QWC revisited 2011

Though I enjoy speculating about preconditions to the Big Bang, I readily acknowledge the problems involved. The definition of reasonable speculation is problematic. The point of departure from real science into speculation about answers that science does not yet have is problematic. It is problematic that the application of the scientific method is limited by the tools we utilize or can develop to look further toward the infinite and the infinitesimal.

We have an advancing boundary between what has been achieved by science and what is yet to be achieved. In the realm of the “yet to be achieved” is the discovery and quantification of the unexplained and/or unknown natural laws and it is the role of science to confront the problems it faces and to advance the boundary into the realm of the “as yet” unknown.

But when addressing the unknown, it is an axiom that the laws of nature are invariant and based on that axiom, invariance is a characteristic of both the science we know and the natural laws we don’t yet know or understand. It follows that anything that appears Supernatural can be explained by natural laws we don’t yet understand.

Based on the postulated invariance of the natural laws of the universe, the definition of Supernatural is anything that can be shown to vary from the invariant natural laws. But It is merely speculation that anything at all will ever be shown to vary from the natural laws and so the existence of the Supernatural is speculative and problematic.

On that basis every miracle has its own catch 22 in that if it cannot be repeated or explained it either varies from the natural law or we don’t understand the natural laws to which it complies. If it varies from the natural law it is Supernatural and not scientific, and if it complies with invariant natural laws that we don’t yet understand it is natural and therefore not a miracle.

The existence of God does not have to be the same thing as speculation that something Supernatural exists that violates the natural laws. The Supernatural requires that the scientific axiom of invariance be falsified. The existence of God does not require violation of invariance, it requires a universal definition of God that postulates that the laws are invariant and doesn’t go on to personify that defined God or give it ability to override the invariant laws for the benefit of some chosen individual or group. The scientific position is that there are natural laws that would explain all miracles if only we understood all of the invariant laws of nature and the corresponding definition of God that is in compliance is that the universe and God are one in the same, a set of invariant Natural laws that have always existed.

Nature can be defined as a potentially infinite and eternal universe whose invariant laws provide for the perpetual existence of habitable environments where life can be generated and evolve to where intelligent self-aware free willed and potentially conscientious individuals are capable of contemplating the universe, infinity, life and God.

God can be defined as the infinite and eternal presence of invariant laws and intent that provide for the perpetual existence of habitable environments where life can be generated and evolve to where intelligent self-aware free willed and potentially conscientious individuals are capable of contemplating the universe, infinity, life and God.

In each case there is no clear “right or wrong” code and each individual acts and interacts with or without regard to their free will and conscience but both circumstances can comply with the scientific method and the expectation that nothing can violate the invariant laws.

The thing that differentiates the two definitions is the “eternal intent” attributed to the view that God and the universe are one in the same. Intent of the universe, by necessity, would have to have always existed; otherwise something Supernatural could exist that would be capable of falsifying the invariance axiom and that could not comply with the scientific method. Therefore eternal intent would be the quintessential differentiating feature between a natural universe without intent and an invariant God with intent.

The intent could be identified as what assures there to always be life forms with high evolution who act out their lives through actions and interactions in inhabitable environments as opposed to us being here due solely to randomness and chance.

As to whether there is eternal intent or whether nature complies with the definition without intent, it is my view that if the universe has always existed and has always complied with the invariant natural laws then it could not have ever been out of compliance with those laws and so it could never have been any other way, and that means that there could be no violations of the invariant natural laws regardless whether or not there is eternal intent, and therefore nothing Supernatural could take place under either definition. There is no supernatural and everything complies with invariant natural laws, always has, and always will.

Though many other choices are apparent, I identify those two choices, i.e. infinite, eternal, and invariant nature without intent, or an Infinite, Eternal, and Invariant Natural God that differs from nature only by having that quintessential Eternal Intent. Both afford the same room for hope and faith since both allow that beyond the boundary of scientific knowledge, in the realm of the unknown laws of Nature, all things can seem possible and so there is eternal hope for those who care to call upon it in their daily lives.

