QWC document comments and criticisms

The first liar always looses. You lied first, you lose.
I've provided links to prove you have repeatedly lied about me and what I've said. You haven't provided a single link to counter any of those or justify your claims (aka lies) about me. If I'm 'the first liar' then you should be able to prove I've lied. I've proven you lied plenty of times.

Or perhaps this subtle logic is lost on you, everything else is.

You have joined Fish Bait in that little stagnant puddle of your lives, destined to end in the stagnant stench of dishonesty, faulty logic, lies and dishonor. Bye now, Fish Bait.
Tell me, do you really think you bother us at all with such attempts at insults? Both of us have published work, which has been cited by other physicists. You claim we lack accomplishments or are 'stagnating'. We continue to publish work, continue to be cited and have the possibility of a career in the physics community ahead of us. You post your work on a forum and no one takes any notice. Not only have you failed, you've stagnated. You're, yet again, projecting your faults onto us. You aren't argue with facts; no one but you cares about QWC. No one cites your work. No one even discusses your work with you, despite repeated threads attempting to stimulate such discussion. People discuss our work with us. People read our work. People cite our work. People develop our work. People want to know about our work.

Saying we've failed and stagnated is just another example of you throwing hypocritical insults (or attempts at insults) at people who have succeeded where you have failed. And the fact it's so obvious makes it all the more funny. If Prom and I never posted in reply to you again our work continues, it is more than the sum of forum posts. If we never replied to you again no one would reply to you, your entire effort in QWC would be utterly unnoticed and completely wasted. Of course it already is, just you continue to pretend it solves all these problems you can't and won't address. How many years you been peddling it now?
I've provided links to prove you have repeatedly lied about me and what I've said. You haven't provided a single link to counter any of those or justify your claims (aka lies) about me. If I'm 'the first liar' then you should be able to prove I've lied. I've proven you lied plenty of times.
Fish Bait is back. Check out your first one or two posts on my threads. You lied, you suspended the rules of conduct, you lose. Get lost Fish Bait.
If you were honorable you would be willing to admit that we were never going to have an artful discussion. You are two minnows in a stagnate puddle, two peas in a pod, and you both like it that way. Bye bye Fish Bait.

What's the problem? I agreed with and wanted a discussion about your evidence. Why are you reneging on that now? I'm more than willing to talk about the evidence with you, if you'll only tell us what the evidence is.
What's the problem? I agreed with and wanted a discussion about your evidence. Why are you reneging on that now? I'm more than willing to talk about the evidence with you, if you'll only tell us what the evidence is.
Dishonor increases your value as fish bait, Fish Bait.
Dishonor increases your value as fish bait, Fish Bait.

Why do you think I'm in the slightest bit bothered about you calling me fish bait?

I guess you don't really have any evidence for your views after all, which means you lied again. What a shame.
Why do you think I'm in the slightest bit bothered about you calling me fish bait?

I guess you don't really have any evidence for your views after all, which means you lied again. What a shame.
Bothering you is not the objective. Pointing out that you are more valuable as fish bait than you are in your current configuration of protoplasm is the objective. Still haven't learned how to man up in life have you.
Bothering you is not the objective. Pointing out that you are more valuable as fish bait than you are in your current configuration of protoplasm is the objective. Still haven't learned how to man up in life have you.

I'm still waiting for that discussion, should the evidence ever be forthcoming. I rather doubt it's existence now.
I'm still waiting for that discussion, should the evidence ever be forthcoming. I rather doubt it's existence now.
OH Pleeeze. Man up and admit you are pretending that I said there was evidence. I know you want to get into a discussion about it; why I don't know but there is nothing in it for me to discuss anything with you given that your value is significantly increased as fish bait. You have nothing to add to a discussion or you would have said something that actually was responsive. Bye Fish Bait.
OH Pleeeze. Man up and admit you are pretending that I said there was evidence. I know you want to get into a discussion about it; why I don't know but there is nothing in it for me to discuss anything with you given that your value is significantly increased as fish bait. You have nothing to add to a discussion or you would have said something that actually was responsive. Bye Fish Bait.

Well what did you want to discuss when you we had this exchange?

P: What it the evidence with which you speculate that the universe has always existed?

QW: I will be glad to go there with you but first...
Well what did you want to discuss when you we had this exchange?

P: What it the evidence with which you speculate that the universe has always existed?

QW: I will be glad to go there with you but first...
Your are not manning up. "go there with you" was the discussion that would have resulted out of your answering my question in that same post. You suspended the rules by lying that I said there was evidence and you joined the ranks as fish bait as a result. Swim away now minnow.
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I answered your question:

I agree with AN. We know with reasonable certainty that there was a time about 13.7 billion years in the past when the universe was very small, dense and hot. What happened before that is not accessible to current methods, although a theory of quantum gravity would make it accessible.

I feel compelled to include this quote again: "They say 'well science doesn’t know everything.' Well science knows it doesn’t know everything otherwise it would stop, but as well as that, just because science doesn't know everything doesn't mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairytale appeals to you." - Dara O'Briain

or don't you remember that? I've also not lied and you can't point to exactly where you claim I have. What a very sad life you must lead... Honestly, you have my pity.
I answered your question:

I agree with AN. We know with reasonable certainty that there was a time about 13.7 billion years in the past when the universe was very small, dense and hot. What happened before that is not accessible to current methods, although a theory of quantum gravity would make it accessible.

I feel compelled to include this quote again: "They say 'well science doesn’t know everything.' Well science knows it doesn’t know everything otherwise it would stop, but as well as that, just because science doesn't know everything doesn't mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairytale appeals to you." - Dara O'Briain

or don't you remember that? I've also not lied and you can't point to exactly where you claim I have. What a very sad life you must lead... Honestly, you have my pity.
You lied, I pointed it out. And then here you are flaming me on Christmas Eve; thankfully completely wrong.
You lied, I pointed it out. And then here you are flaming me on Christmas Eve; thankfully completely wrong.

You've been caught in lies a great deal, whereas you claim I'm lying a lot but I haven't seen a single shred of evidence to support that. What a sad state of affairs to be in.

I suppose doing what you said you would, ie providing a discussion on the evidence you're basing your speculations on, would be too much to ask?
You've been caught in lies a great deal, whereas you claim I'm lying a lot but I haven't seen a single shred of evidence to support that. What a sad state of affairs to be in.

I suppose doing what you said you would, ie providing a discussion on the evidence you're basing your speculations on, would be too much to ask?
You are my favorite fish bait. Merry Christmas.
I don't think quoting (Q) is a great move on your part, what with the two of you being barely able to scrape 2 brain cells between you. Why don't you fess up that there was never any evidence to begin with and you are doing nothing more than making stuff up?
Troll away Fish Bait.
Since this thread is now not going anywhere and has turned into a complete joke, I'm asking the mod to lock and cess it.
Since this thread is now not going anywhere and has turned into a complete joke, I'm asking the mod to lock and cess it.
I know that the moderators patience is not infinite but I trust that their wisdom is. Any action a moderator takes in regard to my threads is warranted and hopefully just. It is extremely hard for anyone, moderators included to survey that complete history between individuals, and so Justice is not always served. I accept that; I'm sure you agree and accept that, and let the future unfold, moderator intervention or not.