Quantum Wave Cosmology updates 2009

First, the math of QWC will be alien to the math of mainstream theories in the respect that the energy of particles with mass is composed of quantum energy increments,
I am pretty sure that I'm right when I say you didn't do calculus or any other maths beyond high school, so when you say "It's alien to mainstream people" you're basically making a baseless claim. Further more, you're claiming you have some maths to your work, which you don't. And furthermore the only way you'd have mathematics which is alien to mainstream people is to have come up with your own mathematics, mathematics never done by any other human before. And that is staggeringly hard to do. And well beyond you.

I don’t know how the EFEs work but I plan to find someone who does and who will talk freely with me about the differences between the EFEs and the math that would accrue from the physical picture that I describe of the motion of objects in the gravity aether of QWC.
So you don't kow about the EFEs but you're still willing to post a lot of claims about how they are just mathematical and your ideas are more physical?

And you really think what you're saying is anything more than pathetic attempts to give an excuse why you have nothing? If you were serious about doing what you claim you'd have spent the many months (if not years) you've been posting this nonsense learning things like vector calculus. You can't describe the motion of things without vector calculus. But I bet you don't know any.
QWC ideas vs. theory

Two members have recently approached their discussion of my ideas from the perspective that I have a theory here, and then they request the predictions, means of testing and/or quantification, and suggest that QWC is a good example of pseudoscience.

Maybe QWC could be put in terms of theory and falsified, thus resolving the issue. There are a couple of predictions that might be tested by the LHC. I’m not really ready to claim any theory here but I am interested in moving forward in two areas.

First, the math of QWC will be alien to the math of mainstream theories in the respect that the energy of particles with mass is composed of quantum energy increments, the force of quantum action is necessary to maintain the presence of mass, and the extreme energy density of a big crunch negates mass into dense state energy that has no mass and does not emanate nor does it feel gravity. ...

I don’t know how the EFEs work but I plan to find someone who does and who will talk freely with me about the differences between the EFEs and the math that would accrue from the physical picture that I describe of the motion of objects in the gravity aether of QWC.

I am pretty sure that I'm right when I say you didn't do calculus or any other maths beyond high school, so when you say "It's alien to mainstream people" you're basically making a baseless claim. Further more, you're claiming you have some maths to your work, which you don't. And furthermore the only way you'd have mathematics which is alien to mainstream people is to have come up with your own mathematics, mathematics never done by any other human before. And that is staggeringly hard to do. And well beyond you.

So you don't kow about the EFEs but you're still willing to post a lot of claims about how they are just mathematical and your ideas are more physical?

And you really think what you're saying is anything more than pathetic attempts to give an excuse why you have nothing? If you were serious about doing what you claim you'd have spent the many months (if not years) you've been posting this nonsense learning things like vector calculus. You can't describe the motion of things without vector calculus. But I bet you don't know any.
As before with your replies to my posts, I have to go back to show what I said. Notice the difference between what I actually posted and what you got out of it. Is it careless reading, poor attention span, poor memory? Just kidding AN, we all know that you don't tolerate cranks like me with ideas that you don't understand.

You have not gotten a grasp of QWC after all of this time. Do you see any similarities between my view and your view? For example, in your view of cosmology, where did the energy come from? When did time start, or has time always been passing? What was the volume of the total space of the universe 20 billion years ago?

I am almost certain you won't take the time to answer these questions, but the answers that you go over in your mind are not likely to be consistent with my view.

Why don't you try to explain to me what the connection is between mass and gravity from your perspective instead of pointing out my lack of math skills or my lack of desire to do the math about ideas that cannot be quantified. Suffice it to say that QWC math does not involve extra dimensions that you are so proud to brag about in your work? Those extra dimensions of yours may only exist in the math. How do you do the math for mass that existed before the expansion began? Or was there no mass before the expansion began?

I would like to know from your perspective what caused the expansion of our observable universe. Any answer?

Here is an easy one, has the energy of the universe always existed in your view? Yes or no?

If you want to play "who is the crank" instead of taking a stand on the cosmology of the universe, then have fun. But I can't imagine what you think you are gaining. Get into the ideas, present some views, be a teacher.

