding, overlapping and collapsing as they play out across the infinite arena landscape of the greater universe.

The ISU is governed by Natural Law which is described in three categories, Quantum Wave Cosmology to host life throughout the ISU, the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life to populate the ISU, and the Concept of Eternal Intent which is there for intelligent beings of the ISU to discover and use.

Overview of Natural Law

In regard to Natural Law, we have an advancing boundary between what has been achieved by science, and what is yet to be achieved. What has been achieved is the quantification of the known physical sciences, and in the realm of the “yet to be achieved” is the discovery and quantification of the unexplained and/or unknown natural laws, including the Eternal Intent of the ISU. It is the role of science to confront the problems it faces and to advance the boundary into the realm of the as yet unknown.

Science is advanced using the scientific method and when addressing the advancement of science it is axiomatic that the laws of nature are invariant. It follows that anything that is as yet unknown or unexplained has natural causes that we don’t yet understand.

The physical aspects of the ISU are described by Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) which envisions the universe as it would be if all of the as yet unknown physical laws of nature were known. It is the life hosting feature of the ISU where the generative and evolvative forces of life flourish on a grand scale, undaunted by the inevitable local cataclysms that characterize the eternal QWC process of arena action.

The infinite arena landscape hosts a potentially infinite number of conscious, self aware, intelligent, highly evolved life forms whose individuals contemplate the universe, infinity, life and God, and act and interact with freewill, moderated by their individually developed consciences.

That is the Eternal Intent.

Overview of Quantum Wave Cosmology

Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) is characterized by two processes, quantum action at the micro level and arena action at the macro level. These two processes are strikingly similar in mechanics but the vast difference in scale makes quantum action look toward the infinitesimal and arena action look toward the infinite.

Quantum action works on the infinitesimal scale to quantize the tiniest meaningful waves into inflowing and out flowing standing wave energy that establishes the presence of matter. The key to quantum action is that the universe is composed of nothing but wave energy, thus matter is composed of standing wave energy in quantum increments, and gravity results from a directional imbalance of inflowing quantum wave energy which causes objects to move in the direction of the highest energy density source.

Arena action works on the infinite scale of the landscape of the greater universe. The key to arena action is the existence of the opposing forces of expansion and contraction that play out in the great waves of energy that traverse the arena landscape. The existence of our Big Bang arena where galaxies and galaxy groups all move away from each other is evidence of arena action. It is the multiple arena landscape that prevents the eternal inflation of the universe and avoids General Relativity’s ultimate Heat Death.

As galaxy filled arena waves expand and overlap, their converging galaxies set off cataclysmic events leading to the collapse of galactic material around the center of gravity in the overlap space. Big crunches that form in such overlapping spaces grow to reach a finite maximum limit of energy density and then collapse and bounce into newly expanding arenas of wave energy thus perpetuating the arena landscape. It is the natural law of Critical Capacity that makes crunches collapse and bounce into expansion, avoiding General Relativity’s final Big Crunch outcome.

Overview of the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life

Arena action of QWC produces galaxy filled expanding arenas where it is natural for stars with solar systems to host habitable planets and where the conditions are conducive to the generation of life.

Given the right mix of chemistry and environment, QWC assures that physical iterations of all the finite possible combinations occur and the combinations for reproductive life inevitably arise. Life is adaptive and evolvative, and as early life takes hold, and as evolution occurs, life forms take full advantage of the hospitable environments across the host planet.

As evolution proceeds, natural characteristics that are the mark of advanced life forms develop, bringing them consciousness, self awareness, and individually developed consciences.

All highly evolved contemplative life forms across the ISU, given sufficient duration to experience it, will share an inevitable course from their origin of natural generation to the culmination of high evolution, and with that comes the realization that all life is causally connected by the same Eternal Intent.

Overview of Eternal Intent

The existence of Eternal Intent does not require any violation of the invariance axiom or of the natural laws. All of the natural laws of the ISU are invariant, and in an eternal and infinite universe, that means that the natural laws that are in effect now are the same laws that were in effect before, at all times in the infinite past; at no time were the laws different.

Logic and right reason of the highly evolved life forms is sound. When those individuals contemplate the universe, infinity, life, and God, it is from the soundest possible reason and logic that the concept of Eternal Intent is derived. It emerges as the most reasonable and responsible common ground between all contemplative individuals and is the highest standard for setting the correct rules of free and conscientious interaction.

A non religious, scientifically compatible definition postulates that Eternal Intent is a characteristic of the universe, and the natural laws and Eternal Intent are completely compatible. It is the ultimate universal common denominator, not just among peoples here on Earth, but among contemplative and conscientious life forms at the height of the evolvative process across the infinite and eternal sea of wave energy.

Therefore Eternal Intent would be the quintessential feature of a natural invariant universe and the view that God and the Universe are one and the same is fully compatible with the ISU.

