question for evangelicals

I got my info first-hand by sitting under the preaching of some denom friends. Lutherans and Methodists both taught about working your way into Heaven.
Either your friends were incredibly wrong about the theology of their own denominations, or you misunderstood them. Disagreement with the Catholic doctrine that one had to perform good works to get into heaven was one of - some would even say the - major reason that protestants broke away from the Catholic church, and sola fide remains a core doctrine of every major protestant denomination.
yeah i just want to know why evangelicals think that just because protastants splintered off from roman catholism they somehow earned the right to deny catholics are christians. because the proastant referamation had nothing to do with dogma and everything to do with the church getting heavaly invovled with worldy affairs at the expense heavenly affairs.

It depends on one's definition of "Christian."
If Christian = saved sinner (as opposed to unsaved sinner) it would be more accurate that Roman Catholicism is a non-Christian sect, inasmuch as it promotes a false gospel. It is possible that a given Roman Catholic may be a Christian, but that would be due to something outside of the blasphemous teachings of the Roman Catholic "church."

Also note that Christianity existed long before Roman Catholicism was dreamt up and that as far as current denominations are concerned, there are Christians that are not involved in Protestant or Roman Catolic denominations (and we're not talking about groups like Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Campbellites, etc.). We're talking about non-denominational Christians saved by grace through faith and other Christian denominations not involved with Lutheranism, Prebyterianism, Reformed branches, etc.

Many Protestant denominations still promote the hideous blasphemy of baptismal regeneration.
It depends on one's definition of "Christian."

Very true. Some may argue that to be a Christian, all you need is a faith in Jesus. Others would say you need not only that but to believe he was the Son of God, and/or that he died AND rose from the dead, and/or he is the only way to salvation.
I could swear I read before that you said that you believe that you can pray sickness away and you don't use medicine. I guess I assumed that meant Christian Science.

Better than praying sickness away is declaring supernatural divine perfect health repeatedly every day. Our minds are computers. Garbage in. Garbage out. I don't use any medicine ever because I am never sick. Not even a headache.

Stuff like this:
Nope. Not ibu. Not tylenol. Nothing. I am never sick. No vitamins either. Nothing. And all my "numbers" are perfect. I swear this "confessing His word"
thing works.:worship:
I too am never sick, I dont take any kind of tablet or medcine, I dont smoke, or drink, I dont do drugs, I dont even drink things with caffine in, not nothing.
the one thing I have got is a completely and absolutely clear head.
your god concept is complete BS, why do you disrepect yourself, your healthy because your healthy.
it has absolutely f**k all to do with a sky daddy.
MY health is because of Him. Friends, family, co-workers, and most people in general in my age group all have something they're dealig with. Whether it be headaches, stomach aches, high blood pressure, cancer, whatever.:(

I have nothing. Sickness and disease have tried to attack me SEVERAL times. Some VERY seriously. (Accidents, severe illness.) I NEVER gave in. Never gave up. And NEVER surrendered to it.

Your way works for you. My (HIS) way works for me.:worship:

And you're right. "It has absolutely f**k ALL to do with "a sky daddy.":D
I too am never sick, I dont take any kind of tablet or medcine, I dont smoke, or drink, I dont do drugs, I dont even drink things with caffine in, not nothing.
the one thing I have got is a completely and absolutely clear head.
your god concept is complete BS, why do you disrepect yourself, your healthy because your healthy.
it has absolutely f**k all to do with a sky daddy.

um dude prayer has been proven to be benifitial.
um dude prayer has been proven to be benifitial.
where, I dont pray at all, so a sky daddy hasn't helped me.
so why should anyone give credence, to their subjective beliefs.
they should take credit for it themselves, they are the ones keeping themselves fit and well.
nearly everything you do in this life you do yourself, your the one with the wherewithal, nothing else, to believe so is foolish.

a little story for you, I saw this in a tv program last year, and it was a jaw dropping moment, a mother seeing a tornado, phoned her son in the next county and said
get in the stormshelter, theres a tornado coming your way, he did as his mother had told him, his house his whole farm was obliterated, after when ask by the local preacher, did you pray he said yes I thank god I'm alive, (jaw dropped hit the floor and bounced back up) his mum saved his life not some imaginary sky daddy, unf**kingbelievable!.
sandy said:
And you're right. "It has absolutely f**k ALL to do with "a sky daddy.
nice to see your starting to think clearly.
where, I dont pray at all, so a sky daddy hasn't helped me.
so why should anyone give credence, to their subjective beliefs.
they should take credit for it themselves, they are the ones keeping themselves fit and well.
nearly everything you do in this life you do yourself, your the one with the wherewithal, nothing else, to believe so is foolish.

a little story for you, I saw this in a tv program last year, and it was a jaw dropping moment, a mother seeing a tornado, phoned her son in the next county and said
get in the stormshelter, theres a tornado coming your way, he did as his mother had told him, his house his whole farm was obliterated, after when ask by the local preacher, did you pray he said yes I thank god I'm alive, (jaw dropped hit the floor and bounced back up) his mum saved his life not some imaginary sky daddy, unf**kingbelievable!.
nice to see your starting to think clearly.

Existence loves you even if you don´t believe in it, even if you don´t pray or believe in anything, even if you are the most skeptical person on Earth. Is like a mother that loves her children and takes care of them.
God is mother-father of all. The father nature of God is what I would look as religion, and the mother nature of God is life.
Existence loves you even if you don´t believe in it, even if you don´t pray or believe in anything, even if you are the most skeptical person on Earth. Is like a mother that loves her children and takes care of them.
God is mother-father of all. The father nature of God is what I would look as religion, and the mother nature of God is life.


Would you mind defining just what the "love" of existence means?
that what you feel when you see a beautiful sunset, or smell a flower...

If I smell a stinky flower, I feel disturbed. But I don't think that's what you or I are referring to. I'm talking love from existence towards humans, not the other way around.