question about astral travel


Registered Member
I had an encounter with a what i can best describe as a disembodied soul. Is it possible for an incarnate soul to inhabit another human body and know the host's feelings,experiences and thoughts as well as communicating with the host telepathically?
rj2631r6 said:
I had an encounter with a what i can best describe as a disembodied soul. Is it possible for an incarnate soul to inhabit another human body and know the host's feelings,experiences and thoughts as well as communicating with the host telepathically?

perhaps. As an old saying goes, " anything is possible". A strong spirit can achieve anything, not just in this world.
do you know of any websites where I would be able to find out more about this. My experience was not quite like a possesion, as the entity did not contol me in any way but was able to manifest itself physically in small ways through touch and a physical 'feeling' of presence inside my body. Also was able to either make me hallucinate or was able to produce limited physical apparitions (sp).
How did you know you encountered a "diembodied soul"?

How do you know souls exist at all, for that matter?
rj2631r6 said:
do you know of any websites where I would be able to find out more about this. My experience was not quite like a possesion, as the entity did not contol me in any way but was able to manifest itself physically in small ways through touch and a physical 'feeling' of presence inside my body. Also was able to either make me hallucinate or was able to produce limited physical apparitions (sp).

do not look on websites, books, or anywhere outside. Look within yourself, explore yourself more, sit down, relax, meditate, try to reach within urself and understand what you are and your purpose within the universe is... I for one thing have been very close to the revelation during my meditation phase.
To James:

I don't know if it was a disembodied soul. My best description. It was a telepathic mainly invisable personality that had limited physical manifestations.
to dragon.
that's what I was doing (in my unaware existence up to then) when this thing paid me a visit. Thank you for your advice. This happened about ten months ago and I am beginning to believe meditation is what is going to help me through this.
It was a telepathic mainly invisable personality that had limited physical manifestations.

What were its telepathic actions? What were its limited physical manifestations?

Why don't you tell us the full story?
James R said:
What were its telepathic actions? What were its limited physical manifestations?

Why don't you tell us the full story?

Do tell, sounds fascinating.

Meanwhile I know it's not the same, but I had a dream once many many yrs ago which I have not forgotten where I had the experience of 'going into someone elses body and being one with them'. The reason I reacall this dream is the sensations were so powerful and obviously not something ever replicated in my waking state. It was an incredible experience but a 'dream'. Is it possible while in your mediative state you entered a light dream state?
I am really not comfortable sharing the experience fully on this board yet. I am sorry but am just not up to it. By telepathic I mean that the "spirit", was hardwired into my brain, seemed to have full access to my thoughts. By manifesting itself physically, it was able to "touch" me at times, like someone touching your arm or head, to get your attention.
I did not believe in the spiritual world before this happened to me. I was not meditating but was in deep contemplative thought having personal revelations about a stressful situation when this thing came to me.
Anyway this experience did not leave me any wiser or with clues to the universe or anything like that, though I am definately open to the idea now of existence beyond the physical, God and life after death.
My problem is I don't know what it was and the little research I have done on the internet dosen't seem to identify this experience. I am asking for help from anyone who has had an experience like this or maybe knows where I might be able to get more information.
I am particularly interested in astral travel because it seems to be a validated experience where someone "leaves" their body. My question is can they enter another? Demon possession, channeling and ghosts "hauntings" don't fit the experience precisely, so I am not pursuing those right now, though have not ruled it out. I have looked briefly into witchcraft and to see if something like this is practised but have not found anything yet. Any help would be appreciated.
rj2631r6 said:
I am really not comfortable sharing the experience fully on this board yet. I am sorry but am just not up to it. By telepathic I mean that the "spirit", was hardwired into my brain, seemed to have full access to my thoughts. By manifesting itself physically, it was able to "touch" me at times, like someone touching your arm or head, to get your attention.
I did not believe in the spiritual world before this happened to me. I was not meditating but was in deep contemplative thought having personal revelations about a stressful situation when this thing came to me.
Anyway this experience did not leave me any wiser or with clues to the universe or anything like that, though I am definately open to the idea now of existence beyond the physical, God and life after death.
My problem is I don't know what it was and the little research I have done on the internet dosen't seem to identify this experience. I am asking for help from anyone who has had an experience like this or maybe knows where I might be able to get more information.
I am particularly interested in astral travel because it seems to be a validated experience where someone "leaves" their body. My question is can they enter another? Demon possession, channeling and ghosts "hauntings" don't fit the experience precisely, so I am not pursuing those right now, though have not ruled it out. I have looked briefly into witchcraft and to see if something like this is practised but have not found anything yet. Any help would be appreciated.

Apparantly you are not actually taking time to read the replies, you are seeking an answer for which you have not properly asked the question.

How can anyone specualte about what you experienced when you won't provide the details? You say someone or something entered you and had access to your thoughts, you could only know something has access to your thoughts if you had access to theirs or how could you know? Also you say this thing got your attention by 'touching you' what was this sensation, a prickle on your arm? This alone could have any number of biological causes, you need to be more precise about what it is that makes you believe you had a presence inside you as so far nothing you have said confirms that any such thing may have happened?

Did you exeperience this other things cosciouness for example? Did you glimpse their life?

What about your experience makes you conclude you had a entity inside you? What makes you think your thoughts were accessible to soemthing else? What?

Note: Magicians such as david Blaine can 'touch' people from a distance as can some martail artists (someone posted a great deal on this technique in another thread in theis forum, I think it was the 'get your phsyic lessons for free here..or words to that effect thread ;) )

It is also possible to read peoples thoughts, was there anyone physical around you when this occurred?
Why externalise what you experienced? Why did it have to be something other than yourself? You said you were thinking over a stressful situation, it sounds like what you have experienced is dissociation, an attempt by your conscious mind to evade the stress. It happens, in extreme cases it leads to split personalities.

