question for evangelicals


The biscuit has risen
Valued Senior Member
yeah i just want to know why evangelicals think that just because protastants splintered off from roman catholism they somehow earned the right to deny catholics are christians. because the proastant referamation had nothing to do with dogma and everything to do with the church getting heavaly invovled with worldy affairs at the expense heavenly affairs.
well i understand that but to deny things about what you came from i just don't understand the mindset that would do that
I don't think there are any evangelicals here:confused:

by your own statements regarding your christian beliefs i can say with some certainy that you are an evangelical most of the born again folk are
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No. I am non-denominational. I don't believe in denominations. They are man-made. I just believe in Jesus Christ. I am not an evangelical. I have no label. Just a born-again, Bible-believing child of God.:worship:
yeah i just want to know why evangelicals think that just because protastants splintered off from roman catholism they somehow earned the right to deny catholics are christians. because the proastant referamation had nothing to do with dogma and everything to do with the church getting heavaly invovled with worldy affairs at the expense heavenly affairs.
Usually they just make up some very narrow, contrived definition of Christianity that Catholics don't meet. An honest definition of Christian would be something like “someone worships Jesus because they believe that he is the divine son of God.” But if we went with that definition, we would have to include all sorts of people who have slightly different beliefs that we don’t like as Christians, including Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Hitler, or even (gasp!) Mormons.
sandy i just can't make heads or tails of what you believe you just said you don't beleive in denminations yet in the past you have made negative remarks about christian faiths like mormons who i will admit are out there and catholics. i do not know how to rectify these diffrences in your stated beliefs
Joseph Smith started the Mormons.
Jesus Christ started Christianity.

I don't have a problem with Catholics. They are not born-again Christians. Most of them believe in working their way to Heaven by doing good deeds. That's not how Heaven works.:rolleyes:

And if you want any further responses from me you will have to stop the personal attacks. I do not respond to posts with personal attacks anymore.:(
Joseph Smith started the Mormons.
Jesus Christ started Christianity.
Yeah, and Lutheranism was started by Martin Luther. Would you propose that Lutherans aren’t really Christians? Joseph Smith simply created a new denomination of Christianity. Almost every major protestant denomination was originally created by a single person, or small group of people. Do you think that anyone who belongs to a denomination isn’t really a Christian?
I don't have a problem with Catholics. They are not born-again Christians. Most of them believe in working their way to Heaven by doing good deeds. That's not how Heaven works.:rolleyes:

Yes, actually that is how heaven works ;) Read as many cases of NDE's as you can and then you decide how it works!

You also mentioned denominations were created by man. You do realize it was men who wrote the bible don't you?? Given the "sinfull" nature of man what makes you trust the men who wrote the bible?
Lutherans and other denominations may be Christians but most of them are not born-again. The Bible says you must be born-again to see the Kingdom of God.
yeah i just want to know why evangelicals think that just because protastants splintered off from roman catholism they somehow earned the right to deny catholics are christians. because the proastant referamation had nothing to do with dogma and everything to do with the church getting heavaly invovled with worldy affairs at the expense heavenly affairs.

Who said we do not consider them Christians?
No. I am non-denominational. I don't believe in denominations. They are man-made. I just believe in Jesus Christ. I am not an evangelical. I have no label. Just a born-again, Bible-believing child of God.:worship:

This is not sarcastic or a personal attack, but you labeled yourself in the last sentence. Also what is wrong with labels? Is it not how we identify each other?

Thank you, His Son,
Lutherans and other denominations may be Christians but most of them are not born-again. The Bible says you must be born-again to see the Kingdom of God.

In the Bible it says Jesus stated, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."

So how does that make the non-denominational any better than Catholic or Lutheran? In other words, what is it you do that they don't to be "reborn"?
I never said I was better. Just different. Non-denominationals teach to be born-again you must repent of your sins, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, believe that He died for your sins/resurrected from the dead, invite Him into your heart and life, and live for Him. No longer for yourself. For Him.

I think 'born of the spirit' refers to having the Holy Spirit live iniside you. That happens after you're born again.

Most denominationals don't do that. They still teach you have to be a good person and work your way into Heaven. Yes you have to be "good" but that does not get you into Heaven.
Joseph Smith started the Mormons.
Jesus Christ started Christianity.

I don't have a problem with Catholics. They are not born-again Christians. Most of them believe in working their way to Heaven by doing good deeds. That's not how Heaven works.:rolleyes:

And if you want any further responses from me you will have to stop the personal attacks. I do not respond to posts with personal attacks anymore.:(

if you think my responses were personal attacks i will glady show you what a REAL person attack is
Who said we do not consider them Christians?

wheni moved to the south my dad went looking for a church almost one he went to pastor said that the church needed to increase funding for missionary work because with all the northners coming south they needed to convert the catholics to christianty most of the other protastant chorches echoed that sentiment and as for the good works caltholics belive in they belive that just once in your life you should try to emulate christ and about the onlt time i was told i had to do good works was when i was confirmed its mostly personal choice
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