Quantum Wave Cosmology updates 2009

Back to QWC, I don't understand how the apparent Universal expansion can appear to be so uniform and unidirectional with all of these intersecting arenas. Also, I have questions related to entropy but you mentioned that you were going to expand on that.
About the “apparent Universal expansion” appearing so uniform and unidirectional; I’m almost sure you understand that patches of space contain arenas and the content of matter and energy in a patch of space can be expanding until it overlaps, and then the content of matter and energy in the overlap change from “expansion” to collapse. The space is not expanding or contracting, it is the motion of the galaxies within those patches (arenas) of space.

Think through the overlap of two expanding arenas from this perspective: The portion of the arenas that are not involved in the overlap just keep moving away from the overlap, while the portion that is included in the overlap has its momentum interrupted. In other words a significant portion of the galaxies in the parent arenas just keep moving away from the overlap.

That much I have said, but from there if you move your reference frame to within the overlap space here is what you will see if you have QWC vision :):

You will see the galaxies that have been caught up in the overlap begin to experience a change in momentum, while the galaxies in the rest of the space that is occupied by the two intersecting arenas seem to be almost unaffected by the change in momentum and continue to move away. Those galaxies will continue to move away from the overlap space because they have not had their momentum sufficiently interrupted by the gravitational pull from the other arena.

Over time the overlap will encompass a greater and greater portion of the two arenas but the length of time for a crunch to form and burst ultimately determines the portions. Just have the idea that the crunch forms from a finite “arena quantum of energy” in the form of galactic mass and once the big crunch forms and bursts (it only needs this quantity of mass and energy to burst), there are still significant numbers of galaxies that were not yet pulled into the crunch and many of those are moving away and are now somewhere out there in the greater univese.

The galaxies in the overlap where our reference frame has taken up position will clearly be affected by the overlap. Whole galaxies will head toward each other and seemingly pass through each other, but there will be collisions of stars, gamma blasts will evidence that, and there will be significant merging and swirling of galaxies as the overlap progresses.

A big crunch forms from the mixing and mingling under the influence of gravity.

Time is a factor so let’s look at the physical movement of galaxies in the outside portion of the intersecting arenas relative to the movement of the galaxies caught up within the overlap at several time milestones:

Time 1, the intersection occurs at a point in space. All of the galaxies in both arenas are moving away from all of the other galaxies in their respective arenas as if each arena has its own co-moving coordinate system (which they do).

Time 2, the overlap has formed and progressed to the point where there is enough galactic material to provide the “arena quantum” of energy in the overlap, i.e. if this discrete amount of matter and energy enters the big crunch, then there will be sufficient energy density in the crunch to cause that crunch to fail and burst.

Time 3, the crunch has matured and reached the instant of the burst.

The portions of the two parent arenas that were not pulled into the crunch and that are still moving away from the crunch will keep going until they possibly get caught up in another overlap somewhere out in the landscape of the greater universe.

The portions of the two parents that have entered the crunch are gone, negated to dense state energy.

The “limbo portion” that may have been moving toward the crunch but didn’t make it in before the burst; well you don’t want to be them. They will be overtaken by the “arena wave” of energy from the big burst and depending on their momentum and proximity, they will be mere perturbations in the energy density of the newly formed and expanding arena.

You mentioned the great attractor within our own arena earlier; well that structure could be the result of the accretion disk of galactic mass that was incoming when our big crunch had its burst.

I’ve gone on about this; tell me if I have answered your question about the “apparent Universal expansion” appearing so uniform and unidirectional?
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quantum_wave said:
I’ve gone on about this; tell me if I have answered your question about the “apparent Universal expansion” appearing so uniform and unidirectional?
Yeah I believe so. Do you have any experience with programming? A graphic simulation of this would help visualize things and also test the theory's plausibility.
He he. I have been around since before home computing began. I wrote programs for the Vic20 and Commodore, games mostly for personal satisfaction, nothing commercial. When the first Compaqs for business came out I programmed spreadsheets and financial statements, general ledgers, journals, etc. in basic for a year or so. Then Lotus123 came out and I could program anything I wanted using 123 macros in about a tenth of the time it took in basic. Then more advanced spreadsheet software ended all programming for me.

But as far as the simulations of QWC are concerned, there is no money yet. I have the seed money but why waste it on QWC which is just a set of ideas with almost no math. Any personal expectations that there will be simulations in the future will be soundly ridiculed by the "smart " people in this forum so I will keep my statements about that to a minimum to avoid setting them off on their boring rants.

