Quantum Creationism -- Is It Science Or Is It Religion?

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It is you who engaged me.
False. I've been in this thread since page 1.

You slid your way in all innocent at first but ultimately you couldn't resist flogging your bullshit and infecting this perfectly sane thread with your off-topic utterly-ignorant-of-anything- logical nonsensical preaching.

Start your own thread so the rest of us can live or lives without your special brand of drivel.
OK, where did you want to go with this thread?
No one is preventing you from posting your observations.
What in your mind is "quantum creation" and how does that happen?
And how do you want to interpret "creation".
I think I've said all I can in regard to this thread.
I'll bow out and rake the sand for you. There are a lot of "scientific hazards out there".
There's an intractable problem with debating this topic with Write4u:

His arguments are semantic. He uses the term 'mathematical' differently than its actual meaning. If he sees three rocks, he claims nature can count to three.

Because his arguments are semantic, they are unfalsifiable. There is no way to definitively argue that "three rocks is not mathematical" because it's a vacuous claim anyway.
Write4U's problems go beyond that. He has swallowed Tegmark's kool-aid and apparently believes that not just that rocks are mathematical, but that rocks are mathematics.

The fundamental problem with this is the map-territory distinction disappears a mess of confusion. It's a problem for Tegmark and a problem for his disciples.

Apparently, Write4U can no longer tell the difference between 3 rocks and the number 3.

Because of this basic confusion, Write4U will use terms like "mathematical function" to refer to physical objects like rocks and daisies. Because he believes that everything is mathematics, he talks about ridiculous notions such as "universal mathematics".
And because they are unfalsifiable, they are not scientific; they are philosophical.
The ideas are only unfalsifiable if we are willing to accept attempts to redefine words like "mathematical function" and "reality" - i.e. if we're willing to accept the premise that these two things in particular are synonyms. On the other hand, if we use the regular, well-established definitions of the words, then the distinction between concepts and physical objects is a simple matter of common sense. A concept can't act on the physical world in any way. Only physical things can interact physically. Thus, mathematics can't cause anything or do anything in the physical world.

We could make the same mistake Write4U (and Tegmark) is making with any mental construct. For instance, I could assert that the underlying structure of reality is, in fact, unicorns. Here's how my "theory" of unicorns would go...

Unicorns have the "potential" to do anything in the physical world. Everything in the physical world is actually made of unicorns, but sometimes the unicorns are "enfolded potential unicorns". When a unicorn acts, its potential can "unfold" and become "reality". The universe started when many unicorns spontaneously unfolded their potentials and became particles and stars and stuff. Unicorns are most closely perceived today in the colours of the rainbow. There, the colour magic in the horns of the unicorns becomes manifest and observable. However, we must also realise that unicorn potential is also enfolded in such mundane things as rocks and chairs. A careful observer will notice that objects come in "ones". You might count three rocks, but in reality this is one plus one plus one rock. "One" is a very significant number in unicorn theory. It follows naturally from the observation that each unicorn has but a single magical horn. Note the similarity with the religious texts of the world: one bible, one Qur'an, one Bhagavad Gita. The renegade physicist David Bang was the first to suggest that the laws of quantum physics can be reproduced by inferring the frolicking of unicorns, as seen in the two-slit experiment. Each unicorn follows one single path from a slit to a point on the screen, where its potential unfolds and its rainbow light can be observed (although in some cases some colours - maybe all but one - remain enfolded in the potential of the unicornverse).

Obviously, this is all scientifically useless, just like the notion that the universe is mathematics. It is also unfalsifiable for the same reasons.
...I could assert that the underlying structure of reality is, in fact, unicorns....
Unicorns have the "potential" to do anything in the physical world.
Be sure to supply
  • three links to articles that passingly use the word "potential",
  • five excepts - of at least twelve paragraphs each - from articles that contain the word "anything",
  • at least one totally spurious generic dictionary definition,
  • a Tegmark TedTalk where he uses the word "physical"...
Serious question though: how long would such a promulgation be entertained here? Would SciFo happily be a platform for that member to flog his pet woo?

