"Queen Elizabeth II Descended from the Prophet Muhammad"

I have a grandmother from Afghanistan, so some Changez here too. :jason:
according to the article yes they are related to one another.

too funny, I wish Sandy were around - I wonder what she thinks about her Hero Junior being a direct descendant of the Mohammad.... It really is pretty funny. Heck, I wonder what Bush thinks?

For some reason i tihnk his reaction would gosomething like that Family Guy scene: a scene of Bush pushing a Slinky down a set of stairs in the White House. After failing the first attempt to make the toy go down all of the steps, he succeeded in his second try, and childishly exclaims: "Laura... Laura!".
Why wouldn't he be? I'd be delighted to have descended from a guy like Genghis Khan. Actually, in Turkey, Cengiz (Genghis) is a very popular name.

I shouldnt have used the :eek:smiley :p I like having a famous person like him as my ancestor
Bush a direct descendant of The Prophet - Haaa! Too funny! Too funny! I Just LOVE IT!

LOL.... I don't know why but I find this soooo funny. God, where is Sandy??? BF and where the hell has BaronMax been?

I wonder if there is some sort of talking-to-God gene that traveled all the way down to Bush? Maybe THAT'S why he felt the need to reconquer the ME? Some how Mohammad's spirit is genetically in direct contact with Bush instructing him to return to the land of the Prophets and reform Islam JUST the way Mohammad originally wished - before those pesty kids and their dog spoiled everything... scroooby dooby dooooor.... :p

Could we seriously start some sort of New Islamic Religion with with Bush Jr not as the New Prophet but the New Reformer... no no ... the New Slinky... wait that was thread #23 ... the New ... any ideas???

So WHO'S in???

Sandy can play the part of Mary Magdalene ... the the Supreme court the role of the Roman Army. Cheney as Judas, SAM can be the Pilus. Arsalan and kadark will be companions and I'll play Satan. Spidergoat you'll be God, Bell's Jesus. Challenger78 and cosmictraveler are the vanquished polytheists. hypewaders defender of Mecca...
Bush a direct descendant of The Prophet - Haaa! Too funny! Too funny! I Just LOVE IT!

LOL.... I don't know why but I find this soooo funny. God, where is Sandy??? BF and where the hell has BaronMax been?

I wonder if there is some sort of talking-to-God gene that traveled all the way down to Bush? Maybe THAT'S why he felt the need to reconquer the ME? Some how Mohammad's spirit is genetically in direct contact with Bush instructing him to return to the land of the Prophets and reform Islam JUST the way Mohammad originally wished - before those pesty kids and their dog spoiled everything... scroooby dooby dooooor....

Could we seriously start some sort of New Islamic Religion with with Bush Jr not as the New Prophet but the New Reformer... no no ... the New Slinky... wait that was thread #23 ... the New ... any ideas???

So WHO'S in???

Sandy can play the part of Mary Magdalene ... the the Supreme court the role of the Roman Army. Cheney as Judas, SAM can be the Pilus. Arsalan and kadark will be companions and I'll play Satan. Spidergoat you'll be God, Bell's Jesus. Challenger78 and cosmictraveler are the vanquished polytheists. hypewaders defender of Mecca...

:bugeye::truce:Ok calm down lol. Just because hes descended from him doesnt mean the spiritual or prophetic abilities can be ascribed to him as well :p
about 49 generations since Muhammad's time, 2 to the 49th is what, about 20 trillion lines of descent? Muhammad had how many grandchildren ? The average migration per generation is how many miles?

We may all be descended from Muhammad.
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So in 49 generations we've gone from supremely articulate statesman, battle commander, and feared horseman, to a guy who can't talk in public, was cheerleader for his football team, fears horses, and has run a trillion dollar battle advantage into the ground in one campaign agaisnt some local car bombers.

My famous ancestor was about to invent the wheel, but came up with the round whiskey bottle instead. They found his tracks - they go in a circle.
HaaaHaaaahhaahahaha - man I'm getting such a kick out of this. Where is Sandy??? Haaahahahahaa.... her hero Bush a direct descendant of Mohammad .. pffff... hahahahaaaa....

Remember when Bush thought God was talking to him?!?!? Oooo hooo hoooo it's really all clicking into place isn't it.... pfffff..... hahahahaaa.... hahahahaaaa....

What's the big deal?
You know, in Islamic nations leaders-to-be love to talk up the selling point that they are direct descendants of The prophet. Now they can add to that by saying - *through nasal cavity John Stewart style*
Oh yeah.. hee heee hee heee heee Heeee. you.. you.. see here .. heee heee heeeeeheee ... I'm not only a direct descendant of THE Prophet but also a cousin of Bush Junior heee heee heeee elect me .. hee heee heee ... Oh yeah I forgot you don't get to vote ..heee heeee heee ... sucks to be you .... heeee heee heeee... hey Cheney hand me some figs.. heee heee heeee......

Just loving it

How can a person be related to a myth, one could say i am related to jesus also a prophet, or one could say neither prophet existed, how do you trace a bloodline to a corpse that does not exist?

I have no doubt bush is related to the royal family, that can be traced, but this other crap is just that crap, a insignificant person trying to grab a few headlines with rubbish, most of the entire population can be traced back to africa, not the middle east, if you have a different idea of the origins of mankind maybe you should present it.

As the Queen does not where a burka or carry bombs in her handbag i dont see her link to the middle east, no woman descendant of mohammed would ever be queen anywhere, a womans place is in a burka & in the kitchen in islam, last time i saw the Queen she was doing neither.
2,000 years from now everyone will be descended from ME.

Why? Because i said so.
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We are all related. This thread only amazes people because, in modern society, we have forgotten we are all related. This is how I always think, so it doesn't surprise me at all.

There would probably be more peace in the human race if we could remember we are all related to each other...