Questions to theists or atheists

But the questions themselves are stated in such a way as to be non-logical

You are falling into the theist trap by asking them in this manner. One can believe in anything whether it is real or not. But if the question is stated without the "belief" then it can be answered in a serious manner.

if you can't handle this line of questioning, then just don't participate.

lol. they aren't supposed to be logical. you aren't understanding the point of the thread. i'm asking for their opinion not whether 'aliens exist, ghosts exist etc'. it's a brief and random survey in people's opinions and beliefs or non-beliefs and what their reasons are. there is no right or wrong answer.

it's not that hard to answer a question if one believes or not. if you don't, just state that you don't and why.

it's not brain surgery.
So without the "believes"

1) Do aliens exist?

2) Do other universes exist?
I don't know

3) Do ghosts exist?

4) Do paranormal phenomena exist?
No. (by definition)

5) Is reincarnation real?

6) Do multiple gods exist?
No. No gods exist other than in the minds of some humans.

7) Is time travel possible?
I don't know.

8) Do you have a soul or spirit?

9) Are neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism real?
I don't know what some of those are so can't really answer collectively.

10) Are other religions (than yours) wrong?
I'm an atheist so yes all religions (as normally defined) are wrong and are in fact damaging to society.
if you can't handle this line of questioning, then just don't participate.

lol. they aren't supposed to be logical. you aren't understanding the point of the thread. i'm asking for their opinion not whether 'aliens exist, ghosts exist etc'. it's a brief and random survey in people's opinions and beliefs or non-beliefs and what their reasons are. there is no right or wrong answer.

it's not that hard to answer a question if one believes or not. if you don't, just state that you don't and why.

it's not brain surgery.

But it makes all the difference. I've pretty much agreed with you on most topics and beliefs, but you are off on this one in the way you are presenting it. And yes I AM understanding the point of the thread. You have asked the questions in a manner that do not necessarily get the answers you are seeking.
10) Are other religions (than yours) wrong?
I'm an atheist so yes all religions (as normally defined) are wrong and are in fact damaging to society.

um..wouldn't it be more accurate to say most religions are wrong and damaging to society, as i am sure you have not studied all religions to be able to make the claim of ALL..
otherwise it is just a belief that ALL religions are wrong and bad for society...
um..wouldn't it be more accurate to say most religions are wrong and damaging to society, as i am sure you have not studied all religions to be able to make the claim of ALL..
otherwise it is just a belief that ALL religions are wrong and bad for society...

No, because the acceptance, support and existence of belief without proof (which is what religion is) is inherently damaging to society.
You have asked the questions in a manner that do not necessarily get the answers you are seeking.

yes, i am getting the answers i am seeking. what someone personally believes and what one thinks is the 'proper' answer or the public expects can be different.
Or at least you believe you are.

pointless point, don't ya think? even if i left out "belief", people have the freedom to lie or make up anything they want to say, don't they?

please, this is my survey. if you don't like it, start your own. yes, it's definitely not the most comprehensive but i was curious as to how people think.
No, because the acceptance, support and existence of belief without proof (which is what religion is) is inherently damaging to society.
there is that 'proof' word again..

yes, i am getting the answers i am seeking. what someone personally believes and what one thinks is the 'proper' answer or the public expects can be different.

alright kenny..he said he believes:)p) he knows what he is doing..let him go.
pointless point, don't ya think? even if i left out "belief", people have the freedom to lie or make up anything they want to say, don't they?

please, this is my survey. if you don't like it, start your own. yes, it's definitely not the most comprehensive but i was curious as to how people think.

Not pointless at all as I've stated and for the reasons I stated. I'm just hoping to help you think about it a bit more for the next one. I'm curious as well, but you really need to ask the questions properly. Not sure if this forum allows for polls, but that might be a better way and it would automatically tabulate the results. Will you be putting together a spreadsheet from the results?
^ are you serious? i'm not asking for someone to give objective reasons, unless that is how they reason, for their belief or nonbelief.

i am specifically asking why someone believes or not. that is the point. duh?
1) Do you believe in aliens?

Neutral. I don't accept their existence as true or false. There is simply not enough info; however, I *suspect* galaxies are loaded with them.

2) Do you believe other universes exist?

Neutral. I don't accept their existence as true or false. There is simply not enough info; however, quite a few theories posit their existence.

3) Do you believe in ghosts?


4) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?


5) Do you believe in reincarnation?


6) Do you believe in multiple gods?


7) Do you believe in time travel?

Neutral. I don't accept the concepts possibility as true or false. There is simply not enough info; however, some theories suggest it might be possible.

8) Do you believe that all living beings have a life force which is often called a soul or spirit?


9) Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?


10) Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?

N/A. I don't have a religion at present.

If you do or don't believe, please explain why and how you qualify your opinion, belief or non-belief.

That question is not well formulated. Everyone "believes" (i.e. accepts *something* as true). Did you want to narrow it down to something specific?