question for xians

Sorry, but man has no free will. He is either a slave to sin or a slave to righteousness. Jeremiah 10:23, "Oh Lord, I know a man's life is not his own. It is not for a man to direct his steps." ;)

Are you saying that you do not have free will? What is your definition of free will?
rjr6 Sorry for getting a little morbid.

Its not your fault. Any one who tries to make sense of the actual stories ends up in sick and twisted land. Bible god, even JC, is a pretty disturbed individual. That's why the vast majority of people who read the bible for comprehension end up non xtians.

rjr6 It was only intened to describe what Jesus sacrificed for humans by becoming one of us.

Are you saying god is such a shoddy craftsman that being human is some big sacrifice? I thought we were his great master piece?

I'm still not that impressed with the whole JC sacrifice bit. Compared with what many go through JC got off easy. Part of a day of light torture and the he is barely up on the cross and he kicks off? Please! This is supposed to be the great sacrifice?

Go by amnesty international and read some real stories of torture and sacrifice. Years of crippling torture. Friends and family dismembered and killed. Deaths that drag on and on. Shoot there are diseases that are worse than what JC got, cluster headaches for example.

And what kind of "sacrifice" are we really talking about any way. Its not like anything happens to god he doesn't actually want to happen (which really makes it kind of masochistic). So he didn't really die for any sins, he just lost his shirt that he made to loose any way. It all seems like a cheap setup. Like he's mocking us.
Adstar: transubstantiation is a catholic teaching. Not a Christian teaching. I am a Christian Not a cathoic.

Catholics are as much or more christians as you protestant noobs are so save me the internecine squabbling. They at least have a direct lineage supposedly back to JC. All you have is that nut job Luther.

Who said i was protestant?

Did i say it? No. And the rabid anti-semitic righting’s of that nut job luther reveals he was no bother in Jesus with me.

Catholic, Orthadox, protestant, Coptic, Rasta, Universalist, Mormon you are all as true a Christian as the next Christian. Get over it all ready.

Nope. One who believes Jesus is a True Christian.

A little something from before you guys got schism all over:

“From the Eucharist and the prayer they hold aloof, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ.” St Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 7. (Ignatious of Antioch was a direct disciple of John, handpicked to be the bishop of his city.)

Declared a saint by the catholic church. When all those who believe Jesus are Saints. I do not trust in the recorded history that is in rebellion against the truth.

“The food that has been made the Eucharist by the prayer of His word, and which nourishes our flesh and blood by assimilation, is both the flesh and blood of that Jesus Who was made flesh.” Justin Martyr, Apology 1,66.

justin was and is wrong.

Adstar: satan is laughing at you.

Typical. How can you talk with people like this?


Adstar: He was not killed by being stabbed.

So he bailed before getting stabbed and the caught some lung juice in a cup and they add that to the wine/blood. Quite a mix there. Yum!

To quote your hypocritical self "How can you talk with people like this?"

I'm exactly and precisely spot on and you know it. Feel free to prove otherwise. The Romans could be extremely brutal. Read up on it. Consider the accounts of what happened in 70 CE to the last of the Jews. Even Peter had it tougher than JC. Face it. Compared to being burned alive like Joan or any number of those tortured and killed by Christians, JC's death was a dawdle.

You know only what you desire to know to justify your attack upon the Love of the truth. But your attack is not justified and never will be.

Adstar: True followers of Jesus have tortured no one.

So the protestants of the reformation weren't "true?" Cause they sure killed and tortured a lot of people. Doesn't that throw your claim to be a christian in doubt?

There you go again calling me a protestant. Grabbing for boxes to put me in to calm your sence of unease. Well it isn't going to work anti-christ.

I bet you'd be right gleeful if I burned in hell, wouldn't you?

No i would not. I would not even wish it on hitler or pol pot.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar Who said i was protestant?

Dissing Catholics almost always shows a protestant. So what are you? Orthodox? Coptic? You don't sound Rasta. Neo Gnostic?

Your writing sure looks protestant, but you get points for knowing about Luther.

Adstar Nope. One who believes Jesus is a True Christian.

So are you saying that the Catholic, Orthodox, protestant, Coptic, Rasta, Universalist, Mormons don't believe Jesus?

“From the Eucharist and the prayer they hold aloof, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ.” St Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 7. (Ignatious of Antioch was a direct disciple of John, handpicked to be the bishop of his city.)

Adstar Declared a saint by the catholic church. When all those who believe Jesus are Saints. I do not trust in the recorded history that is in rebellion against the truth.

The catholics make all kinds of people saints, they even made the Buddha a saint. So what?

Ignatious significantly precedes the organization of the early church into the catholic church and he was taught and approved of by the Apostle John, but that's not good enough for you? Are you dissing the Apostle John? I mean he was supposedly there, wrote a gosple and would seem like some one who would know about this sort of thing.

What possible reason could you bring forth for saying Ignatious is wrong?

Adstar justin was and is wrong.

Wow, just like that. Harsh man.

Adstar To quote your hypocritical self

Hey its the xtian story. I'm not making this stuff up. What did you think was in the holy grail?

Adstar You know only what you desire to know to justify your attack upon the Love of the truth. But your attack is not justified and never will be.

I see no love of truth in you. I see only iron clad dogma and a fear of the truth.

Adstar Well it isn't going to work anti-christ.

My, my! You are so quick with the insults. This ritual cannibalism seems to be shortening your temper.

Adstar No i would not. I would not even wish it on hitler or pol pot.

Yet you call me anti christ? Who is the hypocrite?
rjr6 Sorry for getting a little morbid.

Its not your fault. Any one who tries to make sense of the actual stories ends up in sick and twisted land. Bible god, even JC, is a pretty disturbed individual. That's why the vast majority of people who read the bible for comprehension end up non xtians.

rjr6 It was only intened to describe what Jesus sacrificed for humans by becoming one of us.

Are you saying god is such a shoddy craftsman that being human is some big sacrifice? I thought we were his great master piece?

I'm still not that impressed with the whole JC sacrifice bit. Compared with what many go through JC got off easy. Part of a day of light torture and the he is barely up on the cross and he kicks off? Please! This is supposed to be the great sacrifice?

Go by amnesty international and read some real stories of torture and sacrifice. Years of crippling torture. Friends and family dismembered and killed. Deaths that drag on and on. Shoot there are diseases that are worse than what JC got, cluster headaches for example.

And what kind of "sacrifice" are we really talking about any way. Its not like anything happens to god he doesn't actually want to happen (which really makes it kind of masochistic). So he didn't really die for any sins, he just lost his shirt that he made to loose any way. It all seems like a cheap setup. Like he's mocking us.

I definitely spoke beyond my understanding.
scorpius define TRUE and FALSE Christian

True xtian = the xtian talking and possibly xtians of almost exactly the same beliefs
False xtian = all other xtians
IOW all who feel they are xians think they are,huh?

it aint so easy:
unless you can cast out demons ,drink poison without being harmed,give all you posesions to the poor, heal the sick handle serpents and so on

seems like there are no True xians,eh :p
It truly is difficult to fathom who is a true xtian.

Perhaps the all are from Hitler on up to the pope.

Perhaps none are.

Maybe the term "true xtian" has no intelligible meaning.