Since there is no clear right and wrong at every turn of life we are free to seek council and there is the possibility that a good source would be to consciously seek an acknowledgment from beyond the boundary of known science; unexplainable individual guidance from the unknown in accord with invariant Natural laws that we don’t yet understand.

We individuals who might be living under such intent find that we act and interact in accord with our freewill which is moderated by our individual consciences, and we could reasonably suspect conscience to be an intended feature of high evolution that we each develop and apply to our actions and interactions throughout our lives, and if so, may God’s Infinite and Eternal Intent serve as our source of council along the way.
If your theory has led you to a paranormal, or God theory.. then it's time to start on a new theory. :D

...And keep in mind that some day soon a computer program will cover everything from Day 1 to the present without supernatural problems.
If your theory has led you to a paranormal, or God theory.. then it's time to start on a new theory. :D

...And keep in mind that some day soon a computer program will cover everything from Day 1 to the present without supernatural problems.
You could actually reread what I wrote and rephrase your comment to apply to it if you wanted it to mean anything to me. As it stands all that seems clear to me is that you didn't read it very carefully or you missed the fine points, and so I won't bother yet to try to explain how you are wrong about your initial conclusion, :D.
You could actually reread what I wrote and rephrase your comment to apply to it if you wanted it to mean anything to me. As it stands all that seems clear to me is that you didn't read it very carefully or you missed the fine points, and so I won't bother yet to try to explain how you are wrong about your initial conclusion, :D.

I read it again, it still reads the same...

If your theory has led you to a paranormal, or God theory.. then it's time to start on a new theory.

Though many other choices are apparent, I identify those two choices, i.e. infinite, eternal, and invariant nature without intent, or an Infinite, Eternal, and Invariant Natural God that differs from nature only by having that quintessential Eternal Intent. Both afford the same room for hope and faith since both allow that beyond the boundary of scientific knowledge, in the realm of the unknown laws of Nature, all things can seem possible and so there is eternal hope for those who care to call upon it in their daily lives.
I read it again, it still reads the same...

If your theory has led you to a paranormal, or God theory.. then it's time to start on a new theory.
I read it again too and think it boils down to this. I base it on the axiom that the natural laws are invariant, whether we understand them or not. Can something that has always existed and is invariant be Supernatural? I say no because for something to be Supernatural it must falsify the axiom of invariance.
I read it again too and think it boils down to this. I base it on the axiom that the natural laws are invariant, whether we understand them or not. Can something that has always existed and is invariant be Supernatural? I say no because for something to be Supernatural it must falsify the axiom of invariance.

Faith says that miracles are variants. But anyway I agree with you. There is nothing to suggest that miracles aren't just lucky coincidences.
The Universe, Infinity, Life, and God
The Cosmology and Philosophy of the Infinite Spongy Universe

The Infinite Spongy Universe (ISU) is all inclusive, all there is, all matter, energy, everything in one infinite and eternal, life and consciousness producing expanse of wave energy that does nothing but carry out its own Eternal Intent.

Thresholds and limits of energy density govern natural processes that produce matter and gravity in environments characterized by the opposing forces of expansion and contraction to produce dynamic and evolving arenas that are continually forming and playing out across the infinite arena landscape of the greater universe.

The ISU is governed by natural law, and natural law is described in three categories, Quantum Wave Cosmology, the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life, and the Concept of Eternal Intent.

Overview of Natural Law

In regard to Natural Law, we have an advancing boundary between what has been achieved by science, and what is yet to be achieved. What has been achieved is the quantification of the known physical sciences. In the realm of the “yet to be achieved” is the discovery and quantification of the unexplained and/or unknown natural laws. It is the role of science to confront the problems it faces and to advance the boundary into the realm of the “as yet” unknown.

When addressing the unknown, it is an axiom that the laws of nature are invariant. Based on that axiom, invariance is a characteristic of both the science we know and the natural laws we don’t yet know or understand. Science is advanced using the scientific method and according to that method and the invariance axiom, it follows that anything that is as yet unexplained has natural causes that we don’t yet understand.

