quija board - is it for real ? or is it just non sense

Does the board really have extraordinary abilities

  • Yes, it is for real

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • No, it is nonsense

    Votes: 35 59.3%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 10 16.9%

  • Total voters
I think most of the answers are real. I want to know how it works. Supposedly, it was invented during a witchcraft movement to contact one's subconcious and the spirit realm...
I don't think the ouija board actually has extraordinary abilities, and I've never actually had an experience using it, but I have heard enough from people I trust to believe that using an ouija board -can- allow you to communicate with certain spirits.

I think it's more the ability of the people in the group and their concentration to channel, somehow, their mental or spiritual energies through the particular medium. Perhaps the medium (I mean the centre piece where you put your fingers) might have some effect on whether or not it 'attracts' spirits, or what kind of spirits.

This might not be applicable to all oujia board sessions, but I heard you were supposed to allocate a 'host' and then first invite/invoke/call the spirit by asking if 'it would like to join us', and then, if there was a spirit and it would like to participate it would move the piece to 'yes' and then questions may be asked.

I think using the board is more of a way to communicate with a spirit (or spirits) to find out about them, rather than a way to find out answers about yourself, although it may be likely that the spirit does know certain things about you and world.

Also, when I say 'spirit', I generally mean 'ghosts' of the deceased, but it may well be that the ouija board can be used to communicate with other forms of um.. entities? Eg. It could be a way for you to bring what your sub-conscience is saying into your consciousness.

Though, I could be wrong.
It's not about being real or not... It's about giving it life and opening door not meant for you to open... terrible things can happen when you leave your doors open for anyone to walk through... that is how this works.

It is also dependent on what kind of energy you put into it.

Demunlady said:
It's not about being real or not... It's about giving it life and opening door not meant for you to open... terrible things can happen when you leave your doors open for anyone to walk through... that is how this works.

It is also dependent on what kind of energy you put into it.


What energy? Apart from the people shoving the glass or whatever around, how is this energy transfered into movement? if you can prove it you will win a Nobel prize for physics :rolleyes:
"What energy? Apart from the people shoving the glass or whatever around, how is this energy transfered into movement? if you can prove it you will win a Nobel prize for physics"

I believe what Demunlady is refering to is the energy one leaves impressed upon an object such as that used in psychometry. Ones emotions and intentions are powerful motivation for the doors that can be opened in regards to things such as Ouija boards...
maureece howell said:
I believe what Demunlady is refering to is the energy one leaves impressed upon an object such as that used in psychometry. Ones emotions and intentions are powerful motivation for the doors that can be opened in regards to things such as Ouija boards...

What form is this energy in?Its all very well sprouting psyco-babble.If there is any energy involved then it can be measured/ detected. There is no evidence of anything at all. Its called the ideomotor effect. In simple terms its you and your friends pushing the glass around. Prove me wrong- but with hard facts :m:
What form is this energy in?Its all very well sprouting psyco-babble.If there is any energy involved then it can be measured/ detected. There is no evidence of anything at all. Its called the ideomotor effect. In simple terms its you and your friends pushing the glass around. Prove me wrong- but with hard facts

>Sigh< Okay. First of all my intent was not to prove you wrong, only to clarify. Why must everything be such a battle with you 'heavy thinkers'? Is it honestly necessary for us to constantly try and outwit one another???? I mean, it's just a discussion! And psycho-babble :bugeye:???? Come on now! Isn't that a bit much?
That aside. To answer your question as best I can (I am not on your scientific level it seems, which is fine because then I'll learn something perhaps), I believe this energy is vibrational if that makes any sense. It's rather subtle and is, if I'm not mistaken, similar to the vibrations that make up over tones in music.
What are these 'overtones'? All sound is just a mobile variation in density, which can be represented as being a wave.
Clearly enough people know and trust people who've witnessed the ouiji board in action or have witnessed the effect themselves. Clearly for some people first hand experience is all thats required to validate something, why is that so hard to understand.
What are these 'overtones'? All sound is just a mobile variation in density, which can be represented as being a wave.

Sorry, I've been out for a while. So to answer your question regarding overtones...They are fractional tones produced above and below a fundamental pitch and are generally present in varying strengths. The fundamental pitch has the greatest intensity (strength or amplitude if you will) and the overtones, also known as partials, follow in intensity based on the physical nature of the sound source.
As I've probably implied before, Overtones are more subtle and thus it takes a trained ear to really hear them. But the most skilled musicians are able to manipulate them refining the sounds they produce almost exponentially.
I don't think the board is that exceptional. It is merely a way of the subconscious to express itself. I don't believe that any special "energy" is used. The subconscious (since it is connected tot he brain) can tell the hands what to do, or how to manipulate the board. That is how those other things work, too (I can't remember what they're called...triangulum?...trihexium?...). merely the subconscious expressing itself.

Since the answers come from the person mind, they are indeed usually true. The only disappointment is that the person already knew it with some level of awareness.
So, Alpha, you've tried it?
Does it work if you do it alone?
Actually, yes.
If it is to bring out thoughts from subconscious, why are two people necessary as opposed to merely one?
They aren't necessary, though it helps.

There is likely nothing paranormal about it. The motion is due to the ideomotor effect as noted previously. As for where the answers come from, most likely it is simply the subconscious.
What happens when you are blindfolded? what gibberish is produced ? Get an observer to note down what is spelt out. I bet nothing legible .
slotty said:
What happens when you are blindfolded? what gibberish is produced ? Get an observer to note down what is spelt out. I bet nothing legible .

heck thats a really good point
I've done the board since the last time I posted and we tried closing our eyes. It worked. We also were mostly adults in the room, not children playing a game so we tested it with someone across the room writing stuff down on paper and getting th eboard to spell it out. Then, of course we asked it about realtionships, who-slept-with-who and personal questions. We were of course drinking and it as a lot of fun but chilling at the same time. A couple broke up as a result of our question asking. If a board can tell someone what was written down on a piece of paper across the room, you know there is some kind of power going on...
the fact that the user has to come in contact with the moveable piece presents the possibility of subconcious activity. unless someone has reached a state of complete understanding the boards powers will be tainted. or at least it seems that way to me. i have never actually used an ouija board.
ILikeSalt said:
I've done the board since the last time I posted and we tried closing our eyes. It worked. We also were mostly adults in the room, not children playing a game so we tested it with someone across the room writing stuff down on paper and getting th eboard to spell it out. Then, of course we asked it about realtionships, who-slept-with-who and personal questions. We were of course drinking and it as a lot of fun but chilling at the same time. A couple broke up as a result of our question asking. If a board can tell someone what was written down on a piece of paper across the room, you know there is some kind of power going on...
Try it blindfolded next time Salt, with eyes closed, you know somebody is gonna cheat. I don't have any friends with a board or who believe in it, otherwise i'd give it a go.That and the fact i know they would cheat ;)
The reason why for some people the Ouija board doesnt work is because they dont beleive it will. Like Witches if some ppl here are. they should know that doubt kills spells just like doubt will make Ouija not want to talk to you its all in belief people. :)
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