I know you mentioned entropy and I mentioned the "arena process" that puts forward ideas about how entropy is defeated in QWC. I'll go on about in a bit.
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Several comments need to be added that apply to the series of posts starting with post #72. In addition to the on-line discussion of QWC, there are occasional off line discussions. One such recent discussion took place about these "back to the early steps of QWC" posts.

Suggestions and observations included:
I should not respond to AN and Prom or others of their ilk unless they have questions or comments about QWC content. Generalized and personal criticism should be ignored or at the most, acknowledged by asking if there is a question or comment about content.

Though I usually use the phrase "potentially infinite" I should point out that in QWC, space, energy, and time are potentially infinite since most people are not use to the use of infinities, even in cosmology.

I should use more graphics and the graphics that represent action as in expanding arenas, overlaps, etc. should show at least two images and should point out the changes that take place as time passes. The time frame between the time lapse graphics should be put into some perspective, i.e. WAGNERs meaning "wild arse guesses not easily refuted" just to convey the supposed time frames in QWC.

I rarely compare QWC to existing theory except in regard to what I call departure points where theory leaves off and where science does not yet go. My response is that I don't defend mainstream theories because they don't need defending; they are already the consensus. When QWC starts where theory leaves off I defend the QWC method of bottom up (from scratch), reasonable and responsible step by step speculation. Any ideas presented are tentative and are subject to change and improvement as a result of current and future discussions on line and off line.

I should have pointed out earlier in these posts what the steps are in the process of "arena action", and also, what the various limits and thresholds of energy density are and how they come into play during arena action. I will do those things in the next series of posts.

I shouldn't put off discussions to the future when questions are asked. It is more effective to briefly respond with some detail about things like the processes, densities and entropy immediately, and then address those concepts more fully as the discussion proceeds step by step.

I should periodically do a recap that links to posts back to the early stages so that I don't have to "start over" in order to allow people to appreciate what QWC is about, how it developed, what its methods are so that a person can enter the discussion without wading through all of the posts. Such a recap represents a new start point or entry point for new participants by pointing to a series of posts that cover all of the steps in the least number or previous post. Right now post #72 is the new start point and we will see how far into the step by step process I am able to go on this thread.

The rate of expansion of an arena, though it is said that there is a profile of expansion, needs to be explained from the instant of the burst of the crunch to the far reaches of arena expansion where the energy density in the arena becomes equal to the average energy density of the greater universe. Galaxies that have not been captured in overlaps by that time are still moving with their uninterrupted momentum but there are a lot of circumstances that will have altered their pasts since in QWC all objects follow curved paths as they move toward the path of lowest energy density.

A better contrast should be made between the positive and negative energy densities that are part of the arena process, and a better explanation should have been given of exactly what is meant by positive and negative energy density relative to the average energy density of the greater universe. The arena wave form should be discussed along with the energy density discussion.

I should point out often that the energy density of the universe is a huge positive energy, and that positive and negative energy density as they relate to arenas is a measure of deviations from the high average energy density of the universe. Negative energy density relative to the average energy density is still positive energy in space but negative relative to the average.

I should never have gotten this far into the early steps without mentioning the concept of "critical capacity". Critical capacity is the finite combined energy and matter content that has to become negated in the core of a big crunch before the crunch bursts. Critical capacity is invariant in QWC.

The discussion of the arena level of order, i.e. the landscape of the greater universe contains many concepts that will be revisited when the steps move on to the quantum level of order in QWC. The arena level of order presentation should clearly identify each step so that when the corresponding step is introduced in the quantum level of order presentation, readers will immediately realize the similarities. That realization is an important part of QWC. The connection between levels of order and the internal consistency of all of the steps is what is intended to be remarkable about QWC. I will do a step by step recap at the end of the arena section of QWC.

Posts that include step by step speculations should clearly point out the steps instead to looking like general discussion of QWC. After all, QWC is nothing but reasonable and responsible speculation for a departure point where science does not yet go. People should not be exposed to new steps as if they were merely word salad additions to the thread. This is another good reason to do the step by step recap.

I will try to create a URL where the entire set of steps can be captured and maintained, and when that site is ready I will include a link to it in my signature. If I can get all of the way through QWC on this thread then the next project will be to produce that site.

There is no commercial intent to QWC and there are no facilities set up for the transfer of funds to any entity purported to be "QWC". There is no income nor is there any intention to promote the ideas of QWC for money.