The physical aspect of the ISU is described by Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) which envisions the universe as it would be if all of the as yet unknown physical laws of nature were known. It is the life hosting feature of the ISU where the Generative and Evolvative forces of life flourish on a grand scale, undaunted by the inevitable local cataclysms that characterize the eternal process of arena action.

Across the infinite and dynamic arena landscape which hosts a potentially infinite number of living environments at any given point in time, there exists conscious, self aware, intelligent, highly evolved life forms whose individuals contemplate the concepts of the universe, infinity, life and God, and act and interact with free will that is moderated by their individually developed consciences.

That is the Eternal Intent.

Overview of Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC)

QWC is characterized by two processes, quantum action at the micro level and arena action at the macro level. These two processes are strikingly similar in mechanics but the vast difference in scale makes quantum action look toward the infinitesimal and arena action look toward the infinite.

Quantum action works on the infinitesimal scale and orchestrates wave energy to establish the presence of matter and gravity. The key is that the universe is composed of nothing but wave energy and the tiniest meaningful waves have roles in the establishment of matter and gravity. The existence of particles and gravity demonstrates the success of quantum action.

Arena action works on the infinite scale of the landscape of the greater universe. The key to arena action is the existence of the opposing forces of expansion and contraction that play out in the great waves of energy that traverse the infinite landscape. It is the multiple arena landscape that prevents the eternal inflation of the universe and avoids the ultimate Heat Death of the universe.

As galaxy filled arena waves collide and overlap, cataclysmic events surround the collapse of galactic material under the compression of gravity. As big crunches form in the overlapping spaces where arenas convergence, they reach a finite capacity of matter and energy density and collapse and bounce into expanding arenas of wave energy. It is the natural law of critical capacity that makes crunches finite and prevents the entire ISU from falling into a final Big Crunch.

Overview of the Generative and Evolvative Forces of Life

Arena action produces galaxy filled expanding arenas where it is natural for solar systems to host habitable planets and where the conditions are conducive to the generation of life.

Given the right mix of chemistry and environment, physical iterations of all the finite possible combinations occur and the combinations for reproductive life inevitably arise. Life is adaptive and evolvative, and as early life takes hold, and as evolution occurs, life forms take full advantage of the hospitable environment across the host planet.

Evolution proceeds toward the natural characteristics of advanced life forms, bringing the consciousness and self awareness that mark highly evolved individuals.

Overview of Eternal Intent

The existence of Eternal Intent does not require any violation of the invariance axiom. All of the natural laws of the ISU are invariant, and in an eternal and infinite universe, that means that the natural laws in effect now are the same laws that were in effect before, at all times in the infinite past.

Reason and logic of the highly evolved life forms is sound, and when those individuals contemplate the universe, infinity, life, and God, the concept of Eternal Intent emerges as the reasonable and responsible view of the common ground between all contemplative life forms across all space and time. No one religion that is peculiar to one sect on one planet in one age will serve that universal purpose. It must emerge time and time again to show the way.

Organized religions have their doctrine that has become the basis of the beliefs of their followers. There are sacred unexplained events that lead to the God concept in each religion, but they have no violations of invariance that can be demonstrated to be irrefutable outside the religion.

The definitions of God within religions are specific to the history of each religion and to the sacred documents, but there is no evidence of any violation of the natural laws when evaluated by the scientific community as a whole. Specific definitions of God become a matter of faith associated with each religion, but organized religion cannot lay exclusive claim to the natural and inevitable contemplation of God. God and religion are not one in the same and Eternal Intent is the ultimate universal common denominator.

A non religious, scientifically compatible definition postulates that Eternal Intent is a characteristic of the universe, and the natural laws and Eternal Intent are one in the same.

The definition of nature which includes Eternal Intent is not in violation of the scientific method. It acknowledges nature as the potentially infinite and eternal universe whose Eternal Intent is carried out by invariant laws which provide for the perpetual existence of habitable environments where conscious life is generated and evolves to self aware free willed intelligent and conscience bearing individuals who are capable of contemplating the universe, infinity, life and God.

