Adstar: transubstantiation is a catholic teaching. Not a Christian teaching. I am a Christian Not a cathoic.
Catholics are as much or more christians as you protestant noobs are so save me the internecine squabbling. They at least have a direct lineage supposedly back to JC. All you have is that nut job Luther.
Catholic, Orthadox, protestant, Coptic, Rasta, Universalist, Mormon you are all as true a Christian as the next Christian. Get over it all ready.
A little something from before you guys got schism all over:
“From the Eucharist and the prayer they hold aloof, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ.” St Ignatius of Antioch, Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 7. (Ignatious of Antioch was a direct disciple of John, handpicked to be the bishop of his city.)
“The food that has been made the Eucharist by the prayer of His word, and which nourishes our flesh and blood by assimilation, is both the flesh and blood of that Jesus Who was made flesh.” Justin Martyr, Apology 1,66.
And a bit of history: The RCC held to transubstantiation, the bread and wine is transformed into the body and blood of Christ; the Lutheran's who held to consubstantiation, the literal body and blood is present "in, with, and under" the bread and the wine, Calvinists who held that there is a spiritual presence in the elements but not a physical one and finally the Anabaptists who held that there is no presence at all but is strictly symbolic.
[thanks to h ttp://ww for the details]
Adstar: satan is laughing at you.
Typical. How can you talk with people like this?
Adstar: He was not killed by being stabbed.
So he bailed before getting stabbed and the caught some lung juice in a cup and they add that to the wine/blood. Quite a mix there. Yum!
Adstar: You are mistaken.
I'm exactly and precisely spot on and you know it. Feel free to prove otherwise. The Romans could be extremely brutal. Read up on it. Consider the accounts of what happened in 70 CE to the last of the Jews. Even Peter had it tougher than JC. Face it. Compared to being burned alive like Joan or any number of those tortured and killed by Christians, JC's death was a dawdle.
Adstar: True followers of Jesus have tortured no one.
So the protestants of the reformation weren't "true?" Cause they sure killed and tortured a lot of people. Doesn't that throw your claim to be a christian in doubt?
I bet you'd be right gleeful if I burned in hell, wouldn't you?