Think of it like this: Quantum Wave Cosmology is a voyage through the history of the infinities of space, time, and energy that never starts and never ends but always presents itself as now.

That is less than thirty words that do more to describe QWC than the thousands of wasted words you have posted on my threads. I bet I haven't seen more than two or three actual contributions that you have made to my ideas in a year of confronting me, and if am I right, they were probably accidental on your part?
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I understand they're trying to find evidence of the Higgs Field at the new accelorator--what progress have they made on that matter?

It would be interesting to see whether the Higgs Field (if it can be proven to exist) may interact with matter in order to give it mass.
These are interesting times to say the least. It amazes me that we have the technology to even attempt to recreate the energy density of the very early moments of our expanding universe.

I know your are familiar with the the science that the LHC is attempting to do and probably are aware that the LHC is going through a quiet period while repairs and improvements are taking place. I can't wait for the results and finding the Higgs mechanism would be a great advancement in understanding mass.

You may not have much interest in the intent of my threads, i.e. QWC, but since you posted a reply to my comments about the Higgs, it is in order for my to explain something about my view. The early universe that the LHC is attempting to recreate is entirely consistent with QWC. Extremely high energy density existed at the instant that the event occurred that caused the initial expansion of our observable universe.

All of the mass in that observable universe had a presence at that instant. What the nature of that presence was is an open question to science and the LHC will shed some light it.

In QWC, my personal cosmology which lets me speculate without providing quantification of things that cannot yet be quantified, that instant just before the event happened that set our arena into motion was called a big crunch.

In other words, in QWC I have the nerve to actually say what preceded the big bang type of event. You may have already asked around to see if any currently accepted theory actually describes what preceded or caused the big event. I can't find that answer other than "we don't know". That is what QWC is all about, Speculation about what we don't know, and tying together the main things that "we don't know" into a connected, consistent set of ideas that do justice to the awesome universe that we exist within.
Re: Your answer to AN.

I find these threads deeply annoying, because it is my impression that QWC is basically just whatever idea you happen to have in your head at the time. There is no logical or analytical thinking even if we allow for your mathematical inability.

Here is the nub: The most accurate theory of physics ever - quantum electrodynamics predicts that the mass of the photon is exactly zero. Experiment has put very small limits on the mass of the photon (I can't remember exactly and I believe I've told you before but it's something like $$10^{17}$$ times less than the electron and the electron is a pretty light particle.

It's very much like your continued waffle about the ether, which I have shown by providing a peer reviewed paper makes theories unstable, apart from all the other experimental evidence for the non existence of the ether. It seems that every time someone posts a comment or question your reply is a very long post consisting entirely of unintelligible gibberish. Generally, it stops further comment for a while so you can get back to whatever fantastical web you were spinning.

What is it you hope to gain from this? Is it that you hope that your ideas will become adopted as part of the mainstream? If that's the case the above remarks should provide fairly good evidence that they will not because they are wrong. Do you genuinely want to understand how the universe works better? If you do you'd think that you'd be doing genuine science and not simply making stuff up. I can only think of two possibilities: firstly, you inherently and honestly believe that for some reason your ideas are fundamentally valuable over all others. This tells me that your ego is far larger than it should be and you should seek the help of a professional. The second is that you're simply trolling, in which case you should be banned. Nether option is a very good one is it?
Re: Your answer to AN.

I find these threads deeply annoying, because it is my impression that QWC is basically just whatever idea you happen to have in your head at the time. There is no logical or analytical thinking even if we allow for your mathematical inability.

Here is the nub: The most accurate theory of physics ever - quantum electrodynamics predicts that the mass of the photon is exactly zero. Experiment has put very small limits on the mass of the photon (I can't remember exactly and I believe I've told you before but it's something like $$10^{17}$$ times less than the electron and the electron is a pretty light particle.

It's very much like your continued waffle about the ether, which I have shown by providing a peer reviewed paper makes theories unstable, apart from all the other experimental evidence for the non existence of the ether. It seems that every time someone posts a comment or question your reply is a very long post consisting entirely of unintelligible gibberish. Generally, it stops further comment for a while so you can get back to whatever fantastical web you were spinning.
Let’s test your understanding of what my ideas are. Put in your own words what I say the aether is, and what I say causes mass as presented as ideas in QWC.

