Quotes to remember

"The glory of science is, that it is freeing the soul -- breaking the mental manacles -- getting the brain out of bondage -- giving courage to thought -- filling the world with mercy, justice, and joy."
- Robert G. Ingersoll, Humboldt From 'The Gods and Other Lectures'
“Everyone we interact with has the capacity to surprise us in an infinite number of ways. What can first open us up to each of our innate capacities for love is merely to recognize that.”
― Sharon Salzberg, Real Love: The Art of Mindful Connection
"Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."
- Thomas Jefferson
“If you love something set it free. If it comes back it’s yours. If not, hunt it down and kill it.
"Clovis first"
(as a reminder of the danger of paradigm becoming dogma)
(and------------the monumental stupidity of dogma in science)

"speaking or which"...
I read a story about a "white man" apologizing to a native american for referring to him as an "Indian"
Then, asking if he preferred native american, first people, crow, sioux, etc....etc...
The subject replied that he preferred "Indian"
Every time he heard that word, it reminded him of the monumental stupidity of the white man.
All I can do is reply on my own behalf, realizing that what I say is relative. Accepting the absurdity of everything around us is one step, a necessary experience: it should not become a dead end. It arouses a revolt that can become fruitful. An analysis of the idea of revolt could help us to discover ideas capable of restoring a relative meaning to existence, although a meaning that would always be in danger.
In a world whose absurdity appears to be so impenetrable, we simply must reach a greater degree of understanding among men, a greater sincerity. We must achieve this or perish. To do so, certain conditions must be fulfilled: men must be frank (falsehood confuses things), free (communication is impossible with slaves). Finally, they must feel a certain justice around them

That last line..................................................................................................
“That’s the other thing I learned that day, that the truth, however shocking or uncomfortable, in the end leads to liberation and dignity.”
― Ricky Gervais
“It's a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research & study, the best advice I can give people is to be a little kinder to each other.”
― Aldous Huxley
“I never really know the protocol for this kind of situation. It's like when you're in line at a store, and a grandma starts telling you all about her grandchildren or her arthritis, and you smile and nod along. But then it's your turn to check out, so you're just like okay, well, good-bye forever.”
― Becky Albertalli, The Upside of Unrequited
“Edward was at the stage of drunkenness in which the ego glows like a coal, and brilliant people become more inspired, but in which dull people, fired by the same inspiration, become only more dull.”
― William Styron
“Our senses seem to deceive us into thinking that we live in the material world. Our world is not based on objectively existing particles of matter but it is based on waves of potentiality, that is pure information. Our world is informational. Think of it as an observer-centric virtual reality. Your consciousness is, rather, an optimized meta-algorithmic data stream, a sequence of conscious instants.”
― Alex M. Vikoulov, The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology