Questions to theists or atheists

this is silly. obviously that statement was in reference to the ten questions posed.

and no, of course i wouldn't pose question on the religion forum such as 'do aliens exist?' i'm not trying to figure out if they do but wanting to know "others" opinions or beliefs are and why.

to be honest, a moron could have figured out the difference and context. hmm, it does make ya wonder.

You are correct. I re-read the original questions and realized the last one was not an individual bullet. My bad.
1) Do you believe in aliens?

Believe in them or in their existence? Most likely they exist.

2) Do you believe other universes exist?

Our universe is a giga cluster of super cluster of galaxy clusters. There is no logical reason why more such giga clusters cannot exist.

3) Do you believe in ghosts?

They do not exist, my sceintific mind. But I am afraid of them, my pragmatic mind.

4) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

There is nothing like that, Any phenomenon, if real, has to be governed by normal laws of sceince. But have we discovered all the laws?

5) Do you believe in reincarnation?

6) Do you believe in multiple gods?

ONE Brahma who can have any number of manifestations of natural forces. Each such force is supreme in its realm and context.

7) Do you believe in time travel?

Not possible.

8) Do you believe that all living beings have a life force which is often called a soul or spirit?


9) Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?

Nothing wrong in them. Quite near to my Hindu beliefs.

10) Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?

No. They may not have full truth, but even partial information is OK by me.