I am going begin to remedy all of these points in the next series of posts and we will see if it translates to more participation, questions, comments or new ideas. I don't know if it will but we should all listen to our mum.
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I should not respond to AN and Prom or others of their ilk unless they have questions or comments about QWC content.

Yeah, that's what you should do. Ignore all that people that actually do physics and cosmology for a living. That's some admirable dedication to the scientific process right there.
OK “mum”, thanks for the comments. I realize that what I have posted doesn’t read like a text book of QWC 101. Even by starting at post #72 the step by step connections and explanations have been blurred.

The reason for the lack of clarity rests in the very points that have been made; there is no one place where the steps are captured, listed, and connected in an orderly fashion. There is no place where someone can go and see the complete QWC set of ideas, graphics and explanations.

QWC is intended to be completely consistent with all steps connected to each other to show how the broader ideas at two levels, the potentially infinite and the potentially infinitesimal, work together and depend on each other. It was pointed out that there have been no comments that remain un-addressed about any of the specific speculations except the updated description of the “arena process” and how it defeats entropy which have been promised to follow next.

It is pointed out that there have never been any unanswered questions that referenced specific QWC content, ever in the years that QWC has been in development. Every question and answer and every responsible comment has become part of the updated set of ideas.

QWC is a set of ideas that convey a physical picture and nothing in QWC can be quantified except in broad generalities because science has no tools that can detect a QWC quantum of energy at either level of order. Quantifying and falsifying QWC is left to the scientists and will depend on when they have the tools and resources to see or detect the QWC levels. It is the intention to make sure the physical picture that is QWC is complete, consistent and connected.

QWC is mature enough that with the completion of this update thread there should be a stability of ideas that will be used to establish and maintain a URL. The URL is supposed to then be a tool to go out to the forums and brainstorm specific steps as opposed to presenting a broad range of ideas and asking for questions or comments to fill out the ideas. Any participation on this thread will be incorporated in the proposed URL. The URL target date is by the end of this year.

Thank you RJBeery for your excellent questions and more of the same from you and others would be appreciated over the coming days, and months. Next I will see if I can satisfy the promise with a description of the steps in the arena quantization process called arena action which defeats entropy.

Let me get a few initial steps recapped here:

Step one really can be stated: Science agrees that there was a cause for the initial expansion and acceleration of expansion of our observable universe.

Step one (1.0) is a set of ideas that arrive at what has been brainstormed as the energy environment that preceded that initial expansion, i.e. there was a big crunch that preceded our initial expansion and our entire observable universe is causally connected to that big crunch. I have saved all of those old posts in hard copy and on various hard drives and they are all saved in archives at various forums as far as I know. I will reference those posts or restate them in clearly numbered steps in the URL. Any new discussion about what the energy environment was before 10^-43 would be incorporated into and included in step one.

Step one includes the discussion and detailed steps that lead to the selection of the big crunch as its primary focus and address the formation of a big crunch but only in general terms. The operative idea throughout QWC becomes clear at that point. Given many viable alternatives, the intention is to select the most reasonable and responsible speculation and to move forward.

The detailed steps of how a big crunch forms appear in step two after the concepts of arenas and the greater universe are presented in some detail and are examples of moving forward.

Step two (2.0) addresses the cause of the burst of our big crunch and describes arenas, the greater universe, and the arena process. There are many sub steps, i.e. 2.1, 2.2, etc. and the assignment of numbers to the steps won’t be completed until the introduction of the URL by the end of the year. In the meantime, steps will be numbered only in the general categories like I am doing here.

Step three (3.0) introduces the quantum level of order. There are striking similarities between the quantum level and the arena level and step three follows the pattern established in step two to make that comparison. The similarities between step two and step three are pointed out and so are the differences.

Throughout the QWC process concepts like infinite regression, the timelessness of dense state energy within a big crunch, arena density throughout the greater universe, expansion potential energy, dark energy, matter formation, dark matter, the internal composition of known particles, the cause of mass and gravity, the rise of electromagnetic radiation, nucleosynthesis, galaxy formation, and other concepts are addressed. Some of those concepts are a detailed part of QWC and some are not, and some are broken off into their own general categories.

