Question for believers in ID.

"Belief in God" is the belief in a concept that was invented to explain phenomena for which ancient cultures had no science. To the extent the central mysteries of antiquity have been addressed by modern science, the perpetuation of a belief in God today amounts to a disbelief, one that refuses to acknowledge the still-growing mountain of facts and evidence.

Whereas the atheist denies the ancient invention as an idea unworthy of serious consideration, the religious believer - specifically, the creationist - assumes an extreme agnosticism which amounts to a denial of nature itself. "These facts," they say, "are dead to me."
Aqueous Id,

"Belief in God" is the belief in a concept that was invented to explain phenomena for which ancient cultures had no science.

That's a load of crap. Something which is just off the top of your head that explains everything away.
It is like having a bucket of sand tied around your neck, and sticking your head in it every time this subject comes up.
At best, nobody knows when or how ''belief in God'' came to be, from an objective perspective. Real belief in God has nothing to do
with trying to understand how lightening appears. Now please try again:

To the extent the central mysteries of antiquity have been addressed by modern science, the perpetuation of a belief in God today amounts to a disbelief, one that refuses to acknowledge the still-growing mountain of facts and evidence.

This is a preposterous analysis.
Modern science gives explanations for the world, this has to do with belief in God.
You're just kidding yourself.

Whereas the atheist denies the ancient invention as an idea unworthy of serious consideration, the religious believer - specifically, the creationist - assumes an extreme agnosticism which amounts to a denial of nature itself. "These facts," they say, "are dead to me."

I didn't ask you about institutional religious organisations, I asked ''what is belief in God''.
And your standard atheist apologetic just doesn't cut it.

At least it reveals the ''atheists are rational, reasonable, and scientific'' myth, as... a myth. :D

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Aqueous Id,

That's a load of crap. Something which is just off the top of your head that explains everything away.
It is like having a bucket of sand tied around your neck, and sticking your head in it every time this subject comes up.
At best, nobody knows when or how ''belief in God'' came to be, from an objective perspective. Real belief in God has nothing to do
with trying to understand how lightening appears. Now please try again:

This is a preposterous analysis.
Modern science gives explanations for the world, this has to do with belief in God.
You're just kidding yourself.

I didn't ask you about institutional religious organisations, I asked ''what is belief in God''.
And your standard atheist apologetic just doesn't cut it.

At least it reveals the ''atheists are rational, reasonable, and scientific'' myth, as... a myth. :D


This is the equivalent of plugging your ears and stomping your feet. You call points preposterous and "a load of crap," but offer no substantive challenge to the assertions.
Jan Ardena

When you get through drumming your heels on the floor and holding your breath until you turn blue maybe you can address the arguments. Like...

Real belief in God has nothing to do
with trying to understand how lightening appears.

You ignore the existence in the belief in Odin as a source for lightning, therefore your response is crap.

Jan Ardena

When you get through drumming your heels on the floor and holding your breath until you turn blue maybe you can address the arguments. Like...

You ignore the existence in the belief in Odin as a source for lightning, therefore your response is crap.


Dude! Odin isn't God.

This is the equivalent of plugging your ears and stomping your feet. You call points preposterous and "a load of crap," but offer no substantive challenge to the assertions.

You can't challenge people who are determined to explain things away with any crap.
The first point of call is to get them to understand what it is they're doing, then take it from there. :)

Jan Ardena

When you get through drumming your heels on the floor and holding your breath until you turn blue maybe you can address the arguments. Like...

You ignore the existence in the belief in Odin as a source for lightning, therefore your response is crap.


Odin can be a god. Just don't have much in regards to his factual existence on the earthly plane.
"Belief in God" is the belief in a concept that was invented

Faith is an emotion. I feel this in my theories of God. Belief is natural, God is a concept. They go hand in hand once you have good picture painted of him.

to explain phenomena for which ancient cultures had no science.

No. It was the individual who merely said "God did it."
To the extent the central mysteries of antiquity have been addressed by modern science, the perpetuation of a belief in God today amounts to a disbelief, one that refuses to acknowledge the still-growing mountain of facts and evidence.

Fail. No facts, no evidence.
Jan Ardena

Dude! Odin isn't God.

Centuries of Norsemen disagree with you, and their claims are every bit as valid as yours(IE not at all).

Jan Ardena

It doesn't matter what they claim, Odin isn't God. Period.

Says some goober on the internet. Odin is god just as much as any you claim is real. And for the same reasons. ALL gods are inventions of ignorance and fear, none of them are real, PERIOD.

Jan Ardena

Says some goober on the internet. Odin is god just as much as any you claim is real. And for the same reasons. ALL gods are inventions of ignorance and fear, none of them are real, PERIOD.


Dude! Odin isn't God. Get over it.

Jan Ardena
Dude! Odin isn't God. Get over it.

Dude, I KNOW that Odin isn't real, that's my point. He was INVENTED by ignorant Norsemen to explain the cause of lightning(something you said was not why god's were invented). And your god is just as real as Odin(IE not)and was invented just like Odin by ignorant shepherds to explain the things they had no knowledge to understand.

Jan Ardena

Says some goober on the internet. Odin is god just as much as any you claim is real. And for the same reasons. ALL gods are inventions of ignorance and fear, none of them are real, PERIOD.


What about me?