Then give me your assurances that the theories and papers that you recommend and refer to have considered aether and mass from the perspective of my ideas. And if you are certain that my ideas have been falsified by your sources, put in your own words what your sources have offered to falsify my ideas.
What is it you hope to gain from this? Is it that you hope that your ideas will become adopted as part of the mainstream? If that's the case the above remarks should provide fairly good evidence that they will not because they are wrong. Do you genuinely want to understand how the universe works better? If you do you'd think that you'd be doing genuine science and not simply making stuff up. I can only think of two possibilities: firstly, you inherently and honestly believe that for some reason your ideas are fundamentally valuable over all others. This tells me that your ego is far larger than it should be and you should seek the help of a professional. The second is that you're simply trolling, in which case you should be banned. Nether option is a very good one is it?
I have repeatedly responded to you about my intentions. Read the OP.
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For example, in your view of cosmology, where did the energy come from? When did time start, or has time always been passing? What was the volume of the total space of the universe 20 billion years ago?

I am almost certain you won't take the time to answer these questions, but the answers that you go over in your mind are not likely to be consistent with my view.
Do you have any answers to those questions which are not simply guesses? Which are derived from base postulates and have rigorous descriptions?

Your way of trying to do science is indistinguishable from religious people. You are simply guessing, with your guesses weighted by your biases and your preferences. So science can't currently say what happened at the moment of the big bang, we admit the limits of our knowledge but inside those limits we have a HUGE amount of evidence, methodology, rigor, experimental testing, development, cross checking and structure. You have none of those, inside or outside what science can currently explain/describe.

Give me a reason why your pulling of claims out of your backside is any more valid than someone reading the opening chapter of the Bible, for a description of the universe before the big bang. The simple fact of the matter is you can't.
Do you have any answers to those questions which are not simply guesses? Which are derived from base postulates and have rigorous descriptions?

Your way of trying to do science is indistinguishable from religious people. You are simply guessing, with your guesses weighted by your biases and your preferences. So science can't currently say what happened at the moment of the big bang, we admit the limits of our knowledge but inside those limits we have a HUGE amount of evidence, methodology, rigor, experimental testing, development, cross checking and structure. You have none of those, inside or outside what science can currently explain/describe.

Give me a reason why your pulling of claims out of your backside is any more valid than someone reading the opening chapter of the Bible, for a description of the universe before the big bang. The simple fact of the matter is you can't.
Even though I view your comments obnoxious, and even though it has never proved to be of any use responding to you, I will anyway.

First, are you saying that you admit that currently accepted theory cannot say what happened at the moment of the big bang, but you object to talking about ideas about what it could have been? And since I say that one idea in QWC is that the big bang was preceded by a big crunch, are you saying that I pulled that our of my behind? That idea has been around since before I was born.

Let's call that step one in QWC. The first speculative idea in QWC is that the expansion of our observable universe was preceded by a big crunch. I consider that reasonable and responsible speculation.

So what is your view of the possibility that the expansion of our observable universe was preceded by a big crunch?
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These are interesting times to say the least. It amazes me that we have the technology to even attempt to recreate the energy density of the very early moments of our expanding universe.

I know your are familiar with the the science that the LHC is attempting to do and probably are aware that the LHC is going through a quiet period while repairs and improvements are taking place. I can't wait for the results and finding the Higgs mechanism would be a great advancement in understanding mass.

You may not have much interest in the intent of my threads, i.e. QWC, but since you posted a reply to my comments about the Higgs, it is in order for my to explain something about my view. The early universe that the LHC is attempting to recreate is entirely consistent with QWC. Extremely high energy density existed at the instant that the event occurred that caused the initial expansion of our observable universe.

All of the mass in that observable universe had a presence at that instant. What the nature of that presence was is an open question to science and the LHC will shed some light it.

In QWC, my personal cosmology which lets me speculate without providing quantification of things that cannot yet be quantified, that instant just before the event happened that set our arena into motion was called a big crunch.