Completing a URL by the end of the year is a big task and much of the detail hasn’t been written yet. Reasonable new ideas, responsible comments and questions on this thread will become part of QWC so thank you for any participation you can offer.
prometheus said:
Yeah, that's what you should do. Ignore all that people that actually do physics and cosmology for a living. That's some admirable dedication to the scientific process right there.
The scientific process, and learning in general, involves constructive feedback. Your ability to provide this feedback is in doubt.
No, the criticism "This is complete nonsense, give it up" can be constructive if it is clear the work is incoherent nonsense and lacks any of the markers associated with any valid science. You are taking constructive to mean criticism which suggests minor changes or paths along which to develop the work, like "Have you applied this to [phenomena]?" or "Rather than doing [X], do [Y] and your idea should work". That only works if the theory/idea/concept isn't fundamentally rotten. I am certain Prom has made such 'constructive' criticisms to people he works with, I know I have. But the difference between the people we work with and you two is that they grasp and do physics, they know the basics of how you'd go about doing new physics and they are, in general, guided by their supervisors to a particular topic which is worth researching. Supervisors are there to serve the purpose of making sure someone whose never done research before stays on a path close to 'valid work'. You two don't have that and worse, you have never done or seen any high level physics so you don't have a clue what research and development of such theories involves. You're blind and you have no guide.

Sure, saying "This is nonsense, chuck it in the bin and learn some basic mechanics" isn't what you want to hear but its the most constructive advice you'll get.
QWC has selected the most likely cause of expansion and asks for comments and ideas to build on the idea that a big crunch preceded the Big Bang.

QWC has the idea that if there was one bang, there could have been many bangs, and if two expanding arenas intersect and overlap, their expansion momentum would be interrupted and a big crunch would form as gravity takes over and causes the galactic material to collapse around a center of gravity.

Each new crunch that forms from those overlaps will itself reach a limit of energy density and burst into expansion.

That is exactly what you are calling incoherent nonsense. Do you think you have any credibility by saying that? Go back to post #72, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
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QWC has selected the most likely cause of expansion
'Most likely'? How exactly are you quantifying liklihoods? Given you don't do cosmology or GR, you have no way of grasping, let alone evaluating, most of the postulated methods for expansion or phenomena related to the big bang. What you mean to say is that you, not QWC, but you have selected a wordy explaination you find most acceptable/simplest/palettable.

QWC has the idea that if there was one bang, there could have been many bangs
This is not derived from anything, you have simply proclaimed an assumption. You keep talking about QWC as if it's a concept which guides itself. It doesn't nothing of the sort, since you aren't developing from postulates, you are just proclaiming "My work does X, Y and Z".

The point of scientific models is that you get out more than you put in. For instance, put in 3 or 4 parameters into QED and you get all electromagnetic phenomena. For instance, QED predicted the existence of antimatter from other assumptions. If physicists had to say "Oh, and we add in some stuff here because we know it's needed to describe antimatter" then antimatter wouldn't be a prediction, it'd be an assumption. ALL your work is assumptions. You don't predict the BB, you assume it and thus saying "My work gives the BB" is worthless.

and if two expanding arenas intersect and overlap, their expansion momentum would be interrupted
More assumptions.

I'll give you an easier example, the precession of Mercury. Newton said "Mercury's orbit will precess". Einstein said "Mercury's orbit will precess". Whose right? Both? Neither? Well without details we cannot check. You do the details and you find Newton predicts the wrong amount. Einstein gets it right. The details are essential.

their expansion momentum would be interrupted and a big crunch would form as gravity takes over and causes the galactic material to collapse around a center of gravity.

Each new crunch that forms from those overlaps will itself reach a limit of energy density and burst into expansion.
All assumptions, no predictions. You have assumed there's a critical energy density. You have assumed it results in expansion. You have assumed regions can overlap. You have assumed it all. Can you derive ANY of these from some simpler statements? Special relativity makes 2 assumptions and predicts dozens of things. Your work assumes everything you say about it.

That is exactly what you are calling incoherent nonsense. Do you think you have any credibility by saying that? Go back to post #72, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
If you have a model where all outputs are assumptions, it is worthless.

Want another example? Special relativity assumes frame invariance and constant light speed. From these two it's possible to predict time dilaton for relatively moving objects. That's a prediction. If you couldn't derive it from those two assumptions you'd have to make it another assumption. Thus the theory is worse, in the Occam's razor sense, than special relativity. All your claims are assumptions, none derived from a smaller set of postulates so it's worthless.
Your view is acknowledged and is common: These are things that have been said about other theories that go beyond the standard model which make what you say common and familiar:

I think some of you are familiar with string theory to the extent that you have a concept of what a single string might be like. Questions are always being asked about the physical nature of a string? What is the action of a string? How do they interact and work together? What are the dimensions of a string? If a single proton was the size of a galaxy, would a string be the size of a pinhead? Bigger? Smaller? Did someone find a string and start asking about what it was and where it came from or did someone come up with an idea that there might be strings and then set out to describe how they would have to work to explain what we can observe?

