Questions to theists or atheists


Valued Senior Member
1) Do you believe in aliens?

2) Do you believe other universes exist?

3) Do you believe in ghosts?

4) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

5) Do you believe in reincarnation?

6) Do you believe in multiple gods?

7) Do you believe in time travel?

8) Do you believe that all living beings have a life force which is often called a soul or spirit?

9) Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?

10) Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?

If you do or don't believe, please explain why and how you qualify your opinion, belief or non-belief.
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Aliens? It's likely they exist, but not likely they visit us.

Other Universes? It's certainly possible.

Ghosts? No way.

Paranormal phenomena? Mostly no, there is little evidence to support such things, but evidence could convince me otherwise.

Reincarnation? In a sense, but not of personalities, which don't really exist in the first place.

Multiple Gods? Not even one.

Time travel? Unlikely, except on a quantum level.

God has a gender? No, there is no God.

Metaphysics? It's like philosophy, of course it exists.

Neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, universalism? Mostly no, although "gnosis" isn't necessarily a supernatural idea.

Other religions? Atheist.
Do you believe in aliens? No, but I believe in the possibility because we exist.

Do you believe other universes exist? No, but I believe in the possibility because this one does.

Do you believe in ghosts? No. I've seen every Ghost Hunter and i've lived a long time and nothing has shown.

Do you believe in paranormal phenomena? No...same as previous.

Do you believe in reincarnation? No, beyond the philosophical sense of it, no.

Do you believe in multiple gods? No, I don't believe any gods exist because i've not perceived them. Either they don't want me to see them, or i'm blind. Either way, I don't believe.

Do you believe in time travel? No, time is infinitely long. I believe through stasis, you can go forward, but the past only exists in our minds.

Do you believe God has a gender? No, if a God must reproduce through biological differences, then in my mind it is not a God.

Do you believe in metaphysics? No, i'm too ignorant.

Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism? No, except spiritualism. What causes our bodies to chemically alter our state of mind in a predictable way?

Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own? I'm agnostic, no one has the right answer not even me.
It probably makes sense to start out with the last question first.

If you do or don't believe, please explain why and how you qualify your opinion, belief or non-belief.

I take a probabilistic view of knowledge. Truth is basically a cognitive ideal. In real life we can rarely if ever eliminate the possibility of error and what we are left with are the varying likelihoods that our assertions are true. It might range from near certainty in the case of logical proofs, to something close to chance when we are making uneducated guesses.

Do you believe in aliens?

I think that the probability is high that something more-or-less analogous to earth life exists out there among the stars. Perhaps in countless places.

My belief is that it will probably be quite different than earth life. There are probably lots of different ways to accomplish similar functions and I think that it's unlikely that a totally separate lineage of alien life will end up with the same DNA code and the same biochemical pathways that we see here. I don't expect space alients to be humanoid bipeds.

Do you believe other universes exist?

I'm not sure if I know what the phrase 'other universes' means. Other disjoint space-time continua that aren't continuous with our own? Very possible, but I don't have any way of knowing about them. The many-worlds interpretation of QM? I think that's very cool and I'd really like it to be true, but I don't give it a very high probability. Religion's heavens and spiritualism's higher planes? A low enough probability that they don't really enter into my thinking.

Do you believe in ghosts?

Low probability. I think that belief in ghosts is fascinating though, but that's something else.

Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

I'm not sure what the phrase 'paranormal phenomena' refers to or includes. I'd give most of the traditional claims about telepathy and telekenesis a low probability. But I do think that there's a very high probability that what I call 'anomalous events' do occasionally occur. We don't have complete knowledge of our universe or even of ourselves, so there's still plenty of room for hitherto unknown phenomena to put in an appearance. I'm something of a Fortean.

Do you believe in reincarnation?

No, I don't consider it likely. It isn't consistent with my physicalist/functionalist ideas about mind.

Do you believe in multiple gods?

I don't believe in any gods. But I can't totally eliminate the possibility that something like gods exist. Low probability in my estimation.

Do you believe in time travel?

As an actuality, not much. I don't think that anyone knows how to travel in time at present, and I haven't seen any persuasive evidence that we are being visited by time-travelers from another epoch. But unlike people like Hawking, I'm not ready to just dismiss time travel as impossible because it runs the risk of leading to temporal paradoxes. Possible but unproven.

Do you believe God has a gender?

I think that it's exceedingly unlikely that whatever the ultimate basis of reality turns out to be, that it's a person just like us, except puffed-up really big. I don't find religious anthropomorphism at all credible.

Do you believe in metaphysics?