In other words, in QWC I have the nerve to actually say what preceded the big bang type of event. You may have already asked around to see if any currently accepted theory actually describes what preceded or caused the big event. I can't find that answer other than "we don't know". That is what QWC is all about, Speculation about what we don't know, and tying together the main things that "we don't know" into a connected, consistent set of ideas that do justice to the awesome universe that we exist within.

Good luck to them, then; I look forward to what they can find, because any discovery will open new doors to the Universe. Anything that improves our knowledge of really deep history is a bonus. What's your view on the idea that our Universe budded off a preceding mother-universe?
Good luck to them, then; I look forward to what they can find, because any discovery will open new doors to the Universe. Anything that improves our knowledge of really deep history is a bonus. What's your view on the idea that our Universe budded off a preceding mother-universe?
The key to me taking the position that I do on Bubble Universe Theory is related to entropy and the laws of thermodynamics. http://www.entropylaw.com/ That site has some good links about entropy and the laws.

My understanding of Bubble Universe Theory comes from the internet sites like Wikipedia and Google searches.

Probably the most appropriate discussion that addresses bubble universes is Tegmarks’ classification of Multiverse hypotheses in physics. I snip from the Wiki page: , but go there and read the various classifiactions:

Tegmark's classification

Cosmologist Max Tegmark has provided a taxonomy of universes beyond the familiar observable universe. The levels according to Tegmark's classification are briefly described below.[2][3]

Level I: Beyond our cosmological horizon
A generic prediction of cosmic inflation is an infinite ergodic universe, which, being infinite, must contain Hubble volumes realizing all initial conditions.
An infinite universe should contain an infinite number of Hubble volumes. All will have the same physical laws and physical constants ...

Level II: Universes with different physical constants

"Bubble universes", every disk is a bubble universe (Universe 1 to Universe 6 are different bubbles, they have physical constants that are different from our universe), our universe is just one of the bubbles.

Level III: Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics

Hugh Everett's many-worlds interpretation (MWI) is one of several mainstream interpretation of quantum mechanics. In brief, one aspect of quantum mechanics is that certain observations cannot be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability. According to the MWI, each of these possible observations correspond to a different universe. Suppose a die is thrown that contains 6 sides and that the result correspond to a quantum mechanics observable. All 6 possible ways the die can fall correspond to 6 different universes. (More correctly, in MWI there is only a single universe but after the "split" into "many worlds" these cannot in general interact.)[6]
Tegmark argues that a level III multiverse does not contain more possibilities in the Hubble volume than a level I-II multiverse. In effect, all the different "worlds" created by "splits" in a level III multiverse with the same physical constants can be found in some Hubble volume in a level I multiverse. Tegmark writes that "The only difference between Level I and Level III is where your doppelgängers reside. In Level I they live elsewhere in good old three-dimensional space. In Level III they live on another quantum branch in infinite-dimensional Hilbert space." Similarly, all level II bubble universes with different physical constants can in effect be found as "worlds" created by "splits" at the moment of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a level III multiverse.[5]
Related to the many-worlds idea are Richard Feynman's multiple histories interpretation and H. Dieter Zeh's many-minds interpretation.

Level IV: Ultimate Ensemble

The Ultimate Ensemble hypothesis of Tegmark himself. This level considers equally real all universes that can be defined by mathematical structures. This also includes those having physical laws different from our observable universe.

End Wiki snips

Level 2 is where bubble universes are addressed and each bubble has its own physics.

In Level 3, spontaneous symmetry breaking can lead to bubble universes. However, all of those possibilities seem to be exposed to entropy and all of the multiverse theories that are inflationary also are “after” some determining event that causes inflation, i.e. a big bang type of event is one example. None of them discuss how they defeat entropy or what caused the initial expansion as far as I know, and that is what differentiates QWC from multiverse theories like Bubble Theory.

In QWC, entropy is defeated by “arena action”, an idea that there is a greater universe in good old three dimensional space made up of many intersecting arenas.

And in QWC, each arena originates in the overlap of other expanding arenas because overlaps cause galactic material to form a new center of gravity into which they collapse into new big crunches.

Unless you have read my threads you won’t know what I refer to as arena action. Here is a brief recap that might give you an idea. Think of our expanding universe as a single arena.