Oh wait what am I saying... :tongue:
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As usual, you skipped over or ignored most of what I wrote to you in my previous replies. I doubt you can maintain concentration long enough to work through that much stuff point by point. Note, however, that my replies were direct responses to the reams of drivel that you continually produce without apparent thought or effort. If only you took a little time to stop and think, once in a while...
It was the example of a mountain lake having the potential for generating electricity via gravity feed of a downstream generator (black box).
The lake's enfolded potential ability to generate energy is made manifest (unfolded) by the process of using transformative functions. Potential: "That which may become reality".
A long time ago, several people here tried to educate you about the technical meaning of the word "potential", as it is actually used in science. Obviously, none of that stuck.

Your use of the word "potential" is about as useful as unicorn theory. You seem to use the word "potential" just to mean "anything that might happen in the future". So, a mountain lake has the "potential for generating electricity". It also, I assume, has the "potential for water-skiing" and the "potential for being a fish habitat". The scientific value of such statements is negligible, in most contexts.
David Bohm used those terms . Potential is part of the underlying "Implicate Order" he speaks of.
So "potential" is just a fancy term to mean "anything that might happen at some time in the future"?

Is "implicate order" just a fancy term to mean "whatever 'potential' is physically possible"?

This isn't science.
Yes, see the double-slit experiment.
What equipment can we use to detect the pilot waves in the double-slit experiment?
The measurable waves in the double slit experiment are conventionally as wave-state of the particle.
Word salad.
Bohm, proposes that it actually represents the particle riding the underlying wave function, the pilot wave.
So, is it the pilot waves that are detected or the particles? What equipment is necessary to detect the waves?
Any differential equation will do.
You did not answer the question I asked you - again. Can't you answer the questions I ask you?
And how do these particles interact?
You're asking me how particles interact? How do you expect me to respond? Do you want me to give you a crash course in Physics 101? Why haven't you already learned some basics?
And during their interaction do these properties relate in specific measurable ways (chirality)?
In what way is "chirality" a "relationship"?

You're just pulling out random words whose meanings you don't know, again. Aren't you? Why do you keep pretending you're talking about science?
So far I have learned very little from the "terse" responses my posts have elicited.
Whose fault is that, do you think?
Yes, a TOE, from among several models, ok?
Bohmian mechanics isn't a Theory of Everything.
When a lightwave hits your retina it collapses and you are able to observe that quantum event.
I think you're unaware of how the word "observation" is used in quantum physics.

You seem to be talking about a human being becoming aware of some kind of event.
But the event must occur before observation, right?
It would be more accurate to say, in the context of quantum physics, that the event is the observation.
Copenhagen Interpretation proposes that the observation is causal to the event.
No. It doesn't. In fact, it doesn't make any assumptions about what causes the "collapse of the wave function".
My idea is observation does not cause an event, the event is causal to observation (Penrose)
If you're talking about your idea, why do you put "Penrose" at the end? Is it your idea, or Penrose's?

Either way, your failure to specify what you mean by "observation" makes it virtually impossible to extract anything useful from this claim.
Axiom: Events occur independent of observation, unless the term observation is meant as "interaction".
If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to see it, it still falls? Okay, as far as that goes.
The use of the term "observation" in science is very misleading and smacks of anthropomorphism and the suggestion that observation of an event is causal to that event and that requires backward time travel.
I don't think you have a good understanding of how the term is used in science.
Observation (as defined) occurs at the point of observation and that point lies with the observer.
You haven't defined it.
Any observation she makes is of an event that has already happened in the past.
So your "observation" means a human being becoming conscious that something has happened?
The proposition that observation is causal to the event means the observer had to travel back in time to cause the event which it then observed after it had occurred? Bad logic.
I agree. But this is your muddled version of quantum physics, which is quite different from the actual ones.
All patterns in nature, including the human pattern, have universally common mathematical properties (constants).
Now you are conflating constants with mathematical properties. As you said before, they are different.

