question for evangelicals

To answer your question, the majority of Evangelical Christians don't believe that Catholics fall under the "Christian" category because they do not believe all the same things as them.

For a few, Catholics recieve penance from their priest which Evangelical Christians (and others) find to be un-Biblical and therefore wrong.

Also, Catholics pray to Mother Mary and other saints, while most "Christians" feel it is wrong to pray to to someone other than God.

Therefore, most Evangelical Christians don't consider Catholics "real Christians", despite their faith in Jesus.
i don't think your right about us catholics praying to Mary but she is given a special place as the mother of Jesus
i don't think your right about us catholics praying to Mary but she is given a special place as the mother of Jesus

Yes they most certainly do.

There is a prayer called "Hail Mary", and when you pray on your rosary it is to Mary.
They also do pray to other saints.
They have a patron saint for almost everything (though John Paul II revoked a bunch of sainthoods that did not meet the true criteria).
My grandmother's back yard is full of buried saint statues, because Catholics are not allowed to throw saint statues away (when they break or whatever) they must be consecrated in the ground.

A lot of the saints, in a curious cooincidence, greatly resemble the gods and other dieties from the religions in different lands that the church conquered.
praying to the saints is not part of catholic dogma alot of catholics do expeccally in latin america but it is not part of the dogma
praying to the saints is not part of catholic dogma alot of catholics do expeccally in latin america but it is not part of the dogma

You're wrong...

The Saints are QUITE prevalent in Catholicism, and many of them (Italian Catholics particularly) do pray to them regularly.

They may do it MORE in Latin America - many were converts from Santaria and hold onto old traditions because in the beginning they only converted by name, and practiced their old ways in secret, so now the two religions are so intertwined, it is like an enitriely different religion.
Most denominationals don't do that. They still teach you have to be a good person and work your way into Heaven. Yes you have to be "good" but that does not get you into Heaven.

This is completely wrong. Where the heck are you getting your information? The only major denominations that believe you must "work your way into heaven" are Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Catholics, and Mormons.

Virtually every protestant denomination - Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, or any other major denomination that you could name - believe in sola fide, the doctrine that people are saved by faith alone (rather than some combination of faith and good works). Indeed, this was one of the main reasons why the Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church.

I know that you’re sensitive, so please don’t take this as a “personal attack”, but salvation through faith alone is one of the core doctrines of the entire Protestant movement. The fact that you believe that most denominations teach salvation through good works kind of makes it seem like you don’t know anything about Protestantism.
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most protstants don't seem to know where the protstant movement came from or it beliefs. at least that i can tell from the ones i have met.

and once again pardon my spelling
I have politely suggested to you before but it was deleted: use spellcheck on your computer. It's free and easy to install. Proof-read your posts before hitting 'sumbit reply.' We all make typos but when it's too hard to read someone's post, I often give up and move on.
I will often type it up in MS Word first (it does spelling and grammar check) and copy and paste it into here.
It also helps if the forums fucks up - you still have your post in a word document and you don't lose all that work.
This is completely wrong. Where the heck are you getting your information? The only major denominations that believe you must "work your way into heaven" are Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Catholics, and Mormons...
I know that you’re sensitive, so please don’t take this as a “personal attack”, but salvation through faith alone is one of the core doctrines of the entire Protestant movement. The fact that you believe that most denominations teach salvation through good works kind of makes it seem like you don’t know anything about Protestantism.

I got my info first-hand by sitting under the preaching of some denom friends. Lutherans and Methodists both taught about working your way into Heaven.
I am not "sensitive." I just got fed up with all the personal attacks since I got here. It made reading and responding no fun when all I did was respond to personal attacks. That's why I stopped. It got really old really fast. Attacking someone's ideas and someone personally are two different things.:(
I have politely suggested to you before but it was deleted: use spellcheck on your computer. It's free and easy to install. Proof-read your posts before hitting 'sumbit reply.' We all make typos but when it's too hard to read someone's post, I often give up and move on.

So are you going to respond to my post?
This is not sarcastic or a personal attack, but you labeled yourself in the last sentence. Also what is wrong with labels? Is it not how we identify each other?
Thank you, His Son,

This one? I thought it was rhetorical. Labels are vague, impersonal, often wrong. But yes we all use them even if just in our thoughts. "She's just a radical Christian." I usually identify others as friend, foe, etc. Unless we are talking criminal aliens and evil terrorists. ;)

The 12 or so friends I have here are just friends. They are not the 'muslim guy', the 'crazy guy' or the 'bi chick.'

But yes, I do see your point about identifying people with labels.:)
yeah i just want to know why evangelicals think that just because protastants splintered off from roman catholism they somehow earned the right to deny catholics are christians. because the proastant referamation had nothing to do with dogma and everything to do with the church getting heavaly invovled with worldy affairs at the expense heavenly affairs.

I think/believe that you are over simplifying the definitions/meanings of these terms and bordering on generalizing about different groups of peoples. - Christenstein
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wheni moved to the south my dad went looking for a church almost one he went to pastor said that the church needed to increase funding for missionary work because with all the northners coming south they needed to convert the catholics to christianty most of the other protastant chorches echoed that sentiment and as for the good works caltholics belive in they belive that just once in your life you should try to emulate christ and about the onlt time i was told i had to do good works was when i was confirmed its mostly personal choice

Grant it the theology is different, but that does not mean they can't be Christians. We Christians have a problem where most of the time we will believe what is commonly said and not test it. I am not saying all of us are that way buy alot are. It is really sad. Lots of Christians, as I was, was told all catholics believed in works but thats not all true. The problem I see is the ones that are in the Catholic religion versus the Catholic denomination in the Christian religion. I hope that is understood.

Thank you, His Son,
No. I am non-denominational. I don't believe in denominations. They are man-made. I just believe in Jesus Christ. I am not an evangelical. I have no label. Just a born-again, Bible-believing child of God.:worship:

I may be wrong, but even though you say you are non-denominational, don't your beliefs follow very closely to Christian Science?
I will often type it up in MS Word first (it does spelling and grammar check) and copy and paste it into here.
It also helps if the forums fucks up - you still have your post in a word document and you don't lose all that work.

thanks i do that from no on
Firefox has an on-line spell checker.
Very useful.
Just load the relevant languages.