Do strings form membranes? Do huge membranes collide and cause big bangs? Are these bubble universes that expand and collide? What happens when they collide or overlap? Would gravity cause new bubbles, or Membranes?

What’s it all about Alphie?
QWC is based on the idea that there was a big crunch and that big crunches are common across the landscape of space. If you think one of the other alternatives would better explain what we observe tell us which one and why.

Until then, QWC is based on the big crunch idea because it leads to easily understandable steps that could cause the expansion that we observe.
Step 2 moves forward from the big crunch idea in step 1. There are 36 reasonable and responsible step by step speculations in step two of Quantum Wave Cosmology that describe the process of “arena action” and show how the force of arena action defeats entropy:

2.1 Arenas begin with the overlap of two expanding arenas that have been expanding in space. A new arena then forms in the space where the overlap occurs and includes the galactic material and energy that occupies that space containing that overlap.

2.2 The “greater universe” is composed of a potentially infinite number of arenas similar to our own that expand and overlap.

2.3 The expansion momentum is interrupted in the overlap space. Gravity takes over and causes the galactic material to collapse around a center of gravity.

Arena action begins with the overlap of two arenas and is about what happens to the matter and energy in the overlap space as gravity takes over from expansion. Steps 2.1 – 2.3 represent the first phase of arena action leading to the formation of a big crunch.

The second phase of arena action deals with the nature of the big crunch.

2.4 A big crunch is composed of galactic matter, dark matter, electromagnetic radiation, and any other form of energy that exists in an arena that is expanding. Gravity however has replaced dark energy as the controlling force.

2.5 The acceleration of gravity causes heat and pressure within massive objects.

2.6 The arenas that have overlapped to form the big crunch each contained the matter and energy equivalent to a single big crunch and so when they overlap, only half of each parent arena is required to provide the full arena quantum of matter and energy for a new big crunch.

2.7 Galactic matter continues to accrete into the crunch increasing the internal heat and pressure. Heat and pressure translate to increasing energy density in the core of the big crunch.

2.8 There is a maximum energy density at which matter can function. Particles cease to function when that limit is reached. Particles that reach that limit are “negated” from matter to dense state energy.

The concept of “dense state” energy is introduced in that step: Dense state energy consists of the energy remnant of particles what have been compressed by heat and pressure inside a big crunch.

2.9 All particles require sufficient space to function and the heat and pressure inside a big crunch deny the particle that required space and the particle ceases to function.

2.10 Gravity is a function of mass and when particles cease to function, gravity ceases to emanate from the negated matter. The core of the big crunch accumulates the negated matter in the form of a growing core of dense state energy.

2.11 Dense state energy is under great pressure and has expansion potential that is contained by the gravity exerted by the matter that surrounds the core and that is continuing to accrete into the big crunch.

2.12 There is a maximum limit to the highest possible energy density and when that limit is reached in the core of negated matter, the heat and pressure are focused at the surface of the growing core. The growing compression no longer affects the core itself which has reached the maximum possible energy density.

Steps 2.4 - 2.12 represent the second phase in “arena action” called the high density phase. They bring us to the point where the highest possible energy density has been reached and that marks the point where the failure of the big crunch is assured to result in a big burst. Critical capacity has been assured.

That statement introduces the concept of “critical capacity” of a big crunch: critical capacity is an arena quantum of matter and energy and when that capacity is accumulated in the crunch, the crunch has matured and its final stages make up the next phase in “arena action”, i.e. the burst.

2.13 The negated core of the crunch exerts no gravity but the compression that maintains the crunch is still being fed by the accretion disk formed from the matter in the overlap space as it swirls into the crunch. The expansion potential energy is building up in the core of dense state energy and the size of the core is increasing.

2.14 These two processes reach a breaking point because as the core grows, the gravity exerted by the crunch declines, and as the accretion continues that gravity that contains the core is maintained.

2.15 Equilibrium does not occur unless the heat and pressure of the core no longer is capable of negating matter into dense state energy. But the accretion assures the continuing heat and pressure will continue at an accelerating rate since negation is taking place across a larger and large core surface at all times.

2.16 The growing core will decrease gravity faster than accretion can maintain it and at the same time the expansion potential of the dense state energy at the core grows at an increasing rate.