You have managed to confuse yourself thoroughly, so again I will let you argue with yourself.
Write4U's problems go beyond that. He has swallowed Tegmark's kool-aid and apparently believes that not just that rocks are mathematical, but that rocks are mathematics.
Exactly what is a rock then?

The fundamental problem with this is the map-territory distinction disappears a mess of confusion. It's a problem for Tegmark and a problem for his disciples.
If that sentence is supposed to be a persuasive argument, I am unable to make any sense of it. Must be my misunderstanding, tsk,tsk.
Apparently, Write4U can no longer tell the difference between 3 rocks and the number 3.
Interesting that you should use mathematics to claim there is no mathematics in nature.
Because of this basic confusion, Write4U will use terms like "mathematical function" to refer to physical objects like rocks and daisies. Because he believes that everything is mathematics, he talks about ridiculous notions such as "universal mathematics"
Nono... I talk about "generic universal mathematics", not human mathematics.
  1. the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics may be studied in its own right ( pure mathematics ), or as it is applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering ( applied mathematics ).
    "a taste for mathematics"
    • the mathematical aspects of something.
      plural noun: mathematics
      "the mathematics of general relativity"
Mathematics is an area of knowledge that includes the topics of numbers, formulas and related structures, shapes and the spaces in which they are contained, and quantities and their changes. These topics are represented in modern mathematics with the major subdisciplines of number theory,[1] algebra,[2] geometry,[1] and analysis,[3][4] respectively. There is no general consensus among mathematicians about a common definition for their academic discipline.
Most mathematical activity involves the discovery of properties of abstract objects and the use of pure reason to prove them. These objects consist of either abstractions from nature or—in modern mathematics—entities that are stipulated to have certain properties, called axioms. A proof consists of a succession of applications of deductive rules to already established results. These results include previously proved theorems, axioms, and—in case of abstraction from nature—some basic properties that are considered true starting points of the theory under consideration.[5]
Mathematics is essential in the natural sciences, engineering, medicine, finance, computer science and the social sciences. Although mathematics is extensively used for modeling phenomena, the fundamental truths of mathematics are independent from any scientific experimentation.
more ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematics

The ideas are only unfalsifiable if we are willing to accept attempts to redefine words like "mathematical function" and "reality" - i.e. if we're willing to accept the premise that these two things in particular are synonyms. On the other hand, if we use the regular, well-established definitions of the words, then the distinction between concepts and physical objects is a simple matter of common sense. A concept can't act on the physical world in any way. Only physical things can interact physically. Thus, mathematics can't cause anything or do anything in the physical world.
And nobody is saying that mathematical functions are causal forces. They are the guiding principles that determine "HOW" things happen in the physical world.
We could make the same mistake Write4U (and Tegmark) is making with any mental construct. For instance, I could assert that the underlying structure of reality is, in fact, unicorns. Here's how my "theory" of unicorns would go...
Except that it is only you who is entertaining thoughts of unicorns, as evidenced in the next paragraph.
Unicorns have the "potential" to do anything in the physical world. Everything in the physical world is actually made of unicorns, but sometimes the unicorns are "enfolded potential unicorns". When a unicorn acts, its potential can "unfold" and become "reality". The universe started when many unicorns spontaneously unfolded their potentials and became particles and stars and stuff. Unicorns are most closely perceived today in the colours of the rainbow. There, the colour magic in the horns of the unicorns becomes manifest and observable. However, we must also realise that unicorn potential is also enfolded in such mundane things as rocks and chairs. A careful observer will notice that objects come in "ones". You might count three rocks, but in reality this is one plus one plus one rock. "One" is a very significant number in unicorn theory. It follows naturally from the observation that each unicorn has but a single magical horn. Note the similarity with the religious texts of the world: one bible, one Qur'an, one Bhagavad Gita. The renegade physicist David Bang was the first to suggest that the laws of quantum physics can be reproduced by inferring the frolicking of unicorns, as seen in the two-slit experiment. Each unicorn follows one single path from a slit to a point on the screen, where its potential unfolds and its rainbow light can be observed (although in some cases some colours - maybe all but one - remain enfolded in the potential of the unicornverse).
Now that kind of thinking makes you worthy of scorn. It not only wrong, it is duplicitous.
Obviously, this is all scientifically useless, just like the notion that the universe is mathematics. It is also unfalsifiable for the same reasons.
That does not follow at all. How Trumpian, you accuse me of making things up and then make things up to prove your point. It is clear that you are obsessed with unicorns.
It is a figment of YOUR imagination and has nothing to do with Tegmark's MUH (or my understanding of his theory) and is pure ad hominem.

