question about astral travel

Thank you for posting the book references, Skinwalker. I don't have those books but I know I'm going to have to do alot of reading to get some in-depth definitive answers.
rj2631r6 said:
Q, you are right-I would like to be able to explain this event. I came here seeking information on the paranormal, not to find out that I am crazy.
Yes I would like someones answer to conform to the belief of the paranormal. that is what I am investigating.
Unfortunately this event was very powerful and I can't dismiss the paranormal or God easily like I could have before, so it shows up in my posts.

As Skinwalker already noted, it is commendable that you seek answers to your condition, however the answers don't lie in the paranormal and you'll not find any peer reviewed articles confirming your condition has anything to do with the paranormal.

If you really seek answers, then seek professional help as was suggested. You won't find any better advice on an internet forum.
rj2631r6 said:
I know I'm going to have to do alot of reading to get some in-depth definitive answers.

Let me warn you, there are no in-depth definitive answers. I've read as many books on the subject as I could possibly find, and I can tell you you will only find two kinds of explanations: science types telling you you're having mental problems, and spiritualist types telling you silly stories about spirits from another world. I have never found convincing arguments for either.

About six years ago I was resting on the couch and suddenly my deceased grandmother appeared in front of me. She was there for about a minute, she looked as real as any object in the room. She said nothing, only stayed there, then disappeared. It was the only time I had such an experience, never before, never after. When it happened, I also wanted to know about it. All I discovered is that people have always had those experiences, and it seldom amounts to anything other than something strange that happens to them but leaves no consequences, except perhaps in how they see the world.

I do not believe it was my grandmother's "spirit" I was seeing. And I didn't have to take any pills to prevent it from happening again, so it's clearly not something wrong with my brain. I came to think it's just a strange kind of dream, nothing else. I have certainly seen my grandmother several times in my dreams; why should this not be just another one? And I find it perfectly possible to have a dream about someone entering your body, and the dream look so real as to be frightening. But if you think about it, it can't possibly be anything other than a dream.

Now if it kept recurring, I would seriously fear for my sanity. Or my life.
Confutatis said:
Let me warn you, there are no in-depth definitive answers. I've read as many books on the subject as I could possibly find, and I can tell you you will only find two kinds of explanations: science types telling you you're having mental problems, and spiritualist types telling you silly stories about spirits from another world. I have never found convincing arguments for either.

About six years ago I was resting on the couch and suddenly my deceased grandmother appeared in front of me. She was there for about a minute, she looked as real as any object in the room. She said nothing, only stayed there, then disappeared. It was the only time I had such an experience, never before, never after. When it happened, I also wanted to know about it. All I discovered is that people have always had those experiences, and it seldom amounts to anything other than something strange that happens to them but leaves no consequences, except perhaps in how they see the world.

I do not believe it was my grandmother's "spirit" I was seeing. And I didn't have to take any pills to prevent it from happening again, so it's clearly not something wrong with my brain. I came to think it's just a strange kind of dream, nothing else. I have certainly seen my grandmother several times in my dreams; why should this not be just another one? And I find it perfectly possible to have a dream about someone entering your body, and the dream look so real as to be frightening. But if you think about it, it can't possibly be anything other than a dream.

Now if it kept recurring, I would seriously fear for my sanity. Or my life.

Interesting an defiinately valid, when in half sleep my dreams have overlapped into wakefullness. I forgot this until C brought this up. As you were in deep meditative state, you could thereofre have experienced a dual reality ie: dream and wakefullness simultaneously.

Once I was dreaming I was in my exact real time scenario. So how do I know it's a dream? In my dream I had my arm out of the bed. In reality my arm was under my head. For one split moment in half wakefulness, I was aware (horrifically) of having two right arms. I could see and feel both of them. One in bed and one under my head. It was VERY scary. I closed my eyes immediately so one would disappear! It is possible as C said this is therefore a dream. Note I did in my first post mention I had a 'dream' like this once when I was in someone elses body. It was so real I recall it to this day! The 'love' and connectedness I felt was awsome. Unmatchable as clearly not poss in reality. Although the love is matchable :)
You might want to visit for a different world view than is found here.
I do not believe in "demonic posession" type theories but I think that some of the Catholic orders do so you might want to check with a priest.
I always have dreams about falling off a building and then I wake up. I think that is when I am done traveling and want to return to my body. Also there are times when just before I am fully awake I cant move. I am aware of my surroundings and can see everything however I just cant move. I think this is when I am just returing to my body. Has that happeened to anyone?
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thank you for the replies. I feel better talking about this stuff than not. I was very reluctant to talk about it for a long time. I've also come to see it differently as time passes, at least parts of the experience. It wasn't a dream and I am sorry about conveying the idea about being in a deep contemplative state, I really wasn't.
Theoryofrelativity: yes, I had a deep feeling of connectivity during this experience-being one with another. Yet this second personality told me many lies and tried to get me to hurt myself. I believe now that it was using the side effects of the experience to fool me into thinking it was a good thing. I'm convinced it was an invading spirit of some sort but can't understand it's motives, other than it was having "fun" somehow. It was helpful in some ways and seemed concerened about problems I was having in life, which makes it more confusing.
This expereience was very dependent on me and my beliefs. For someone else, I think it would be very different. I never tried to reject this "personality", or cast it out-so who knows?

Candy: thanks for the website info. I will check it out.

confutatis: There were lots of real consequences from this visit and luck or protection was the only thing that saved any real damage from occurring. This experienece was unlike anything I have ever known and at the time felt like the world was being turned upside down on top of me. All my past beliefs because of this things existence were incorrect so I believed anything it said.
rj2631r6 said:
Yet this second personality told me many lies and tried to get me to hurt myself.

This experienece was unlike anything I have ever known and at the time felt like the world was being turned upside down on top of me. All my past beliefs because of this things existence were incorrect so I believed anything it said.

I am sorry rj, now you have elaborated I am inclined to agree with Skinwalker you need to seek the help of a Doctor. This sounds like the sort of thing experienced with schitzophrenia. I don't want to worry you, but you must consider this option and go and at least discuss with Doctor.

The sites you have been directed to, mya exacerbate the problem if you have one. Hopefully it was one off.
You may find this site helpful

"the expansion of the fields of medicine and psychology has led to diagnoses other than demonic possession for individuals who present circumstances similar to those mentioned above. These sorts of cases are now readily explained in terms of abnormal functioning in the brain and nervous system. There are various disorders which may mimic demonic possession; these include schizophrenia (and other periods of psychosis), dissociative identity disorder, and Tourette syndrome ((4).

Schizophrenia is characterized by the presence of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, affective flattening or inappropriate emotional responses, avolition, and alogia. General psychotic episodes, such as might accompany mood disorders, can also closely simulate a state of demonic possession by hallucinations or delusions. The delusions can be ones of thought insertion, thought broadcasting, delusions of guilt, delusions of grandeur, such as being God (or a demon), or delusions that God (or a demon) is speaking to the person and giving commands for a special mission (5). "