Ours is one of a potentially infinite number of arenas across the greater universe.

Imagine our arena continuing to expand until it intersects and overlaps with another expanding arena.

Expansion momentum from big bang types of events has set both of these intersecting arenas into expansion. If they don’t intersect, they will expand eternally (referred to as Eternal Inflation), but in QWC arenas are spread throughout the greater universe and so they will always intersect and overlap.

When they overlap, the expansion momentum is interrupted, and in the overlap space, the mixing and mingling galaxies of each separate arena form their own new center of gravity. Gravity thus overcomes expansion momentum and the galactic material in the overlap collapses into a big crunch. Big crunches in QWC lead to new expanding arenas with the help of some ideas about how crunches burst into expansion.


The big crunch forms around the center of gravity “3” of the overlap, while the rest of the two arenas are continuing to expand. Eventually the big crunch will reach critical capacity, burst into expansion in the same three dimensional space that was previously occupied by the overlap. Thus the ideas in QWC suggest a way for entropy to be defeated, a way that each arena utilizes existing energy from previous arenas, and a way that the greater universe can exist eternally without completing entropy, i.e. without the heat death of the universe and without the Big Rip.
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I'd be interested to know your opinion of the Jesuit philosopher Teilhard de Chardin's idea of the anthropmorphic Universe--ie that life all over the Universe is moving towards intelligence. I often wonder what will happen to life in the Universe--because of course I assume that if we exist, other species must also--when the Universe eventually comes to an end. I guess by that time we will have progressed to the point where we can move beyond the physical boundaries imposed by the universe. Perhaps the ultimate level of evolution is to leave our bodies behind and become beings of pure thought, without any physicality.
I'd be interested to know your opinion of the Jesuit philosopher Teilhard de Chardin's idea of the anthropmorphic Universe--ie that life all over the Universe is moving towards intelligence. I often wonder what will happen to life in the Universe--because of course I assume that if we exist, other species must also--
http://www.bizcharts.com/stoa_del_sol/plenum/plenum_2.html, following are some snips from that link:

… This biosphere, this advancing network of life, has thus far resulted in the culminating development of man. With the advent of man, Teilhard believes that cosmic evolution has finally become conscious of itself...at least on this planet, which is woven into the cosmic whole. Teilhard opines that the destiny of man is to culminate into a consciousness of the species.

This consciousness of mankind will ultimately become the "thinking layer of the earth," which Teilhard calls the *noosphere.*

Cosmic evolution will not cease with the noosphere. Teilhard does not consider the human species to be the epitome of the universe; rather, he believes that Nature provides us with yet another evolutionary opening...that of a "super-soul above our souls." The whole "gigantic psycho-biological operation" of cosmic evolution points toward a "mega-synthesis" of all the thinking elements of the earth forcing an entree into the realm of the super-human.

According to Teilhard, what is really going on in the buildin the noosphere is the "super organization of matter itself," and this is done via human collectivisation...collective cooperation! Using Teilhardian language: the "process cannot achieve stability until, over the entire globe, the human quantum has not merely closed the circle upon itself... but has become organically totalized." Only through collectivization (collective cooperation) can humanity achieve this total, planetary development of the noosphere. It cannot be built by people who think only of themselves; yet every person "on earth shares, in (*hirself*), in the universal heightening of consciousness."

And finally, using anthropomorphic terms, Teilhard believes that the noosphere is not only the "stuff of the Universe...not only of *men,* but of the *Man* who is to be born tomorrow." And through the efforts of humanity building the noosphere, the earth "finds its soul."

End of snips from link

Here is the thing, Xylene. QWC is a personal cosmology meaning that it includes my ideas about various aspects of the physical universe that I see as connected and internally consistent with each other. I have previously addressed what I call the generative and the "evaluative" forces that give rise to life when the physical conditions bring together the right chemistry in an hospitable environment, and a lengthy iterative process that favors higher intelligence and therefore gives rise to improved intelligence as long as the rising life forms can maintain or relocate to hospitable environments.

