Questions for Atheists (Refresher Thread)



You see where you and others fail is that your assumptions are based on the assumption that God exists.

Since we are created in a closed system in reference to god, we will never be able to describe god in any detail. God is simply in a much higher dimension. This is like a toy doll trying very hard to understand the human that made it..... It's impossible.[unquote]

1 - Where and how did you determine you live in a closed system in reference to God?

a - It first assumes God.

b - You then assume a closed system. You have no facts, no evicence and no idea what you are saying.

2 - Please explain to the rest of us imbeciles what is dimension?

And while you are at it tell us how they function.

3 - Considering an inantimate object can't comphrend something is pretty much paramount to certain antimate objects that think that the Universe, hence God, is incomphrensiable and therefore exists. LOL
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