What is Max Tegmark known for?
Max Tegmark is a cosmologist, physicist and machine learning researcher known for his work on the mathematical universe hypothesis and the development of multiverse theory. Max has produced some pioneering work on how the universe evolves and is a highly sought-after speaker on science, technology and the future.

I promised to bow out, but I am not going to sit here and listen to fabricated falsehoods by every Tom, Dick, and Harry.
Serious question though: how long would such a promulgation be entertained here? Would SciFo happily be a platform for that member to flog his pet woo?
Are you talking about Tegmark? You think you are superior to Tegmark?
Tegmark's propositions are not worthy for posting in the hallowed halls of SciFo?

Yes..... let's cleanse the scientific world from the scourge of Tegmark and students of his hypothesis.

Let me remind you that it is you now who is hijacking this thread with nonsense!
As usual, you skipped over or ignored most of what I wrote to you in my previous replies. I doubt you can maintain concentration long enough to work through that much stuff point by point. Note, however, that my replies were direct responses to the reams of drivel that you continually produce without apparent thought or effort. If only you took a little time to stop and think, once in a while...
You do not rule my life or set the time and date for me to respond to your drivel. I'll respond to you in my time. You are not the most important thing in my life, is that clear?
A long time ago, several people here tried to educate you about the technical meaning of the word "potential", as it is actually used in science. Obviously, none of that stuck.
Ahh, the "technical meaning" such as "electrical potential". But you see that is not the only definition there is, as with "permittivity"

Well, I'll post my reply in the thread Infinite Potential, lest this will be turned around and blame me for Off-Topic posting.
Apparently . . . not.
Then leave me alone. It is your pathetic little cabal that continues to single me out for ridicule.
If you think I am your whipping boy, you are seriously mistaken.
In fact I won't be as forgiving as I have been with your uncivilized behaviors on a public forum.
Then leave me alone.
Piffle. You are not a victim here; you are the instigator. You have earned everything that's come your way.

If you don't want to read responses here, use the Unfollow button at the top of the page.

In fact I won't be as forgiving as I have been with your uncivilized behaviors on a public forum.
*gasp* Careful there, Billvon, he might just open up a can of potential enfolding on you!
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Ahh, the "technical meaning" such as "electrical potential". But you see that is not the only definition there is, as with "permittivity"

Well, I'll post my reply in the thread Infinite Potential, lest this will be turned around and blame me for Off-Topic posting.
...which just shows how you learn nothing from any of these exchanges. The point that was made in that little digression was that "permittivity" was an invented term, having no previous accepted meaning, specifically so it could be used as a technical term. It has no other usage. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/permittivity

So the case of "potential" is not at all like that of "permittivity".
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Then leave me alone. It is your pathetic little cabal that continues to single me out for ridicule.
If you think I am your whipping boy, you are seriously mistaken.
In fact I won't be as forgiving as I have been with your uncivilized behaviors on a public forum.
And here come the victimhood and conspiracy cards......

Have you been taking lessons fromTrump, suddenly? :D
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