Therefore eternal intent would be the quintessential feature of a natural invariant universe and the view that God and the universe are one in the same is fully realized in the ISU.

Many aspects of the universe that are attributed to the invariant natural laws point to the Eternal Intent of the natural laws:

The perpetual existence of hospitable and habitable environments
The generative and evolvative forces of life
The existence of consciousness
The existence of intelligence
The existence of free willed beings that interact with each other
The existence of our own consciences to moderate our actions and interactions

Within those few aspects of the ISU there is room for hope and faith that the future can unfold as we would have it, and the stimulus for favorable unfolding logically includes the many forms of love and being loved. Beyond the boundary of scientific knowledge, in the realm of the unknown laws of Nature, all things seem possible. It is that realization that makes room for eternal hope for those who care to call upon it in their daily lives.

As a corollary to that, there is no clear right and wrong at every turn of life, and where there is room for eternal hope, we are free to seek council to guide us through life from beyond the boundary as well. We consciously seek acknowledgments from beyond the boundary of known science and receive personal, individual, unexplainable guidance from the unknown in accord with invariant natural laws that we don’t yet understand. It is the Eternal Intent of the ISU that we do so.

In Conclusion

I seek an acknowledgement that the natural and invariant laws that enable the Eternal Intent of the ISU will serve as the quintessential source of hope and council for all who love and are loved.
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Good morning, Bogie.

When addressing the unknown, it is an axiom that the laws of nature are invariant. Based on that axiom, invariance is a characteristic of both the science we know and the natural laws we don’t yet know or understand. Science is advanced using the scientific method and according to that method and the invariance axiom, it follows that anything that is as yet unexplained has natural causes that we don’t yet understand.

I find myself comfortably in agreement with the above content. :)

.......Beyond the boundary of scientific knowledge, in the realm of the unknown laws of Nature, all things seem possible. It is that realization that makes room for eternal hope for those who care to call upon it in their daily lives.

The first sentence speaks to potential that our species has yet to realize, yet I would not deny that we shall progress further, despite our base nature underlying.

While I do not pray to the god of any religion, when I am in need of inspiration, I invoke the very sea of energy and potential which enables my existence to provide some input data to assist me in critical thinking and decision making. It is more a case of opening one's mind to all potential avenues, which can be hard to do once we have become absorbed in a focus or painted ourselves into a corner. I have become rather accustomed to 'coincidences' in my life.

In Conclusion

I seek an acknowledgement that the natural and invariant laws that enable the Eternal Intent of the ISU will serve as the quintessential source of hope and council for all who love and are loved.

Question: By what means was I guided here and engaged sufficiently to make a response to your recent post? I cruise the forum at random, and do not receive e-mail advisories for the majority of threads at this forum. Pure chance that I wandered by.........or was it?

Who are you kidding :p. You always get around to reading my posts, and when I wrote it I knew that it had the potential to inspire a comment from you. I've been babbling lately but this post was in there just waiting to take shape. It marks a milestone for me and the fact that your response was quite supportive makes it more important to me.
Who are you kidding :p. You always get around to reading my posts, and when I wrote it I knew that it had the potential to inspire a comment from you. I've been babbling lately but this post was in there just waiting to take shape. It marks a milestone for me and the fact that your response was quite supportive makes it more important to me.

LOL......Just like a fella. Trying to take credit for the actions of a force beyond his understanding. :D

You obviously put some thought and effort into that one, though. That you contemplate the universe and it's intricacies more than others is evident in your writing.
Lol, I'll have to give you that. Understanding much of anything about the motivating forces of the opposite sex is dicey at best. But I keep trying because the rewards can be worthwhile :shrug:.
QW: . . . YES . . . I'm still around! . . . . but I read more often than not . . . lot of self-agrandizing crap and gossip at the Forum . . .

enjoyed your contemplative discourse (above) . . . I knew you were an O.K. guy!

. . . I agree much with your ideas . . . but I'm still after the "mechanisms" . . .

Regards . . . wlminex
QW: . . . YES . . . I'm still around! . . . . but I read more often than not . . . lot of self-agrandizing crap and gossip at the Forum . . .

enjoyed your contemplative discourse (above) . . . I knew you were an O.K. guy!