My advice, don't think about the stress as a whole, but think about the small ways you can make the situation less stressful. Solve it step by step.
Thank you all for your replies. I truly appreciate your time and insight. What happened to me was very personal and hard to describe out of context of which I don't want to get into. I know I am not being forthcoming with information, and we're playing a sort of twenty questions but my intent is not to discuss the bizarre experience I had. I just want to learn more about the spiritual world. If I told you what happened it would take 10 pages and you would think I was nuts. Suffice to say this was another personality, able to touch me and interact physically in a limited form. I did not try to access it's consciousness but maybe if I knew what i was dealing with, could of.
I don't know if it was another entity. It was not me-I can guarantee that. so if it's not me what name do you give it. Nothing in my life prepared me for this experience.
Problem is on looking into channeling, demon possesion, ghosts, psychosis, hearing voices, hallucinations nothing seems to fit just right. So I find out there are incarnate and discarnate spirits and maybe they are hard to tell apart, as they are both spirits. My question remains: does anyone know anything about a live human spirit being able to somehow project itself into another human being? Forget about it being telepathic. it's not important.
to phlogistician:

I was actually quite happily working out the stressful situation when this happened and was making great strides in dealing with it. I have thought alot about maybe being crazy as crazy people don't realize they're crazy, right? Maybe this whole event was just my personality splitting-but I was fine before this event, relatively speaking, and am fine now.
I am trying to solve it. that is all i want is to know what happened. I externalize it because it was not me. I can't tell you why because it would be trying to describe something I have no understanding of? What does it feel like to have a not you spirit inside of you? is there a dictionary of terms or encyclopedia for that? because that is my question.
rj2631r6 (what a strange alias),

I have had some strange experiences myself, and understand your reluctance to talk about it; people really can't understand and tend to misinterpret it.

It seems to me what you experienced is called possession. It happens to a lot of people; it may be due to something that happens in your brain, it may be caused by a spirit invading your body. I fail to see why the explanation matters; what really matters is how can you deal with it.

The first thing you should accept is that you're not crazy. I think that is the thought that scares people the most. We tend to think this stuff only happens to crazy people, but it happens to everyone, except few people like to talk about it (for fear of being labeled crazy. Go figure. It's as if everyone had sexual feelings but denied it... wait, that actually was the case not long ago!)

Following that, just deal with the situation as any normal person deals with things they don't understand: don't worry much about it. If you obsess about it, you're likely asking for trouble. Since this is all happening inside your mind, keeping a healthy mind is the best thing you can do.

Just my two cents anyway.
rj2631r6 said:
to phlogistician:

I was actually quite happily working out the stressful situation when this happened and was making great strides in dealing with it. I have thought alot about maybe being crazy as crazy people don't realize they're crazy, right? Maybe this whole event was just my personality splitting-but I was fine before this event, relatively speaking, and am fine now.
I am trying to solve it. that is all i want is to know what happened. I externalize it because it was not me. I can't tell you why because it would be trying to describe something I have no understanding of? What does it feel like to have a not you spirit inside of you? is there a dictionary of terms or encyclopedia for that? because that is my question.

It would appear that you don't really want to solve it at all, but are instead looking for a description that somehow fits your belief in the supernatural.

Therefore, you must ask your imagination for the answer you seek.
Confutatis said:
It seems to me what you experienced is called possession. It happens to a lot of people; it may be due to something that happens in your brain, it may be caused by a spirit invading your body

Or rj2631r6, you can use Confutatis' imaginative fantasy.
Thanks for everyones replies. q- i really want an answer and I don't have any set belief in the supernatural that I wouldn't modify by learning more. I'm trying to imagine all the possibilities and possibly learn from others experiences.
The advice I have gotten that seems to make the most sense is just to keep a strong, sound mind and spirit to keep, i guess, or it seems anyones guess, "negative forces" whether mental or spiritual from impacting your life.

confutatis: I agree with your statement about just staying strong and moving on but my curiousity about the event has actually made me paranoid that I might be under a pointed spiritual attack rather than say a wayward spirit. Either way, keeping the mind and spirit strong and healthy is the best answer or defense but a part of me wants to investigate this "bump in the road" rather than just rolling on oblivious to the forces out there.
rj2631r6 said:
Thanks for everyones replies. q- i really want an answer and I don't have any set belief in the supernatural that I wouldn't modify by learning more. I'm trying to imagine all the possibilities and possibly learn from others experiences.
The advice I have gotten that seems to make the most sense is just to keep a strong, sound mind and spirit to keep, i guess, or it seems anyones guess, "negative forces" whether mental or spiritual from impacting your life.

confutatis: I agree with your statement about just staying strong and moving on but my curiousity about the event has actually made me paranoid that I might be under a pointed spiritual attack rather than say a wayward spirit. Either way, keeping the mind and spirit strong and healthy is the best answer or defense but a part of me wants to investigate this "bump in the road" rather than just rolling on oblivious to the forces out there.

R, some people will TELL you what the view is outside your window when they have never seen it, because that is what their BOOK has told them to expect. Q is one of those, hence any post describing a view not in his BOOK (his belief) he will deem it ..imagination. Confutatis however reguarly makes posts that make sense, and is intelligent so I'd be more inclined to listen to his reply. If you are afraid of reactions here, then you can always continue the discussion in pm or on msn. Sci Forums isn't the be all and end all of every conversation. :)