It's a specialty of philosophy, so sure. Laymen use the word a different way, to refer to pretty much any kind of imagination about supposedly "cosmic" things. There's little there that's credible, or even interesting.

Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?

Not really. Universalism to some extent, I guess.

Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?

I don't think that any religious tradition provides us with credible answers to the big questions. But some of them do include teachings and disciplines that may represent useful spiritual paths. Buddhist meditation, Hindu yoga, some of the Sufi things or the Christian contemplative traditions, for example. It's an open question how far any of these paths can truly be followed without surrendering to credulity.
Do you believe in aliens?

yeah, but if you look at spider's answer, i kind of agree with him, in that i think there's more to their presence than most people assume.

Do you believe other universes exist?

i believe in the possibility. i don't rightly know how anyone could say they believe in other universes unless they've gotten some type of evidence of them.

Do you believe in ghosts?

yes. i've had a conversation with one. he was funny.

Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?


Do you believe in reincarnation?

it seems plausible, but i really don't know.

Do you believe in multiple gods?

i think this would depend on how you define what a god is, but from what i have observed god to be, i would definitely say no, there's only one.

Do you believe in time travel?

i don't know. i haven't seen much evidence of humans traveling in time, but i do think that time is a constraint of the physical world, or more like a product of the way we experience things. i don't think that time is a constraint or consideration in the spiritual realm.

Do you believe God has a gender?

i think the part of god that is manifest as a human, or an animal, or a plant does.

Do you believe in metaphysics?

i think it's interesting and seems reasonable.

Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?

i believe these philosophies exist...just different ways of looking at things really.

Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?

no not necessarily. i've studied the major world religions enough to conclude that in a lot of ways, they're just different ways of saying or demonstrating the same thing, and that the resulting behavior of the participants is similar, and really depends more on what it is you're trying to get out of the religion than the religion itself. i think that all religions are incomplete, and that religion in general is incomplete. at the same time, god has shown me that there are truths to be found in all kinds of things, including all kinds of religions, but the truth that really matters can be found regardless of those. the truth can be found in god.

If you do or don't believe, please explain why and how you qualify your opinion, belief or non-belief.

i'm living it.
Do you believe in aliens?

Do you believe other universes exist?

Do you believe in ghosts?

Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

Do you believe in reincarnation?

Do you believe in multiple gods?

Do you believe in time travel?

Do you believe God has a gender?

Do you believe in metaphysics?

Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?

Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?

One of these things is not like the others.
Do you believe in aliens? No.

Do you believe other universes exist? No.

Do you believe in ghosts? No.

Do you believe in paranormal phenomena? No.

Do you believe in reincarnation? No.

Do you believe in multiple gods? No.

Do you believe in time travel? No.

Do you believe God has a gender? No.

Do you believe in metaphysics? No.

Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism? No.

Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own? No.

If you do or don't believe, please explain why and how you qualify your opinion, belief or non-belief.

I am not a believer.

From one of this website's most outspoken atheists:
  • Do you believe in aliens?--The more we learn about the universe the more likely it seems that there's nothing special about us or our planet, and life has/is/will evolve elsewhere. But interstellar distances and the laws of physics being what they are, it's also very likely that we'll never encounter the people from another civilization, if there is one. So these questions may remain in the domain of conjecture.
  • Do you believe other universes exist?--Cosmologists seem to be fairly certain that this is the only one. Who am I, a Caltech dropout, to disagree with them when I can't even understand half the things they say? Nonetheless, my reading of the Second Law of Thermodynamics implies that this universe may be nothing more than a local reversal of entropy--organization appearing where there was none. The Law allows this, and I see no reason to assume that it can't happen more than once.
  • Do you believe in ghosts, paranormal phenomena, reincarnation?--I have a reasoned faith in the scientific method, because it has been tested exhaustively for half a millennium and has never been falsified. Its underlying premise is that the natural universe is a closed system whose behavior can be predicted by theories derived logically from empirical observation of its present and past behavior. The existence of an illogical supernatural universe whose inhabitants and forces capriciously interfere with the workings of the natural universe would falsify science and the scientific method. This certainly qualifies as an extraordinary assertion, and by the Rule of Laplace, one of the cornerstones of science, extraordinary assertions must be supported by extraordinary evidence before anyone is obliged to treat them with respect. No extraordinary evidence for ghosts, etc., has ever been presented. In fact there is no ordinary evidence. The so-called evidence for supernatural phenomena is always pathetic and ridiculous, e.g., a blotch on one tortilla out of the billions that are made every year, that is said to be the image of a biblical figure--of whom no portraits exist for comparison! Therefore, belief in supernatural phenomena is not just unscientific, it is antiscientific. It is an irrational faith.
  • Do you believe in multiple gods?--Gods are supernatural creatures by definition. They are covered satisfactorily in my previous paragraph. Your method of questioning leaves much to be desired. You addressed this thread to "theists or atheists," yet several of your questions presume theism.
  • Do you believe in time travel?--It seems unlikely since it involves too many paradoxes. But who can predict future science and technology?
  • Do you believe God has a gender?--That question is invalid and should not be permitted in this discussion. It assumes that my answer to the question about belief in a supernatural universe was affirmative, and it was not.
  • Do you believe in metaphysics?--I don't really understand the concept. If it has anything to do with the supernatural, then of course I don't.
  • Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?--Those are all varieties of supernaturalism, so of course not. (Well I'm not entirely sure what gnosticism is, so I'll leave that one out of it.)
  • Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?--Another invalid question, since it presumes that everyone who takes the time and trouble to participate in your poll is a religionist. Judging from the posts I read (and I read a lot of them since I'm a Moderator), I would say that among our active members there are at least as many atheists as religionists, and possibly a good many more. This is one of the few places people can go where religion is not automatically treated with respect and deference, so naturally it attracts a large number of atheists. But to get back to your question, I believe that all religions are incorrect, since they are based on an illogical, unsupportable, antiscientific belief in the existence of a supernatural universe whose creatures and forces capriciously interfere with the workings of the natural universe.
Space aliens? There's no evidence that any exist so far, so its hard to believe or not believe either way. There's nothing that requires belief, as far as I can see. Aliens may be out there somewhere, but there aren't any on Earth.

