quija board - is it for real ? or is it just non sense

Does the board really have extraordinary abilities

  • Yes, it is for real

    Votes: 14 23.7%
  • No, it is nonsense

    Votes: 35 59.3%
  • I dont know

    Votes: 10 16.9%

  • Total voters
Well, the board is real. But the phenomenon associated with it is crap.

If you want to do some occultish stuff, stick with tarot cards. They're not psychic or anything, but the ambiguity of the meanings of the cards can help you work through things sometimes. Gives a perspective on your problems. Allows you to examine your life in detail that you normally wouldn't.
I always saw it spelled as Ouija, but anyway...

I think that it does give answers, that it has truth. If you notice, if you ask it big questions like "does God exist", it won't answer, but if you ask "does (insert person) like me?", then it will tell you. It can be a tool to give you the edge when it comes to things but it can tell you wrong answers and it can become an obsession. It also can be very dangerous. After my experiences, I learned to stay away.

As for its authenticity, no one knows. No one knows for sure even how it works. Is it spirits, is it your inner self, it someone moving the peice? I was told that it was the spirit of ouija.

as Nexus said, Tarot cards are a better option.
The phenomenon is real, the question is how it works. I think most agree that it's through subconscious movements. Essentially it's a way to communicate with one's subconscious.
lol, but then non-believers would say that the electrical brain waves from the human body reacts with the cellulose in the board. But ive never used a ouija board. i used runes and tarot cards. didn't believe it for a second, but it was interesting to do. :m:
I don't what to believe. I have heard some stories that the board is for real and it creeps them out.
Belief is not a requirement. I have seen a number of people claim the other person was moving the piece and refuse to believe. Disbelief does impede proper operation, but is not an absolute necessity if the other person goes along with it. I believe we subconsciously initiate subtle movements that get picked up by the other person, who starts the piece moving slightly in response. Then you're both moving it, and no one knows who is guiding it.
Bollocks, all bollocks..I'm sure you guys never heard that story about that man that thought he was the most fearless guy in the whole village, he used to tell his friends that his courage and his capacity to accept fear and use it to his advantage could only be compared to xxxx ( some holy figure ) and his mates were like " for pity's sake, you have to prove what you're saying, we don't believe in you when you say you can prevail against fear...if you're so fearless like you say we dare you to go to the local cemitary, without any light and it must be a stormy night, I mean, the situation has to be the most scary and supernatural ever, and you must take a big piece of wood with you in order to stick it in the ground, then you can leave .." and the man said " well, I shall prove it then.."

So the man went to the cemitary, in a stormy night, without any lights whatsoever and wearing only a long jacket ( can't remember how to say it in english), and he started to dig a hole on the ground...the thing is, when he was going to leave he felt some "weird and etherial force " pulling him...and he died with a heart attack...

Well my friends, his jacket got stuck between the ground and the big wood and when he was leaving...you know...

What I mean with all of this is that the "power" of the Ouija board is all fantasy, imagination and anxiety of the person who's playing...it's nothing but fairy tales and the traumas that this game causes to certain people are due to these "inexplicable" events...
I dont believe in Ouija, but for those who do, get a load of this:

I once asked a Ouija board when the world will end, and it replied "2460"

(Cue twilight zone theme) :m:
slotty said:
Its a total fake. Its the ideomotor effect.
Uh, that's what I said (though I was unaware of the term), but that doesn't make it fake, it just means it operates on different principles than that which some claim (spirits).
Yes, the quija board is real, I have personally encountered spirits who have shown signs of their presence. However, when asking the spirit personal questions it was sometimes incorrect with the answers.

I personally believe you must have a personal beliefe in the other world in order to enjoy the game. But still I do believe our minds may play a part in 'energy' forces needed in order to get the answers.

Its so confusing to me, I encountered a spirit while playing Quija with my friends when I was 11 or so, after playing the game for a while we asked the spirit to show itself. IT DID! It lifted a potatoe chip about 2 inches off the ground. No word of a lie, I will NEVER forget that storie. That happend 10 years ago.

Honestly, the game can be real depending on which spirit you contact, I believe some spirits which may have a closer bond to you can contact you through the board.... Although there are other spirits who may come through, who have less knowledge of you, and will give you wrong information.

I dont believe the Quija can give you info of the future, but I believe it will give you info of the present, and the past. I choose not to use it as a tool of seeing the future, but as a tool to entertain myself.

Then I wonder, are the spirits that are coming through evil, or good? Its a crazy topic I will never be able to explain. I do believe in ghosts, I've seen them, felt them, and heard them......Spooky. :eek:
Interesting ideas. All I know is through my experience. When I was first introduced to the board I was about 8 or 9 and we asked it silly things. A natural skeptic, and of course a child, I asked it things like, "How many horses are there in the world?" Then it went to random numbers and started moving basicly through the numbers and back again. I asked it if my sister was going to marry Roger and it said yes and was disappointed by that and so I asked if they were going to stay married and it said no.

Then about oh...8 years later after my sister married Roger and they were divorced, someone in high school brought one out. I still didn't know what to think and I've always been pretty spooky to my friends so what the hell.

We would play with it and ask it questions and we started keeping a notebook of what it would answer because things got complicated when it mentioned the holy wars and so we were in a way recording a history which I found out later some of it was pretty accurate.

I don't know if I ever had totally believed in it. Having never really read anything about it I had only assumed it worked through our subconscious. Indeed something does happen with people's energies with the board, I have seen the paper curl up off of one because it seemed to start sweating. I assumed that to be because of the energies of the people using it.

All hope was lost for me, however, in the board ever becoming a tool to look into the past, contact the "otherside", tell the future or look into oneself because of the following event.

We were on a high school trip for a play acting contest and some girls had it in our room. Course there ended up being like 8 people in there all telling stories like the bloddy mary thing and people going into the bathroom to try it and scaring themselves and screaming. It was getting rather boresome. I was sitting in a chair away from the board and two girls were on the bed asking it questions. I started thinking of an answer. It spelled out my answer. I was a little surprised when they said it...because it was what I was thinking. Of course that could have been a coincidence so I waited until they asked it another question and again they spelled out what I was thinking. So I told them I could do this and it was all crap and of course we had to test it because I am always wrong.

So. They asked it a question like, "Will Sarah marry Chad after high school?" On a piece of paper I wrote down the word peanut butter, folded it and handed it to someone who put it in their pocket. The board spelled it out...they opened the paper and I was all of a sudden some weirdo to them.

I actually was angered by this because I think I wanted a way to know things and found out there is no way to enlightenment through one of these boards. Only entertainment. Which is actually kinda cool because you can really mess with peolple's heads.

I think that if it truly were spirits and what not moving the oracle that you would not be able to do this. All it shows to me is that when people open themselves up to things you can subconsciously move them to your will. Even if it is only to have them spell out peanut butter on a game board.
The phenomenon is real, the question is how it works.

So, Alpha, you've tried it? Does it work if you do it alone? If it is to bring out thoughts from subconscious, why are two people necessary as opposed to merely one?