Qi gong

Happeh said:
I think you have a flawed view of fighting. I don't think you would get close to a real kung fu person.

Kung Fu is close quarter combat! The whole ethos of chi sau is contact and proximity, using touch and impulse as the primary motivator, not sight! There are no rangey punches, or high kicks to keep an aggressor at bay.

I think that person you choked out was probably just some guy that didn't know much about fighting.

He thought he was a boxer. But there is a saying 'never box a boxer'.

It is impossible to talk about kung fu really because you are talking about kung fu people you know or have been exposed to. There are many kung fu people who are probably much better than you.

As I only have the odd lesson, you are very correct. I have, however, sparred with Kung Fu practioners and not been dominated. Practitioners struggle when taken to ground. Empty mentions Chin Na for locks and throws, but there is no real groundfighting in Kung Fu.

They would never get close to a person like you because you are close minded, aggressive and combative.

Thanks for the character assassination! But you are wrong. If you had read the whole thread, you'd know that one of my closest friends is a Kung Fu instructor. There is nothing wrong with being aggressive or combative, either!

To an elevated person, your attitude is like having someone throw rocks at them.

Oh listen to you! leave out the ad-homs and weak put downs and maybe I won't direct some of that aggression towards you!
phlogistician said:
Why not? You seem to think that philosophy and fighting are incompatible. That is erroneous. Take Musashi Miyamoto. Accomplished duellist, and author of 'The Five Rings'. I prefer 'do' to 'ryu', same as Musashi.

Jesus, that counts as cheating in your book? I used to do the same before Judo competitons.

you do not understand, you are to negative to comprehend anything you are rude, he did not say philosophy and fighting are not compatible, chinese martiala rts is philosophy itself, you did not even understand what he just said to you, the old eastern philosophys is not to fight for entertainment and sport, it is for honour and self defence, he was in no way saying philosophy and martial arts are not compateble,

phlogistician said:
Kung Fu is close quarter combat! The whole ethos of chi sau is contact and proximity, using touch and impulse as the primary motivator, not sight! There are no rangey punches, or high kicks to keep an aggressor at bay.

He thought he was a boxer. But there is a saying 'never box a boxer'.

As I only have the odd lesson, you are very correct. I have, however, sparred with Kung Fu practioners and not been dominated. Practitioners struggle when taken to ground. Empty mentions Chin Na for locks and throws, but there is no real groundfighting in Kung Fu.

Thanks for the character assassination! But you are wrong. If you had read the whole thread, you'd know that one of my closest friends is a Kung Fu instructor. There is nothing wrong with being aggressive or combative, either!

Oh listen to you! leave out the ad-homs and weak put downs and maybe I won't direct some of that aggression towards you!

no kung fu is not close quater fighting, how many times must i repeat myself, it is beccoming slightly annoying to me maybe, "gong fu" means SKILL hardwork, effort and dedications, it is not a fighting style, it means you train hard, and chinese styles are supposed to be dedicated, you can say i train in eagles claw gong fu, meaning i train in eagle claw style of fighting and i train hard and am dedicated,

stop using the bastardisation please,

gwai lo

and 'Wing Chun' means 'beautiful springtime'. Literal translations, therefore, such as you insist on them, are pointless.

Kung Fu is a close quarter fighting style. You may delude yourself it's a way of life. You may delude yourself that you are part of some romantic warrior monk heritage. All that remains is that you are deluded.

I say if you train to fight, and never do, you have wasted your life.
Dood. You are right up there with some of the most obnoxiously clueless people I have ever met.

You like trouble. You don't know what you are talking about in most of your posts I have read. I don't know why EmptyForce bothers with you. You are hopeless. He should leave you be and move on to someone with more promise.
Happeh said:
Dood. You are right up there with some of the most obnoxiously clueless people I have ever met.

You like trouble. You don't know what you are talking about in most of your posts I have read. I don't know why EmptyForce bothers with you. You are hopeless. He should leave you be and move on to someone with more promise.

And you add no fact nor content to the thread. You do not counter my points, or try and falsify anything I've said.

Well, that's your failling.

I said Kung Fu is a close quarter fighting style. It is. It uses short punches along the centre line of the body, and low kicks.

Compare these to the roundhouse punches, and high kicks from other martial arts.

Kung Fu has a technique called 'Chi Sau' or 'sticking hands' where you deliberately remain in contact with your opponent.

Most other martial arts use 'maai', or striking distance, standing off from your opponent.

That, by comparison, makes Kung Fu a close quarters fighting style.

Now, if you are capable of understanding these points, do so, digest them,and come back with a worthwhile comment. If you do not understand, please respond with another ad hom.
phlogistician said:
I said Kung Fu is a close quarter fighting style. It is. It uses short punches along the centre line of the body, and low kicks.

Although this may sound crazy to you, i dispute that.

I started training in Lau Gar Kung Fu, and nowadays it is merely a colourful sport.

Let me elaborate.When practicing knife defence tactics, the master stated that although she had been training her entire life, she would not be able to disarm a guy with a knife in this way, i asked why we were practicing it if it was useless, and she replied, "to get your next belt". Thats when i thought screw this.