In QWC, life is thought to abound throughout every arena. But each arena is so big and the hospitable environments are so far apart that life forms as advanced as ours are still hard pressed to make a successful and lasting relocation. Can we do it before our sun expands and engulfs us in the next few billion years? Maybe, but there are many perils and surviving one peril would not mean that humanity can survive the next challenge.

In QWC, life itself is undaunted by the cataclysms that claim life forms and whole colonies of life that have grown comfortable in temporarily hospitable environments. Life seemingly springs from almost nowhere and gains a foothold, time and circumstances provide the iterative process of evolution, and if all goes well, self-aware intelligent beings make comfortable lives.

Beyond that, does life form a biosphere that becomes a thinking layer of the earth, Teilhard’s noosphere? In my opinion that would have to draw on the supernatural and though QWC does not preclude the existence of God, it also does not include anything that has to be attributed to the supernatural.
when the Universe eventually comes to an end. I guess by that time we will have progressed to the point where we can move beyond the physical boundaries imposed by the universe. Perhaps the ultimate level of evolution is to leave our bodies behind and become beings of pure thought, without any physicality.
Bluntly, the universe in QWC does not end. The landscape of the greater universe is ever-changing but it is always the familiar arena landscape as new arenas form from the remnants of overlapping arenas. Life is generated and evolved throughout every arena where ever conditions come together properly.

Can there be intelligent life forms that have lengthy heritages and that spread out into their arena, yes. Can a successful life form avoid being caught up in an arena overlap that collapses into a big crunch, possibly. So in QWC, it is conceivable that life forms can survive and transition from one arena to another but that is almost an imponderable, even in QWC. But thanks for asking.
prometheus said:
I find these threads deeply annoying, because it is my impression that QWC is basically just whatever idea you happen to have in your head at the time. There is no logical or analytical thinking even if we allow for your mathematical inability.

Here is the nub: The most accurate theory of physics ever - quantum electrodynamics predicts that the mass of the photon is exactly zero. Experiment has put very small limits on the mass of the photon (I can't remember exactly and I believe I've told you before but it's something like times less than the electron and the electron is a pretty light particle.
Let’s test your understanding of what my ideas are. Put in your own words what I say the aether is, and what I say causes mass as presented as ideas in QWC.

Then give me your assurances that the theories and papers that you recommend and refer to have considered aether and mass from the perspective of my ideas. And if you are certain that my ideas have been falsified by your sources, put in your own words what your sources have offered to falsify my ideas.

The following is a point that would be very helpful if someone was trying to test their understanding of QWC aether:

If you understand QWC aether you will notice that mass does not travel through the aether as if there was something physical to travel through. There is no mass, no particles, nothing for mass to pass through that could be detected as mass passes or that could be described as a cause of friction or measured by directional movement through it. Nothing is transmitted across the aether unless you say that mass itself is transmitted across the aether as it tends toward the path of lowest energy density surrounding it. Aether is energy density. Mass moves toward the path of lowest energy density in the aether.

The “how” of how mass moves toward the path of lowest energy density has to do with the “pull” that mass has on the aether as quantum action takes place within mass. The pull is energy being pulled into mass to replace the energy that is emanating from mass at all times. The pull is equal in all directions. Since the energy density of the aether is not equal in all directions, the mass moves toward the low energy density point as the mass satisfies the attempt to pull an equal amount of energy from every direction. Another way of looking at it is that the direction of the greatest negative energy density has the greatest vacuum energy density which pulls on the mass.

As for testing your understanding about what causes mass according to the ideas of QWC that are presented for discussion purposes, this would help:

The energy that makes up the energy density of space is the energy of quantum waves that are continually emanated by mass. Those emanations are the result of quantum action that is ongoing at all times within mass to refresh the presence of mass. The entire mass is refreshed in a slightly different location once during every complete quantum period, and the new location is determined by the path of lowest energy density surrounding the mass as it moves.

A quantum period is the length of time it takes for all of the quanta (the full set that makes up the mass) to bounce out of their high density spots, expand spherically to intersect and overlap with adjacent expanding quantum waves, for the energy within each of the overlaps to accumulate to a full quantum of energy, and for the quantum of energy in the overlap space to collapse into the tiny space occupied by a high density spot.