. . . I agree much with your ideas . . . but I'm still after the "mechanisms" . . .

Regards . . . wlminex
Hello wlminex; thank you for the comments. I was thinking of doing an essay on the scope of love and its role in the exercise of freewill. It would go along with the concept of Eternal Intent and help to fill out my philosophy. But I admit that when you mention mechanics my favorite topic is QWC and I have been putting off a rewrite of my gravity posts for a few months.

I only need one or two more votes in favor of me doing a rewrite of my essay on how gravity is caused by a net directional imbalance in the inflowing wave energy that sustains the presence of matter (see posts #38, #39, and also #230 for an idea). It centers on the process of quantum action and a key aspect of quantum action is the concept that the center of a convergence of quantum waves hosts a high density spot in the overlap.

The converging waves emerge from the high density spots in the form of spherical waves expanding equally in all directions from the spot. Those are the out flowing spherical waves of the set of standing waves that make up particles, according to the speculations of QWC. They are the inflowing waves of subsequent nearby high density spots.

Put about a trillion of those intersecting and overlapping quantum waves in the form of unstable quarks within the particle space of a proton and you have wave energy containment that establishes and maintains the presence of the proton.

I’ve been dinking with some related ideas about energy flows produced by spherical wave energy emerging from a pinhole-like space at the intersection of quantum waves during quantum action. I won’t be taking on how the proton gets its charge quite yet (if ever) but there are some budding ideas relative to the motion of wave energy and I wonder about if there would be magnetic fields produced by quantum action. If so then the density of magnetic flux lines around each high density spot contained in the tight proton space, relative to the magnetic flux of the less dense electron cloud (that is in high speed relative motion to the surface of the proton) might have some effect on how the electron cloud is held by the proton and yet repelled by the proton :shrug:; all just speculation to kill time when I’m not otherwise goofing off, lol.
OK, I won't rewrite the gravity posts yet.

Follow up forum post to encourage discussion :)

When I post about Eternal Intent, hope, love, and guidance from the unknown in response to seeking acknowledgement from beyond the boundary of science and understanding I see I’m not getting much of a response. My feeling is that the responses that the majority of the readers (I know there are a few) want to make are being stifled, lol (I know some of you will read this and resist responding).

Why would that be?

Maybe it is the way I engage with people who scoff at my ideas (you’re afraid).
Maybe it is that members already write me off as a lost cause as far as meaningful ideas (no accounting for your lack of vision).
Maybe you just don’t like or appreciate speculation.
Maybe speculating about the reasons will loosen lips and motivate you not to hold back (remember there are rules though, at least I think there are, but I won’t be reporting any ugliness to the moderators, I promise; no vulgarity though).

Here are the requirements for Eternal Intent:

The universe has to be infinite and must have always existed; it doesn’t work otherwise. It must be governed by invariant natural laws that are in effect in all places at all times (no supernatural events are possible). There can be no violations of natural law (apparent violations are caused by as yet unknown invariant natural laws). There must be conscious, self aware, intelligent, contemplative, individuals. There must be as yet unknown natural laws associated with consciousness and triggered by some unknown combination of conscience, motivation, love of something (even love of power or money, etc.), and expectation or hope or faith (I don’t know how it works because the laws are not yet understood). The act of seeking acknowledgement from beyond the boundary of our understanding must be differentiated from prayer because the source of the response is invariant natural law that has always been in place and is not a response from a personified, conscious God who can pick and choose responses or that has any real time decision making power at all.

I’m going to discuss this even if I don’t get a response so why not get your scoffing in or your support in, or say why you agree or disagree? You have today to post before I write and post my initial essay on the broad definition of love and why I mentioned the role of love as a motivation in the essay I posted on The Universe, Infinity, Life and God.
OK, I won't rewrite the gravity posts yet.

Follow up forum post to encourage discussion :)

When I post about Eternal Intent, hope, love, and guidance from the unknown in response to seeking acknowledgement from beyond the boundary of science and understanding I see I’m not getting much of a response. My feeling is that the responses that the majority of the readers (I know there are a few) want to make are being stifled, lol (I know some of you will read this and resist responding).