I now practice pit boxing/grappling, which is purely designed to take out your opponant in any way possible, this is what i call a 'close quarter fighting style'.

I know Kung Fu was originally intended as such, but the simple fact of modern day practice goes against it.

john smith said:
I now practice pit boxing/grappling, which is purely designed to take out your opponant in any way possible, this is what i call a 'close quarter fighting style'.

Just because you train in another close quarter fighting style, doesn't mean Kung Fu isn't one also!

I trained in Judo and Jiu Jitsu, which are close quarter fighting styles too.

In Kung Fu, there is lots of contact, hence close quarter. Empty denies Kung Fu is even a martial arts style, because he attends 'Shaolin' temple to learn it. He convolves a romanticised lifestyle, Buddhism and a fighting style, and
comes out with more than the sum of the parts.
phlogistician said:
and 'Wing Chun' means 'beautiful springtime'. Literal translations, therefore, such as you insist on them, are pointless.

Kung Fu is a close quarter fighting style. You may delude yourself it's a way of life. You may delude yourself that you are part of some romantic warrior monk heritage. All that remains is that you are deluded.

I say if you train to fight, and never do, you have wasted your life.

i have been training in many fighting styles for over 17 years, i do not train for no reason, my area is rough i have to fight on the street all of the time, you seriously have some kind of problem here dont you man. what am i deluded by exactly could you point this out?. i think your just bieng a little defensive personally because i said something that made you seem wrong and you didnt like it,

what are you actually debating here? that you dont like "gong fu" ? well ok then what now are you just going to dissrespect everyone who trains in a style that you dont like. and you do realise that the style dosent make the man right? and the man makes the style?, you will find 99% of all fighting styles are good, if you put in effort and train hard, i dont see why you have to be so hostile about martial arts anyway. you act as if i devote my life to shaolin gong fu and its the only style i train in, when i have trained in other fighting styles including pure grappling and boxing for just as long, its best to be a well rounded fighter, not someone who sticks to one style and claims it is "the best" that is quite foolish to think one style beats anouther,

i dont really see this debate going anywhere you seem to just be set in your ways, you cannot teach an old dog new tricks i suppose. especially not an angry little dog either,

I don't believe you get into street fights and "have to fight on the street all of the time"

That's just another of your childish fantasies. The more you talk, the more I am convinced you are younger than you claim to be.

You are naive, gullible, and have the language skills of a child.

You also seem incapable of following a thread. I said 'kung fu is a close quarter fighting style' and gave reasons to support my argument.

You did not falsify my reasons. If you think this debate is going nowhere, it's because you don't debate, all you do is post your opinion, and use a 17 year training history as an appeal to authority. That is not good enough. Falsify what I have stated, or concede defeat.
phlogistician said:
That, by comparison, makes Kung Fu a close quarters fighting style.

Now, if you are capable of understanding these points, do so, digest them,and come back with a worthwhile comment. If you do not understand, please respond with another ad hom.

It is your terminology that is the problem. Kung fu is generic for martial arts. Saying kung fu is close quarters is wrong. Wing chun is one style of kung fu that is a close quarters style. Choy Li Fut is a long style. They fight with their arms fully extended to deliver blows. I think they kind of windmill them.
phlogistician said:
You are naive, gullible, and have the language skills of a child.

See? This is where you jump to assumptions that get you in trouble. So what if he has the language skills of a child? What if he was a foreign person with english as a second language? What kind of writing skills did Muhammed Ali or Mike Tyson have?

Just to wake you up to the world around you, I speak childishly on purpose on occasion. I do it to take advantage of people like you. People who think a mastery of the english language is an indication of skill level in other areas. I will speak like a kid until the other person is frothing at the mouth.

Then I switch back to adult speak and start posting the links that prove I knew what I was talking about all the time.

People like you are brainwashed. You are brainwashed to believe in authority. If it does not come from someone in a uniform or someone with a certificate on the wall, people like you refuse to believe it. This keeps you ignorant.

It is possible to learn about life from anyone. No matter how ugly or how dirty they are, or how well they do or do not write or speak. All you have to do is have an open mind to listen to them and the patience to dig thru the smokescreen to the nuggets of gold within.
"Choy Li Fut"? A Modern schizm with a bullshit mythos? Some sweeping movements, but this one departure from Kung Fu doesn't define all of Kung Fu. You've found once exception, well done, it changes little.

I asked if English was not Emtpy's first language, and he didn't say it wasn't, btw He'd just an adult with the language skills of a child. If you choose to talk like a child, that's your choice. At least you have the ability to spell. Empty doesn't. So, I reckon he's a bit thick, and that's why he truly believes in all the bullshit he's been taught.
I found only one example? That was the one off the top of my head. I think lohan shaolin is literally called "long fist style".

Why do you have to be right? You obviosly are not very familiar with kung fu. There is no reason to be upset. We are all ignorant in one area or another. Why not allow people who know the stuff you do not to share it with you?

This is not, for me, a manly chest beating or penis measuring contest. It is about information exchange.
this is going nowhere and insulting me will not make your point of view seem more right,

im out of this convo ignorance is bliss,