In Conclusion

Many aspects of the universe that are attributed to the invariant natural laws point to the Eternal Intent of the natural laws:

The perpetual existence of hospitable and habitable environments

The generative and evolvative forces of life

The existence of consciousness and self awareness

The existence of intelligence

The existence of free willed beings that interact with each other

The existence of our own consciences to moderate our interactions

Within those few aspects of the ISU there is room for hope and faith that the future can unfold as we would have it. Beyond the boundary of scientific knowledge, in the realm of the unknown laws of nature, all things seem possible. It is that realization that makes room for eternal hope for those who care to call upon it in their daily lives.

As a corollary to that, there is no clear right and wrong at every turn of life, and where there is room for eternal hope for well intended outcomes, there is also room to seek council from beyond the boundary if we can see a benefit in that natural source of council. We are free to consciously seek acknowledgments from beyond the boundary of known science and to receive personal, individual, unexplainable guidance from the unknown in accord with invariant natural laws that we don’t yet understand.

It is the Eternal Intent of the ISU that highly evolved life forms learn to do so even though science cannot offer equations for how it works.

In order for something to be science it has to be quantified or quantifiable under the procedures recognized as the scientific method. Scientific knowledge is subject to mathematical equations that are compatible with all aspects of known science, or at least that cannot be shown to be inconsistent with scientific observations and data. So when we don't yet understand, it is a reference to as yet unquantified science from the perspective of the scientific community; theories that are not tested and repeatable but that are suspected by some of us because of the way outcomes from our hopes, our needs, and our desires often seem to be favorable responses to those things we seek.

Nevertheless, there are prerequisites before Eternal Intent can be considered to be a characteristic of the universe:

The universe has to be infinite and must have always existed, i.e. the ISU didn’t come from nothing or from the Supernatural.

The universe must be governed by invariant natural laws that are in effect in all places at all times.

There can be no violations of natural law, i.e. apparent violations are caused by as yet unknown invariant natural laws.

There must be conscious, self aware, intelligent, contemplative individuals, i.e. us, and other intelligent life forms across the ISU.

There must be as yet unknown natural laws associated with consciousness that trigger some equation; a combination of conscience, intent, emotion, and expectation or hope or faith that in accord with the unknown natural laws there is an equation that yields an invariant response guided by our well intended seeking of acknowledgements from beyond the boundary of known science.

If those prerequisites are in place then Eternal Intent is there for intelligent beings to discover and use. It is derived from the soundest possible reason and logic. It is the natural common ground between all contemplative individuals. It is the highest standard for setting the correct rules of free and conscientious interaction. It is a characteristic of the universe, compatible with the natural laws of the ISU and with the concept that God and the universe are one and the same. It is there for all of us as a source of hope and council throughout our lives, and for faith that the future can unfold as we would have it. It is there for us for free if we choose to use it.

The concept of Eternal Intent is the stimulus for highly evolved beings seeking acknowledgements from beyond the boundary of known science and expecting a response in accord with as yet unknown invariant natural laws.
I posted the latest version of the essay over at FRDB thinking I would get some useful negative input from that community of infidels and rationalists. Surprisingly the infidels over there are slow to take exception to my cosmology and philosophy. I am even finding some support and interesting conversation about the pros and cons of an infinite universe govened by invariant natural laws and characterized by Eternal Intent. Over there I am developing my case for an infinite universe vs. a finite universe.

Just like here, I encourage any comments that come to mind because the essay is a work in progress and I evaluate and incorporate your comments in each revision. But the essay is just a summary of QWC and my philosophy and there will be a QWC 2012 on one of the forums that I am posting on. It won't necessarily be here though a large amount of the development has taken place here, so the best plan to get rid of me is to just keep quiet, lol.
'In the beginning.....', the fatal flaw of every origin myth, is sidestepped if we take the view that the universe has to be infinite and must have always existed.

Interesting that despite the evidence of the world and the universe having existed for far longer than homo sapiens, that we have come to regard ourselves as the benchmark of intelligence.

We have evolved the concepts of infinite and god and imbued them with properties beyond our ability to measure or even fully comprehend, counterbalanced by the scientific method, by which all things must be verified.

'The chance of a lifetime, in a lifetime of chance.....', is a line in the song Run For The Roses.

Somehow it fits nicely with my musings of this morning. :)
'In the beginning.....', the fatal flaw of every origin myth, is sidestepped if we take the view that the universe has to be infinite and must have always existed.

Interesting that despite the evidence of the world and the universe having existed for far longer than homo sapiens, that we have come to regard ourselves as the benchmark of intelligence.

We have evolved the concepts of infinite and god and imbued them with properties beyond our ability to measure or even fully comprehend, counterbalanced by the scientific method, by which all things must be verified.

'The chance of a lifetime, in a lifetime of chance.....', is a line in the song Run For The Roses.

Somehow it fits nicely with my musings of this morning. :)
Thank you, SZ. Very true, and the line from Run for the Roses says a lot. It doesn't really matter whether there is intention to the universe or if life is an accident, but what matters is how we use the life we have.