"Queen Elizabeth II Descended from the Prophet Muhammad"

LOL.... I don't know why but I find this soooo funny. God, where is Sandy??? BF and where the hell has BaronMax been?
Sandy sent the Moderators a goodbye note and stopped posting a couple of weeks ago. She intended to check her PM mailbox for a while. Max simply stopped posting last fall.
How could we all be related?
"Mitochondrial Eve." She's all over SciForums. We're all descended from a single female ancestor. Technically we're not all brothers, but we're all cousins.
I wonder who had more women, Wilt Chamberlain or Genghis Khan?
Surely Khan. He had (literally) an army bringing them to him. :)
How could we all be related?
I presume that you know what a first cousin is. I presume you know what a secound cousin is. Is their any problem extending cousinship to 3rd and 4th cousins?

How many 50th cousins do you think you have living on this earth at this time?

I believe that the majority of people alive today are my 50th cousin or closer in relationship to me. It is just a matter of knowing math, and knowing about how often and far people moved from their birthplace in the past.
I believe that the majority of people alive today are my 50th cousin or closer in relationship to me. It is just a matter of knowing math, and knowing about how often and far people moved from their birthplace in the past.
2^33 = 8 billion, more people than there are on the planet. If every couple had only two children, we'd all be only 33rd cousins.

On the other hand, 33 generations is only 800 years, even at modern generational rates. Mitochondrial Eve lived 140,000 years ago so our cousins have been intermarrying for a long time.
This was from a blog linked to Ancestry.com

Barbara Pierce Bush (Dubya's Mom), is the 8th Great Granddaughters of Robert Lovering, born 06 Sept 1620 in Boston, Massachusetts. Robert Lovering is the 4th Great Grandson of Margaret De Clare, who was born 1281 in Thomond, Connaught, Clare, Ireland. Margaret De Clare is also the 8th Great Grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II.

Margaret De Clare is a direct originator of a bloodline that includes George W. Bush, and Queen Elizabeth II.

Bush Jr is a direct descendant of "THE" Prophet Mohammad HahahahaaaHaaaa AAAhhhaaaaa Pffff..... OMG this is just soooo funny

Haaahahahaaaaa haaa Haaaa haaa Haaaa

This is the best thread I've seen in YEARS - I LOVE IT


You have a small problem .....Margaret de Clare (last common ancestor of QE2 and Dubya) was born in 1281 ....the bloodline of the prophet did not enter into the royal bloodline until the 15.th century ......a bit too late ......:rolleyes::m:
On the other hand, 33 generations is only 800 years, even at modern generational rates. Mitochondrial Eve lived 140,000 years ago so our cousins have been intermarrying for a long time.

WOW, thats just like to Adam and Eve. What a coincidence:p

Allan Wilson's naming Mitochondrial Eve[4] after Eve of the Genesis creation story has led to some misunderstandings among the general public. A common misconception is that Mitochondrial Eve was the only living human female of her time — she was not. Had she been the only living female of her time, humanity would most likely have become extinct due to an extreme population bottleneck.

Back to square one, it seems.
Interestingly enough, the basic premise for this comes from DaVinci code, or specifically the dude who wrote about it before Dan. Jesus' descendants are\were French royalty. What a coincidence.
How can a person be related to a myth, one could say i am related to jesus also a prophet, or one could say neither prophet existed, how do you trace a bloodline to a corpse that does not exist?

:roflmao: There is more proof that the Prophet existed than of your existence vincent. Remember, sometimes courts do not recognise a person as alive if they are standing in front of them.

I have no doubt bush is related to the royal family, that can be traced, but this other crap is just that crap, a insignificant person trying to grab a few headlines with rubbish, most of the entire population can be traced back to africa, not the middle east, if you have a different idea of the origins of mankind maybe you should present it.

Who to believe: a ranting lunatic or the editor (?) of an authoratative royal geneolagy database... Thats a tough one /sarcasm.

As the Queen does not where a burka or carry bombs in her handbag i dont see her link to the middle east, no woman descendant of mohammed would ever be queen anywhere, a womans place is in a burka & in the kitchen in islam, last time i saw the Queen she was doing neither.

Vincent, deducing from your name you are probably in the UK somewhere. On behalf of all the UK'ers on this forum, please shut up. You are making the rest of us look bad. How many Muslim women do you know? How many of those wear burkas? How many of those carry bombs? And what about those Muslim women who avhieced great things in their life because they were not bound to the limits you want to place on women? Why am I even asking you these questions seeing as you have still not replied to this post of mine :rolleyes:
How is it nonsense? It is perfectly logical. Care to explain?
I wasn't going to say anything since he was responding to my own post. Moderators have to have thick skins and not complain when we're insulted.

But since you brought it up, that was a textbook case of trolling, which is a violation of the rules. Sagatr is a new member, only been with us for a couple of days. He needs to get with the program.