I have an open mind about other universes. The evidence isn't in there yet, either.

I don't believe in ghosts or paranormal phenomena or reincarnation or multiple gods.

Time travel to the future is certainly possible. Time travel to the past seems unlikely.

I do not believe in souls or spirits.

I'm not sure what neopaganism is, or theosophy.

Gaia seems to be a valid enough theory, provided you don't push it too far.

I'm not a gnostic. I don't believe in spiritualism. I'm not sure what universalism is.

Religions are correct about some things, incorrect about others. There's a lot of stuff in most religions. Not all of it is wrong, and it's not all right, either.
1) Do you believe in aliens?


2) Do you believe other universes exist?

Don't know.

3) Do you believe in ghosts?


4) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?

Does demonic possession qualify as paranormal phenomena?

5) Do you believe in reincarnation?


6) Do you believe in multiple gods?


7) Do you believe in time travel?

Well i believe it could be true. The prophet John saw the future, he was shown the final judgement. maybe He was transported in time to see it. or maybe it was just a vision. I have seen the future in my dreams. But i am not sure if i was actually transported there in Spirit to experience it or if it was a vision given to me of it. So lets just say i am undecided on this one.

8) Do you believe that all living beings have a life force which is often called a soul or spirit?

Don't know that actual nature of the Soul or Spirit as you call it. And i do not know if you can adequately describe it as a force.

9) Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?

What is theosophy?

The word "spiritualism" means different things to different people so it is pointless asking about it.

No i do not believe in neopaganisim, gaia, gnosticism or universalism.

10) Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?

Where their teachings are in opposition to the teachings of my faith, yes i believe they are incorrect

If you do or don't believe, please explain why and how you qualify your opinion, belief or non-belief.

I believe because of the Message of God moved me, resonated with truth within me. And i have received the bonuses after i embraced the truth of Jesus of further revelation and signs.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
1) Do you believe in aliens?
Armed only with that which can be extrapolated from the stubborn, persistent character of earthbound organisms, my allegiance tends towards the notion that the universe is not altogether a cold dead place. Life may exist in abundance throughout the cosmos. Of course, this is pure speculation. This is one of those mysteries that may not be resolvable.

2) Do you believe other universes exist?
Ah yes, this old cosmological powder keg. The subject has always fascinated me, and I can volunteer that I find multiverse theories compelling, if not debilitating in their assault on the logic of every day experience. However, my concern with the alternate universe hypothesis is in the possibility of their explanatory power being a mirage. Pending direct observation, their existence is synonymous with nonexistence. I still believe a great amount of untangling of the mysteries of observable phenomena is at hand before we condemn ourselves to the hell of the infinities suggested by the many worlds hypothesis of Everett and its decedents.

3) Do you believe in ghosts?
My theory of this phenomenon is that in certain circumstances ghosts are autonomous complexes that have been severed from normal integration in the psyche. That they are mythological phantoms haunting stories, dreams, and the ravings of the paranoid. They are without substance in the material realm. Having experienced the wretches of sleep paralysis, hallucination, and nightmare, I've experienced the chaos of disorganized perception (intensified by the absence of control), and the consequential narratives the mind constructs as containment. Certainly, people do have experiences that are inexplicable to them, but the endgame here lies in the fact that ghosts are not real.

4) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?
There is no reason to believe that the laws of nature occasionally blinker off in spasms of theatrical absurdity, solely to accommodate the wild-eyed tales of human beings peddling books, television shows, or just simple campfire banter. While its true that mysterious and hitherto misunderstood phenomena can and do exist. Speaking in the strict colloquial sense, the issue of paranormal phenomena is fodder for those who are in denial of reality.

5) Do you believe in reincarnation?
No, reincarnation is a non-starter. So long as we aren't dealing with infinities in material existence we are dealing with finite quantities. Ergo, life begins and life ends. A simple equation.

6) Do you believe in multiple gods?
I believe the developing human mind goes through stages of formulation that imitate animism, polytheism, and theism, but that these are constructs of the mind charting the course of individuation, and recapitulating the progress of the human species. This does not mean they represent an accurate appraisal of existence. Sooner or later, we must recognize that the so-called gods are within. They are metaphors, born out of the extraordinary facts of our circumstance as sentient beings in mortal bodies occupying an ordinary star in an ordinary corner of an ordinary galaxy in an incomprehensibly vast universe.

7) Do you believe in time travel?
Time Travel... Yes!

8) Do you believe that all living beings have a life force which is often called a soul or spirit?
No, the life force you speak of is simply "life".

9) Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?

10) Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?
Religions are not even wrong.
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1. I don't know. No evidence, but it seems probable.

2. I don't know. There's no physical evidence for this philisopical position.

3. no.

4. no.

5. no evidence.

6. no. Does this imply belief in a singular god? no.

7. only to the future.

8. no.

9. no

10. What?
1) Do you believe in aliens?
I believe in the possibility, it just seems highly unlikely that we are the only living beings out there.

2) Do you believe other universes exist?
I am also open to this possibility.

3) Do you believe in ghosts?
possibly, but I'd prefer if they didn't. I wouldn't want to become a ghost, that would be unfortunate

4) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?
As in unexplainable things occurring? Of course. Just because it can't be explained (at that time) doesn't mean it can't happen.

5) Do you believe in reincarnation?
To a limited extent yes, if reincarnation is loosely defined. But as to how most people define it, no I don't.

6) Do you believe in multiple gods?
Possibly, they are just as likely as any supernatural deity.

7) Do you believe in time travel?
No opinion, i don't know enough to have one. But I'm sure there are many technologies that exist today that would have been considered impossibilities in the past. So I believe it may be possible.

8) Do you believe that all living beings have a life force which is often called a soul or spirit?
Yes I believe in a "life force/spirit" but I don't think it would be synonymous with most people's (or even my own) definition of a soul.

9) Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?
Pleading ignorance, I don't know enough about each of these beliefs to believe or not believe in them.

10) Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?
No, of course not. They have just as much evidence as I do for what they claim to be the truth. I consider them neither right nor wrong.
By couching the questions under the term "belief" you are treading on the edge and will not get "proper" answers.

Now if you had asked without the "belief" such as:

Do aliens exist?

I might be able to answer them but to "believe" in something doesn't require any basis in reality.
it was stated that one could express their opinion, belief or nonbelief and qualify it.
1) Do you believe in aliens?
i wanna see one,i believe in the possibility until i see one..
2) Do you believe other universes exist?
its full of socks..
3) Do you believe in ghosts?
i aint afraid of no ghost..
4) Do you believe in paranormal phenomena?
isn't this the same question?
)5) Do you believe in reincarnation?
there are some who believe that we will continue to reincarnate until we get it right..i think our souls reincarnate until they get sick of this world,then they goto heaven..
6) Do you believe in multiple gods?
larry,curly,moe, and lets not forget shemp..(there is one more..points to the person who figures it out)
7) Do you believe in time travel?
me first!
8) Do you believe that all living beings have a life force which is often called a soul or spirit?
not all...
9) Do you believe in neopaganism, theosophy, gaia, gnosticism, spiritualism, or universalism?
gaia is cool..
10) Do you believe other religions are incorrect other than your own?
they all have a piece of the puzzle..
If you do or don't believe, please explain why and how you qualify your opinion, belief or non-belief.
i do believe..
what qualify's my opinion is that you asked for it..
But the questions themselves are stated in such a way as to be non-logical

You are falling into the theist trap by asking them in this manner. One can believe in anything whether it is real or not. But if the question is stated without the "belief" then it can be answered in a serious manner.