Why would that be?

Maybe it is the way I engage with people who scoff at my ideas (you’re afraid).
Maybe it is that members already write me off as a lost cause as far as meaningful ideas (no accounting for your lack of vision).
Maybe you just don’t like or appreciate speculation.
Maybe speculating about the reasons will loosen lips and motivate you not to hold back (remember there are rules though, at least I think there are, but I won’t be reporting any ugliness to the moderators, I promise; no vulgarity though).

Here are the requirements for Eternal Intent:

The universe has to be infinite and must have always existed; it doesn’t work otherwise. It must be governed by invariant natural laws that are in effect in all places at all times (no supernatural events are possible). There can be no violations of natural law (apparent violations are caused by as yet unknown invariant natural laws). There must be conscious, self aware, intelligent, contemplative, individuals. There must be as yet unknown natural laws associated with consciousness and triggered by some unknown combination of conscience, motivation, love of something (even love of power or money, etc.), and expectation or hope or faith (I don’t know how it works because the laws are not yet understood). The act of seeking acknowledgement from beyond the boundary of our understanding must be differentiated from prayer because the source of the response is invariant natural law that has always been in place and is not a response from a personified, conscious God who can pick and choose responses or that has any real time decision making power at all.

I’m going to discuss this even if I don’t get a response so why not get your scoffing in or your support in, or say why you agree or disagree? You have today to post before I write and post my initial essay on the broad definition of love and why I mentioned the role of love as a motivation in the essay I posted on The Universe, Infinity, Life and God.

This is one thing that bothers me about people who have theories. They assume that if their theory hasn't figured a certain thing out, then nobody can know it. My theory includes consciousness, self aware, and intelligence, and how they come about from particle flows, and pressures. I don't mind you speaking for yourself.. "I don't know, or understand them.".. but don't say the word "Everyone, or anyone." I have a TOE, and it covers everything. Or at least, to me it does, and I don't think to say if I don't know something then nobody else does.
This is one thing that bothers me about people who have theories. They assume that if their theory hasn't figured a certain thing out, then nobody can know it. My theory includes consciousness, self aware, and intelligence, and how they come about from particle flows, and pressures. I don't mind you speaking for yourself.. "I don't know, or understand them.".. but don't say the word "Everyone, or anyone." I have a TOE, and it covers everything. Or at least, to me it does, and I don't think to say if I don't know something then nobody else does.
OK, point taken. But your theory, where you say you have described how consciousness comes about or even if you had said you have described how Eternal Intent might come about, is not yet science. To be science I mean that it is quantified under the procedures recognized as the scientific method. So when I say "we don't yet understand", I am referring to the scientific community and the quantification of the theories to show how they work; tested and repeatable.
OK, point taken. But your theory, where you say you have described how consciousness comes about or even if you had said you have described how Eternal Intent might come about, is not yet science. To be science I mean that it is quantified under the procedures recognized as the scientific method. So when I say "we don't yet understand", I am referring to the scientific community and the quantification of the theories to show how they work; tested and repeatable.

Yeah, well you have a model in Alternative Theories, so it's not really appropriate to say that only scientific theories count. You could believe enough in your own theory to say "If I have a theory that I'm sure is right, then science cannot be right." I might not believe in fundamental waves, but at least you should.
Yeah, well you have a model in Alternative Theories, so it's not really appropriate to say that only scientific theories count. You could believe enough in your own theory to say "If I have a theory that I'm sure is right, then science cannot be right." I might not believe in fundamental waves, but at least you should.

QW: . . . . see why I'm reluctant to participate in Sciforums posts . . .? . . .LOL
QW: . . . . see why I'm reluctant to participate in Sciforums posts . . .? . . .LOL

Yeah, you just did with an insult.. I would be reluctant to post insults too. Whereas I was trying to help guide Quantum Wave, to believe in his theory, and stand up for it. Either he believes it, or he believes in science, you can't have both.