2.17 The crunch fails when the expansion potential of the core exceeds the compression of the surrounding un-negated matter in the big crunch.

Steps 2.13 – 2.17 represent the third phase of “arena action”. The big crunch has reached the bursting point.

2.18 The burst occurs. The rapid expansion the extremely dense energy at the core rips through the remaining matter surrounding the core and that action creates enough acceleration and heat to negate the surrounding matter.

2.19 As the expanding ball of dark energy expands, plasma is formed made up of the un-negated particles in the portion of the crunch, the accretion disk surrounding the crunch, and in the common background matter and energy that fills all space.

2.20 As the burst of dense state energy rips through this environment it will cause tiny temperature perturbations in the form of pre-matter plasma in the expanding ball of dense dark energy.

Two concepts are introduced in the previous step:

The concept of dark energy has been introduced: Dark energy is expanding energy that emerges from the core of a big crunch when the burst in phase three of arena action occurs. The nature of dark energy is described throughout the steps that make up the remaining phases of arena action but it is essentially the cause of expansion momentum. Expansion momentum is imparted to matter as it forms and is transferred to particles and eventually to stars and galaxies as they form. Dark energy translates into the observation that galaxies are all moving away from each other because the tiniest particles that make up the stars and galaxies all had expansion momentum imparted to them as they formed .

The concept of pre-matter plasma is meant to distinguish between plasma that forms when matter is energized by increasing acceleration, or increasing heat and pressure and the pre-matter plasma that forms from dark energy as acceleration and heat and pressure are declining from dense state of energy, a form of energy that contains no particles.

Steps 2.18 and 2.19 are the “burst” which is the fourth phase of “arena action”.

2.20 The dark energy at this point is too dense for matter to form but is expanding, supposedly at the speed of light.

2.21 Everything it encompasses as it expands has expansion energy imparted to it creating plasma in the surrounding space as the dark energy expands and encompasses the matter and energy surrounding the crunch.

2.22 That plasma now exists within the expanding ball of dark energy and is the source of matter formation as the arena expands and cools.

2.23 There is an energy density reached in this expanding energy environment that is ideal for matter formation and matter forms almost simultaneously across the expanding plasma.

2.23 As matter forms in the expanding arena it has momentum as it forms. The momentum is imparted to it by the expansion of the dark energy and plasma within which it forms.

2.24 At the instant of abundant matter formation all matter is dark matter.

The concept of dark matter is introduced in that last step: Dark matter is initially connected in the form of the plasma that forms in the space surrounding the burst. It takes the form of dark matter at the point that the expansion has brought the arena to an energy density that accommodates abundant matter formation. That is when dark matter begins to display its most important characteristic; it exerts gravity.

Steps 2.20 – 2.24 represent the fifth phase of “arena action” between the burst and the onset of gravity emitted within the expanding arena.

The characteristic of gravity gives rise to action that is taking place starting with this phase of “arena action”. Gravity and mass are characteristics of a process called “quantum action” and the level of order where quantum action occurs comes into existence within an arena when the threshold of abundant matter formation occurs. Quantum action is addressed separately in step three within the set of ideas that make up Quantum Wave Cosmology. Quantum action is ongoing within arenas until overlaps form and until the matter in the overlaps collapses and cause energy density to increase beyond the point where matter can function. The existence of matter throughout the overlap and collapse physically connects each arena to the past history of the greater universe.

2.25 Rapid expansion of this homogeneous ball of plasma causes small patches of dark matter to form. As soon as the patches form they form focus points around their individual centers of gravity. As the patches take shape into individual pre-particle groups there is constant and consistent expansion occurring in the energy environment surrounding them.

2.26 The small groups begin to clump as gravity pulls them toward each other with more force than the expansion force of dark energy is able to overcome. The ball of dark energy has become an expanding ball of dark matter and that dark matter is clumping into pre-particles at an extremely high energy density. This prevailing energy density has declined to the threshold where matter can form as pre-particles.

2.27 The pre-particle patches of dark matter have expansion momentum while they clump together due to their gravity. The result is that the clumps are all moving away from each other but are at the same time attracted to each other by their gravity.

2.28 During this early period of matter formation the force of gravity is greater than the expansion momentum and the dark matter begins to form particles with new characteristics.

2.29 Particles with mass, charge, momentum and spin form and become the particles that are described in the standard particle model.

Discussion of the standard particle model is a point of connection between QWC and mainstream science. Much is written on the subject and QWC does not defend any mainstream theory because they are accepted and defended by those who support them.

