quantum consciousness?

"Alternative" medicine isn't medicine, it's belief. There may be some so-called alternative practices that work, but there are very, very few that have been demonstrated to work with any empirical success. Echinacea, for instance, has long been held to be effective but actual double-blind testing reveals it is not. The problem with "alternative" practices is that they include a wide range of treatments that vary from herbs to homeopathy to nonsense like reiki.

While some herbs have some demonstrable effect, many others have none at all. There are also herbs that are far less effective than scientifically created and tested drugs. There are even herbs that have contraindications with drugs and other herbs. And so on. No one is suggesting that "science has all the answers." Science is a process, not a repository. But I will assert and maintain that nonsense like you are standing by has little to know real answers at all. It has only belief. And it is that belief that kills people every year. Dumbasses keep talking about the importance of 'alternative' remedies over the 'establishment' of medicine and create believers who DIE FROM NEGLECT.

The "unexplained (the mystical)" is still here because people are gullible and refuse to use critical thinking. And science is not technology, either, which further demonstrates your ignorance. Technology is a product of the process of science.

If there is even ONE SINGLE THREAD OF TRUTH to your claim and the claims of the assholes you mentioned above to be true, please cite the evidence that these methods are effective. If you cannot, its all just snakeoil and hot air.
Since the "snakeoil and hot air" are doing the job I could careless what science thinks.
Except you cannot prove they are "doing the job." You can only say it and/or believe it.
the fukin NERRRVE of 'medicin' and how your attitude is sychophantic towrds it...

you should look into its history...begining male-dominatedly with te Church. what do you think much of the Inquisition was about? it was te systematic rabid male persecuion of women, many of whome cured with herbs etc

you also very conveniently accues alternative medicine of 'murdering' peple when many many more die from allopathic medicine every year

millionsof aimal victims are tortued and murderd just to the big drug companies, and thus whole medical profession can push its expaning drug market. need i mention big fukin evil pharma with their 'meds'?

all patented drus. all other forms of natrual herb like cannabis prohibited,een to man peple can only find relief FROM. many seriously ill people have been thrownin jail

all of that you leave out of the BIGGER picture. Nature patented by te medical establishment, and the savagely sprtead mean propaganda and CRUSH opposition, even vitamins.....so please. leave out the hypocrisy, IF you can?
mistyped "millions of animal victimes are tortured and murdered' for the sake of 'medicine'......it is a business. it WANTS illness!....dig. it isn't an industry for health but forillness. that's how it makes its dosh and keeps its power

NO i am not demonizing all of medicine. of course it has a place. but not as some fascist establishment tat totally refutes other formsof healing..........most doctues are so specialized they dont even have time to study THE most important contributer to health. Nutrition!..they will rathr push their drugs. most of which have side effects?
Medicine works. It has been tested. Herbal nonsense rarely works. Some of it does, but even then, medicine is more effective and better understood in its relationship to other substance (contraindications).

If anything else is more effective, I invite you to prove it. Show the evidence or STFU.
SkinWalker said:
Medicine works. It has been tested. Herbal nonsense rarely works. Some of it does, but even then, medicine is more effective and better understood in its relationship to other substance (contraindications).

If anything else is more effective, I invite you to prove it. Show the evidence or STFU.
oh you lot. your middle nameis 'show me ze evidence'....thats it. you sit back pontificating your materialistic values and like lord and ggentry 'demaaaand evidence'.....not one of my powerful points haveyou even superficially acknowledged......so, what kind of a debate is this?......how can one reason with a blind and dumb person?
You points aren't powerful and its ironic that you speak of reason yet refuse to acknowledge the value of empiricism. This is a science forum, duendy. If you don't like people demanding the scientific method with discussions of wild, and speculative claims, I suggest you find another board. There are probably a hundred places where you would get an immediate pat on the back for your anti-science attitude.
SkinWalker said:
You points aren't powerful

me)))))WHY aren't they 'powerful'?

and its ironic that you speak of reason yet refuse to acknowledge the value of empiricism. This is a science forum, duendy.

me))))it is a forum. itis open fpr all inquiry. itis not a fundamentalist materialist science group forum/ science is much broader tan you and your comrades seem to realize. you are a dying breed. hopefully!

If you don't like people demanding the scientific method with discussions of wild, and speculative claims, I suggest you find another board. There are probably a hundred places where you would get an immediate pat on the back for your anti-science attitude.
same to you. if you cant even be arsed to KNOW about the challenges i bring to your 2D debate, then go learn!....all you do in actualiy i go 'boo hu...i am right. where ze evidence'.....thats its level!
I see now challenges of debate from you on this subject, duendy. Only wild speculation that is completely unfounded.
The only "evidence" I require is the reality that with the "scientifically" approved perscriptions I could not stop the runny nose and itchy eyes and eventually would have to use prednisone or risk brain swelling. Desenation therapy caused a systemic reaction. I do not look good in yellow especially when it is my skin and eyes. I found alternatives that work.

The biggest scam going is that the drug industry hides behind "scientific studies" when the truth is the research is all about what can be patented.