The presence of the mass is re-established each quantum period by the formation of the new set of high density spots. The spots have location and momentum that we interpret as mass. The spots are the positive energy that makes up mass in quantum increments, and the energy in the spots during each quantum period is exactly equal to the negative energy emanating from the mass.

That brings me to the question I asked Prometheus. Do the recommended theories and papers that you say falsify any aether theory, let alone QWC gravity aether ideas, apply to the type of aether that I just described?

Further, does the cause of mass in QWC resemble the source of the mass of particles that we are familiar with in the particle model?

If not, then you see that QWC aether is not falsified by your recommended theories and papers, and the cause of mass is current and local and ongoing instead of arising from the Higgs boson way back as some problematic beginning of time.
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Yes, since a quantum wave is the spherically expanding phase of quantum action, and the presence of mass is established by the high density spot phase of quantum action. All of the spots form within mass, and all of the waves expand spherically out of mass to make up the aether.

The spots within mass are positive energy and the waves that emanate from mass are net negative energy. The positive energy of any mass is equal to the negative energy density that emanates from mass.
Yes, since a quantum wave is the spherically expanding phase of quantum action, and the presence of mass is established by the high density spot phase of quantum action. All of the spots form within mass, and all of the waves expand spherically out of mass to make up the aether.

The spots within mass are positive energy and the waves that emanate from mass are net negative energy. The positive energy of any mass is equal to the negative energy density that emanates from mass.

so much like concusions between objects produce waves in the air
QW, I'm thinking in terms of our current Universe being ca. 14 billion years old, and intelligent life of some form or another having existed in the Universe for ca 9 billion years. Let's assume that the oldest stable stars formed ca 13 billion years ago, and they had planetary systems. This is a fair assumption because astronomers know of stars that are of about that age. Let's further assume that there might be at least one life-friendly planet in most solar systems; in an environment where evolution was allowed to run its course, in whatever form that took, life takes about 4 billion years to rise to our level of intelligence. Hence my previous statement that intelligent life has existed in the universe for about 9 billion years.

Now the question is, does evolution cease at the physical stage? Or when a species reaches a certain level of intelligence, do they continue to advance mentally until they have reached a state of transcendence, where they leave the physical body behind and continue as pure mind, outside of time and space? Is this what Teilhard de Chardin meant when he talked about the world gaining a soul?

My main point is, if there was life as intelligent as ourselves in the Universe as far back as 9 billion years ago, how much further have they advanced since that time? Have they by now progressed to become the Overminds of the Universe? Have they taken upon themselves the task of leading us towards transcendence? Is it our destiny to ultimately join them in this job of bringing species up to the point of self-aware intelligence, so that they can control their own environments? Moreover, to continue the process of advancement in the mental sphere so as to bring them into the transcendent realm?
QW, I'm thinking in terms of our current Universe being ca. 14 billion years old, and intelligent life of some form or another having existed in the Universe for ca 9 billion years. Let's assume that the oldest stable stars formed ca 13 billion years ago, and they had planetary systems. This is a fair assumption because astronomers know of stars that are of about that age. Let's further assume that there might be at least one life-friendly planet in most solar systems; in an environment where evolution was allowed to run its course, in whatever form that took, life takes about 4 billion years to rise to our level of intelligence. Hence my previous statement that intelligent life has existed in the universe for about 9 billion years.

Now the question is, does evolution cease at the physical stage? Or when a species reaches a certain level of intelligence, do they continue to advance mentally until they have reached a state of transcendence, where they leave the physical body behind and continue as pure mind, outside of time and space?

Is this what Teilhard de Chardin meant when he talked about the world gaining a soul?

I don't know who he is but regardless

I think in terms of pure biological energy

My main point is, if there was life as intelligent as ourselves in the Universe as far back as 9 billion years ago, how much further have they advanced since that time? Have they by now progressed to become the Overminds of the Universe? Have they taken upon themselves the task of leading us towards transcendence? Is it our destiny to ultimately join them in this job of bringing species up to the point of self-aware intelligence, so that they can control their own environments? Moreover, to continue the process of advancement in the mental sphere so as to bring them into the transcendent realm?

from Babylon 5 , your talking about the first ones