2.30 As expansion continues and gravity causes larger and larger clumps, stars are formed across the entire arena. These are huge fast burning stars that are short lived but they leave huge temperature perturbations within the arena and those perturbations contain the energy equivalent of whole galaxies.

2.31 Stars from within this environment in much the same way as particles formed in the earlier and denser environment.

2.32 Galaxies form from these perturbations and because of the expansion momentum characteristic of all particles, the galaxies are all moving away from each other.

2.33 The formation of galaxies in the arena occurs after the first round of huge hot stars burn out, explode and create their lasting temperature imprint on the arena.

2.34 The galactic coordinate system of the arena is established and the distance between the galaxies, aside from local groups of galaxies, is increasing.

2.35 The rate of separation of galaxies in the coordinate system is accelerating because the expansion momentum of the galaxies now exceeds the gravitational attraction between galaxies. The acceleration is the observed effect of the inverse square rule as the distance between the galaxies increases.

2.36 All objects move through space in curved paths due to the time delay of gravity. Objects under the influence of gravity always move in curved paths because of the gravitational time delay. The path that objects follow through space is always affected by all other bodies in space, but by the time the information about the mass, location and momentum of the distant objects travel supposedly at the speed of light to the other objects, all of the objects have moved. The result is that the gravitational effect is always pointing behind the objects that are causing the effect. Since all objects are moving, the path of all objects is always curved.

Steps 2.25 to 2.36 represent the sixth phase of “arena action” where gravity and expansion moment carryout a struggle for supremacy, and where expansion moment wins until expansion is interrupted in such a way that gravity again gains control. Arena action is a perpetual process that connects each new arena to the history of the entire universe and produces new arenas to carry on the heritage.

This brings us full circle to the point where expanding arenas intersect and overlap. Go the step 2.1 which starts at the point where two parent arenas intersect and overlap to give birth to a new arena.

2.1 Arenas begin with the overlap of two expanding arenas that have been expanding in space. A new arena then forms in the space where the overlap occurs and includes the galactic material and energy that occupies that space containing that overlap.

Entropy is defeated by the arena process. The detail steps that make up step 2 of the set of ideas called Quantum Wave Cosmology are preceded by high entropy arenas where mature galaxies are all moving away from each other as entropy increases. If nothing happens to interrupt the expansion or to reverse the progress of entropy, the end result will be “heat death” as all useful energy is consumed.

But in step 2.1 that interruption occurs and as you follow the step by step speculations on through step 2.20 you are introduced to the process of reverse entropy. The burst of the big crunch is the lowest entropy environment in QWC and presents an arena now consisting entirely of useful energy where entropy is just beginning.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed but matter can form from energy and the energy that makes up that matter can be negated back into useful energy according to the step by step speculations of QWC.

The idea is that the events leading to a big crunch and burst are common events across the landscape of the greater universe. One clue to them being common is that they occur with the input of a finite amount of matter and energy, an “arena quantum”. Since it takes two parent arenas to form a new arena, there must be more that one “arena quantum” of energy. Since the two parents themselves had to have formed from two separate arenas each, there is a history of four arenas and four “arena quanta” of energy, and so on leading to the concept of a potentially infinite number of finite arenas across potentially infinite space.
AlphaNumeric: Negative feedback can be constructive. Dismissing threads as "worthless" with no genuine feedback is not constructive.

Quantum_wave has spent a lot of time qualitatively describing his assumptions without giving predictions, but that does not mean that none exist. Assumptions can be proven incompatible with reality, by the way, which seems to be why he is asking for input. If you would like to be constructive then look for reasons why his theory contradicts observed data. Otherwise...put a sock in it. :rolleyes:
Your view is acknowledged and is common: These are things that have been said about other theories that go beyond the standard model which make what you say common and familiar:
Questions are always being asked about the physical nature of a string? ....

What’s it all about Alphie?
Those questions are asked by people who do not do any physics. They are questions asked by people who have not read books or papers on the subject, because most of them are addressed when one reads said textbooks or takes courses on string theory. The fact is you could well ask similar questions about well established things like Maxwell's electromagnetism or special relativity or quantum mechanics, because you don't know the answers to such questions even in the context of those extremely well tested theories, so your attempt to put string theory in the same category as your nonsense is wrong. And just to demonstrate, I'll go through your questions :

1. What is the action of a string?


2. How do they interact and work together?

By exactly the same method as any other quantum field theory, scattering amplitudes are calculated from Yukawa couplings of the action.

3. What are the dimensions of a string?

It's one dimensional with the fundamental string scale being approximately $$10^{-35}m$$, though strings can be any length. The fundamental string scale arises from the requirement gravitational effective theories give GR.

4. If a single proton was the size of a galaxy, would a string be the size of a pinhead?

Something like that.

5. Did someone find a string and start asking about what it was and where it came from or did someone come up with an idea that there might be strings and then set out to describe how they would have to work to explain what we can observe?

This is stuff you can find out by simply reading Wikipedia. If you do zero research into a topic you can hardly criticise it for being 'mysterious' or for not answering your questions. Your apathy is at fault.

6. Do strings form membranes?

From an M theory point of view strings are the effective theory limit of membranes wrapped on $$S^{1}$$ cycles. From a D-brane point of view strings can form non-perturbative condensates.

7. Do huge membranes collide and cause big bangs?

Branes can collide. Wether you'd call this a big bang depends on how you're constructing your model, in a brane world scenario it would be seen by the residents of the brane as a 'big bang'.

8. Are these bubble universes that expand and collide? What happens when they collide or overlap?

No, they aren't bubble universes. Brane collisions and scatterings work on a similar principle to any quantum field theory, except their action is defined by the DBI action.

I would also point out that all these objects, like branes, were constructed BEFORE string theorists started throwing around ideas about cosmology and big bangs. Once the notion of branes was actually derived they had tools with which to describe cosmological processes. You have nothing of the sort. Your list of 'steps' are just things you have typed up off the top of your head, without derivation or rigour or logic. You simply type up a narrative to how you'd like physics to be because actual physics is too hard for you to grasp. Boo frickin' hoo.
...Your list of 'steps' are just things you have typed up off the top of your head, without derivation or rigour or logic. You simply type up a narrative to how you'd like physics to be because actual physics is too hard for you to grasp. Boo frickin' hoo.
I doubt you botherd to read the steps because you have grossly mis-characterized them. You didn't mention anything pertinent to the content. You are hijacking my thread to promote your agenda. Clearly if you were not just hijacking and trolling for an argument you could have mentioned at least one step which violates observed data.
I doubt you botherd to read the steps because you have grossly mis-characterized them.
Are you claiming you haven't just typed those up off the top of your head? Are you claiming they are derived from postulates? Feel free to elaborate.

You are hijacking my thread to promote your agenda.
Heaven forbid someone promotes logic and rigor on a science forum. Quick, report me to the moderators for promoting an agenda of SCIENCE.

Clearly if you were not just hijacking and trolling for an argument you could have mentioned at least one step which violates observed data.
I said it was nonsense crap. It doesn't matter whether it matches observation or not, because even if it does match observation it does so as an assumption, not as a prediction. Your work has no predictive power, even in principle. The fact you admit it also contradicts observation just adds another nail to the coffin. The fact you're admiting it's worse than I thought doesn't save it from the BS box.
Are you claiming you haven't just typed those up off the top of your head? Are you claiming they are derived from postulates? Feel free to elaborate.

Heaven forbid someone promotes logic and rigor on a science forum. Quick, report me to the moderators for promoting an agenda of SCIENCE.

I said it was nonsense crap. It doesn't matter whether it matches observation or not, because even if it does match observation it does so as an assumption, not as a prediction. Your work has no predictive power, even in principle. The fact you admit it also contradicts observation just adds another nail to the coffin. The fact you're admiting it's worse than I thought doesn't save it from the BS box.
This is hijacking to promote your self appointed agenda to decide what is and what is not worthy of posting. Because of your reputation as a brain on the forum, if you say it is crap then nobody will participate in my thread. Your agenda is to apply peer pressure on the community to discourage the kind of discussion I am trying to encourage.

You are trolling. Trolling for an argument. Trolling for any response to your posts so you have another opportunity to hijack by imposing your agenda on my thread.
This is hijacking to promote your self appointed agenda to decide what is and what is not worthy of posting. Because of your reputation as a brain on the forum, if you say it is crap then nobody will participate in my thread. Your agenda is to apply peer pressure on the community to discourage the kind of discussion I am trying to encourage.

You are trolling. Trolling for an argument. Trolling for any response to your posts so you have another opportunity to hijack by imposing your agenda on my thread.

AN's reputation is well deserved and in this case he is absolutely right. If it was worthwhile then AN would have engaged with it as he has done on many many threads in the past. Anyone with a moderate amount of experience in physics can see that your ideas are worthless, as has been pointed out to you by a number of people.